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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 76

     SELECT owner_user_id
     FROM   ams_deliverables_vl
     WHERE  deliverable_id = p_delv_id ;
Line: 205

       ,p_log_action             =>     FND_API.g_true            -- This to be sent as TRUE. It updates the Audit Logs.
       ,p_commit                 =>     FND_API.g_false           -- We still have to do some more operations.
       ,p_api_version_number     =>     p_api_version
       ,p_init_msg_list          =>     l_init_msg_list
       ,px_content_item_id       =>     l_citem_id
       ,px_citem_ver_id          =>     l_citem_ver_id
       ,px_object_version_number =>     l_obj_ver_num
       ,x_return_status          =>     l_return_status
       ,x_msg_count              =>     l_msg_count
       ,x_msg_data               =>     l_msg_data
Line: 255

      p_content_item_id       =>    l_citem_id
      ,p_assoc_type_codes     =>    l_assoc_type_codes
      ,p_assoc_objects1       =>    l_assoc_objects1
      ,p_assoc_objects2       =>    l_assoc_objects2        -- Denormalized Value stored here. This can be debated. Remove if decided against storing it here.
      ,p_assoc_objects3       =>    l_assoc_objects3        -- Denormalized Value stored here. This can be debated. Remove if decided against storing it here.
      ,p_assoc_objects4       =>    l_assoc_objects4        -- Null values.
      ,p_assoc_objects5       =>    l_assoc_objects5        -- Null values.
      ,p_commit               =>    FND_API.g_false         -- This is the Default.
      ,p_api_version_number   =>    p_api_version
      ,p_init_msg_list        =>    l_init_msg_list
      -- The following are OUT parameters in this procedure.
      --,x_assoc_id             =>    l_assoc_id
      -- Jamie applied his package on mapdev01.
      -- He has changed signature of this method.
      -- as a result commenting the above line.
      ,x_return_status        =>    l_return_status
      ,x_msg_count            =>    l_msg_count
      ,x_msg_data             =>    l_msg_data
Line: 277

   AMS_UTILITY_PVT.debug_message('Insert Assoc.');
Line: 431

   This will generate the XML for Questions Section if necessary by calling update_questions_section.

   Other completion tasks as identified.

2. Approve Item call.
PROCEDURE approve_citem_for_delv(
   p_content_type_code     IN  VARCHAR2,
   p_delv_id               IN  NUMBER,
   p_citem_id              IN  NUMBER,
   p_assoc_type_code       IN  VARCHAR2,
   p_commit                IN  VARCHAR2     DEFAULT FND_API.g_false,
   p_api_version           IN  NUMBER       DEFAULT 1.0,
   p_api_validation_level  IN  NUMBER       DEFAULT FND_API.g_valid_level_full,
   x_return_status         OUT VARCHAR2,
   x_msg_count             OUT NUMBER,
   x_msg_data              OUT VARCHAR2
-- Declare the local variables and cursors here.
   CURSOR c_delv_details IS
     SELECT status_code
     FROM   ams_deliverables_vl
     WHERE  deliverable_id = p_delv_id ;
Line: 475

     SELECT MAX(citem_version_id)
     FROM   ibc_citem_versions_b
     WHERE  content_item_id = l_content_item_id ;
Line: 918

     SELECT actual_avail_from_date
     FROM   ams_deliverables_vl
     WHERE  deliverable_id = p_delv_id ;
Line: 948

   l_select_sql_statement        VARCHAR2(4000) ;
Line: 1089

            p_data_source_code          =>    l_data_src_type_code
            ,p_data_source_fields_list  =>    p_merge_fields_list
            ,p_data_source_field_ids    =>    NULL
            ,x_select_sql_statement     =>    l_select_sql_statement
            ,x_bind_vars                =>    l_bind_vars_list
            ,x_return_status            =>    l_return_status
            ,x_msg_count                =>    l_msg_count
            ,x_msg_data                 =>    l_msg_data
Line: 1106

         AMS_UTILITY_PVT.debug_message( ' l_select_sql_statement = ' || l_select_sql_statement );
Line: 1109

