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Line 18: hr_utility.set_location('no asg for pil person '||p_per_in_ler_id,10);

14: and asg.primary_flag ='Y';
15: return l_assignment_id;
16: exception
17: when no_data_found then
18: hr_utility.set_location('no asg for pil person '||p_per_in_ler_id,10);
19: raise ;
20: when others then
21: hr_utility.set_location('issue in getting pil person asg '||p_per_in_ler_id,20);
22: raise;

Line 21: hr_utility.set_location('issue in getting pil person asg '||p_per_in_ler_id,20);

17: when no_data_found then
18: hr_utility.set_location('no asg for pil person '||p_per_in_ler_id,10);
19: raise ;
20: when others then
21: hr_utility.set_location('issue in getting pil person asg '||p_per_in_ler_id,20);
22: raise;
23: end get_asg_for_pil;
24: procedure get_def_auto_code(p_per_in_ler_id in number,
25: p_effective_date in date,

Line 76: hr_utility.set_location('p_return_code'||p_return_code,10);

72: p_return_code => p_return_code,
73: p_return_status => l_return_status);
74: end if;
76: hr_utility.set_location('p_return_code'||p_return_code,10);
77: hr_utility.set_location('p_electbl_chc_id'||p_electbl_chc_id,10);
78: hr_utility.set_location('l_return_status'||l_return_status,10);
80: if nvl(l_return_status,'N') = 'N' then

Line 77: hr_utility.set_location('p_electbl_chc_id'||p_electbl_chc_id,10);

73: p_return_status => l_return_status);
74: end if;
76: hr_utility.set_location('p_return_code'||p_return_code,10);
77: hr_utility.set_location('p_electbl_chc_id'||p_electbl_chc_id,10);
78: hr_utility.set_location('l_return_status'||l_return_status,10);
80: if nvl(l_return_status,'N') = 'N' then
81: get_default_progression(p_per_in_ler_id => p_per_in_ler_id,

Line 78: hr_utility.set_location('l_return_status'||l_return_status,10);

74: end if;
76: hr_utility.set_location('p_return_code'||p_return_code,10);
77: hr_utility.set_location('p_electbl_chc_id'||p_electbl_chc_id,10);
78: hr_utility.set_location('l_return_status'||l_return_status,10);
80: if nvl(l_return_status,'N') = 'N' then
81: get_default_progression(p_per_in_ler_id => p_per_in_ler_id,
82: p_effective_date => p_effective_date,

Line 153: hr_utility.set_location('pil oipl elect chc is '||l_electbl_chc_id,10);

149: and pil.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
150: and pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd = 'STRTD'
151: and epe.comp_lvl_cd ='OIPL'
152: and epe.oipl_id = p_oipl_id;
153: hr_utility.set_location('pil oipl elect chc is '||l_electbl_chc_id,10);
154: return l_electbl_chc_id;
155: exception
156: when no_data_found then
157: hr_utility.set_location('no step elect '||p_oipl_id,10);

Line 157: hr_utility.set_location('no step elect '||p_oipl_id,10);

153: hr_utility.set_location('pil oipl elect chc is '||l_electbl_chc_id,10);
154: return l_electbl_chc_id;
155: exception
156: when no_data_found then
157: hr_utility.set_location('no step elect '||p_oipl_id,10);
158: return l_electbl_chc_id;
159: when others then
160: hr_utility.set_location('issue in getting step elect '||p_oipl_id,10);
161: raise;

Line 160: hr_utility.set_location('issue in getting step elect '||p_oipl_id,10);

156: when no_data_found then
157: hr_utility.set_location('no step elect '||p_oipl_id,10);
158: return l_electbl_chc_id;
159: when others then
160: hr_utility.set_location('issue in getting step elect '||p_oipl_id,10);
161: raise;
162: end;
163: function get_pl_elect(p_per_in_ler_id in number,
164: p_pl_id in number) return number is

Line 175: hr_utility.set_location('pil pl elect chc is '||l_electbl_chc_id,10);

171: and pil.per_in_ler_id = p_per_in_ler_id
172: and pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd = 'STRTD'
173: and epe.comp_lvl_cd ='PLAN'
174: and epe.pl_id = p_pl_id;
175: hr_utility.set_location('pil pl elect chc is '||l_electbl_chc_id,10);
176: return l_electbl_chc_id;
177: exception
178: when no_data_found then
179: hr_utility.set_location('no plan elect '||p_pl_id,10);

Line 179: hr_utility.set_location('no plan elect '||p_pl_id,10);

175: hr_utility.set_location('pil pl elect chc is '||l_electbl_chc_id,10);
176: return l_electbl_chc_id;
177: exception
178: when no_data_found then
179: hr_utility.set_location('no plan elect '||p_pl_id,10);
180: return l_electbl_chc_id;
181: when others then
182: hr_utility.set_location('issue in getting plan elect '||p_pl_id,10);
183: raise;

Line 182: hr_utility.set_location('issue in getting plan elect '||p_pl_id,10);

178: when no_data_found then
179: hr_utility.set_location('no plan elect '||p_pl_id,10);
180: return l_electbl_chc_id;
181: when others then
182: hr_utility.set_location('issue in getting plan elect '||p_pl_id,10);
183: raise;
184: end;
185: procedure get_electbl_chc(p_per_in_ler_id in number,
186: p_effective_date in date,

Line 193: hr_utility.set_location('inside get elect chc',10);

189: p_electbl_chc_id out nocopy number) is
190: l_oipl_id number;
191: l_pl_id number;
192: begin
193: hr_utility.set_location('inside get elect chc',10);
194: if p_step_id is not null then
195: l_oipl_id := pqh_gsp_hr_to_stage.get_oipl_for_step
196: (p_step_id => p_step_id,
197: p_effective_date => p_effective_date);

Line 198: hr_utility.set_location('oipl id is '||l_oipl_id,20);

194: if p_step_id is not null then
195: l_oipl_id := pqh_gsp_hr_to_stage.get_oipl_for_step
196: (p_step_id => p_step_id,
197: p_effective_date => p_effective_date);
198: hr_utility.set_location('oipl id is '||l_oipl_id,20);
199: end if;
200: if p_grade_id is not null then
201: l_pl_id := pqh_gsp_hr_to_stage.get_plan_for_grade
202: (p_grade_id => p_grade_id,

Line 204: hr_utility.set_location('pl id is '||l_pl_id,30);

200: if p_grade_id is not null then
201: l_pl_id := pqh_gsp_hr_to_stage.get_plan_for_grade
202: (p_grade_id => p_grade_id,
203: p_effective_date => p_effective_date);
204: hr_utility.set_location('pl id is '||l_pl_id,30);
205: end if;
206: if l_pl_id is null and l_oipl_id is null then
207: hr_utility.set_location('issue in getting plan and oipl '||l_pl_id,40);
208: else

Line 207: hr_utility.set_location('issue in getting plan and oipl '||l_pl_id,40);

203: p_effective_date => p_effective_date);
204: hr_utility.set_location('pl id is '||l_pl_id,30);
205: end if;
206: if l_pl_id is null and l_oipl_id is null then
207: hr_utility.set_location('issue in getting plan and oipl '||l_pl_id,40);
208: else
209: if l_oipl_id is null then
210: p_electbl_chc_id := get_pl_elect(p_per_in_ler_id => p_per_in_ler_id,
211: p_pl_id => l_pl_id);

Line 212: hr_utility.set_location('pl elect chc is '||p_electbl_chc_id,50);

208: else
209: if l_oipl_id is null then
210: p_electbl_chc_id := get_pl_elect(p_per_in_ler_id => p_per_in_ler_id,
211: p_pl_id => l_pl_id);
212: hr_utility.set_location('pl elect chc is '||p_electbl_chc_id,50);
213: else
214: p_electbl_chc_id := get_oipl_elect(p_per_in_ler_id => p_per_in_ler_id,
215: p_oipl_id => l_oipl_id);
216: hr_utility.set_location('oipl elect chc is '||p_electbl_chc_id,60);

Line 216: hr_utility.set_location('oipl elect chc is '||p_electbl_chc_id,60);

212: hr_utility.set_location('pl elect chc is '||p_electbl_chc_id,50);
213: else
214: p_electbl_chc_id := get_oipl_elect(p_per_in_ler_id => p_per_in_ler_id,
215: p_oipl_id => l_oipl_id);
216: hr_utility.set_location('oipl elect chc is '||p_electbl_chc_id,60);
217: end if;
218: end if;
219: end get_electbl_chc;
220: procedure get_step_seq(p_step_id in number,

Line 230: hr_utility.set_location('step seq # is '||p_step_seq,10);

226: into p_step_seq,p_grade_spine_id
227: from per_spinal_point_steps_f
228: where p_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date
229: and step_id = p_step_id;
230: hr_utility.set_location('step seq # is '||p_step_seq,10);
231: exception
232: when others then
233: hr_utility.set_location('issue in getting step seq '||p_step_id,12);
234: raise;

Line 233: hr_utility.set_location('issue in getting step seq '||p_step_id,12);

229: and step_id = p_step_id;
230: hr_utility.set_location('step seq # is '||p_step_seq,10);
231: exception
232: when others then
233: hr_utility.set_location('issue in getting step seq '||p_step_id,12);
234: raise;
235: end get_step_seq;
236: procedure get_result_step(p_step_id in number,
237: p_effective_date in date,

Line 264: hr_utility.set_location('inside get_result_step'||p_step_id,10);

261: begin
262: -- this procedure will return the step which will add current step level
263: -- to num_incr and give us the step to which person can be progressed
264: hr_utility.set_location('inside get_result_step'||p_step_id,10);
265: get_step_seq(p_step_id => p_step_id,
266: p_effective_date => p_effective_date,
267: p_step_seq => l_dest_step_seq,
268: p_grade_spine_id => l_grade_spine_id);

Line 269: hr_utility.set_location('inside get_result_step'|| l_grade_spine_id,20);

265: get_step_seq(p_step_id => p_step_id,
266: p_effective_date => p_effective_date,
267: p_step_seq => l_dest_step_seq,
268: p_grade_spine_id => l_grade_spine_id);
269: hr_utility.set_location('inside get_result_step'|| l_grade_spine_id,20);
270: hr_utility.set_location('curr step seq # is '|| l_dest_step_seq,30);
271: if p_future_step_id is not null then
272: get_step_seq(p_step_id => p_future_step_id,
273: p_effective_date => p_effective_date,

Line 270: hr_utility.set_location('curr step seq # is '|| l_dest_step_seq,30);

266: p_effective_date => p_effective_date,
267: p_step_seq => l_dest_step_seq,
268: p_grade_spine_id => l_grade_spine_id);
269: hr_utility.set_location('inside get_result_step'|| l_grade_spine_id,20);
270: hr_utility.set_location('curr step seq # is '|| l_dest_step_seq,30);
271: if p_future_step_id is not null then
272: get_step_seq(p_step_id => p_future_step_id,
273: p_effective_date => p_effective_date,
274: p_step_seq => l_fut_step_seq,

