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APPS.IGS_AD_GEN_015 SQL Statements

The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 7

         New Package to Insert record in the table IGS_AD_APP_REQ
         (Application Fee )  whenever an Enrollment Deposit is
         Recorded in the Student Finance .
Known limitations,enhancements,remarks:
Change History
Who        When          What
Navin.sinha 10/1/2003	BUG NO : 3160036 : OSSTST15: enrollment deposit fee error in sf gl interface process
			Added New procedure to updare record in the table IGS_AD_APP_REQ.
pathipat  14-Jun-2003   Enh 2831587 - FI210 Credit Card Fund Transfer build
                        Modified create_enrollment_deposit() - igs_ad_app_req_pkg.insert_row() call
pathipat  06-Jan-2003  Bug: 2728620 and 2734574 - Removed exception section
                       in create_enrollment_deposit() and check_ad_code_classes_setup()
vvutukur  27-Nov-2002  Enh#2584986.Modified procedure create_enrollment_deposit.
--Fwd Declarations
PROCEDURE check_ad_code_classes_setup (
                  p_class_type   IN igs_ad_code_classes.class%TYPE                         --      APPLICATION_FEES
                , p_class        IN igs_ad_code_classes.class%TYPE                         --      FEE_PAYMENT_METHODS, FEE_STATUS, FEE_TYPES
                , p_std_sys_stat IN igs_ad_code_classes.system_status%TYPE                 --      SYS_FEE_STATUS, SYS_FEE_TYPE, SYS_FEE_PAY_METHOD
                , p_sys_stat     IN igs_ad_code_classes.system_status%TYPE                 --      PAID, ENROLL_DEPOSIT, CHECK
                , p_code_id     OUT NOCOPY igs_ad_code_classes.code_id%TYPE                       --      Return value: CODE_ID
Line: 43

         New Procedure to Insert record in the table IGS_AD_APP_REQ
         (Application Fee )  whenever an Enrollment Deposit is
         Recorded in the Student Finance .
Known limitations,enhancements,remarks:
Change History
Who        When          What
pathipat  14-Jun-2003   Enh 2831587 - Credit Card Fund Transfer build
                        Modified call to igs_ad_app_req_pkg.insert_row - added 3 new parameters
pathipat  06-Jan-2003   Bug: 2728620 - Removed exception section
vvutukur  27-Nov-2002   Enh#2584986.Modified the tbh call to igs_ad_app_req.insert_row to include 11 new
                        columns. NULL is being passed to all the 11 columns.

        cst_paid                CONSTANT VARCHAR2(5)  := 'PAID';
Line: 70

        SELECT NVL(SUM (fee_amount),0) total_fee_amount
        FROM   igs_ad_app_req
        WHERE  person_id = p_person_id
        AND    admission_appl_number = p_admission_appl_number
        AND    applicant_fee_status IN (SELECT code_id FROM igs_ad_code_classes WHERE class = cst_fee_status AND system_status IN (cst_paid,cst_partial) AND closed_ind = 'N' AND CLASS_TYPE_CODE='ADM_CODE_CLASSES')
        AND    applicant_fee_type IN (SELECT code_id FROM igs_ad_code_classes WHERE class = cst_fee_types AND system_status = cst_enroll_deposit  AND closed_ind = 'N' AND CLASS_TYPE_CODE='ADM_CODE_CLASSES');
Line: 81

        SELECT sat.enroll_deposit_amount enroll_deposit_amount
        FROM   igs_ad_ss_appl_typ sat,
               igs_ad_appl aa
        WHERE  aa.person_id = p_person_id
        AND    aa.admission_appl_number = p_admission_appl_number
        AND    sat.admission_application_type = aa.application_type;
Line: 172

    igs_ad_app_req_pkg.insert_row (
      X_Mode                              => 'R',
      X_RowId                             => l_rowid,
      X_App_Req_Id                        => l_app_req_id,
      X_Person_Id                         => p_person_id,
      X_Admission_Appl_Number             => p_admission_appl_number,
      X_Applicant_Fee_Type                => l_fee_type_code_id,
      X_Applicant_Fee_Status              => l_final_sys_dflt_fee_stat,
      X_Fee_Date                          => p_payment_date,
      X_Fee_Payment_Method                => l_pay_mthd_code_id,
      X_Fee_Amount                        => p_enrollment_deposit_amount,
      X_Reference_Num                     => p_reference_number,
      x_credit_card_code                  => NULL,
      x_credit_card_holder_name           => NULL,
      x_credit_card_number                => NULL,
      x_credit_card_expiration_date       => NULL,
      x_rev_gl_ccid                       => NULL,
      x_cash_gl_ccid                      => NULL,
      x_rev_account_cd                    => NULL,
      x_cash_account_cd                   => NULL,
      x_gl_date                           => NULL,
      x_gl_posted_date                    => NULL,
      x_posting_control_id                => NULL,
      x_credit_card_tangible_cd           => NULL,
      x_credit_card_payee_cd              => NULL,
      x_credit_card_status_code           => NULL
Line: 347

