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Line 179: SUBTYPE thpv_rec_type IS okl_trx_assets_pub.thpv_rec_type;

175: i NUMBER;
176: l_asset_books_error EXCEPTION;
179: SUBTYPE thpv_rec_type IS okl_trx_assets_pub.thpv_rec_type;
181: lp_thpv_rec thpv_rec_type;
182: lx_thpv_rec thpv_rec_type;
183: l_total_count NUMBER;

Line 198: FROM OKL_TRX_ASSETS h, OKL_TXL_ASSETS_B l -- SECHAWLA 19-FEB-04 3439647 : Use base tables instead of views

194: -- This cursor picks up the amortization ,evergreen depreciation and salvage value writedown transactions to be
195: -- processed in Fixed Assets. AMT - amortization, AED - evergreen, FSC - Salvage value writedown.
196: CURSOR l_distinctasset_csr(cp_date IN DATE, p_org_id NUMBER) IS
197: SELECT DISTINCT l.asset_number, l.kle_id, b.authoring_org_id
198: FROM OKL_TRX_ASSETS h, OKL_TXL_ASSETS_B l -- SECHAWLA 19-FEB-04 3439647 : Use base tables instead of views
199: ,okc_k_headers_all_b b /* Bug 6459571 */
200: WHERE h.id = l.tas_id
201: AND h.tsu_code in('ENTERED','ERROR') -- SMODUGA 07-FEB-05 3578894 : process trx in entered and error status only
202: AND h.date_trans_occurred <= cp_date

Line 252: FROM OKL_TRX_ASSETS h, OKL_TXL_ASSETS_B l, OKL_TXD_ASSETS_B d, fa_book_controls fbc, FND_LOOKUPS fl -- SECHAWLA 19-FEB-04 3439647 : Use base tables instead of views

248: --,l.currency_code func_currency_code -- SECHAWLA 29-JUL-05 4456005 : added
249: --,l.DNZ_KHR_ID -- SECHAWLA 29-JUL-05 4456005 : added
250: -- SGORANTL 22-MAR-06 5097643: changes made by kbbhavsa for bug 4717511 has been reversed
251: ,h.try_id --akrangan added for sla populate sources cr
252: FROM OKL_TRX_ASSETS h, OKL_TXL_ASSETS_B l, OKL_TXD_ASSETS_B d, fa_book_controls fbc, FND_LOOKUPS fl -- SECHAWLA 19-FEB-04 3439647 : Use base tables instead of views
253: WHERE h.id = l.tas_id
254: AND l.id = d.tal_id(+)
256: AND decode(d.tax_book,NULL, l.CORPORATE_BOOK,d.tax_book ) = fbc.book_type_code

Line 280: FROM OKL_TRX_ASSETS h, OKL_TXL_ASSETS_B l, OKL_TXD_ASSETS_B d, fa_book_controls fbc, FND_LOOKUPS fl -- SECHAWLA 19-FEB-04 3439647 : Use base tables instead of views

276: --,l.DNZ_KHR_ID -- SECHAWLA 29-JUL-05 4456005 : added
277: -- SGORANTL 22-MAR-06 5097643: changes made by kbbhavsa for bug 4717511 has been reversed
278: ,h.try_id --akrangan added for sla populate sources cr
279: ,l.id line_id --akrangan added for sla populate sources cr
280: FROM OKL_TRX_ASSETS h, OKL_TXL_ASSETS_B l, OKL_TXD_ASSETS_B d, fa_book_controls fbc, FND_LOOKUPS fl -- SECHAWLA 19-FEB-04 3439647 : Use base tables instead of views
281: WHERE h.id = l.tas_id
282: AND l.id = d.tal_id(+)
284: AND decode(d.tax_book,NULL, l.CORPORATE_BOOK,d.tax_book ) = fbc.book_type_code

Line 678: l_fxhv_rec.source_table := 'OKL_TRX_ASSETS';

674: END IF;
675: --akrangan populate sources cr changes start
676: -- header record
677: l_fxhv_rec.source_id := l_assettrx_rec.id;
678: l_fxhv_rec.source_table := 'OKL_TRX_ASSETS';
679: l_fxhv_rec.khr_id := l_chr_id;
680: l_fxhv_rec.try_id := l_assettrx_rec.try_id;
681: --line record
682: l_fxlv_rec.source_id := l_assettrx_rec.line_id;

Line 793: l_fxhv_rec.source_table := 'OKL_TRX_ASSETS';

789: END IF;
790: --akrangan populate sources cr changes start
791: -- header record
792: l_fxhv_rec.source_id := l_assettrx_rec.id;
793: l_fxhv_rec.source_table := 'OKL_TRX_ASSETS';
794: l_fxhv_rec.khr_id := l_chr_id;
795: l_fxhv_rec.try_id := l_assettrx_rec.try_id;
796: --line record
797: l_fxlv_rec.source_id := l_assettrx_rec.line_id;

Line 1021: l_fxhv_rec.source_table := 'OKL_TRX_ASSETS';

1017: END IF;
1018: --akrangan populate sources cr changes start
1019: -- header record
1020: l_fxhv_rec.source_id := l_assettrx_rec.id;
1021: l_fxhv_rec.source_table := 'OKL_TRX_ASSETS';
1022: l_fxhv_rec.khr_id := l_chr_id;
1023: l_fxhv_rec.try_id := l_assettrx_rec.try_id;
1024: --line record
1025: l_fxlv_rec.source_id := l_assettrx_rec.line_id;

Line 1134: l_fxhv_rec.source_table := 'OKL_TRX_ASSETS';

