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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 33

	14 Mar 05  4226911  npershad     Modified the cursor csr_no_of_absences in
	                                 procedure generate_payments to get a correct
					 count of absence records.
        18 Oct 05  4670360  KThampan     Amended parameter's order of function
        09 Feb 06  4891953  Kthampan     Fixed performance bug.
        23 Aug 06  5482199  KThampan     Change from per_people_f and  per_assignments_f
                                         to per_all_people_f and per_all_assignments_f
        19 Spe 06  5547703  KThampan     Amend pab_control to call generate_payments
                                         with insert-mode if absence is > 0 and
                                         also change csr_check_if_existing_entries
                                         not to reference from per_absence_attendances
g_package  varchar2(33) := '  ssp_pab_pkg.';  -- Global package name
Line: 55

select	absence.absence_attendance_id,
	nvl (absence.date_end, hr_general.end_of_time) date_end,
        per_absence_attendances	ABSENCE
        where absence.maternity_id = p_maternity_id
        and absence.absence_attendance_id =
             (select min(paa_tab.absence_attendance_id)
              from   per_absence_attendances paa_tab
              where  paa_tab.maternity_id = absence.maternity_id);
Line: 73

select	maternity.person_id,
        ssp_pab_pkg.qualifying_week (due_date) QW,
        ssp_pab_pkg.expected_week_of_confinement (due_date) EWC,
	maternity.MPP_start_date APP_start_date,
	maternity.pay_SMP_as_lump_sum pay_PAB_as_lump_sum,
	nvl (service.final_process_date, hr_general.end_of_time) FINAL_PROCESS_DATE
from    ssp_maternities        MATERNITY,
	per_all_people_f           PERSON,
	per_periods_of_service SERVICE
where   person.person_id = maternity.person_id
and	person.person_id = service.person_id
and	maternity.maternity_id = p_maternity_id
and	service.date_start between person.effective_start_date
				and person.effective_end_date
and     service.date_start = (select max(serv.date_start)
                              from per_periods_of_service serv
                              where serv.person_id = person.person_id);
Line: 279

select	1
from	ssp_maternities
where	person_id = p_person_id;
Line: 309

select	average_earnings_amount
from	ssp_earnings_calculations
where	person_id = person.person_id
and	effective_date = l_effective_date;
Line: 357

select	count (*)
from	per_absence_attendances
where	person_id = person.person_id
and	maternity_id = p_maternity_id
and     absence_attendance_id =
         (select min(paa_tab.absence_attendance_id)
          from per_absence_attendances paa_tab
          where paa_tab.maternity_id = p_maternity_id);
Line: 369

select  /*+ ORDERED use_nl(paa,paaf,etype,entry) */
from    per_all_assignments_f   PAAF,
        pay_element_types_f     ETYPE,
        pay_element_entries_f   ENTRY
where   PAAF.person_id = person.person_id
and     ETYPE.element_name = c_PAB_element_name
and     ETYPE.legislation_code = 'GB'
and     ENTRY.element_type_id = ETYPE.element_type_id
and     ENTRY.creator_type = c_PAB_creator_type
and     ENTRY.creator_id = p_maternity_id
and     ENTRY.assignment_id = PAAF.assignment_id
and not exists (
-- Do not select entries which have already had reversal action
-- taken against them because they are effectively cancelled out.
        select 1
        from pay_element_entries_f      ENTRY2
        where entry.element_entry_id= entry2.target_entry_id
        and   entry.assignment_id   = entry2.assignment_id)
and not exists (
-- Do not select reversal entries
        select 1
        from    pay_element_links_f LINK,
                pay_element_types_f TYPE
        where   link.element_link_id = entry.element_link_id
        and     entry.effective_start_date between link.effective_start_date and link.effective_end_date
        and     link.element_type_id = type.element_type_id
        and     link.effective_start_date between type.effective_start_date and type.effective_end_date
        and     type.element_name = c_PAB_corr_element_name);
Line: 478

    select	stoppage_id
    from	ssp_stoppages
    where	user_entered <>'Y'
    and	        override_stoppage <> 'Y'
    and	        maternity_id = p_maternity_id;
Line: 503