         IF l_select_sql_statement IS NOT NULL
            l_attr_count := l_attr_count + 1;
Line: 1113

            l_attribute_type_codes(l_attr_count) := G_SELECT_SQL_STATEMENT ;
Line: 1116

            l_attributes(l_attr_count) := l_select_sql_statement ;
Line: 1190

          ,p_log_action             =>     FND_API.g_true            -- This to be sent as TRUE. It updates the Audit Logs.
          ,p_commit                 =>     FND_API.g_false           -- We still have to do some more operations.
          ,p_api_version_number     =>     p_api_version
          ,p_init_msg_list          =>     l_init_msg_list
          ,px_content_item_id       =>     l_citem_id
          ,px_citem_ver_id          =>     l_citem_ver_id
          ,px_object_version_number =>     l_obj_ver_num
          ,x_return_status          =>     l_return_status
          ,x_msg_count              =>     l_msg_count
          ,x_msg_data               =>     l_msg_data
Line: 1219

      UPDATE ibc_citem_versions_tl
         SET attachment_attribute_code = 'ATTACHMENT' -- hardcoding as ATTACHMENT for Rich Content.
       WHERE citem_version_id = l_citem_ver_id ;
Line: 1254

            p_citem_ver_id             =>    p_parent_citem_ver_id
            ,p_content_item_ids        =>    l_citem_ids
            ,p_attribute_type_codes    =>    l_citem_attrs
            ,p_sort_order              =>    l_dummy_sort_order   -- The NULL does not work.  -- The new API is supposed to be able to take NULL for this parameter.
            ,p_commit                  =>    FND_API.g_false
            ,p_api_version_number      =>    p_api_version
            ,p_init_msg_list           =>    l_init_msg_list
            ,x_return_status           =>    l_return_status
            ,x_msg_count               =>    l_msg_count
            ,x_msg_data                =>    l_msg_data
Line: 1311

         p_citem_id                  =>    l_citem_id
         ,p_citem_version_id         =>    l_citem_ver_id
         ,p_content_type_code        =>    p_content_type_code
         ,p_content_item_name        =>    NULL                -- We do not allow update on this one yet.
         ,p_description              =>    NULL                -- We do not allow update on this one yet.
         ,p_delv_id                  =>    p_delv_id
         ,p_attr_types_for_update    =>    l_attribute_type_codes
         ,p_attr_values_for_update   =>    l_attributes
         ,p_attach_file_id           =>    p_attach_file_id
         ,p_attach_file_name         =>    p_attach_file_name
         ,p_commit                   =>    FND_API.g_false
         ,p_api_version              =>    p_api_version
         ,p_api_validation_level     =>    p_api_validation_level
         ,x_return_status            =>    l_return_status
         ,x_msg_count                =>    l_msg_count
         ,x_msg_data                 =>    l_msg_data
         ,p_replace_attr_bundle      =>    FND_API.g_true
Line: 1333

Line: 1466

     SELECT actual_avail_from_date
     FROM   ams_deliverables_vl
     WHERE  deliverable_id = p_delv_id ;
Line: 1593

          ,p_log_action             =>     FND_API.g_true            -- This to be sent as TRUE. It updates the Audit Logs.
          ,p_commit                 =>     FND_API.g_false           -- We still have to do some more operations.
          ,p_api_version_number     =>     p_api_version
          ,p_init_msg_list          =>     l_init_msg_list
          ,px_content_item_id       =>     l_citem_id
          ,px_citem_ver_id          =>     l_citem_ver_id
          ,px_object_version_number =>     l_obj_ver_num
          ,x_return_status          =>     l_return_status
          ,x_msg_count              =>     l_msg_count
          ,x_msg_data               =>     l_msg_data
Line: 1648

            p_citem_ver_id             =>    p_parent_citem_ver_id
            ,p_content_item_ids        =>    l_citem_ids
            ,p_attribute_type_codes    =>    l_citem_attrs
            ,p_sort_order              =>    l_dummy_sort_order   -- The NULL does not work.  -- The new API is supposed to be able to take NULL for this parameter.
            ,p_commit                  =>    FND_API.g_false
            ,p_api_version_number      =>    p_api_version
            ,p_init_msg_list           =>    l_init_msg_list
            ,x_return_status           =>    l_return_status
            ,x_msg_count               =>    l_msg_count
            ,x_msg_data                =>    l_msg_data
Line: 1705