Line 281: hr_utility.set_location('Max Grade Spine'|| l_Max_grade_spine_id,40);

277: get_step_seq(p_step_id => p_ceiling_step_id,
278: p_effective_date => p_effective_date,
279: p_step_seq => l_max_step_seq,
280: p_grade_spine_id => l_max_grade_spine_id);
281: hr_utility.set_location('Max Grade Spine'|| l_Max_grade_spine_id,40);
282: hr_utility.set_location('Max step seq # is '|| l_max_step_seq,50);
283: For Step_rec in Step(l_Grade_spine_Id, l_dest_step_seq) Loop
284: hr_utility.set_location(' Inside Step Loop ', 60);

Line 282: hr_utility.set_location('Max step seq # is '|| l_max_step_seq,50);

278: p_effective_date => p_effective_date,
279: p_step_seq => l_max_step_seq,
280: p_grade_spine_id => l_max_grade_spine_id);
281: hr_utility.set_location('Max Grade Spine'|| l_Max_grade_spine_id,40);
282: hr_utility.set_location('Max step seq # is '|| l_max_step_seq,50);
283: For Step_rec in Step(l_Grade_spine_Id, l_dest_step_seq) Loop
284: hr_utility.set_location(' Inside Step Loop ', 60);
286: l_dest_step_seq := Step_Rec.Sequence;

Line 284: hr_utility.set_location(' Inside Step Loop ', 60);

280: p_grade_spine_id => l_max_grade_spine_id);
281: hr_utility.set_location('Max Grade Spine'|| l_Max_grade_spine_id,40);
282: hr_utility.set_location('Max step seq # is '|| l_max_step_seq,50);
283: For Step_rec in Step(l_Grade_spine_Id, l_dest_step_seq) Loop
284: hr_utility.set_location(' Inside Step Loop ', 60);
286: l_dest_step_seq := Step_Rec.Sequence;
287: p_next_step_id := Step_Rec.Step_Id;
288: hr_utility.set_location('Next Step '|| p_next_step_id,70);

Line 288: hr_utility.set_location('Next Step '|| p_next_step_id,70);

284: hr_utility.set_location(' Inside Step Loop ', 60);
286: l_dest_step_seq := Step_Rec.Sequence;
287: p_next_step_id := Step_Rec.Step_Id;
288: hr_utility.set_location('Next Step '|| p_next_step_id,70);
289: hr_utility.set_location('Dest Step Seq '|| l_dest_step_seq,80);
290: if l_dest_step_seq >l_max_step_seq then
291: hr_utility.set_location('Inside Max Step IF',90);
292: if p_called_from = 'GSP' then

Line 289: hr_utility.set_location('Dest Step Seq '|| l_dest_step_seq,80);

286: l_dest_step_seq := Step_Rec.Sequence;
287: p_next_step_id := Step_Rec.Step_Id;
288: hr_utility.set_location('Next Step '|| p_next_step_id,70);
289: hr_utility.set_location('Dest Step Seq '|| l_dest_step_seq,80);
290: if l_dest_step_seq >l_max_step_seq then
291: hr_utility.set_location('Inside Max Step IF',90);
292: if p_called_from = 'GSP' then
293: hr_utility.set_location('steps left to use ',85);

Line 291: hr_utility.set_location('Inside Max Step IF',90);

287: p_next_step_id := Step_Rec.Step_Id;
288: hr_utility.set_location('Next Step '|| p_next_step_id,70);
289: hr_utility.set_location('Dest Step Seq '|| l_dest_step_seq,80);
290: if l_dest_step_seq >l_max_step_seq then
291: hr_utility.set_location('Inside Max Step IF',90);
292: if p_called_from = 'GSP' then
293: hr_utility.set_location('steps left to use ',85);
294: -- p_steps_left := l_dest_step_seq - l_max_step_seq;
295: p_steps_left := Nvl(P_Num_Incr,1) - l_incr;

Line 293: hr_utility.set_location('steps left to use ',85);

289: hr_utility.set_location('Dest Step Seq '|| l_dest_step_seq,80);
290: if l_dest_step_seq >l_max_step_seq then
291: hr_utility.set_location('Inside Max Step IF',90);
292: if p_called_from = 'GSP' then
293: hr_utility.set_location('steps left to use ',85);
294: -- p_steps_left := l_dest_step_seq - l_max_step_seq;
295: p_steps_left := Nvl(P_Num_Incr,1) - l_incr;
296: Return;
297: else

Line 298: hr_utility.set_location('max step is marked next',90);

294: -- p_steps_left := l_dest_step_seq - l_max_step_seq;
295: p_steps_left := Nvl(P_Num_Incr,1) - l_incr;
296: Return;
297: else
298: hr_utility.set_location('max step is marked next',90);
299: l_dest_step_seq := l_max_step_seq;
300: p_next_step_id := p_ceiling_step_id;
301: Return;
302: end if;

Line 305: hr_utility.set_location('future step is marked next',50);

301: Return;
302: end if;
303: end if;
304: if l_dest_step_seq > l_fut_step_seq and l_fut_grade_spine_id = l_grade_spine_id then
305: hr_utility.set_location('future step is marked next',50);
306: l_dest_step_seq := l_fut_step_seq;
307: p_next_step_id := Step_Rec.Step_Id;
308: Return;
309: end if;

Line 311: hr_utility.set_location(' Incr == Return',100);

307: p_next_step_id := Step_Rec.Step_Id;
308: Return;
309: end if;
310: If l_Incr >= Nvl(P_Num_Incr,1) Then
311: hr_utility.set_location(' Incr == Return',100);
312: Return;
313: Else
314: l_Incr := L_Incr + 1;
315: End If;

Line 322: hr_utility.set_location(' Next Step ' || p_next_step_id ,110);

318: If P_next_step_id is NULL and p_called_from = 'SP' then
319: fnd_message.set_name('PQH','PQH_GSP_LAST_STEP');
320: fnd_message.raise_error;
321: End If;
322: hr_utility.set_location(' Next Step ' || p_next_step_id ,110);
323: If p_next_step_id is NULL Then
324: p_steps_left := Nvl(P_Num_Incr,1);
325: End If;
326: /* if p_steps_left is null then

Line 336: hr_utility.set_location('issue in getting step '||l_dest_step_seq,100);

332: and grade_spine_id = l_grade_spine_id
333: and sequence = l_dest_step_seq;
334: exception
335: when others then
336: hr_utility.set_location('issue in getting step '||l_dest_step_seq,100);
337: raise;
338: end;
339: hr_utility.set_location('next step is'||p_next_step_id,120);
340: else

Line 339: hr_utility.set_location('next step is'||p_next_step_id,120);

335: when others then
336: hr_utility.set_location('issue in getting step '||l_dest_step_seq,100);
337: raise;
338: end;
339: hr_utility.set_location('next step is'||p_next_step_id,120);
340: else
341: hr_utility.set_location('left step '||p_steps_left,130);
342: end if; */
343: end get_result_step;

Line 341: hr_utility.set_location('left step '||p_steps_left,130);

337: raise;
338: end;
339: hr_utility.set_location('next step is'||p_next_step_id,120);
340: else
341: hr_utility.set_location('left step '||p_steps_left,130);
342: end if; */
343: end get_result_step;
345: procedure step_progression(p_effective_date in date,

Line 355: hr_utility.set_location('emp not on step'||p_step_id,5);

351: l_continue boolean := TRUE;
352: l_steps_left number;
353: begin
354: if p_step_id is null then
355: hr_utility.set_location('emp not on step'||p_step_id,5);
356: l_continue := FALSE;
357: fnd_message.set_name('PQH','PQH_GSP_NO_STEP');
358: fnd_message.raise_error;
359: elsif p_step_id = p_ceiling_step_id then

Line 360: hr_utility.set_location('emp on ceiling no step prog'||p_ceiling_step_id,5);

356: l_continue := FALSE;
357: fnd_message.set_name('PQH','PQH_GSP_NO_STEP');
358: fnd_message.raise_error;
359: elsif p_step_id = p_ceiling_step_id then
360: hr_utility.set_location('emp on ceiling no step prog'||p_ceiling_step_id,5);
361: l_continue := FALSE;
362: fnd_message.set_name('PQH','PQH_GSP_CIEL_STEP');
363: fnd_message.raise_error;
364: else

Line 365: hr_utility.set_location('step id is '||p_step_id,10);

361: l_continue := FALSE;
362: fnd_message.set_name('PQH','PQH_GSP_CIEL_STEP');
363: fnd_message.raise_error;
364: else
365: hr_utility.set_location('step id is '||p_step_id,10);
366: hr_utility.set_location('# of incr for person are '||p_num_incr,20);
367: end if;
368: if l_continue then
369: get_result_step(p_step_id => p_step_id,

Line 366: hr_utility.set_location('# of incr for person are '||p_num_incr,20);

362: fnd_message.set_name('PQH','PQH_GSP_CIEL_STEP');
363: fnd_message.raise_error;
364: else
365: hr_utility.set_location('step id is '||p_step_id,10);
366: hr_utility.set_location('# of incr for person are '||p_num_incr,20);
367: end if;
368: if l_continue then
369: get_result_step(p_step_id => p_step_id,
370: p_effective_date => p_effective_date,

Line 377: hr_utility.set_location('next step id is '||p_next_step_id,30);

373: p_num_incr => p_num_incr,
374: p_called_from => 'SP',
375: p_next_step_id => p_next_step_id,
376: p_steps_left => l_steps_left);
377: hr_utility.set_location('next step id is '||p_next_step_id,30);
378: end if;
379: end step_progression;
380: function is_grade_in_gl(p_grade_id in number,
381: p_gl_id in number,

Line 391: hr_utility.set_location('pl id is '||l_pl_id,10);

387: l_pl_id := pqh_gsp_hr_to_stage.get_plan_for_grade
388: (p_grade_id => p_grade_id,
389: p_effective_date => p_effective_date);
390: if l_pl_id is not null then
391: hr_utility.set_location('pl id is '||l_pl_id,10);
392: begin
393: select ordr_num
394: into l_ordr_num
395: from ben_plip_f

Line 399: hr_utility.set_location('ordr num is '||l_ordr_num,20);

395: from ben_plip_f
396: where pgm_id = p_gl_id
397: and p_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date
398: and pl_id = l_pl_id;
399: hr_utility.set_location('ordr num is '||l_ordr_num,20);
400: return l_ordr_num;
401: exception
402: when no_data_found then
403: hr_utility.set_location('plan is not in GL'||l_pl_id,10);

Line 403: hr_utility.set_location('plan is not in GL'||l_pl_id,10);

399: hr_utility.set_location('ordr num is '||l_ordr_num,20);
400: return l_ordr_num;
401: exception
402: when no_data_found then
403: hr_utility.set_location('plan is not in GL'||l_pl_id,10);
404: return l_ordr_num;
405: when others then
406: hr_utility.set_location('issue in getting plips'||l_pl_id,10);
407: raise;

Line 406: hr_utility.set_location('issue in getting plips'||l_pl_id,10);

