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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 59

   * encountered during Resource Selection Process.
* Index to the table G_ASSIGN_ERRORS represent the flags that have * been set to select the resources - namely Skills (S), Territories (T) * Installed Base (I) and Contracts (B). When a Flag is set to 'Y', the * corresponding bit is set to 1. Otherwise it is 0. *
* Examples: * S T I C * - - - - * 0 0 0 0 No selection criteria * 0 0 0 1 Only contracts * 0 0 1 0 Only installed base */ PROCEDURE init_assign_errors IS BEGIN g_assign_errors(0) := 'CSF_NO_RES_SEL_CRIT'; -- 0000
Line: 106

      SELECT tb.task_id task_id
           , ib.incident_id service_request_id
           , ib.customer_id party_id
           , lo.country
           , tb.address_id party_site_id
           , lo.city
           , lo.postal_code
           , lo.state
           , lo.county
           , pa.party_name comp_name_range
           , lo.province
           , pa.employees_total num_of_employees
           , tb.task_type_id
           , tb.task_status_id
           , tb.task_priority_id
           , ib.incident_type_id
           , ib.incident_severity_id
           , ib.incident_urgency_id
           , ib.problem_code
           , ib.incident_status_id
           , ib.platform_id
           , ib.site_id support_site_id
           , ib.customer_site_id
           , it.sr_creation_channel
           , ib.inventory_item_id
           , ib.problem_code squal_char12
           , ib.comm_pref_code squal_char13
           , ib.platform_id squal_num12
           , ib.inv_platform_org_id squal_num13
           , ib.category_id squal_num14
           , ib.inventory_item_id squal_num15
           , ib.inv_organization_id squal_num16
           , ib.owner_group_id squal_num17
           , ib.language_id squal_num30
           , ib.contract_service_id
        FROM jtf_tasks_b tb
           , cs_incidents_all_b ib
           , cs_incidents_all_tl it
           , hz_locations lo
           , hz_parties pa
       WHERE tb.task_id = p_task_id
         AND tb.source_object_type_code = 'SR'
         AND tb.source_object_id = ib.incident_id
         AND tb.source_object_id = it.incident_id
         AND it.LANGUAGE = USERENV('lang')
         AND lo.location_id = csf_tasks_pub.get_task_location_id(tb.task_id, tb.address_id, tb.location_id)
         AND ib.customer_id = pa.party_id(+);
Line: 156

      SELECT phone_area_code
        FROM hz_contact_points
       WHERE owner_table_id = b_party_id
         AND owner_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
         AND contact_point_type = 'PHONE'
         AND primary_flag = 'Y';
Line: 165

      SELECT TO_NUMBER(object1_id1) item_id
           , TO_NUMBER(object1_id2) org_id
        FROM okc_k_items
       WHERE cle_id = b_contract_service_id;
Line: 172

      SELECT class_code
        FROM hz_code_assignments
       WHERE owner_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
         AND owner_table_id = b_party_id;
Line: 252

      SELECT   qual_usg_id qual_usg_id
             , seeded_qual_name label
          FROM jty_all_enabled_attributes_v
         WHERE source_id = -1002
           AND qual_type_id IN(-1002, -1005, -1006)
      ORDER BY UPPER(seeded_qual_name);
Line: 260

Line: 443

   * Assembles the selected Qualifiers for this Task from the Qualifier
   * Table in to a Record Type understandable by JTF Assignment Manager.
* Uses a Hard Coded Mapping between JTF_SEEDED_QUAL_USGS_V.QUAL_USG_ID * and the fields in JTF_ASSIGN_PUB.JTF_SRV_TASK_REC_TYPE. *
* The Task and SR Number must be set by the caller and wont be set by * this API. Moreover Qualifiers of type -1211, -1212 and -1218 have * been disabled and therefore wont be set by this API. * * @param p_table Qualifier Table having the list of Task Qualifiers */ FUNCTION get_qualified_task_rec(p_table resource_qualifier_tbl_type) RETURN jtf_assign_pub.jtf_srv_task_rec_type IS k PLS_INTEGER;
Line: 541