         p_citem_id                  =>    l_citem_id
         ,p_citem_version_id         =>    l_citem_ver_id
         ,p_content_type_code        =>    p_content_type_code
         ,p_content_item_name        =>    NULL                -- We do not allow update on this one yet.
         ,p_description              =>    NULL                -- We do not allow update on this one yet.
         ,p_delv_id                  =>    p_delv_id
         ,p_attr_types_for_update    =>    p_attr_types
         ,p_attr_values_for_update   =>    p_attr_values
         ,p_attach_file_id           =>    NULL
         ,p_attach_file_name         =>    NULL
         ,p_commit                   =>    FND_API.g_false
         ,p_api_version              =>    p_api_version
         ,p_api_validation_level     =>    p_api_validation_level
         ,x_return_status            =>    l_return_status
         ,x_msg_count                =>    l_msg_count
         ,x_msg_data                 =>    l_msg_data
         ,p_replace_attr_bundle      =>    FND_API.g_true
Line: 1727

Line: 1827

     SELECT MAX(citem_version_id)
     FROM   ibc_citem_versions_b
     WHERE  content_item_id = p_citem_id ;
Line: 2009

   l_last_updated_by       NUMBER ;
Line: 2010

   l_last_update_date      DATE ;
Line: 2073

      ,x_last_updated_by         =>       l_last_updated_by
      ,x_last_update_date        =>       l_last_update_date
      ,x_attribute_type_codes    =>       l_attribute_type_codes
      ,x_attribute_type_names    =>       l_attribute_type_names
      ,x_attributes              =>       l_attributes
      ,x_component_citems        =>       l_cpnt_citems
      -- Not in the new API ,x_cpnt_ctypes           =>       l_cpnt_ctypes
      ,x_component_attrib_types  =>       l_cpnt_attrib_types
      ,x_component_citem_names   =>       l_cpnt_citem_names
      ,x_component_owner_ids     =>       l_cpnt_owner_ids
      ,x_component_owner_types   =>       l_cpnt_owner_types
      -- Not in the new API ,x_cpnt_owner_names        =>       l_cpnt_owner_names
      ,x_component_sort_orders   =>       l_cpnt_sort_orders
      ,x_return_status           =>       l_return_status
      ,x_msg_count               =>       l_msg_count
      ,x_msg_data                =>       l_msg_data
Line: 2126

Line: 2127

Line: 2335

     SELECT actual_avail_from_date
     FROM   ams_deliverables_vl
     WHERE  deliverable_id = p_delv_id ;
Line: 2508

          ,p_log_action             =>     FND_API.g_true            -- This to be sent as TRUE. It updates the Audit Logs.
          ,p_commit                 =>     FND_API.g_false           -- We still have to do some more operations.
          ,p_api_version_number     =>     p_api_version
          ,p_init_msg_list          =>     l_init_msg_list
          ,px_content_item_id       =>     l_image_citem_id
          ,px_citem_ver_id          =>     l_image_citem_ver_id
          ,px_object_version_number =>     l_image_obj_ver_num
          ,x_return_status          =>     l_return_status
          ,x_msg_count              =>     l_msg_count
          ,x_msg_data               =>     l_msg_data

Line: 2610

       ,p_log_action             =>     FND_API.g_true            -- This to be sent as TRUE. It updates the Audit Logs.
       ,p_commit                 =>     FND_API.g_false           -- We still have to do some more operations.
       ,p_api_version_number     =>     p_api_version
       ,p_init_msg_list          =>     l_init_msg_list
       ,px_content_item_id       =>     l_citem_id
       ,px_citem_ver_id          =>     l_citem_ver_id
       ,px_object_version_number =>     l_obj_ver_num
       ,x_return_status          =>     l_return_status
       ,x_msg_count              =>     l_msg_count
       ,x_msg_data               =>     l_msg_data

Line: 2665

         p_citem_ver_id             =>    p_parent_citem_ver_id
         ,p_content_item_ids        =>    l_citem_ids
         ,p_attribute_type_codes    =>    l_citem_attrs
         ,p_sort_order              =>    l_dummy_sort_order   -- The NULL does not work.  -- The new API is supposed to be able to take NULL for this parameter.
         ,p_commit                  =>    FND_API.g_false
         ,p_api_version_number      =>    p_api_version
         ,p_init_msg_list           =>    l_init_msg_list
         ,x_return_status           =>    l_return_status
         ,x_msg_count               =>    l_msg_count
         ,x_msg_data                =>    l_msg_data
Line: 2841