402: when no_data_found then
403: hr_utility.set_location('plan is not in GL'||l_pl_id,10);
404: return l_ordr_num;
405: when others then
406: hr_utility.set_location('issue in getting plips'||l_pl_id,10);
407: raise;
408: end;
409: else
410: return l_ordr_num;

Line 424: hr_utility.set_location('checking step ',10);

420: begin
421: -- the idea of this function is to check whether current step is higher than next step
422: -- if both the steps belong to the grade spine then only we will be returning something
423: -- otherwise
424: hr_utility.set_location('checking step ',10);
425: if p_cur_step_id = p_next_step_id then
426: hr_utility.set_location('same step being compared',15);
427: return 'SAME';
428: else

Line 426: hr_utility.set_location('same step being compared',15);

422: -- if both the steps belong to the grade spine then only we will be returning something
423: -- otherwise
424: hr_utility.set_location('checking step ',10);
425: if p_cur_step_id = p_next_step_id then
426: hr_utility.set_location('same step being compared',15);
427: return 'SAME';
428: else
429: hr_utility.set_location('different steps ',18);
430: get_step_seq(p_step_id => p_cur_step_id,

Line 429: hr_utility.set_location('different steps ',18);

425: if p_cur_step_id = p_next_step_id then
426: hr_utility.set_location('same step being compared',15);
427: return 'SAME';
428: else
429: hr_utility.set_location('different steps ',18);
430: get_step_seq(p_step_id => p_cur_step_id,
431: p_effective_date => p_effective_date,
432: p_step_seq => l_cur_step_seq,
433: p_grade_spine_id => l_cur_grade_spine_id);

Line 434: hr_utility.set_location('cur step seq is '||l_cur_step_seq,20);

430: get_step_seq(p_step_id => p_cur_step_id,
431: p_effective_date => p_effective_date,
432: p_step_seq => l_cur_step_seq,
433: p_grade_spine_id => l_cur_grade_spine_id);
434: hr_utility.set_location('cur step seq is '||l_cur_step_seq,20);
435: hr_utility.set_location('cur step GS is '||l_cur_grade_spine_id,25);
436: get_step_seq(p_step_id => p_next_step_id,
437: p_effective_date => p_effective_date,
438: p_step_seq => l_next_step_seq,

Line 435: hr_utility.set_location('cur step GS is '||l_cur_grade_spine_id,25);

431: p_effective_date => p_effective_date,
432: p_step_seq => l_cur_step_seq,
433: p_grade_spine_id => l_cur_grade_spine_id);
434: hr_utility.set_location('cur step seq is '||l_cur_step_seq,20);
435: hr_utility.set_location('cur step GS is '||l_cur_grade_spine_id,25);
436: get_step_seq(p_step_id => p_next_step_id,
437: p_effective_date => p_effective_date,
438: p_step_seq => l_next_step_seq,
439: p_grade_spine_id => l_next_grade_spine_id);

Line 440: hr_utility.set_location('next step seq is '||l_next_step_seq,30);

436: get_step_seq(p_step_id => p_next_step_id,
437: p_effective_date => p_effective_date,
438: p_step_seq => l_next_step_seq,
439: p_grade_spine_id => l_next_grade_spine_id);
440: hr_utility.set_location('next step seq is '||l_next_step_seq,30);
441: hr_utility.set_location('next step GS is '||l_next_grade_spine_id,35);
442: if l_cur_grade_spine_id <> l_next_grade_spine_id then
443: hr_utility.set_location('steps grade spine not same',40);
444: return 'NO';

Line 441: hr_utility.set_location('next step GS is '||l_next_grade_spine_id,35);

437: p_effective_date => p_effective_date,
438: p_step_seq => l_next_step_seq,
439: p_grade_spine_id => l_next_grade_spine_id);
440: hr_utility.set_location('next step seq is '||l_next_step_seq,30);
441: hr_utility.set_location('next step GS is '||l_next_grade_spine_id,35);
442: if l_cur_grade_spine_id <> l_next_grade_spine_id then
443: hr_utility.set_location('steps grade spine not same',40);
444: return 'NO';
445: else

Line 443: hr_utility.set_location('steps grade spine not same',40);

439: p_grade_spine_id => l_next_grade_spine_id);
440: hr_utility.set_location('next step seq is '||l_next_step_seq,30);
441: hr_utility.set_location('next step GS is '||l_next_grade_spine_id,35);
442: if l_cur_grade_spine_id <> l_next_grade_spine_id then
443: hr_utility.set_location('steps grade spine not same',40);
444: return 'NO';
445: else
446: hr_utility.set_location('same grade spine ',50);
447: if l_next_step_seq > l_cur_step_seq then

Line 446: hr_utility.set_location('same grade spine ',50);

442: if l_cur_grade_spine_id <> l_next_grade_spine_id then
443: hr_utility.set_location('steps grade spine not same',40);
444: return 'NO';
445: else
446: hr_utility.set_location('same grade spine ',50);
447: if l_next_step_seq > l_cur_step_seq then
448: hr_utility.set_location('next step is higher',60);
449: return 'YES';
450: else

Line 448: hr_utility.set_location('next step is higher',60);

444: return 'NO';
445: else
446: hr_utility.set_location('same grade spine ',50);
447: if l_next_step_seq > l_cur_step_seq then
448: hr_utility.set_location('next step is higher',60);
449: return 'YES';
450: else
451: hr_utility.set_location('cur step is higher',70);
452: return 'NO_LOWER';

Line 451: hr_utility.set_location('cur step is higher',70);

447: if l_next_step_seq > l_cur_step_seq then
448: hr_utility.set_location('next step is higher',60);
449: return 'YES';
450: else
451: hr_utility.set_location('cur step is higher',70);
452: return 'NO_LOWER';
453: end if;
454: end if;
455: end if;

Line 473: hr_utility.set_location('inside next_asg_grade_step',10);

469: from per_spinal_point_placements_f
470: where assignment_id = p_assignment_id
471: and l_asg_check_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
472: begin
473: hr_utility.set_location('inside next_asg_grade_step',10);
474: l_asg_check_date := p_cur_asg_eed + 1;
475: open csr_asgs;
476: fetch csr_asgs into p_future_grade_id;
477: if csr_asgs%found then

Line 478: hr_utility.set_location('future grd found '||p_future_grade_id,20);

474: l_asg_check_date := p_cur_asg_eed + 1;
475: open csr_asgs;
476: fetch csr_asgs into p_future_grade_id;
477: if csr_asgs%found then
478: hr_utility.set_location('future grd found '||p_future_grade_id,20);
479: close csr_asgs;
480: open csr_spps;
481: fetch csr_spps into p_future_step_id;
482: if csr_spps%found then

Line 483: hr_utility.set_location('future step found '||p_future_step_id,40);

479: close csr_asgs;
480: open csr_spps;
481: fetch csr_spps into p_future_step_id;
482: if csr_spps%found then
483: hr_utility.set_location('future step found '||p_future_step_id,40);
484: close csr_spps;
485: else
486: hr_utility.set_location('no step found ',50);
487: close csr_spps;

Line 486: hr_utility.set_location('no step found ',50);

482: if csr_spps%found then
483: hr_utility.set_location('future step found '||p_future_step_id,40);
484: close csr_spps;
485: else
486: hr_utility.set_location('no step found ',50);
487: close csr_spps;
488: end if;
489: else
490: hr_utility.set_location('no grade found ',60);

Line 490: hr_utility.set_location('no grade found ',60);

486: hr_utility.set_location('no step found ',50);
487: close csr_spps;
488: end if;
489: else
490: hr_utility.set_location('no grade found ',60);
491: close csr_asgs;
492: end if;
493: end next_asg_grade_step;
494: function get_default_step(p_next_grade_id in number,

Line 502: hr_utility.set_location('inside get_default_step',10);

498: l_next_step_id number;
499: l_cur_sal number;
500: begin
501: -- next garde is passed and we have to get step which meets the code
502: hr_utility.set_location('inside get_default_step',10);
503: if p_dflt_step_cd = 'MINSTEP' then
504: hr_utility.set_location('1st step is required',20);
505: l_next_step_id := get_next_step(p_grade_id => p_next_grade_id,
506: p_effective_date => p_effective_date);

Line 504: hr_utility.set_location('1st step is required',20);

500: begin
501: -- next garde is passed and we have to get step which meets the code
502: hr_utility.set_location('inside get_default_step',10);
503: if p_dflt_step_cd = 'MINSTEP' then
504: hr_utility.set_location('1st step is required',20);
505: l_next_step_id := get_next_step(p_grade_id => p_next_grade_id,
506: p_effective_date => p_effective_date);
507: hr_utility.set_location('1st step is '||l_next_step_id,30);
508: elsif p_dflt_step_cd = 'MINSALINCR' then

Line 507: hr_utility.set_location('1st step is '||l_next_step_id,30);

503: if p_dflt_step_cd = 'MINSTEP' then
504: hr_utility.set_location('1st step is required',20);
505: l_next_step_id := get_next_step(p_grade_id => p_next_grade_id,
506: p_effective_date => p_effective_date);
507: hr_utility.set_location('1st step is '||l_next_step_id,30);
508: elsif p_dflt_step_cd = 'MINSALINCR' then
509: hr_utility.set_location('min sal incr step is required',40);
510: l_cur_sal := get_annual_sal(p_assignment_id => p_assignment_id,
511: p_effective_date => p_effective_date);

Line 509: hr_utility.set_location('min sal incr step is required',40);

505: l_next_step_id := get_next_step(p_grade_id => p_next_grade_id,
506: p_effective_date => p_effective_date);
507: hr_utility.set_location('1st step is '||l_next_step_id,30);
508: elsif p_dflt_step_cd = 'MINSALINCR' then
509: hr_utility.set_location('min sal incr step is required',40);
510: l_cur_sal := get_annual_sal(p_assignment_id => p_assignment_id,
511: p_effective_date => p_effective_date);
512: hr_utility.set_location('cur sal is '||l_cur_sal,45);
513: l_next_step_id := get_lowest_sal_incr_step(p_cur_sal => l_cur_sal,

Line 512: hr_utility.set_location('cur sal is '||l_cur_sal,45);

508: elsif p_dflt_step_cd = 'MINSALINCR' then
509: hr_utility.set_location('min sal incr step is required',40);
510: l_cur_sal := get_annual_sal(p_assignment_id => p_assignment_id,
511: p_effective_date => p_effective_date);
512: hr_utility.set_location('cur sal is '||l_cur_sal,45);
513: l_next_step_id := get_lowest_sal_incr_step(p_cur_sal => l_cur_sal,
514: p_grade_id => p_next_grade_id,
515: p_effective_date => p_effective_date,
516: P_Assignment_id => P_Assignment_id);

Line 517: hr_utility.set_location('step is '||l_next_step_id,50);

