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2 /* $Header: asxsmtws.pls 115.15 2003/12/23 10:10:49 sumahali ship $ */
3 	TYPE 	tasktbl IS TABLE OF jtf_tasks_b.task_id%TYPE
5    	g_task_tab   tasktbl;
6         empty_tbl    tasktbl;
7   -- n BINARY_INTEGER := 0;
8 -- PROCEDURE start methodology
9 -- DESCRIPTION	This procedure is called to start standard  sales methodology workflow*/
10 PROCEDURE start_methodology (p_source_object_type_code 		IN 	VARCHAR2,
11 			     p_source_object_id  		IN 	NUMBER,
12 			     p_source_object_name 		IN 	VARCHAR2,
13 			     p_owner_id  			IN 	NUMBER,
14 			     p_owner_type_code 			IN 	VARCHAR2,
15 			     p_object_type_code 		IN 	VARCHAR2,
16 			     p_current_stage_id 		IN 	NUMBER,
17 			     p_next_stage_id 			IN 	NUMBER,
18 			     p_template_group_id 		IN 	VARCHAR2,
19 			     item_type 				IN 	VARCHAR2,
20 			     workflow_process 			IN 	VARCHAR2,
21 			     x_return_status 			OUT NOCOPY 	VARCHAR2,
22                              x_msg_count		        OUT NOCOPY	NUMBER,
23 			     x_msg_data			        OUT NOCOPY 	VARCHAR2,
24                              x_warning_message                  OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2
25               ) ;
26 /* PROCEDURE check_task_for_current
27 --
28 -- Description	 checks for any mandatory tasks for current stage
29 --
30 -- IN
31 --   itemtype  - type of the current item
32 --   itemkey   - key of the current item
33 --   actid     - process activity instance id
34 --   funcmode  - function execution mode ('RUN', 'CANCEL', 'TIMEOUT', ...)
35 -- OUT
36 --   result
37 --       - COMPLETE[:<result>]
38 --           activity has completed with the indicated result
39 --       - WAITING
40 --           activity is waiting for additional transitions
41 --       - DEFERED
42 --           execution should be defered to background
43 --       - NOTIFIED[:<notification_id>:<assigned_user>]
44 --           activity has notified an external entity that this
45 --           step must be performed.  A call to wf_engine.CompleteActivty
46 --           will signal when this step is complete.  Optional
47 --           return of notification ID and assigned user.
48 --       - ERROR[:<error_code>]
49 --           function encountered an error.         */
50 PROCEDURE Check_task_for_current (		itemtype		IN 	VARCHAR2,
51 		  			    	itemkey 		IN 	VARCHAR2,
52 					    	actid 			IN 	NUMBER,
53 					    	funcmode		IN 	VARCHAR2,
54 					    	result 	        	OUT NOCOPY 	VARCHAR2 ) ;
55 /* PROCEDURE check_task_for_next
56 --
57 -- Description	 checks for any  tasks created for next stage
58 --
59 -- IN
60 --   itemtype  - type of the current item
61 --   itemkey   - key of the current item
62 --   actid     - process activity instance id
63 --   funcmode  - function execution mode ('RUN', 'CANCEL', 'TIMEOUT', ...)
64 -- OUT
65 --   result
66 --       - COMPLETE[:<result>]
67 --           activity has completed with the indicated result
68 --       - WAITING
69 --           activity is waiting for additional transitions
70 --       - DEFERED
71 --           execution should be defered to background
72 --       - NOTIFIED[:<notification_id>:<assigned_user>]
73 --           activity has notified an external entity that this
74 --           step must be performed.  A call to wf_engine.CompleteActivty
75 --           will signal when this step is complete.  Optional
76 --           return of notification ID and assigned user.
77 --       - ERROR[:<error_code>]
78 --           function encountered an error.*/
79 PROCEDURE Check_task_exist_for_next  (		itemtype		IN 	VARCHAR2,
80 						itemkey 		IN 	VARCHAR2,
81 						actid 			IN 	NUMBER,
82 						funcmode 		IN 	VARCHAR2,
83 						result 	        	OUT NOCOPY 	VARCHAR2 ) ;
84 /* PROCEDURE create_tasks
85 --
86 -- Description	 create tasks from templates and create references for 				those tasks
87 --
88 -- IN
89 --   itemtype  - type of the current item
90 --   itemkey   - key of the current item
91 --   actid     - process activity instance id
92 --   funcmode  - function execution mode ('RUN', 'CANCEL', 'TIMEOUT', ...)
93 -- OUT
94 --   result
95 --       - COMPLETE[:<result>]
96 --           activity has completed with the indicated result
97 --       - WAITING
98 --           activity is waiting for additional transitions
99 --       - DEFERED
100 --           execution should be defered to background
101 --       - NOTIFIED[:<notification_id>:<assigned_user>]
102 --           activity has notified an external entity that this
103 --           step must be performed.  A call to wf_engine.CompleteActivty
104 --           will signal when this step is complete.  Optional
105 --           return of notification ID and assigned user.