1130: END IF;
1131: --akrangan populate sources cr changes start
1132: -- header record
1133: l_fxhv_rec.source_id := l_assettrx_rec.id;
1134: l_fxhv_rec.source_table := 'OKL_TRX_ASSETS';
1135: l_fxhv_rec.khr_id := l_chr_id;
1136: l_fxhv_rec.try_id := l_assettrx_rec.try_id;
1137: --line record
1138: l_fxlv_rec.source_id := l_assettrx_rec.line_id;

Line 1238: -- update the staus (tsu_code) in okl_trx_assets_v

1234: IF l_trxassets_tbl.COUNT > 0 THEN
1235: j := l_trxassets_tbl.FIRST;
1236: LOOP
1238: -- update the staus (tsu_code) in okl_trx_assets_v
1239: lp_thpv_rec.id := l_trxassets_tbl(j).id;
1240: lp_thpv_rec.tsu_code := 'PROCESSED';
1241: OKL_TRX_ASSETS_PUB.update_trx_ass_h_def(
1242: p_api_version => p_api_version,

Line 1241: OKL_TRX_ASSETS_PUB.update_trx_ass_h_def(

1238: -- update the staus (tsu_code) in okl_trx_assets_v
1239: lp_thpv_rec.id := l_trxassets_tbl(j).id;
1240: lp_thpv_rec.tsu_code := 'PROCESSED';
1241: OKL_TRX_ASSETS_PUB.update_trx_ass_h_def(
1242: p_api_version => p_api_version,
1243: p_init_msg_list => OKC_API.G_FALSE,
1244: x_return_status => l_return_status,
1245: x_msg_count => x_msg_count,

Line 1312: -- update the staus (tsu_code) in okl_trx_assets_v

1308: -- Update trx status to ERROR in OKL
1309: IF l_trxassets_tbl.COUNT > 0 THEN
1310: j := l_trxassets_tbl.FIRST;
1311: LOOP
1312: -- update the staus (tsu_code) in okl_trx_assets_v
1313: lp_thpv_rec.id := l_trxassets_tbl(j).id;
1314: lp_thpv_rec.tsu_code := 'ERROR';
1315: OKL_TRX_ASSETS_PUB.update_trx_ass_h_def(
1316: p_api_version => p_api_version,

Line 1315: OKL_TRX_ASSETS_PUB.update_trx_ass_h_def(

1311: LOOP
1312: -- update the staus (tsu_code) in okl_trx_assets_v
1313: lp_thpv_rec.id := l_trxassets_tbl(j).id;
1314: lp_thpv_rec.tsu_code := 'ERROR';
1315: OKL_TRX_ASSETS_PUB.update_trx_ass_h_def(
1316: p_api_version => p_api_version,
1317: p_init_msg_list => OKC_API.G_FALSE,
1318: x_return_status => l_return_status,
1319: x_msg_count => x_msg_count,

Line 1595: l_fxhv_rec.source_table := 'OKL_TRX_ASSETS';

1591: END IF;
1592: --akrangan populate sources cr changes start
1593: -- header record
1594: l_fxhv_rec.source_id := l_assetsvtrx_rec.id;
1595: l_fxhv_rec.source_table := 'OKL_TRX_ASSETS';
1596: l_fxhv_rec.khr_id := l_chr_id;
1597: l_fxhv_rec.try_id := l_assetsvtrx_rec.try_id;
1598: --line record
1599: l_fxlv_rec.source_id := l_assetsvtrx_rec.line_id;

Line 1649: -- update the staus (tsu_code) in okl_trx_assets_v

1645: CLOSE l_dealtype_csr;
1646: --------------
1648: IF l_transaction_status = OKC_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS THEN
1649: -- update the staus (tsu_code) in okl_trx_assets_v
1650: lp_thpv_rec.id := l_assetsvtrx_rec.id;
1651: lp_thpv_rec.tsu_code := 'PROCESSED';
1652: OKL_TRX_ASSETS_PUB.update_trx_ass_h_def(
1653: p_api_version => p_api_version,

Line 1652: OKL_TRX_ASSETS_PUB.update_trx_ass_h_def(

1648: IF l_transaction_status = OKC_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS THEN
1649: -- update the staus (tsu_code) in okl_trx_assets_v
1650: lp_thpv_rec.id := l_assetsvtrx_rec.id;
1651: lp_thpv_rec.tsu_code := 'PROCESSED';
1652: OKL_TRX_ASSETS_PUB.update_trx_ass_h_def(
1653: p_api_version => p_api_version,
1654: p_init_msg_list => OKC_API.G_FALSE,
1655: x_return_status => l_return_status,
1656: x_msg_count => x_msg_count,

Line 1683: -- update the staus (tsu_code) in okl_trx_assets_v

1679: p_token1 => 'ASSET_NUMBER',
1680: p_token1_value => l_assetsvtrx_rec.asset_number);
1681: END IF;
1682: ELSE -- FA changes have already been rolled back at this point
1683: -- update the staus (tsu_code) in okl_trx_assets_v
1684: lp_thpv_rec.id := l_assetsvtrx_rec.id;
1685: lp_thpv_rec.tsu_code := 'ERROR';
1686: OKL_TRX_ASSETS_PUB.update_trx_ass_h_def(
1687: p_api_version => p_api_version,

Line 1686: OKL_TRX_ASSETS_PUB.update_trx_ass_h_def(

1682: ELSE -- FA changes have already been rolled back at this point
1683: -- update the staus (tsu_code) in okl_trx_assets_v
1684: lp_thpv_rec.id := l_assetsvtrx_rec.id;
1685: lp_thpv_rec.tsu_code := 'ERROR';
1686: OKL_TRX_ASSETS_PUB.update_trx_ass_h_def(
1687: p_api_version => p_api_version,
1688: p_init_msg_list => OKC_API.G_FALSE,
1689: x_return_status => l_return_status,
1690: x_msg_count => x_msg_count,