513: l_next_step_id := get_lowest_sal_incr_step(p_cur_sal => l_cur_sal,
514: p_grade_id => p_next_grade_id,
515: p_effective_date => p_effective_date,
516: P_Assignment_id => P_Assignment_id);
517: hr_utility.set_location('step is '||l_next_step_id,50);
518: elsif p_dflt_step_cd = 'NOSTEP' then
519: hr_utility.set_location('no step is required,pass null',60);
520: l_next_step_id := get_next_step(p_grade_id => p_next_grade_id,
521: p_effective_date => p_effective_date);

Line 519: hr_utility.set_location('no step is required,pass null',60);

515: p_effective_date => p_effective_date,
516: P_Assignment_id => P_Assignment_id);
517: hr_utility.set_location('step is '||l_next_step_id,50);
518: elsif p_dflt_step_cd = 'NOSTEP' then
519: hr_utility.set_location('no step is required,pass null',60);
520: l_next_step_id := get_next_step(p_grade_id => p_next_grade_id,
521: p_effective_date => p_effective_date);
522: If l_next_step_id is NOT NULL then
523: l_next_step_id := NULL;

Line 530: hr_utility.set_location('invalid step_cd ',70);

526: fnd_message.raise_error;
527: End If;
529: else
530: hr_utility.set_location('invalid step_cd ',70);
531: l_next_step_id := -1;
532: end if;
533: return l_next_step_id;
534: end get_default_step;

Line 541: hr_utility.set_location('inside get_sal_for_step',10);

537: l_point_id number;
538: l_option_id number;
539: l_step_rate number;
540: begin
541: hr_utility.set_location('inside get_sal_for_step',10);
542: l_point_id := pqh_gsp_hr_to_stage.get_point_for_step
543: (p_step_id => p_step_id,
544: p_effective_date => p_effective_date);
545: hr_utility.set_location('point is '||l_point_id,20);

Line 545: hr_utility.set_location('point is '||l_point_id,20);

541: hr_utility.set_location('inside get_sal_for_step',10);
542: l_point_id := pqh_gsp_hr_to_stage.get_point_for_step
543: (p_step_id => p_step_id,
544: p_effective_date => p_effective_date);
545: hr_utility.set_location('point is '||l_point_id,20);
546: if l_point_id is not null then
547: l_option_id := pqh_gsp_hr_to_stage.get_opt_for_point
548: (p_point_id => l_point_id,
549: p_effective_date => p_effective_date);

Line 550: hr_utility.set_location('opt is '||l_option_id,30);

546: if l_point_id is not null then
547: l_option_id := pqh_gsp_hr_to_stage.get_opt_for_point
548: (p_point_id => l_point_id,
549: p_effective_date => p_effective_date);
550: hr_utility.set_location('opt is '||l_option_id,30);
551: if l_option_id is not null then
552: hr_utility.set_location('going for point rate '||l_option_id,35);
553: pqh_gsp_hr_to_stage.get_point_rate_values
554: (p_effective_date => p_effective_date,

Line 552: hr_utility.set_location('going for point rate '||l_option_id,35);

548: (p_point_id => l_point_id,
549: p_effective_date => p_effective_date);
550: hr_utility.set_location('opt is '||l_option_id,30);
551: if l_option_id is not null then
552: hr_utility.set_location('going for point rate '||l_option_id,35);
553: pqh_gsp_hr_to_stage.get_point_rate_values
554: (p_effective_date => p_effective_date,
555: p_opt_id => l_option_id,
556: p_point_id => l_point_id,

Line 558: hr_utility.set_location('step sal is '||l_step_rate,40);

554: (p_effective_date => p_effective_date,
555: p_opt_id => l_option_id,
556: p_point_id => l_point_id,
557: p_point_value => l_step_rate);
558: hr_utility.set_location('step sal is '||l_step_rate,40);
559: else
560: hr_utility.set_location('opt is null ',50);
561: end if;
562: else

Line 560: hr_utility.set_location('opt is null ',50);

556: p_point_id => l_point_id,
557: p_point_value => l_step_rate);
558: hr_utility.set_location('step sal is '||l_step_rate,40);
559: else
560: hr_utility.set_location('opt is null ',50);
561: end if;
562: else
563: hr_utility.set_location('point is null ',60);
564: end if;

Line 563: hr_utility.set_location('point is null ',60);

559: else
560: hr_utility.set_location('opt is null ',50);
561: end if;
562: else
563: hr_utility.set_location('point is null ',60);
564: end if;
565: return l_step_rate;
566: end get_sal_for_step;
567: function get_next_oipl(p_oipl_id in number,

Line 573: hr_utility.set_location('getting next oipl'||p_oipl_id,10);

569: l_step_id number;
570: l_next_step_id number;
571: l_next_oipl_id number;
572: begin
573: hr_utility.set_location('getting next oipl'||p_oipl_id,10);
574: l_step_id := pqh_gsp_hr_to_stage.get_step_for_oipl(p_oipl_id => p_oipl_id,
575: p_effective_date => p_effective_date);
576: hr_utility.set_location('step is'||l_step_id,20);
577: l_next_step_id := get_next_step(p_step_id => l_step_id,

Line 576: hr_utility.set_location('step is'||l_step_id,20);

572: begin
573: hr_utility.set_location('getting next oipl'||p_oipl_id,10);
574: l_step_id := pqh_gsp_hr_to_stage.get_step_for_oipl(p_oipl_id => p_oipl_id,
575: p_effective_date => p_effective_date);
576: hr_utility.set_location('step is'||l_step_id,20);
577: l_next_step_id := get_next_step(p_step_id => l_step_id,
578: p_effective_date => p_effective_date);
579: hr_utility.set_location('next step is'||l_next_step_id,30);
580: if nvl(l_next_step_id,0) > 0 then

Line 579: hr_utility.set_location('next step is'||l_next_step_id,30);

575: p_effective_date => p_effective_date);
576: hr_utility.set_location('step is'||l_step_id,20);
577: l_next_step_id := get_next_step(p_step_id => l_step_id,
578: p_effective_date => p_effective_date);
579: hr_utility.set_location('next step is'||l_next_step_id,30);
580: if nvl(l_next_step_id,0) > 0 then
581: l_next_oipl_id := pqh_gsp_hr_to_stage.get_oipl_for_step(p_step_id => l_next_step_id,
582: p_effective_date => p_effective_date);
583: else

Line 586: hr_utility.set_location('next oipl is'||l_next_oipl_id,40);

582: p_effective_date => p_effective_date);
583: else
584: l_next_oipl_id := l_next_step_id;
585: end if;
586: hr_utility.set_location('next oipl is'||l_next_oipl_id,40);
587: return l_next_oipl_id;
588: end get_next_oipl;
589: function get_next_step(p_grade_id in number default null,
590: p_step_id in number default null,

Line 609: hr_utility.set_location('getting next step',10);

605: -- this routine will return null if the step is the topmost
606: -- (-1) if the step is not valid
607: -- else next step for the grade will be returned
608: --
609: hr_utility.set_location('getting next step',10);
610: if p_step_id is null and p_grade_id is null then
611: hr_utility.set_location('grade and step passed null'||p_grade_id,12);
612: return l_next_step_id;
613: end if;

Line 611: hr_utility.set_location('grade and step passed null'||p_grade_id,12);

607: -- else next step for the grade will be returned
608: --
609: hr_utility.set_location('getting next step',10);
610: if p_step_id is null and p_grade_id is null then
611: hr_utility.set_location('grade and step passed null'||p_grade_id,12);
612: return l_next_step_id;
613: end if;
614: if p_step_id is null then
615: hr_utility.set_location('getting 1st step of grade'||p_grade_id,20);

Line 615: hr_utility.set_location('getting 1st step of grade'||p_grade_id,20);

611: hr_utility.set_location('grade and step passed null'||p_grade_id,12);
612: return l_next_step_id;
613: end if;
614: if p_step_id is null then
615: hr_utility.set_location('getting 1st step of grade'||p_grade_id,20);
616: begin
617: select grade_spine_id
618: into l_grade_spine_id
619: from per_grade_spines_f

Line 622: hr_utility.set_location('grade spine is '||l_grade_spine_id,25);

618: into l_grade_spine_id
619: from per_grade_spines_f
620: where grade_id = p_grade_id
621: and p_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
622: hr_utility.set_location('grade spine is '||l_grade_spine_id,25);
623: l_seq := 0;
624: exception
625: when no_data_found then
626: hr_utility.set_location('grade doesnot have spine',30);

Line 626: hr_utility.set_location('grade doesnot have spine',30);

622: hr_utility.set_location('grade spine is '||l_grade_spine_id,25);
623: l_seq := 0;
624: exception
625: when no_data_found then
626: hr_utility.set_location('grade doesnot have spine',30);
627: return l_next_step_id;
628: when others then
629: hr_utility.set_location('issues in getting gradespine ',35);
630: raise;

Line 629: hr_utility.set_location('issues in getting gradespine ',35);

625: when no_data_found then
626: hr_utility.set_location('grade doesnot have spine',30);
627: return l_next_step_id;
628: when others then
629: hr_utility.set_location('issues in getting gradespine ',35);
630: raise;
631: end;
632: else
633: hr_utility.set_location('p_step_id is '||p_step_id,36);

Line 633: hr_utility.set_location('p_step_id is '||p_step_id,36);

629: hr_utility.set_location('issues in getting gradespine ',35);
630: raise;
631: end;
632: else
633: hr_utility.set_location('p_step_id is '||p_step_id,36);
634: get_step_seq(p_step_id => p_step_id,
635: p_effective_date => p_effective_date,
636: p_step_seq => l_seq,
637: p_grade_spine_id => l_grade_spine_id);

Line 639: hr_utility.set_location('seq is '||l_seq,40);

635: p_effective_date => p_effective_date,
636: p_step_seq => l_seq,
637: p_grade_spine_id => l_grade_spine_id);
638: end if;
639: hr_utility.set_location('seq is '||l_seq,40);
640: begin
641: open csr_steps;
642: fetch csr_steps into l_next_step_id,l_next_seq;
643: if csr_steps%notfound then

Line 645: hr_utility.set_location('current step was on top',50);

641: open csr_steps;
642: fetch csr_steps into l_next_step_id,l_next_seq;
643: if csr_steps%notfound then
644: close csr_steps;
645: hr_utility.set_location('current step was on top',50);
646: else
647: close csr_steps;
648: hr_utility.set_location('next step found '||l_next_step_id,60);
649: hr_utility.set_location('next step seq '||l_next_seq,70);

Line 648: hr_utility.set_location('next step found '||l_next_step_id,60);

644: close csr_steps;
645: hr_utility.set_location('current step was on top',50);
646: else
647: close csr_steps;
648: hr_utility.set_location('next step found '||l_next_step_id,60);
649: hr_utility.set_location('next step seq '||l_next_seq,70);
650: end if;
651: exception
652: when others then

Line 649: hr_utility.set_location('next step seq '||l_next_seq,70);

645: hr_utility.set_location('current step was on top',50);
646: else
647: close csr_steps;
648: hr_utility.set_location('next step found '||l_next_step_id,60);
649: hr_utility.set_location('next step seq '||l_next_seq,70);
650: end if;
651: exception
652: when others then
653: hr_utility.set_location('issues in getting step seq',80);