PROCEDURE update_cp_image(
   p_content_type_code     IN  VARCHAR2,
   p_content_item_name     IN  VARCHAR2,
   p_cp_image_citem_id     IN  NUMBER,
   p_cp_image_citem_ver_id IN  NUMBER,
   p_delv_id               IN  NUMBER,
   p_resource_id           IN  NUMBER,
   p_resource_type         IN  VARCHAR2,
   p_attr_types_cp_image   IN  JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_100    DEFAULT NULL,
   p_attr_values_cp_image  IN  JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_4000   DEFAULT NULL,
   p_description           IN  VARCHAR2,
   p_attach_file_id        IN  NUMBER,
   p_attach_file_name      IN  VARCHAR2,
   p_attr_types_image      IN  JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_100    DEFAULT NULL,
   p_attr_values_image     IN  JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_4000   DEFAULT NULL,
   p_commit                IN  VARCHAR2                  DEFAULT FND_API.g_false,
   p_api_version           IN  NUMBER                    DEFAULT 1.0,
   p_api_validation_level  IN  NUMBER                    DEFAULT FND_API.g_valid_level_full,
   x_return_status         OUT VARCHAR2,
   x_msg_count             OUT NUMBER,
   x_msg_data              OUT VARCHAR2
-- Declare the local variables and cursors here.
   l_return_status         VARCHAR2(1) ;
Line: 2885

   l_api_name              CONSTANT    VARCHAR2(30)   := 'Update_CP_Image';
Line: 2895

   SAVEPOINT update_cp_image_PVT ;
Line: 3001

          ,p_log_action             =>     FND_API.g_true            -- This to be sent as TRUE. It updates the Audit Logs.
          ,p_commit                 =>     FND_API.g_false           -- We still have to do some more operations.
          ,p_api_version_number     =>     p_api_version
          ,p_init_msg_list          =>     l_init_msg_list
          ,px_content_item_id       =>     l_image_citem_id
          ,px_citem_ver_id          =>     l_image_citem_ver_id
          ,px_object_version_number =>     l_image_obj_ver_num
          ,x_return_status          =>     l_return_status
          ,x_msg_count              =>     l_msg_count
          ,x_msg_data               =>     l_msg_data

Line: 3134

Line: 3214

      ROLLBACK TO update_cp_image_PVT ;
Line: 3222

      ROLLBACK TO update_cp_image_PVT;
Line: 3230

      ROLLBACK TO update_cp_image_PVT ;
Line: 3242

END update_cp_image;
Line: 3392

PROCEDURE update_content_item(
   p_citem_id                 IN  NUMBER,
   p_citem_version_id         IN  NUMBER,
   p_content_type_code        IN  VARCHAR2,
   p_content_item_name        IN  VARCHAR2,
   p_description              IN  VARCHAR2,
   p_delv_id                  IN  NUMBER,
   p_attr_types_for_update    IN  JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_100    DEFAULT NULL,
   p_attr_values_for_update   IN  JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_4000   DEFAULT NULL,
   p_attach_file_id           IN  NUMBER                    DEFAULT NULL,
   p_attach_file_name         IN  VARCHAR2                  DEFAULT NULL,
   p_commit                   IN  VARCHAR2                  DEFAULT FND_API.g_false,
   p_api_version              IN  NUMBER                    DEFAULT 1.0,
   p_api_validation_level     IN  NUMBER                    DEFAULT FND_API.g_valid_level_full,
   x_return_status            OUT VARCHAR2,
   x_msg_count                OUT NUMBER,
   x_msg_data                 OUT VARCHAR2,
   p_replace_attr_bundle      IN  VARCHAR2                  DEFAULT FND_API.g_false
   l_attribute_type_codes  JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_100 ;
Line: 3424

   l_api_name              CONSTANT    VARCHAR2(30)  := 'Update_Content_Item';
Line: 3523

      l_attribute_type_codes := p_attr_types_for_update;
Line: 3524

      l_attributes := p_attr_values_for_update;
Line: 3528

      IF p_attr_types_for_update IS NOT NULL
         p_attr_values_for_update IS NOT NULL

         -- This call was giving problems.
         -- Using get_content_item_data instead.