106 --       - ERROR[:<error_code>]
107 --           function encountered an error.*/
108 PROCEDURE Create_tasks  (		itemtype	IN 	VARCHAR2,
109 					itemkey 	IN 	VARCHAR2,
110 					actid 		IN 	NUMBER,
111 					funcmode 	IN 	VARCHAR2,
112 					result 	        OUT NOCOPY 	VARCHAR2 ) ;
113 PROCEDURE Check_duration  (		itemtype	IN 	VARCHAR2,
114 					itemkey 	IN 	VARCHAR2,
115 					actid 		IN 	NUMBER,
116 					funcmode 	IN 	VARCHAR2,
117 					result 	        OUT NOCOPY 	VARCHAR2 ) ;
118 /* PROCEDURE create note for duration
119 --
120 -- Description	 create note based on previous node in the workflow.
121 --
122 -- IN
123 --   itemtype  - type of the current item
124 --   itemkey   - key of the current item
125 --   actid     - process activity instance id
126 --   funcmode  - function execution mode ('RUN', 'CANCEL', 'TIMEOUT', ...)
127 -- OUT
128 --   result
129 --       - COMPLETE[:<result>]
130 --           activity has completed with the indicated result
131 --       - WAITING
132 --           activity is waiting for additional transitions
133 --       - DEFERED
134 --           execution should be defered to background
135 --       - NOTIFIED[:<notification_id>:<assigned_user>]
136 --           activity has notified an external entity that this
137 --           step must be performed.  A call to wf_engine.CompleteActivty
138 --           will signal when this step is complete.  Optional
139 --           return of notification ID and assigned user.
140 --       - ERROR[:<error_code>]
141 --           function encountered an error.*/
142 PROCEDURE Create_note_for_duration  (	itemtype	IN 	VARCHAR2,
143 					itemkey 	IN 	VARCHAR2,
144 					actid 		IN 	NUMBER,
145 					funcmode 	IN 	VARCHAR2,
146 					result 	        OUT NOCOPY 	VARCHAR2 ) ;
147 /* PROCEDURE create note
148 --
149 -- Description	 create note based on previous node in the workflow.
150 --
151 -- IN
152 --   itemtype  - type of the current item
153 --   itemkey   - key of the current item
154 --   actid     - process activity instance id
155 --   funcmode  - function execution mode ('RUN', 'CANCEL', 'TIMEOUT', ...)
156 -- OUT
157 --   result
158 --       - COMPLETE[:<result>]
159 --           activity has completed with the indicated result
160 --       - WAITING
161 --           activity is waiting for additional transitions
162 --       - DEFERED
163 --           execution should be defered to background
164 --       - NOTIFIED[:<notification_id>:<assigned_user>]
165 --           activity has notified an external entity that this
166 --           step must be performed.  A call to wf_engine.CompleteActivty
167 --           will signal when this step is complete.  Optional
168 --           return of notification ID and assigned user.
169 --       - ERROR[:<error_code>]
170 --           function encountered an error.*/
171 PROCEDURE Create_note  (		itemtype	IN 	VARCHAR2,
172 					itemkey 	IN 	VARCHAR2,
173 					actid 		IN 	NUMBER,
174 					funcmode 	IN 	VARCHAR2,
175 					result 	        OUT NOCOPY 	VARCHAR2 ) ;
176 ---------------
177 /* PROCEDURE create note for failure
178 --
179 -- Description	 create note if create task node fails.
180 --
181 -- IN
182 --   itemtype  - type of the current item
183 --   itemkey   - key of the current item
184 --   actid     - process activity instance id
185 --   funcmode  - function execution mode ('RUN', 'CANCEL', 'TIMEOUT', ...)
186 -- OUT
187 --   result
188 --       - COMPLETE[:<result>]
189 --           activity has completed with the indicated result
190 --       - WAITING
191 --           activity is waiting for additional transitions
192 --       - DEFERED
193 --           execution should be defered to background
194 --       - NOTIFIED[:<notification_id>:<assigned_user>]
195 --           activity has notified an external entity that this
196 --           step must be performed.  A call to wf_engine.CompleteActivty
197 --           will signal when this step is complete.  Optional
198 --           return of notification ID and assigned user.
199 --       - ERROR[:<error_code>]
200 --           function encountered an error.*/
201 PROCEDURE Create_note_for_tasks_failure  (		itemtype	IN 	VARCHAR2,
202 					itemkey 	IN 	VARCHAR2,
203 					actid 		IN 	NUMBER,
204 					funcmode 	IN 	VARCHAR2,
205 					result 	        OUT NOCOPY 	VARCHAR2 ) ;
206 ---------------
207 END as_sales_meth_wf;