Line 653: hr_utility.set_location('issues in getting step seq',80);

649: hr_utility.set_location('next step seq '||l_next_seq,70);
650: end if;
651: exception
652: when others then
653: hr_utility.set_location('issues in getting step seq',80);
654: raise;
655: end;
656: hr_utility.set_location('next step is'||l_next_step_id,100);
657: return l_next_step_id;

Line 656: hr_utility.set_location('next step is'||l_next_step_id,100);

652: when others then
653: hr_utility.set_location('issues in getting step seq',80);
654: raise;
655: end;
656: hr_utility.set_location('next step is'||l_next_step_id,100);
657: return l_next_step_id;
658: end get_next_step;
659: function get_next_grade(p_grade_id in number,
660: p_gl_id in number,

Line 666: hr_utility.set_location('getting next grade'||p_grade_id,10);

662: l_pl_id number;
663: l_next_pl_id number;
664: l_next_grade_id number;
665: begin
666: hr_utility.set_location('getting next grade'||p_grade_id,10);
667: l_pl_id := pqh_gsp_hr_to_stage.get_plan_for_grade
668: (p_grade_id => p_grade_id,
669: p_effective_date => p_effective_date);
670: hr_utility.set_location('plan is'||l_pl_id,20);

Line 670: hr_utility.set_location('plan is'||l_pl_id,20);

666: hr_utility.set_location('getting next grade'||p_grade_id,10);
667: l_pl_id := pqh_gsp_hr_to_stage.get_plan_for_grade
668: (p_grade_id => p_grade_id,
669: p_effective_date => p_effective_date);
670: hr_utility.set_location('plan is'||l_pl_id,20);
671: if l_pl_id is null then
672: hr_utility.set_location('grade not linked '||p_grade_id,20);
673: return l_next_grade_id;
674: else

Line 672: hr_utility.set_location('grade not linked '||p_grade_id,20);

668: (p_grade_id => p_grade_id,
669: p_effective_date => p_effective_date);
670: hr_utility.set_location('plan is'||l_pl_id,20);
671: if l_pl_id is null then
672: hr_utility.set_location('grade not linked '||p_grade_id,20);
673: return l_next_grade_id;
674: else
675: l_next_pl_id := get_next_plan(p_pl_id => l_pl_id,
676: p_gl_id => p_gl_id,

Line 678: hr_utility.set_location('next plan is'||l_next_pl_id,30);

674: else
675: l_next_pl_id := get_next_plan(p_pl_id => l_pl_id,
676: p_gl_id => p_gl_id,
677: p_effective_date => p_effective_date);
678: hr_utility.set_location('next plan is'||l_next_pl_id,30);
679: if nvl(l_next_pl_id,0) > 0 then
680: l_next_grade_id := pqh_gsp_hr_to_stage.get_grade_for_plan
681: (p_plan_id => l_next_pl_id,
682: p_effective_date => p_effective_date);

Line 687: hr_utility.set_location('next grade is'||l_next_grade_id,40);

683: else
684: l_next_grade_id := l_next_pl_id;
685: end if;
686: end if;
687: hr_utility.set_location('next grade is'||l_next_grade_id,40);
688: return l_next_grade_id;
689: end get_next_grade;
690: function get_next_plan(p_pl_id in number,
691: p_gl_id in number,

Line 711: hr_utility.set_location('getting next plan',10);

707: -- this routine will return null if the plan is the topmost
708: -- (-1) if the pl is not in GL
709: -- else next plan will be returned
710: --
711: hr_utility.set_location('getting next plan',10);
712: begin
713: select plip_id,ordr_num
714: into l_plip_id,l_ordr_num
715: from ben_plip_f

Line 720: hr_utility.set_location('ordr num is '||l_ordr_num,20);

716: where pgm_id = p_gl_id
717: and p_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date
718: and plip_stat_cd ='A'
719: and pl_id = p_pl_id;
720: hr_utility.set_location('ordr num is '||l_ordr_num,20);
721: exception
722: when no_data_found then
723: hr_utility.set_location('plan is not linked to pgm',30);
724: l_next_pl_id := -1;

Line 723: hr_utility.set_location('plan is not linked to pgm',30);

719: and pl_id = p_pl_id;
720: hr_utility.set_location('ordr num is '||l_ordr_num,20);
721: exception
722: when no_data_found then
723: hr_utility.set_location('plan is not linked to pgm',30);
724: l_next_pl_id := -1;
725: when others then
726: hr_utility.set_location('issues in getting plan ordr_num',10);
727: raise;

Line 726: hr_utility.set_location('issues in getting plan ordr_num',10);

722: when no_data_found then
723: hr_utility.set_location('plan is not linked to pgm',30);
724: l_next_pl_id := -1;
725: when others then
726: hr_utility.set_location('issues in getting plan ordr_num',10);
727: raise;
728: end;
729: hr_utility.set_location('ordr num is '||l_ordr_num,40);
730: begin

Line 729: hr_utility.set_location('ordr num is '||l_ordr_num,40);

725: when others then
726: hr_utility.set_location('issues in getting plan ordr_num',10);
727: raise;
728: end;
729: hr_utility.set_location('ordr num is '||l_ordr_num,40);
730: begin
731: open csr_plips;
732: fetch csr_plips into l_next_pl_id,l_next_ordr_num;
733: if csr_plips%notfound then

Line 735: hr_utility.set_location('current pl was on top',50);

731: open csr_plips;
732: fetch csr_plips into l_next_pl_id,l_next_ordr_num;
733: if csr_plips%notfound then
734: close csr_plips;
735: hr_utility.set_location('current pl was on top',50);
736: else
737: close csr_plips;
738: hr_utility.set_location('next pl found '||l_next_pl_id,60);
739: hr_utility.set_location('next pl ordr_num '||l_next_ordr_num,70);

Line 738: hr_utility.set_location('next pl found '||l_next_pl_id,60);

734: close csr_plips;
735: hr_utility.set_location('current pl was on top',50);
736: else
737: close csr_plips;
738: hr_utility.set_location('next pl found '||l_next_pl_id,60);
739: hr_utility.set_location('next pl ordr_num '||l_next_ordr_num,70);
740: end if;
741: exception
742: when others then

Line 739: hr_utility.set_location('next pl ordr_num '||l_next_ordr_num,70);

735: hr_utility.set_location('current pl was on top',50);
736: else
737: close csr_plips;
738: hr_utility.set_location('next pl found '||l_next_pl_id,60);
739: hr_utility.set_location('next pl ordr_num '||l_next_ordr_num,70);
740: end if;
741: exception
742: when others then
743: hr_utility.set_location('issues in getting plan ordr_num',10);

Line 743: hr_utility.set_location('issues in getting plan ordr_num',10);

739: hr_utility.set_location('next pl ordr_num '||l_next_ordr_num,70);
740: end if;
741: exception
742: when others then
743: hr_utility.set_location('issues in getting plan ordr_num',10);
744: raise;
745: end;
746: hr_utility.set_location('next plan is'||l_next_pl_id,100);
747: return l_next_pl_id;

Line 746: hr_utility.set_location('next plan is'||l_next_pl_id,100);

742: when others then
743: hr_utility.set_location('issues in getting plan ordr_num',10);
744: raise;
745: end;
746: hr_utility.set_location('next plan is'||l_next_pl_id,100);
747: return l_next_pl_id;
748: end get_next_plan;
749: procedure get_default_progression(p_per_in_ler_id in number,
750: p_effective_date in date,

Line 793: hr_utility.set_location('inside def prog'||p_per_in_ler_id,5);

789: l_curr_grd_gl_ordr_num number;
790: l_electbl_chc_id number;
791: l_starting_step number;
792: begin
793: hr_utility.set_location('inside def prog'||p_per_in_ler_id,5);
794: l_assignment_id := get_asg_for_pil(p_per_in_ler_id => p_per_in_ler_id,
795: p_effective_date => p_effective_date);
796: hr_utility.set_location('asg is '||l_assignment_id,6);
797: open csr_asg_rec;

Line 796: hr_utility.set_location('asg is '||l_assignment_id,6);

792: begin
793: hr_utility.set_location('inside def prog'||p_per_in_ler_id,5);
794: l_assignment_id := get_asg_for_pil(p_per_in_ler_id => p_per_in_ler_id,
795: p_effective_date => p_effective_date);
796: hr_utility.set_location('asg is '||l_assignment_id,6);
797: open csr_asg_rec;
798: fetch csr_asg_rec into l_asg_esd,l_asg_eed,l_gl_id,l_grade_id,l_spl_ceiling_id,l_bg_id;
799: if csr_asg_rec%notfound then
800: close csr_asg_rec;

Line 802: hr_utility.set_location('Assignment invalid'||l_assignment_id,10);

798: fetch csr_asg_rec into l_asg_esd,l_asg_eed,l_gl_id,l_grade_id,l_spl_ceiling_id,l_bg_id;
799: if csr_asg_rec%notfound then
800: close csr_asg_rec;
801: l_continue := FALSE;
802: hr_utility.set_location('Assignment invalid'||l_assignment_id,10);
803: else
804: close csr_asg_rec;
805: hr_utility.set_location('Assignment is valid'||l_assignment_id,11);
806: if l_grade_id is not null then

Line 805: hr_utility.set_location('Assignment is valid'||l_assignment_id,11);

801: l_continue := FALSE;
802: hr_utility.set_location('Assignment invalid'||l_assignment_id,10);
803: else
804: close csr_asg_rec;
805: hr_utility.set_location('Assignment is valid'||l_assignment_id,11);
806: if l_grade_id is not null then
807: hr_utility.set_location('grade is'||l_grade_id,20);
808: l_plan_id := pqh_gsp_hr_to_stage.get_plan_for_grade
809: (p_grade_id => l_grade_id,

Line 807: hr_utility.set_location('grade is'||l_grade_id,20);

803: else
804: close csr_asg_rec;
805: hr_utility.set_location('Assignment is valid'||l_assignment_id,11);
806: if l_grade_id is not null then
807: hr_utility.set_location('grade is'||l_grade_id,20);
808: l_plan_id := pqh_gsp_hr_to_stage.get_plan_for_grade
809: (p_grade_id => l_grade_id,
810: p_effective_date => p_effective_date);
811: hr_utility.set_location('plan is'||l_plan_id,30);

Line 811: hr_utility.set_location('plan is'||l_plan_id,30);

807: hr_utility.set_location('grade is'||l_grade_id,20);
808: l_plan_id := pqh_gsp_hr_to_stage.get_plan_for_grade
809: (p_grade_id => l_grade_id,
810: p_effective_date => p_effective_date);
811: hr_utility.set_location('plan is'||l_plan_id,30);
812: if l_plan_id is null then
813: l_continue := FALSE;
814: fnd_message.set_name('PQH','PQH_GSP_PLN_NOTLNKD_TO_GRD');
815: fnd_message.raise_error;