    select actual_termination_date
    from   per_periods_of_service
    where  person_id = person.person_id
    -- 3516539 Added condition to obtain termination date for latest assignment
    and period_of_service_id = (select max(period_of_service_id)
    	 	 	        from   per_periods_of_service ppos
                                where  ppos.person_id = person.person_id);
Line: 544

    select 1
    from   per_periods_of_service
    where  person_id = person.person_id
    and	   date_start <= ssp_pab_pkg.continuous_employment_date(person.due_date)
    and	   nvl (actual_termination_date, hr_general.end_of_time) >= person.QW;
Line: 689

  select ppf.date_of_death
  from   per_all_people_f ppf
  where  ppf.person_id = person.person_id
  and    ppf.date_of_death is not null;
Line: 1079

  select entry.element_entry_id,
         -- if in future we get two different rates then a decode can be added here
         l_high_rate RATE,
         to_date (ssp_smp_support_pkg.value
        to_number(ssp_smp_support_pkg.value (entry.element_entry_id,
              ssp_sap_pkg.c_amount_name)) AMOUNT,
        to_number(ssp_smp_support_pkg.value (entry.element_entry_id,
              ssp_sap_pkg.c_recoverable_amount_name)) RECOVERABLE_AMOUNT
  from	pay_element_entries_f ENTRY,
        per_all_assignments_f     asg
  where	creator_type = c_PAB_creator_type
  and   creator_id = p_maternity_id
  and   asg.person_id     = person.person_id
  and   asg.assignment_id = entry.assignment_id
  and   entry.effective_start_date between asg.effective_start_date
                                               and asg.effective_end_date
  and not exists (
        -- Do not select entries which have already had reversal action taken
        -- against them because they are effectively cancelled out.
        select 1
        from pay_element_entries_f	ENTRY2
        where entry.element_entry_id= entry2.target_entry_id
        and   entry.assignment_id   = entry2.assignment_id)
  and not exists (
        -- Do not select reversal entries
        select 1
        from	pay_element_links_f LINK,
                pay_element_types_f TYPE
        where link.element_link_id = entry.element_link_id
        and	entry.effective_start_date between link.effective_start_date
                and link.effective_end_date
        and link.element_type_id = type.element_type_id
        and link.effective_start_date between type.effective_start_date
                and type.effective_end_date
        and type.element_name = c_PAB_corr_element_name);
Line: 1129

  select  count (*)
  from    per_absence_attendances
  where   person_id = person.person_id
  and     maternity_id = p_maternity_id
  and     absence_attendance_id =
           (select min(paa_tab.absence_attendance_id)
            from per_absence_attendances paa_tab
            where paa_tab.maternity_id = p_maternity_id); --Bug fix 4226911
Line: 1159

    select  stoppage_id
    from    ssp_stoppages
    where   user_entered <>'Y'
    and     override_stoppage <> 'Y'
    and     maternity_id = p_maternity_id;
Line: 1215

             and ssp_smp_pkg.g_smp_update = 'N')
             or (old_entry.effective_start_date
                 = hypothetical_entry.effective_start_date (entry_number)
                 and old_entry.week_commencing
                 = hypothetical_entry.week_commencing (entry_number)
                 and not hypothetical_entry.stopped (entry_number) = 'TRUE'
                 and ssp_smp_pkg.g_smp_update = 'Y'));
Line: 1253

            hr_utility.trace (l_proc||' unprocessed - update it');
Line: 1254

            hr_entry_api.update_element_entry (
              p_dt_update_mode => 'CORRECTION',
              p_session_date => old_entry.effective_start_date,
              p_element_entry_id => old_entry.element_entry_id,
              p_input_value_id1 => g_PAB_element.rate_id,
              p_input_value_id2 => g_PAB_element.amount_id,
              p_input_value_id3 => g_PAB_element.recoverable_amount_id,
              p_entry_value1=> hypothetical_entry.rate (entry_number),
              p_entry_value2=> hypothetical_entry.amount(entry_number),
                      hypothetical_entry.recoverable_amount (entry_number));
Line: 1290

            hr_entry_api.delete_element_entry (
              p_dt_delete_mode => 'ZAP',
              p_session_date => old_entry.effective_start_date,
              p_element_entry_id => old_entry.element_entry_id);
Line: 1302

