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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 53

        SELECT  decode(on_hold_flag, 'Y', 'SLEEP', 'OPEN') wi_status,
        FROM cs_incident_statuses_b
        WHERE incident_status_id = p_sr_rec.status_id;
Line: 59

        select work_item_id
        from ieu_uwqm_items
        where WORKITEM_OBJ_CODE = 'SR'
          and WORKITEM_PK_ID = p_incident_id;
Line: 274

   Update_Workitem() -

  PROCEDURE Update_Workitem(
		p_api_version		IN NUMBER,
		p_init_msg_list		IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false,
		p_commit		IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false,
		p_incident_id		IN NUMBER,
		p_old_sr_rec IN CS_ServiceRequest_PVT.sr_oldvalues_rec_type,
		p_new_sr_rec IN CS_ServiceRequest_PVT.service_request_rec_type,
		p_user_id		IN NUMBER,	-- Required
		p_resp_appl_id		IN NUMBER,	-- Required
		x_return_status		OUT	NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
		x_msg_count		OUT	NOCOPY NUMBER,
		x_msg_data		OUT	NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS

      l_return_status		VARCHAR2(1);
Line: 324

        select work_item_id
        from ieu_uwqm_items
        where WORKITEM_OBJ_CODE = 'SR'
          and WORKITEM_PK_ID = p_incident_id;
Line: 330

        SELECT nvl(close_flag,'N'),
        FROM   cs_incident_statuses_b
        WHERE  incident_status_id  = l_status_id;
Line: 336

	SELECT incident_number
	FROM cs_incidents_all_b
	WHERE incident_id = p_incident_id;
Line: 433

	-- Determine if we need to update Work Item Due Date
	-- Check if inc_responded_by_date changed from NULL to
	-- NOT NULL and vice versa.

             (P_New_Inc_Responded_By_Date  => p_new_sr_rec.inc_responded_by_date,
              P_New_Obligation_Date        => p_new_sr_rec.obligation_date,
              P_New_Exp_Resolution_Date    => p_new_sr_rec.exp_resolution_date,
              P_New_Severity_Id            => p_new_sr_rec.severity_id,
              P_Old_Inc_Responded_By_Date  => p_old_sr_rec.inc_responded_by_date,
              P_Old_Obligation_Date        => p_old_sr_rec.obligation_date,
              P_Old_Exp_Resolution_Date    => p_old_sr_rec.expected_resolution_date,
              P_Old_Severity_Id            => p_old_sr_rec.incident_severity_id,
              P_Operation_mode             => 'UPDATE',
              X_Change_WI_Flag             => l_change_wi_attr1,
              X_Due_Date                   => l_due_date,
              X_Priority_Code              => l_priority,
              X_Return_Status              => X_Return_Status,
              X_Msg_Count                  => X_Msg_Count,
              X_Msg_Data                   => X_Msg_Data);
Line: 467

	-- so no need to call Update work item API.

	OPEN sel_status_flags_csr(p_old_sr_rec.incident_status_id);
Line: 472

	-- The Status might have been deleted in the set-up form. Not sure
	-- if this is a valid scenario.
	IF sel_status_flags_csr%NOTFOUND THEN
Line: 579

			p_api_version		=> 1.0,
			p_init_msg_list		=> p_init_msg_list,
			p_commit 		=> p_commit,
			p_workitem_obj_code	=> 'SR',
			p_workitem_pk_id	=> p_incident_id,
			p_title			=> l_summary,
			p_party_id		=> l_customer_id,
			p_priority_code		=> l_priority,
			p_due_date		=> l_due_date,
			p_owner_id		=> l_owner_group_id,
			p_owner_type		=> l_group_type,
			p_assignee_id		=> l_owner_id,
			p_assignee_type		=> l_resource_type,
			p_source_object_id	=> NULL,
			p_source_object_type_code	=> NULL,
			p_application_id	=> l_resp_appl_id,
			p_work_item_status	=> l_work_item_status,
			p_user_id		=> l_user_id,
			p_login_id              => p_login_id,
			x_msg_count		=> x_msg_count,
			x_msg_data		=> x_msg_data,
			x_return_status		=> l_return_status
Line: 707

    END Update_Workitem;
Line: 813

       SELECT priority_code
         FROM cs_incident_severities_b
	WHERE incident_severity_id = l_severity_id;
Line: 855

 ELSE --p_operation_mode = 'UPDATE' THEN       -- Operation Mode

    IF ((p_old_inc_responded_by_date IS NULL AND
         p_new_inc_responded_by_date IS NOT NULL AND
	 p_new_inc_responded_by_date <> FND_API.G_MISS_DATE) OR
	(p_old_inc_responded_by_date IS NOT NULL AND
	 p_new_inc_responded_by_date IS NULL)
       ) THEN

       --Set value for Due Date work item parameter
       IF (p_new_inc_responded_by_date IS NULL) THEN
	  X_due_date := p_new_obligation_date;
Line: 882

	      -- in UWQ API and passing null updates UWQ schema to NULL.
	      X_due_date := p_old_obligation_date;
Line: 894

    END IF; -- End of: Determine if we need to update Work Item Due Date.