Line 818: hr_utility.set_location('grade is'||l_grade_id,40);

814: fnd_message.set_name('PQH','PQH_GSP_PLN_NOTLNKD_TO_GRD');
815: fnd_message.raise_error;
816: end if;
817: else
818: hr_utility.set_location('grade is'||l_grade_id,40);
819: l_continue := FALSE;
820: fnd_message.set_name('PQH','PQH_GSP_GRDNOTLNKD_ASSGT');
821: fnd_message.raise_error;
822: end if;

Line 825: hr_utility.set_location('Assignment on GL'||l_gl_id,50);

821: fnd_message.raise_error;
822: end if;
823: if l_continue then
824: if l_gl_id is not null then
825: hr_utility.set_location('Assignment on GL'||l_gl_id,50);
826: else
827: hr_utility.set_location('Assignment not on GL'||l_assignment_id,60);
828: -- is assignment on default GL.
829: l_def_gl := get_default_gl(p_effective_date => p_effective_date,

Line 827: hr_utility.set_location('Assignment not on GL'||l_assignment_id,60);

823: if l_continue then
824: if l_gl_id is not null then
825: hr_utility.set_location('Assignment on GL'||l_gl_id,50);
826: else
827: hr_utility.set_location('Assignment not on GL'||l_assignment_id,60);
828: -- is assignment on default GL.
829: l_def_gl := get_default_gl(p_effective_date => p_effective_date,
830: p_business_group_id => l_bg_id);
831: if l_def_gl is not null then

Line 832: hr_utility.set_location('def GL'||l_def_gl,70);

828: -- is assignment on default GL.
829: l_def_gl := get_default_gl(p_effective_date => p_effective_date,
830: p_business_group_id => l_bg_id);
831: if l_def_gl is not null then
832: hr_utility.set_location('def GL'||l_def_gl,70);
833: l_curr_grd_gl_ordr_num := is_grade_in_gl(p_grade_id => l_grade_id,
834: p_gl_id => l_def_gl,
835: p_effective_date => p_effective_date);
836: if l_curr_grd_gl_ordr_num is not null then

Line 837: hr_utility.set_location('asg on def GL',80);

833: l_curr_grd_gl_ordr_num := is_grade_in_gl(p_grade_id => l_grade_id,
834: p_gl_id => l_def_gl,
835: p_effective_date => p_effective_date);
836: if l_curr_grd_gl_ordr_num is not null then
837: hr_utility.set_location('asg on def GL',80);
838: l_gl_id := l_def_gl;
839: else
840: l_continue := FALSE;
841: fnd_message.set_name('PQH','PQH_GSP_GRD_ORDNUM_NOTFND');

Line 845: hr_utility.set_location('def GL not there',80);

841: fnd_message.set_name('PQH','PQH_GSP_GRD_ORDNUM_NOTFND');
842: fnd_message.raise_error;
843: end if;
844: else
845: hr_utility.set_location('def GL not there',80);
846: l_continue := FALSE;
847: fnd_message.set_name('PQH','PQH_GSP_NO_GRDLDR');
848: fnd_message.raise_error;
849: end if;

Line 860: hr_utility.set_location('Assignment on GL'||l_gl_name,55);

856: p_post_style_cd => l_post_style_cd,
857: p_gl_name => l_gl_name,
858: p_dflt_step_cd => l_dflt_step_cd,
859: p_dflt_step_rl => l_dflt_step_rl);
860: hr_utility.set_location('Assignment on GL'||l_gl_name,55);
861: if l_prog_style_cd in ('PQH_GSP_SP','PQH_GSP_GSP') then
862: get_emp_step_placement(p_assignment_id => l_assignment_id,
863: p_effective_date => p_effective_date,
864: p_emp_step_id => l_step_id,

Line 866: hr_utility.set_location('step id is '||l_step_id,55);

862: get_emp_step_placement(p_assignment_id => l_assignment_id,
863: p_effective_date => p_effective_date,
864: p_emp_step_id => l_step_id,
865: p_num_incr => l_num_incr);
866: hr_utility.set_location('step id is '||l_step_id,55);
867: pqh_gsp_hr_to_stage.get_grd_scale_details
868: (p_grade_id => l_grade_id,
869: p_effective_date => p_effective_date,
870: p_scale_id => l_scale_id,

Line 877: hr_utility.set_location('grade is linked to scale'||l_scale_name,95);

873: p_grade_spine_id => l_grade_spine_id ,
874: p_scale_ovn => l_scale_ovn,
875: p_scale_name => l_scale_name,
876: p_starting_step => l_starting_step);
877: hr_utility.set_location('grade is linked to scale'||l_scale_name,95);
878: hr_utility.set_location('ceiling step id is '||l_ceiling_step_id,96);
879: if l_spl_ceiling_id is not null then
880: l_ceiling_step_id := l_spl_ceiling_id;
881: hr_utility.set_location('ceiling step id is '||l_ceiling_step_id,100);

Line 878: hr_utility.set_location('ceiling step id is '||l_ceiling_step_id,96);

874: p_scale_ovn => l_scale_ovn,
875: p_scale_name => l_scale_name,
876: p_starting_step => l_starting_step);
877: hr_utility.set_location('grade is linked to scale'||l_scale_name,95);
878: hr_utility.set_location('ceiling step id is '||l_ceiling_step_id,96);
879: if l_spl_ceiling_id is not null then
880: l_ceiling_step_id := l_spl_ceiling_id;
881: hr_utility.set_location('ceiling step id is '||l_ceiling_step_id,100);
882: end if;

Line 881: hr_utility.set_location('ceiling step id is '||l_ceiling_step_id,100);

877: hr_utility.set_location('grade is linked to scale'||l_scale_name,95);
878: hr_utility.set_location('ceiling step id is '||l_ceiling_step_id,96);
879: if l_spl_ceiling_id is not null then
880: l_ceiling_step_id := l_spl_ceiling_id;
881: hr_utility.set_location('ceiling step id is '||l_ceiling_step_id,100);
882: end if;
883: end if;
884: if l_asg_eed < l_eot then
885: hr_utility.set_location('get future placement ',150);

Line 885: hr_utility.set_location('get future placement ',150);

881: hr_utility.set_location('ceiling step id is '||l_ceiling_step_id,100);
882: end if;
883: end if;
884: if l_asg_eed < l_eot then
885: hr_utility.set_location('get future placement ',150);
886: next_asg_grade_step(p_assignment_id => l_assignment_id,
887: p_cur_asg_eed => l_asg_eed,
888: p_future_grade_id => l_future_grade_id,
889: p_future_step_id => l_future_step_id);

Line 890: hr_utility.set_location('future grade is '||l_future_grade_id,160);

886: next_asg_grade_step(p_assignment_id => l_assignment_id,
887: p_cur_asg_eed => l_asg_eed,
888: p_future_grade_id => l_future_grade_id,
889: p_future_step_id => l_future_step_id);
890: hr_utility.set_location('future grade is '||l_future_grade_id,160);
891: hr_utility.set_location('future step is '||l_future_step_id,170);
892: else
893: hr_utility.set_location('asg is till eot',180);
894: end if;

Line 891: hr_utility.set_location('future step is '||l_future_step_id,170);

887: p_cur_asg_eed => l_asg_eed,
888: p_future_grade_id => l_future_grade_id,
889: p_future_step_id => l_future_step_id);
890: hr_utility.set_location('future grade is '||l_future_grade_id,160);
891: hr_utility.set_location('future step is '||l_future_step_id,170);
892: else
893: hr_utility.set_location('asg is till eot',180);
894: end if;
895: hr_utility.set_location('progr style is '||l_prog_style_cd,190);

Line 893: hr_utility.set_location('asg is till eot',180);

889: p_future_step_id => l_future_step_id);
890: hr_utility.set_location('future grade is '||l_future_grade_id,160);
891: hr_utility.set_location('future step is '||l_future_step_id,170);
892: else
893: hr_utility.set_location('asg is till eot',180);
894: end if;
895: hr_utility.set_location('progr style is '||l_prog_style_cd,190);
896: if l_prog_style_cd ='PQH_GSP_GSP' then
897: grd_step_progression_result(p_grade_id => l_grade_id,

Line 895: hr_utility.set_location('progr style is '||l_prog_style_cd,190);

891: hr_utility.set_location('future step is '||l_future_step_id,170);
892: else
893: hr_utility.set_location('asg is till eot',180);
894: end if;
895: hr_utility.set_location('progr style is '||l_prog_style_cd,190);
896: if l_prog_style_cd ='PQH_GSP_GSP' then
897: grd_step_progression_result(p_grade_id => l_grade_id,
898: p_step_id => l_step_id,
899: p_gl_id => l_gl_id,

Line 922: hr_utility.set_location('invalid prog_style'||l_prog_style_cd,260);

918: p_ceiling_step_id => l_ceiling_step_id,
919: p_future_step_id => l_future_step_id,
920: p_next_step_id => l_next_step_id);
921: else
922: hr_utility.set_location('invalid prog_style'||l_prog_style_cd,260);
923: l_continue := FALSE;
924: fnd_message.set_name('PQH','PQH_GSP_PRGSTYLE_NOT_SET');
925: fnd_message.raise_error;
926: end if;

Line 927: hr_utility.set_location('cur grade is'||l_grade_id,260);

923: l_continue := FALSE;
924: fnd_message.set_name('PQH','PQH_GSP_PRGSTYLE_NOT_SET');
925: fnd_message.raise_error;
926: end if;
927: hr_utility.set_location('cur grade is'||l_grade_id,260);
928: hr_utility.set_location('cur step is'||l_step_id,260);
929: hr_utility.set_location('next grade is'||l_next_grade_id,260);
930: hr_utility.set_location('next step is'||l_next_step_id,260);
931: hr_utility.set_location('future grade is'||l_future_grade_id,260);

Line 928: hr_utility.set_location('cur step is'||l_step_id,260);

924: fnd_message.set_name('PQH','PQH_GSP_PRGSTYLE_NOT_SET');
925: fnd_message.raise_error;
926: end if;
927: hr_utility.set_location('cur grade is'||l_grade_id,260);
928: hr_utility.set_location('cur step is'||l_step_id,260);
929: hr_utility.set_location('next grade is'||l_next_grade_id,260);
930: hr_utility.set_location('next step is'||l_next_step_id,260);
931: hr_utility.set_location('future grade is'||l_future_grade_id,260);
932: hr_utility.set_location('future step is'||l_future_step_id,260);

Line 929: hr_utility.set_location('next grade is'||l_next_grade_id,260);

925: fnd_message.raise_error;
926: end if;
927: hr_utility.set_location('cur grade is'||l_grade_id,260);
928: hr_utility.set_location('cur step is'||l_step_id,260);
929: hr_utility.set_location('next grade is'||l_next_grade_id,260);
930: hr_utility.set_location('next step is'||l_next_step_id,260);
931: hr_utility.set_location('future grade is'||l_future_grade_id,260);
932: hr_utility.set_location('future step is'||l_future_step_id,260);
933: end if;