         -- Call get_content_item_attrs method.

            p_citem_id               =>    p_citem_id
            ,p_ctype_code            =>    p_content_type_code
            ,p_citem_ver_id          =>    p_citem_version_id
            ,p_attrib_file_id        =>    NULL
            ,p_api_version           =>    p_api_version
            ,p_init_msg_list         =>    l_init_msg_list
            ,x_attribute_type_codes  =>    l_attribute_type_codes
            ,x_attribute_type_names  =>    l_attribute_type_names
            ,x_attributes            =>    l_attributes
            ,x_return_status         =>    l_return_status
            ,x_msg_count             =>    l_msg_count
            ,x_msg_data              =>    l_msg_data
Line: 3602

               FOR j IN p_attr_types_for_update.first .. p_attr_types_for_update.last
                  IF l_attribute_type_codes(i) = p_attr_types_for_update(j)

                     -- The i-th attribute needs value change.
                     -- Set the new value.
                     l_attributes(i) := p_attr_values_for_update(j);
Line: 3619

            l_attribute_type_codes := p_attr_types_for_update;
Line: 3620

            l_attributes := p_attr_values_for_update;
Line: 3651

Line: 3685

Line: 3763

END update_content_item;
Line: 3782

PROCEDURE update_citem_for_delv(
   p_content_type_code     IN  VARCHAR2,
   p_def_disp_template_id  IN  NUMBER,
   p_delv_id               IN  NUMBER,
   p_citem_id              IN  NUMBER,
   p_assoc_type_code       IN  VARCHAR2,
   p_commit                IN  VARCHAR2     DEFAULT FND_API.g_false,
   p_api_version           IN  NUMBER       DEFAULT 1.0,
   p_api_validation_level  IN  NUMBER       DEFAULT FND_API.g_valid_level_full,
   x_return_status         OUT VARCHAR2,
   x_msg_count             OUT NUMBER,
   x_msg_data              OUT VARCHAR2
-- Declare the local variables and cursors here.
-- Cursor to select the latest citem version for a content item.
   CURSOR c_max_version IS
     SELECT MAX(citem_version_id)
     FROM   ibc_citem_versions_b
     WHERE  content_item_id = p_citem_id ;
Line: 3816

   l_api_name              CONSTANT    VARCHAR2(30)  := 'Update_Citem_For_Delv';
Line: 3903

         p_citem_id                  =>    p_citem_id
         ,p_citem_version_id         =>    l_citem_ver_id
         ,p_content_type_code        =>    p_content_type_code
         ,p_content_item_name        =>    NULL
         ,p_description              =>    NULL
         ,p_delv_id                  =>    p_delv_id
         ,p_attr_types_for_update    =>    l_attribute_type_codes
         ,p_attr_values_for_update   =>    l_attributes
         ,p_attach_file_id           =>    NULL
         ,p_attach_file_name         =>    NULL
         ,p_commit                   =>    FND_API.g_false
         ,p_api_version              =>    p_api_version
         ,p_api_validation_level     =>    p_api_validation_level
         ,x_return_status            =>    l_return_status
         ,x_msg_count                =>    l_msg_count
         ,x_msg_data                 =>    l_msg_data
Line: 3924

Line: 3930

      UPDATE ibc_associations
      SET associated_object_val3 = p_def_disp_template_id
      WHERE content_item_id = p_citem_id
      AND associated_object_val1 = TO_CHAR(p_delv_id)
      AND association_type_code = G_CPAGE_ASSOC_TYPE_CODE;
Line: 4018

END update_citem_for_delv;
Line: 4161

       ,p_log_action             =>     FND_API.g_true            -- This to be sent as TRUE. It updates the Audit Logs.
       ,p_commit                 =>     FND_API.g_false           -- We still have to do some more operations.
       ,p_api_version_number     =>     p_api_version
       ,p_init_msg_list          =>     l_init_msg_list
       ,px_content_item_id       =>     l_citem_id
       ,px_citem_ver_id          =>     l_citem_ver_id
       ,px_object_version_number =>     l_obj_ver_num
       ,x_return_status          =>     l_return_status
       ,x_msg_count              =>     l_msg_count
       ,x_msg_data               =>     l_msg_data
Line: 4233