    SELECT code_id
    FROM   igs_ad_code_classes
    WHERE  class = p_class
    AND    system_status = p_sys_stat
    AND    NVL(system_default, 'N') = 'Y'
    AND    closed_ind = 'N'
Line: 357

    SELECT meaning
    FROM   igs_lookups_view
    WHERE  lookup_type = cp_lookup_type
    AND    lookup_code = cp_lookup_code;
Line: 390

 PROCEDURE update_igs_ad_app_req (
       p_rowid                          IN VARCHAR2,
       p_app_req_id                     IN NUMBER,
       p_person_id                      IN NUMBER,
       p_admission_appl_number          IN NUMBER,
       p_applicant_fee_type             IN NUMBER,
       p_applicant_fee_status           IN NUMBER,
       p_fee_date                       IN DATE,
       p_fee_payment_method             IN NUMBER,
       p_fee_amount                     IN NUMBER,
       p_reference_num                  IN VARCHAR2,
       p_credit_card_code               IN VARCHAR2,
       p_credit_card_holder_name        IN VARCHAR2,
       p_credit_card_number             IN VARCHAR2,
       p_credit_card_expiration_date    IN DATE,
       p_rev_gl_ccid                    IN NUMBER,
       p_cash_gl_ccid                   IN NUMBER,
       p_rev_account_cd                 IN VARCHAR2,
       p_cash_account_cd                IN VARCHAR2,
       p_posting_control_id             IN NUMBER,
       p_gl_date                        IN DATE,
       p_gl_posted_date                 IN DATE,
       p_credit_card_tangible_cd        IN VARCHAR2,
       p_credit_card_payee_cd           IN VARCHAR2,
       p_credit_card_status_code        IN VARCHAR2,
       p_mode                           IN VARCHAR2
  ) AS
  Created By: Navin Sinha
  Date Created By: 01-Oct-2003
  Purpose: BUG NO : 3160036 : OSSTST15: enrollment deposit fee error in sf gl interface process
         New procedure to updare record in the table IGS_AD_APP_REQ.
  Know limitations, enhancements or remarks
  Change History
  Who             When            What
  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)

    igs_ad_gen_015.g_chk_ad_app_req := 'Y';   -- Based on the value of this variable , some of the validation wont be perform in igs_ad_app_req_pkg(bug#2901627 -- rghosh)
Line: 432

    igs_ad_app_req_pkg.update_row (
                     x_rowid                         => p_rowid,
                     x_app_req_id                    => p_app_req_id,
                     x_person_id                     => p_person_id,
                     x_admission_appl_number         => p_admission_appl_number,
                     x_applicant_fee_type            => p_applicant_fee_type,
                     x_applicant_fee_status          => p_applicant_fee_status,
                     x_fee_date                      => p_fee_date,
                     x_fee_payment_method            => p_fee_payment_method,
                     x_fee_amount                    => p_fee_amount,
                     x_reference_num                 => p_reference_num,
                     x_credit_card_code              => p_credit_card_code,
                     x_credit_card_holder_name       => p_credit_card_holder_name,
                     x_credit_card_number            => p_credit_card_number,
                     x_credit_card_expiration_date   => p_credit_card_expiration_date,
                     x_rev_gl_ccid                   => p_rev_gl_ccid,
                     x_cash_gl_ccid                  => p_cash_gl_ccid,
                     x_rev_account_cd                => p_rev_account_cd,
                     x_cash_account_cd               => p_cash_account_cd,
                     x_posting_control_id            => p_posting_control_id,
                     x_gl_date                       => p_gl_date,
                     x_gl_posted_date                => p_gl_posted_date,
                     x_credit_card_tangible_cd       => p_credit_card_tangible_cd,
                     x_credit_card_payee_cd          => p_credit_card_payee_cd,
                     x_credit_card_status_code       => p_credit_card_status_code,
                     x_mode                          => p_mode
Line: 461

END update_igs_ad_app_req;