Line 930: hr_utility.set_location('next step is'||l_next_step_id,260);

926: end if;
927: hr_utility.set_location('cur grade is'||l_grade_id,260);
928: hr_utility.set_location('cur step is'||l_step_id,260);
929: hr_utility.set_location('next grade is'||l_next_grade_id,260);
930: hr_utility.set_location('next step is'||l_next_step_id,260);
931: hr_utility.set_location('future grade is'||l_future_grade_id,260);
932: hr_utility.set_location('future step is'||l_future_step_id,260);
933: end if;
934: if l_next_step_id is null and l_next_grade_id is null then

Line 931: hr_utility.set_location('future grade is'||l_future_grade_id,260);

927: hr_utility.set_location('cur grade is'||l_grade_id,260);
928: hr_utility.set_location('cur step is'||l_step_id,260);
929: hr_utility.set_location('next grade is'||l_next_grade_id,260);
930: hr_utility.set_location('next step is'||l_next_step_id,260);
931: hr_utility.set_location('future grade is'||l_future_grade_id,260);
932: hr_utility.set_location('future step is'||l_future_step_id,260);
933: end if;
934: if l_next_step_id is null and l_next_grade_id is null then
935: l_continue := False;

Line 932: hr_utility.set_location('future step is'||l_future_step_id,260);

928: hr_utility.set_location('cur step is'||l_step_id,260);
929: hr_utility.set_location('next grade is'||l_next_grade_id,260);
930: hr_utility.set_location('next step is'||l_next_step_id,260);
931: hr_utility.set_location('future grade is'||l_future_grade_id,260);
932: hr_utility.set_location('future step is'||l_future_step_id,260);
933: end if;
934: if l_next_step_id is null and l_next_grade_id is null then
935: l_continue := False;
936: end if;

Line 938: hr_utility.set_location('checking elc chc',260);

934: if l_next_step_id is null and l_next_grade_id is null then
935: l_continue := False;
936: end if;
937: if l_continue then
938: hr_utility.set_location('checking elc chc',260);
939: get_electbl_chc(p_per_in_ler_id => p_per_in_ler_id,
940: p_effective_date => p_effective_date,
941: p_grade_id => l_next_grade_id,
942: p_step_id => l_next_step_id,

Line 952: hr_utility.set_location('invalid posting style'||l_post_style_cd,260);

948: elsif l_post_style_cd ='E' then
949: p_return_code := 'D';
950: p_electbl_chc_id := l_electbl_chc_id;
951: else
952: hr_utility.set_location('invalid posting style'||l_post_style_cd,260);
953: end if;
954: else
955: hr_utility.set_location('no electbl chc found ',260);
956: fnd_message.set_name('PQH','PQH_GSP_EMP_NOT_ELGBL');

Line 955: hr_utility.set_location('no electbl chc found ',260);

951: else
952: hr_utility.set_location('invalid posting style'||l_post_style_cd,260);
953: end if;
954: else
955: hr_utility.set_location('no electbl chc found ',260);
956: fnd_message.set_name('PQH','PQH_GSP_EMP_NOT_ELGBL');
957: fnd_message.raise_error;
958: l_continue := False;
959: end if;

Line 974: hr_utility.set_location('topmost grade',260);

970: p_next_grade_id := get_next_grade(p_grade_id => p_grade_id,
971: p_gl_id => p_gl_id,
972: p_effective_date => p_effective_date);
973: if p_next_grade_id is null then
974: hr_utility.set_location('topmost grade',260);
975: fnd_message.set_name('PQH','PQH_GSP_LAST_GRADE');
976: fnd_message.raise_error;
977: elsif p_next_grade_id = -1 then
978: hr_utility.set_location('invalid grd for GL',270);

Line 978: hr_utility.set_location('invalid grd for GL',270);

974: hr_utility.set_location('topmost grade',260);
975: fnd_message.set_name('PQH','PQH_GSP_LAST_GRADE');
976: fnd_message.raise_error;
977: elsif p_next_grade_id = -1 then
978: hr_utility.set_location('invalid grd for GL',270);
979: else
980: hr_utility.set_location('next grade is'||p_next_grade_id,260);
981: end if;
982: end;

Line 980: hr_utility.set_location('next grade is'||p_next_grade_id,260);

976: fnd_message.raise_error;
977: elsif p_next_grade_id = -1 then
978: hr_utility.set_location('invalid grd for GL',270);
979: else
980: hr_utility.set_location('next grade is'||p_next_grade_id,260);
981: end if;
982: end;
984: procedure get_emp_step_placement(p_assignment_id in number,

Line 989: hr_utility.set_location('assignment is'||p_assignment_id,10);

985: p_effective_date in date,
986: p_emp_step_id out nocopy number,
987: p_num_incr out nocopy number) is
988: begin
989: hr_utility.set_location('assignment is'||p_assignment_id,10);
990: select step_id,increment_number
991: into p_emp_step_id,p_num_incr
992: from per_spinal_point_placements_f
993: where assignment_id = p_assignment_id

Line 995: hr_utility.set_location('step is'||p_emp_step_id,15);

991: into p_emp_step_id,p_num_incr
992: from per_spinal_point_placements_f
993: where assignment_id = p_assignment_id
994: and p_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
995: hr_utility.set_location('step is'||p_emp_step_id,15);
996: exception
997: when no_data_found then
998: hr_utility.set_location('assignment doesnot have step'||p_assignment_id,20);
999: when others then

Line 998: hr_utility.set_location('assignment doesnot have step'||p_assignment_id,20);

994: and p_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
995: hr_utility.set_location('step is'||p_emp_step_id,15);
996: exception
997: when no_data_found then
998: hr_utility.set_location('assignment doesnot have step'||p_assignment_id,20);
999: when others then
1000: hr_utility.set_location('issues in getting assignment step'||p_assignment_id,30);
1001: raise;
1002: end get_emp_step_placement;

Line 1000: hr_utility.set_location('issues in getting assignment step'||p_assignment_id,30);

996: exception
997: when no_data_found then
998: hr_utility.set_location('assignment doesnot have step'||p_assignment_id,20);
999: when others then
1000: hr_utility.set_location('issues in getting assignment step'||p_assignment_id,30);
1001: raise;
1002: end get_emp_step_placement;
1003: function get_default_gl(p_effective_date in date,
1004: p_business_group_id in number) return number is

Line 1007: hr_utility.set_location('bg is'||p_business_group_id,5);

1003: function get_default_gl(p_effective_date in date,
1004: p_business_group_id in number) return number is
1005: l_gl_id number;
1006: begin
1007: hr_utility.set_location('bg is'||p_business_group_id,5);
1008: select pgm_id
1009: into l_gl_id
1010: from ben_pgm_f
1011: where p_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date

Line 1016: hr_utility.set_location('def gl is'||l_gl_id,10);

1012: and pgm_stat_cd ='A' -- active program
1013: and pgm_typ_cd ='GSP' -- context should be GSP
1014: and dflt_pgm_flag = 'Y' -- default
1015: and business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
1016: hr_utility.set_location('def gl is'||l_gl_id,10);
1017: return l_gl_id;
1018: exception
1019: when no_data_found then
1020: hr_utility.set_location('no pgm exists matching crit',20);

Line 1020: hr_utility.set_location('no pgm exists matching crit',20);

1016: hr_utility.set_location('def gl is'||l_gl_id,10);
1017: return l_gl_id;
1018: exception
1019: when no_data_found then
1020: hr_utility.set_location('no pgm exists matching crit',20);
1021: return l_gl_id;
1022: when too_many_rows then
1023: hr_utility.set_location('more than 1 pgm marked dflt ',25);
1024: raise;

Line 1023: hr_utility.set_location('more than 1 pgm marked dflt ',25);

1019: when no_data_found then
1020: hr_utility.set_location('no pgm exists matching crit',20);
1021: return l_gl_id;
1022: when too_many_rows then
1023: hr_utility.set_location('more than 1 pgm marked dflt ',25);
1024: raise;
1025: when others then
1026: hr_utility.set_location('issues in getting def gl ',30);
1027: raise;

Line 1026: hr_utility.set_location('issues in getting def gl ',30);

1022: when too_many_rows then
1023: hr_utility.set_location('more than 1 pgm marked dflt ',25);
1024: raise;
1025: when others then
1026: hr_utility.set_location('issues in getting def gl ',30);
1027: raise;
1028: end get_default_gl;
1029: procedure get_gl_details(p_gl_id in number,
1030: p_effective_date in date,

Line 1051: hr_utility.set_location('no pgm exists ',10);

1047: p_prog_style_cd := p_dflt_step_cd;
1048: End If;
1049: exception
1050: when no_data_found then
1051: hr_utility.set_location('no pgm exists ',10);
1052: raise;
1053: when others then
1054: hr_utility.set_location('issues in getting gl detls',20);
1055: raise;

Line 1054: hr_utility.set_location('issues in getting gl detls',20);

1050: when no_data_found then
1051: hr_utility.set_location('no pgm exists ',10);
1052: raise;
1053: when others then
1054: hr_utility.set_location('issues in getting gl detls',20);
1055: raise;
1056: end get_gl_details;
1058: function get_cur_sal(p_assignment_id in number,

Line 1124: hr_utility.set_location('emp doesnot have grade'||p_grade_id,10);

1120: l_continue boolean := TRUE;
1121: begin
1122: -- we will try for step progression, if you reach the ceiling and still some point left, we will go for GSP
1123: if p_grade_id is null then
1124: hr_utility.set_location('emp doesnot have grade'||p_grade_id,10);
1125: l_continue := false;
1126: fnd_message.set_name('PQH','PQH_GSP_GRDNOTLNKD_ASSGT');
1127: fnd_message.raise_error;
1128: end if;

Line 1130: hr_utility.set_location('emp doesnot have step'||p_step_id,10);

1126: fnd_message.set_name('PQH','PQH_GSP_GRDNOTLNKD_ASSGT');
1127: fnd_message.raise_error;
1128: end if;
1129: if p_step_id is null then
1130: hr_utility.set_location('emp doesnot have step'||p_step_id,10);
1131: l_continue := false;
1132: fnd_message.set_name('PQH','PQH_GSP_NO_STEP');
1133: fnd_message.raise_error;
1134: end if;

Line 1144: hr_utility.set_location('next step id is '||l_next_step_id,10);

1140: p_num_incr => p_num_incr,
1141: p_called_from => 'GSP',
1142: p_next_step_id => l_next_step_id,
1143: p_steps_left => l_steps_left);
1144: hr_utility.set_location('next step id is '||l_next_step_id,10);
1145: hr_utility.set_location('steps left is '||l_steps_left,20);
1146: if l_steps_left is not null then
1147: hr_utility.set_location('steps left is '||l_steps_left,20);
1148: hr_utility.set_location('current grade id is '||p_grade_id,110);

Line 1145: hr_utility.set_location('steps left is '||l_steps_left,20);