                          ' Inserting CORRECTION entry for week commencing ' ||
                          to_char (old_entry.week_commencing));
Line: 1343

        hr_entry_api.insert_element_entry (
          p_effective_start_date=> old_entry.effective_start_date,
          p_effective_end_date => old_entry.effective_end_date,
          p_element_entry_id  => l_dummy,
          p_target_entry_id  => old_entry.element_entry_id,
          p_assignment_id  => old_entry.assignment_id,
          p_element_link_id  => old_entry.element_link_id,
          p_creator_type  => c_PAB_creator_type,
          p_creator_id  => p_maternity_id,
          p_entry_type  => c_PAB_entry_type,
          p_input_value_id1=> g_PAB_correction_element.rate_id,
          p_input_value_id2=> g_PAB_correction_element.week_commencing_id,
          p_input_value_id3=> g_PAB_correction_element.amount_id,
          p_input_value_id4=> g_PAB_correction_element.recoverable_amount_id,
          p_entry_value1=> old_entry.rate,
--          p_entry_value2=> old_entry.week_commencing,
          p_entry_value2  => to_char(old_entry.week_commencing,'DD-MON-YYYY'),
          p_entry_value3=> old_entry.amount * -1,
          p_entry_value4=> old_entry.recoverable_amount * -1);
Line: 1377

        hr_utility.trace('Deleting an absence so don''t insert entries');
Line: 1384

            hr_entry_api.insert_element_entry (
              p_effective_start_date =>
                          hypothetical_entry.effective_start_date (new_entry),
              p_effective_end_date =>
                          hypothetical_entry.effective_end_date (new_entry),
              p_element_entry_id => l_dummy,
              p_assignment_id  => hypothetical_entry.assignment_id (new_entry),
              p_element_link_id => hypothetical_entry.element_link_id (new_entry),
              p_creator_type  => c_PAB_creator_type,
              p_creator_id  => p_maternity_id,
              p_entry_type  => c_PAB_entry_type,
              p_input_value_id1 => g_PAB_element.rate_id,
              p_input_value_id2 => g_PAB_element.week_commencing_id,
              p_input_value_id3 => g_PAB_element.amount_id,
              p_input_value_id4 => g_PAB_element.recoverable_amount_id,
              p_entry_value1  => hypothetical_entry.rate (new_entry),
--            p_entry_value2  => hypothetical_entry.week_commencing (new_entry),
              p_entry_value2  => to_char(hypothetical_entry.week_commencing(new_entry),'DD-MON-YYYY'),
              p_entry_value3  => hypothetical_entry.amount (new_entry),
              p_entry_value4  =>
                          hypothetical_entry.recoverable_amount (new_entry));
Line: 1468

		select	1
		from	ssp_stoppages STP,
			ssp_withholding_reasons WRE
		where	stp.override_stoppage <> 'Y'
		-- and the stoppage ovelaps the period or the stoppage is for
		-- death and is prior to the period
		and	((wre.reason <> employee_died
			   and stp.withhold_from <= p_end_date
			   and nvl (stp.withhold_to, hr_general.end_of_time)
				>= p_start_date)
			or (wre.reason = employee_died
			   and stp.withhold_from < p_start_date))
		and	stp.maternity_id = p_maternity_id
		and	stp.reason_id = wre.reason_id;
Line: 1531

	        select	meaning
		from	hr_lookups
		where	lookup_type = 'SPP_RATES'
		and	lookup_code = p_rate_band;
Line: 1675

select	1
from	ssp_maternities
where	maternity_id = p_maternity_id;
Line: 1683

select /*+ ORDERED use_nl(paa,paaf,etype,entry) */
from   per_absence_attendances PAA,
       per_all_assignments_f   PAAF,
       pay_element_entries_f   entry
where  PAA.maternity_id = p_maternity_id
and    PAAF.person_id = PAA.person_id
and    entry.creator_type = 'M'
and    entry.creator_id = p_maternity_id
and    entry.assignment_id = paaf.assignment_id;
Line: 1696

select count(*)
from   ssp_maternities mat,
       per_absence_attendances ab
where  mat.maternity_id = p_maternity_id
and    ab.person_id = mat.person_id
and    ab.maternity_id = mat.maternity_id;
Line: 1741

      hr_entry_api.delete_element_entry (
                           p_dt_delete_mode    => 'ZAP',
                           p_session_date      => obsolete.effective_start_date,
                           p_element_entry_id  => obsolete.element_entry_id);