   * Side Effect of the API. Second Table may have entries deleted after
   * the operation.
   * @param   p_res_1_tbl   Resource Table 1
   * @param   p_res_2_tbl   Resource Table 2
   * @param   p_start       Start Date of the Window
   * @param   p_end         End Date of the Window
   * @return  Common Resource Table (JTF_ASSIGN_PUB.ASSIGNRESOURCES_TBL_TYPE)
  FUNCTION intersect_results(
    p_res_1_tbl   IN OUT NOCOPY jtf_assign_pub.assignresources_tbl_type
  , p_res_2_tbl   IN OUT NOCOPY jtf_assign_pub.assignresources_tbl_type
  , p_start                     DATE
  , p_end                       DATE
  ) RETURN jtf_assign_pub.assignresources_tbl_type IS
    i           PLS_INTEGER;
Line: 581

        p_res_2_tbl.DELETE(j); -- So that Table is smaller for other iterations.
Line: 631

      SELECT rs.resource_id
           , rs.resource_type
           , rs.winstart
           , rs.winend
           , rs.amount
        FROM (SELECT   rs.resource_id
                     , rs.resource_type
                     , GREATEST(MAX(rs.start_date_active), NVL(MAX(ss.start_date_active), p_start)
                       , p_start) winstart
                     , LEAST(
                         NVL(MIN(rs.end_date_active + 1), p_end)
                       , NVL(MIN(ss.end_date_active + 1), p_end)
                       , p_end
                       ) winend
                     , COUNT(*) amount
                  FROM csf_resource_skills_b rs
                     , csf_required_skills_b ts
                     , csf_skill_levels_b rsl
                     , csf_skill_levels_b tsl
                     , csf_skills_b ss
                 WHERE DECODE(
                         SIGN(rsl.step_value - tsl.step_value)
                       , -1, DECODE(l_levelmatch, 1, 'Y', 'N')
                       , 0, 'Y'
                       , 1, DECODE(l_levelmatch, 3, 'Y', 'N')
                       ) = 'Y'
                   AND rsl.skill_level_id = rs.skill_level_id
                   AND tsl.skill_level_id = ts.skill_level_id
                   AND ts.skill_id = rs.skill_id
                   AND ts.skill_type_id = rs.skill_type_id
                   AND TRUNC(rs.start_date_active) < p_end
                   AND (TRUNC(rs.end_date_active + 1) > p_start OR rs.end_date_active IS NULL)
                   AND (rs.resource_id = p_resource_id OR p_resource_id IS NULL)
                   AND (rs.resource_type = p_resource_type OR p_resource_type IS NULL)
                   AND NVL(ts.disabled_flag, 'N') <> 'Y'
                   AND ts.has_skill_type = 'TASK'
                   AND ts.has_skill_id = p_task_id
                   AND ss.skill_id(+) = rs.skill_id
                   AND (
                                rs.skill_type_id <> 2
                            AND TRUNC(ss.start_date_active) < p_end
                            AND (TRUNC(ss.end_date_active + 1) > p_start OR ss.end_date_active IS NULL)
                        OR EXISTS(SELECT 1
                                    FROM mtl_system_items_kfv msi
                                   WHERE msi.inventory_item_id = ts.skill_id)
              GROUP BY rs.resource_id, rs.resource_type) rs
           , (SELECT COUNT(*) amount
                FROM csf_required_skills_b
               WHERE NVL(disabled_flag, 'N') <> 'Y' AND has_skill_type = 'TASK'
                     AND has_skill_id = p_task_id) ts
       WHERE rs.amount = ts.amount AND rs.winstart < rs.winend;
Line: 686

Line: 752

      SELECT l.geometry
        FROM jtf_tasks_b t, hz_locations l
       WHERE t.task_id = p_task_id
         AND l.location_id = csf_tasks_pub.get_task_location_id(t.task_id, t.address_id, t.location_id);
Line: 758

      SELECT resource_index
           , distance
        FROM TABLE(CAST(l_res_dist_tbl AS csf_resource_tbl) )
       ORDER BY preferred_resource_flag desc, distance, resource_index;
Line: 840