1141: p_called_from => 'GSP',
1142: p_next_step_id => l_next_step_id,
1143: p_steps_left => l_steps_left);
1144: hr_utility.set_location('next step id is '||l_next_step_id,10);
1145: hr_utility.set_location('steps left is '||l_steps_left,20);
1146: if l_steps_left is not null then
1147: hr_utility.set_location('steps left is '||l_steps_left,20);
1148: hr_utility.set_location('current grade id is '||p_grade_id,110);
1149: p_next_grade_id := get_next_grade(p_grade_id => p_grade_id,

Line 1147: hr_utility.set_location('steps left is '||l_steps_left,20);

1143: p_steps_left => l_steps_left);
1144: hr_utility.set_location('next step id is '||l_next_step_id,10);
1145: hr_utility.set_location('steps left is '||l_steps_left,20);
1146: if l_steps_left is not null then
1147: hr_utility.set_location('steps left is '||l_steps_left,20);
1148: hr_utility.set_location('current grade id is '||p_grade_id,110);
1149: p_next_grade_id := get_next_grade(p_grade_id => p_grade_id,
1150: p_gl_id => p_gl_id,
1151: p_effective_date => p_effective_date);

Line 1148: hr_utility.set_location('current grade id is '||p_grade_id,110);

1144: hr_utility.set_location('next step id is '||l_next_step_id,10);
1145: hr_utility.set_location('steps left is '||l_steps_left,20);
1146: if l_steps_left is not null then
1147: hr_utility.set_location('steps left is '||l_steps_left,20);
1148: hr_utility.set_location('current grade id is '||p_grade_id,110);
1149: p_next_grade_id := get_next_grade(p_grade_id => p_grade_id,
1150: p_gl_id => p_gl_id,
1151: p_effective_date => p_effective_date);
1152: hr_utility.set_location('next grade is '||p_next_grade_id,125);

Line 1152: hr_utility.set_location('next grade is '||p_next_grade_id,125);

1148: hr_utility.set_location('current grade id is '||p_grade_id,110);
1149: p_next_grade_id := get_next_grade(p_grade_id => p_grade_id,
1150: p_gl_id => p_gl_id,
1151: p_effective_date => p_effective_date);
1152: hr_utility.set_location('next grade is '||p_next_grade_id,125);
1153: l_next_step_id := get_default_step(p_next_grade_id => p_next_grade_id,
1154: p_dflt_step_cd => p_dflt_step_cd,
1155: p_assignment_id => p_assignment_id,
1156: p_effective_date => p_effective_date);

Line 1157: hr_utility.set_location('next step is '||l_next_step_id,140);

1153: l_next_step_id := get_default_step(p_next_grade_id => p_next_grade_id,
1154: p_dflt_step_cd => p_dflt_step_cd,
1155: p_assignment_id => p_assignment_id,
1156: p_effective_date => p_effective_date);
1157: hr_utility.set_location('next step is '||l_next_step_id,140);
1158: if l_next_step_id is not null then
1159: if p_future_step_id is not null then
1160: hr_utility.set_location('chk next step with future step',142);
1161: l_next_step_higher_cd := is_next_step_higher(p_cur_step_id => l_next_step_id,

Line 1160: hr_utility.set_location('chk next step with future step',142);

1156: p_effective_date => p_effective_date);
1157: hr_utility.set_location('next step is '||l_next_step_id,140);
1158: if l_next_step_id is not null then
1159: if p_future_step_id is not null then
1160: hr_utility.set_location('chk next step with future step',142);
1161: l_next_step_higher_cd := is_next_step_higher(p_cur_step_id => l_next_step_id,
1162: p_next_step_id => p_future_step_id,
1163: p_effective_date => p_effective_date);
1164: if l_next_step_higher_cd in ('YES','SAME','NO') then

Line 1165: hr_utility.set_location('future step is higher',142);

1161: l_next_step_higher_cd := is_next_step_higher(p_cur_step_id => l_next_step_id,
1162: p_next_step_id => p_future_step_id,
1163: p_effective_date => p_effective_date);
1164: if l_next_step_higher_cd in ('YES','SAME','NO') then
1165: hr_utility.set_location('future step is higher',142);
1166: p_next_step_id := l_next_step_id;
1167: elsif l_next_step_higher_cd ='NO_LOWER' then
1168: hr_utility.set_location('future step is lower than next step',142);
1169: p_next_step_id := p_future_step_id;

Line 1168: hr_utility.set_location('future step is lower than next step',142);

1164: if l_next_step_higher_cd in ('YES','SAME','NO') then
1165: hr_utility.set_location('future step is higher',142);
1166: p_next_step_id := l_next_step_id;
1167: elsif l_next_step_higher_cd ='NO_LOWER' then
1168: hr_utility.set_location('future step is lower than next step',142);
1169: p_next_step_id := p_future_step_id;
1170: else
1171: hr_utility.set_location('different code returned ',143);
1172: l_continue := FALSE;

Line 1171: hr_utility.set_location('different code returned ',143);

1167: elsif l_next_step_higher_cd ='NO_LOWER' then
1168: hr_utility.set_location('future step is lower than next step',142);
1169: p_next_step_id := p_future_step_id;
1170: else
1171: hr_utility.set_location('different code returned ',143);
1172: l_continue := FALSE;
1173: end if;
1174: hr_utility.set_location('identified step for progression is'||l_next_step_id,144);
1175: hr_utility.set_location('identified grade for progression is'||p_next_grade_id,144);

Line 1174: hr_utility.set_location('identified step for progression is'||l_next_step_id,144);

1170: else
1171: hr_utility.set_location('different code returned ',143);
1172: l_continue := FALSE;
1173: end if;
1174: hr_utility.set_location('identified step for progression is'||l_next_step_id,144);
1175: hr_utility.set_location('identified grade for progression is'||p_next_grade_id,144);
1176: else
1177: hr_utility.set_location('next step is '||l_next_step_id,144);
1178: p_next_step_id := l_next_step_id;

Line 1175: hr_utility.set_location('identified grade for progression is'||p_next_grade_id,144);

1171: hr_utility.set_location('different code returned ',143);
1172: l_continue := FALSE;
1173: end if;
1174: hr_utility.set_location('identified step for progression is'||l_next_step_id,144);
1175: hr_utility.set_location('identified grade for progression is'||p_next_grade_id,144);
1176: else
1177: hr_utility.set_location('next step is '||l_next_step_id,144);
1178: p_next_step_id := l_next_step_id;
1179: end if;

Line 1177: hr_utility.set_location('next step is '||l_next_step_id,144);

1173: end if;
1174: hr_utility.set_location('identified step for progression is'||l_next_step_id,144);
1175: hr_utility.set_location('identified grade for progression is'||p_next_grade_id,144);
1176: else
1177: hr_utility.set_location('next step is '||l_next_step_id,144);
1178: p_next_step_id := l_next_step_id;
1179: end if;
1180: else
1181: If p_dflt_step_cd = 'NOSTEP' Then

Line 1184: hr_utility.set_location('next step is '||l_next_step_id,144);

1180: else
1181: If p_dflt_step_cd = 'NOSTEP' Then
1182: Return;
1183: Else
1184: hr_utility.set_location('next step is '||l_next_step_id,144);
1185: l_continue := FALSE;
1186: fnd_message.set_name('PQH','PQH_GSP_LAST_STEP');
1187: fnd_message.raise_error;
1188: End If;

Line 1191: hr_utility.set_location('step progr was sufficient',200);

1187: fnd_message.raise_error;
1188: End If;
1189: end if;
1190: else
1191: hr_utility.set_location('step progr was sufficient',200);
1192: p_next_step_id := l_next_step_id;
1193: end if;
1194: end if;
1195: end grd_step_progression_result;

Line 1231: hr_utility.set_location('p_cur_sal ' ||p_cur_sal ,99);

1227: and Nvl(rt.ann_Val,0) > P_Cur_Sal
1228: Order by Rt.ann_Val Asc;
1229: begin
1231: hr_utility.set_location('p_cur_sal ' ||p_cur_sal ,99);
1232: hr_utility.set_location('p_grade_id '|| p_grade_id ,199);
1233: hr_utility.set_location('p_effective_date' ||p_effective_date ,299);
1234: hr_utility.set_location('P_Assignment_id '|| P_Assignment_id ,399);

Line 1232: hr_utility.set_location('p_grade_id '|| p_grade_id ,199);

1228: Order by Rt.ann_Val Asc;
1229: begin
1231: hr_utility.set_location('p_cur_sal ' ||p_cur_sal ,99);
1232: hr_utility.set_location('p_grade_id '|| p_grade_id ,199);
1233: hr_utility.set_location('p_effective_date' ||p_effective_date ,299);
1234: hr_utility.set_location('P_Assignment_id '|| P_Assignment_id ,399);
1236: Open Csr_Step;

Line 1233: hr_utility.set_location('p_effective_date' ||p_effective_date ,299);

1229: begin
1231: hr_utility.set_location('p_cur_sal ' ||p_cur_sal ,99);
1232: hr_utility.set_location('p_grade_id '|| p_grade_id ,199);
1233: hr_utility.set_location('p_effective_date' ||p_effective_date ,299);
1234: hr_utility.set_location('P_Assignment_id '|| P_Assignment_id ,399);
1236: Open Csr_Step;
1237: Fetch Csr_Step into l_Min_Incr_Step_Id;

Line 1234: hr_utility.set_location('P_Assignment_id '|| P_Assignment_id ,399);

1231: hr_utility.set_location('p_cur_sal ' ||p_cur_sal ,99);
1232: hr_utility.set_location('p_grade_id '|| p_grade_id ,199);
1233: hr_utility.set_location('p_effective_date' ||p_effective_date ,299);
1234: hr_utility.set_location('P_Assignment_id '|| P_Assignment_id ,399);
1236: Open Csr_Step;
1237: Fetch Csr_Step into l_Min_Incr_Step_Id;
1238: Close Csr_Step;

Line 1244: hr_utility.set_location('min sal is '||l_min_incr_sal,85);

1240: If p_grade_id is NOT NULL and l_Min_Incr_Step_Id is NULL then
1241: fnd_message.set_name('PQH','PQH_GSP_EMP_NOT_ELGBL');
1242: fnd_message.raise_error;
1243: End If;
1244: hr_utility.set_location('min sal is '||l_min_incr_sal,85);
1245: hr_utility.set_location('min step is '||l_min_incr_step_id,90);
1246: return l_min_incr_step_id;
1247: end get_lowest_sal_incr_step;
1248: function get_annual_sal(p_assignment_id in number,

Line 1245: hr_utility.set_location('min step is '||l_min_incr_step_id,90);

1241: fnd_message.set_name('PQH','PQH_GSP_EMP_NOT_ELGBL');
1242: fnd_message.raise_error;
1243: End If;
1244: hr_utility.set_location('min sal is '||l_min_incr_sal,85);
1245: hr_utility.set_location('min step is '||l_min_incr_step_id,90);
1246: return l_min_incr_step_id;
1247: end get_lowest_sal_incr_step;
1248: function get_annual_sal(p_assignment_id in number,
1249: p_effective_date in date) return number Is