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Line 5248: PA_PROJ_STAT_ACTSET.copy_action_sets(

5244: --MW Changes need to be executed AFTER copying the layouts above, do not move
5245: --this code. Bug 2246601, Action Sets.
5246: BEGIN
5247: x_err_stage := 'Copy Project Status Action Sets';
5248: PA_PROJ_STAT_ACTSET.copy_action_sets(
5249: p_project_id_from => x_orig_project_id ,
5250: p_project_id_to => x_new_project_id,
5251: x_return_status => l_return_status,
5252: x_msg_count => l_msg_count,

Line 5258: x_err_stack := x_err_stack||'->PA_PROJ_STAT_ACTSET.copy_action_sets';

5254: IF l_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success
5255: THEN
5256: x_err_code := 844;
5257: x_err_stage := pa_project_core1.get_message_from_stack( 'PA_ERR_COPY_PROJ_ACTSET');
5258: x_err_stack := x_err_stack||'->PA_PROJ_STAT_ACTSET.copy_action_sets';
5259: rollback to copy_project;
5260: revert_proj_number(x_proj_number_gen_mode,x_new_project_number); -- Added for Bug# 7445534
5261: return;
5262: END IF;

Line 5268: x_err_stage := 'API: '||'PA_PROJ_STAT_ACTSET.copy_action_sets'||' SQL error message: '||SUBSTR( SQLERRM,1,1900);

5264: x_err_code := 844;
5265: -- x_err_stage := pa_project_core1.get_message_from_stack( null );
5266: -- IF x_err_stage IS NULL
5267: -- THEN
5268: x_err_stage := 'API: '||'PA_PROJ_STAT_ACTSET.copy_action_sets'||' SQL error message: '||SUBSTR( SQLERRM,1,1900);
5269: -- END IF;
5270: rollback to copy_project;
5271: revert_proj_number(x_proj_number_gen_mode,x_new_project_number); -- Added for Bug# 7445534
5272: return;