   * The API doesnt delete resources as such. It first prunes the resource list
   * by considering only those Resources who have valid Shift Definitions between
   * the given dates and then give the top N resources. Note that it will be
   * better if the Resources are already sorted in the order of their preference.
   * @param   p_res_tbl  List of Sorted Resources
   * @param   p_start    Start of the Window for Valid Shifts Consideration
   * @param   p_end      End of the Window for Valid Shifts Consideration
   * @returns Top N Resources as determined by the MAXNRSELECTEDRES profile.
  FUNCTION reduce_resource_list(
    p_res_tbl IN OUT NOCOPY jtf_assign_pub.assignresources_tbl_type
  , p_start   DATE
  , p_end     DATE
    RETURN jtf_assign_pub.assignresources_tbl_type IS
    l_max_resources  NUMBER;
Line: 867

    l_max_resources := fnd_profile.VALUE('MAXNRSELECTEDRES');
Line: 881

Line: 912

   * Returns the Error Message that is encountered during Resource Selection
   * process based on the Flags passed. Each Flag corresponds to a But in the
   * Error Message Table. See INIT_ASSIGN_ERRORS for more information.
   * @param   p_flags   Flags used to select Resources for the Task
   * @return  Name of the Error Message encountered.
  FUNCTION get_assign_error_msg(p_flags IN NUMBER)
    l_msg VARCHAR2(100);
Line: 1118

      SELECT has_skill_id
        FROM csf_required_skills_b,jtf_tasks_b t
       WHERE t.task_id = p_task_id
         AND has_skill_type = 'TASK'
         AND has_skill_id = nvl(t.parent_task_id, t.task_id)
         AND NVL(disabled_flag, 'N') <> 'Y'
         AND NVL(t.deleted_flag, 'N') <> 'Y';
Line: 1128

      select iv.business_process_id
        from jtf_tasks_b t, cs_incidents_all i, cs_incident_types_vl iv
       where t.task_id = p_task_id
         and t.source_object_id = i.incident_id
         and i.incident_type_id = iv.incident_type_id;
Line: 1168

Line: 1253

      , p_auto_select_flag              => 'N'
      , p_calendar_flag                 => NVL(p_calendar_flag, 'N')
      , p_calendar_check                => 'N'
      , p_calling_doc_id                => l_sr_task_rec.service_request_id
      , p_calling_doc_type              => g_assign_doc_type
      , p_business_process_id           => l_business_process_id
      , x_assign_resources_tbl          => l_contracts_ib_res_tbl
Line: 1302

      , p_auto_select_flag              => 'N'
      , p_calendar_flag                 => NVL(p_calendar_flag, 'N')
      , p_calendar_check                => 'N'
      , p_calling_doc_id                => l_sr_task_rec.service_request_id
      , p_calling_doc_type              => g_assign_doc_type
      , x_assign_resources_tbl          => l_territory_res_tbl
Line: 1500

Line: 1582

      SELECT resource_id
        FROM jtf_rs_resource_extns
       WHERE user_id = NVL(p_user_id, fnd_global.user_id);
Line: 1606

      SELECT category
        FROM jtf_rs_resource_extns
       WHERE user_id = NVL(p_user_id, fnd_global.user_id);
Line: 1633

      SELECT resource_id
           , p_res_type resource_type
           , resource_name
           , resource_number
        FROM jtf_rs_resource_extns_vl
       WHERE resource_id = p_res_id;
Line: 1641

      SELECT group_id resource_id
           , 'RS_GROUP' resource_type
           , group_name resource_name
           , group_number resource_number
        FROM jtf_rs_groups_vl
       WHERE group_id = p_res_id;
Line: 1649

      SELECT team_id resource_id
           , 'RS_TEAM' resource_type
           , team_name resource_name
           , team_number resource_number
        FROM jtf_rs_teams_vl
       WHERE team_id = p_res_id;
Line: 1791

      SELECT o.object_code code, o.name
        FROM jtf_object_usages u
           , jtf_objects_tl o
       WHERE u.object_user_code = 'RESOURCE_TYPES'
         AND o.object_code = u.object_code
         AND o.language = userenv('LANG');
Line: 1853

      SELECT time_zone
        FROM jtf_rs_resource_extns
       WHERE resource_id = p_resource_id
         AND p_resource_type NOT IN('RS_GROUP', 'RS_TEAM');