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Line 78: l_project_type_class pa_project_types_all.project_type_class_code%TYPE; -- Added for bug 3583748

74: X_Err_Code IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER) is --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
76: l_old_err_stack VARCHAR2(2000); -- Bug 4227589. Changed size from 1024 to 2000
77: l_project_status_code VARCHAR2(30);
78: l_project_type_class pa_project_types_all.project_type_class_code%TYPE; -- Added for bug 3583748
79: begin
80: l_old_err_stack := X_err_stack;
81: X_err_stack := X_err_stack ||'->pa_purge.purge_project';
82: X_err_stack := X_err_stack ||'Batch Id: '||p_batch_id || 'Project Id: '||p_project_id ;

Line 174: from pa_project_types_all ppt

170: --
171: -- Added for bug 3583748
172: select project_type_class_code
173: into l_project_type_class
174: from pa_project_types_all ppt
175: ,pa_projects_all ppa
176: where ppt.project_type = ppa.project_type
177: and ppt.org_id = ppa.org_id /* added for Bug 5099516*/ -- Removed NVL for bug#5908179 by vvjoshi
178: and project_id = p_project_id;

Line 826: From pa_projects_all p, pa_project_types_all pt

822: -- traeting this as it has been purged for capital data completely.
824: Select pt.project_type_class_code
825: into l_project_type_class_code
826: From pa_projects_all p, pa_project_types_all pt
827: where p.project_type = pt.project_type
828: and p.org_id = pt.org_id -- Removed NVL for bug#5908179 by vvjoshi
829: and p.project_id = p_project_id;