   insert into IBC_STYLESHEETS
Line: 4460

       ,p_log_action             =>     FND_API.g_true            -- This to be sent as TRUE. It updates the Audit Logs.
       ,p_commit                 =>     FND_API.g_false           -- We still have to do some more operations.
       ,p_api_version_number     =>     p_api_version
       ,p_init_msg_list          =>     l_init_msg_list
       ,px_content_item_id       =>     l_citem_id
       ,px_citem_ver_id          =>     l_citem_ver_id
       ,px_object_version_number =>     l_obj_ver_num
       ,x_return_status          =>     l_return_status
       ,x_msg_count              =>     l_msg_count
       ,x_msg_data               =>     l_msg_data
Line: 4502

         p_citem_ver_id             =>    p_parent_citem_ver_id
         ,p_content_item_ids        =>    l_citem_ids
         ,p_attribute_type_codes    =>    l_citem_attrs
         ,p_sort_order              =>    l_dummy_sort_order   -- The NULL does not work.  -- The new API is supposed to be able to take NULL for this parameter.
         ,p_commit                  =>    FND_API.g_false
         ,p_api_version_number      =>    p_api_version
         ,p_init_msg_list           =>    l_init_msg_list
         ,x_return_status           =>    l_return_status
         ,x_msg_count               =>    l_msg_count
         ,x_msg_data                =>    l_msg_data
Line: 4649

PROCEDURE generate_select_sql(
   p_data_source_code         IN  VARCHAR2,
   p_data_source_fields_list  IN  JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_300       DEFAULT NULL,
   p_data_source_field_ids    IN  JTF_NUMBER_TABLE             DEFAULT NULL,
   x_select_sql_statement     OUT VARCHAR2,
   x_bind_vars                OUT JTF_VARCHAR2_TABLE_300,
   x_return_status            OUT VARCHAR2,
   x_msg_count                OUT NUMBER,
   x_msg_data                 OUT VARCHAR2
   l_select_sql_statement     VARCHAR2(4000)          := '' ;
Line: 4661

   l_select_clause            VARCHAR2(4000)          := '' ;
Line: 4688

   SELECT list_source_type_id
     FROM ams_list_src_types
    WHERE source_type_code = p_data_source_code
      AND enabled_flag = 'Y';
Line: 4694

   SELECT source_object_name, source_object_pk_field, master_source_type_flag, view_application_id
     FROM ams_list_src_types
    WHERE source_type_code = p_data_source_code
      AND enabled_flag = 'Y';
Line: 4700

   SELECT source_column_name
     FROM ams_list_src_fields
    WHERE de_list_source_type_code = p_data_source_code
      AND list_source_field_id = l_list_source_field_id
      AND enabled_flag = 'Y';
Line: 4707

   l_api_name              CONSTANT    VARCHAR2(30)  := 'Generate_Select_Sql';
Line: 4808

   l_select_clause := 'SELECT 1';
Line: 4843

            l_select_clause := l_select_clause || ' ,' || l_source_column_name || ' "' || l_alias || '"';
Line: 4884

               l_select_clause := l_select_clause || ' ,' || l_source_column_name || ' "' || l_alias || '"';
Line: 4896

   l_select_sql_statement := l_select_clause || ' ' || l_from_clause || ' ' || l_where_clause;
Line: 4901

   x_select_sql_statement := l_select_sql_statement ;
Line: 4940

END generate_select_sql;
Line: 5005

     SELECT actual_avail_from_date
     FROM   ams_deliverables_vl
     WHERE  deliverable_id = p_delv_id ;
Line: 5134

       ,p_log_action             =>     FND_API.g_true            -- This to be sent as TRUE. It updates the Audit Logs.
       ,p_commit                 =>     FND_API.g_false           -- We still have to do some more operations.
       ,p_api_version_number     =>     p_api_version
       ,p_init_msg_list          =>     l_init_msg_list
       ,px_content_item_id       =>     l_citem_id
       ,px_citem_ver_id          =>     l_citem_ver_id
       ,px_object_version_number =>     l_obj_ver_num
       ,x_return_status          =>     l_return_status
       ,x_msg_count              =>     l_msg_count
       ,x_msg_data               =>     l_msg_data
Line: 5221

         p_citem_ver_id             =>    p_parent_citem_ver_id
         ,p_content_item_ids        =>    l_citem_ids
         ,p_attribute_type_codes    =>    l_citem_attrs
         ,p_sort_order              =>    l_dummy_sort_order   -- The NULL does not work.  -- The new API is supposed to be able to take NULL for this parameter.
         ,p_commit                  =>    FND_API.g_false
         ,p_api_version_number      =>    p_api_version
         ,p_init_msg_list           =>    l_init_msg_list
         ,x_return_status           =>    l_return_status
         ,x_msg_count               =>    l_msg_count
         ,x_msg_data                =>    l_msg_data
Line: 5374

PROCEDURE update_submit_section(
   p_delv_id               IN  NUMBER,
   p_content_type_code     IN  VARCHAR2,
   p_content_item_name     IN  VARCHAR2,
   p_description           IN  VARCHAR2,
   p_citem_id              IN  NUMBER,
   p_citem_ver_id          IN  NUMBER,
   p_ui_control_type       IN  VARCHAR2,
   p_button_label          IN  VARCHAR2,
   p_ocm_image_id          IN  NUMBER,
   p_alignment             IN  VARCHAR2,
   p_commit                IN  VARCHAR2               DEFAULT FND_API.g_false,
   p_api_version           IN  NUMBER                 DEFAULT 1.0,
   p_api_validation_level  IN  NUMBER                 DEFAULT FND_API.g_valid_level_full,
   x_return_status         OUT VARCHAR2,
   x_msg_count             OUT NUMBER,
   x_msg_data              OUT VARCHAR2
-- Declare the local variables and cursors here.
   l_return_status         VARCHAR2(1) ;
Line: 5409

   l_api_name              CONSTANT    VARCHAR2(30)   := 'Update_Submit_Section';
Line: 5496

         p_citem_id                  =>    p_citem_id
         ,p_citem_version_id         =>    p_citem_ver_id
         ,p_content_type_code        =>    p_content_type_code
         ,p_content_item_name        =>    p_content_item_name
         ,p_description              =>    p_description
         ,p_delv_id                  =>    p_delv_id
         ,p_attr_types_for_update    =>    l_attribute_type_codes
         ,p_attr_values_for_update   =>    l_attributes
         ,p_attach_file_id           =>    NULL
         ,p_attach_file_name         =>    NULL
         ,p_commit                   =>    FND_API.g_false
         ,p_api_version              =>    p_api_version
         ,p_api_validation_level     =>    p_api_validation_level
         ,x_return_status            =>    l_return_status
         ,x_msg_count                =>    l_msg_count
         ,x_msg_data                 =>    l_msg_data
Line: 5519

Line: 5568

END update_submit_section;
Line: 5605

PROCEDURE update_questions_section(
   p_delv_id               IN  NUMBER,
   p_section_citem_id      IN  NUMBER,
   p_section_citem_ver_id  IN  NUMBER,
   p_content_type_code     IN  VARCHAR2,
   p_content_item_name     IN  VARCHAR2,
   p_description           IN  VARCHAR2,
   p_attach_file_id        IN  NUMBER,
   p_attach_file_name      IN  VARCHAR2,
   p_commit                IN  VARCHAR2                DEFAULT FND_API.g_false,
   p_api_version           IN  NUMBER                  DEFAULT 1.0,
   p_init_msg_list         IN  VARCHAR2                DEFAULT FND_API.g_true,
   p_api_validation_level  IN  NUMBER                  DEFAULT FND_API.g_valid_level_full,
   x_return_status         OUT VARCHAR2,
   x_msg_count             OUT NUMBER,
   x_msg_data              OUT VARCHAR2
-- Declare the local variables and cursors here.
-- test cursor for file id.

   CURSOR c_fild_id_check IS
     SELECT file_id, file_name
       FROM fnd_lobs
      WHERE file_id = p_attach_file_id ;
Line: 5638

     SELECT MAX(citem_version_id)
     FROM   ibc_citem_versions_b
     WHERE  content_item_id = p_section_citem_id ;
Line: 5647

     SELECT actual_avail_from_date
     FROM   ams_deliverables_vl
     WHERE  deliverable_id = p_delv_id ;
Line: 5653

   SELECT count(1)
     FROM ams_cpag_questions_b
    WHERE content_item_id = p_section_citem_id
      AND profile_field_id IS NOT NULL
Line: 5666

   SELECT DISTINCT de_list_source_type_code
     FROM ams_list_src_fields
    WHERE list_source_field_id IN
          (SELECT profile_field_id
             FROM ams_cpag_questions_b
            WHERE content_item_id = p_section_citem_id
          ) ;
Line: 5675

   SELECT ques.profile_field_id
     FROM ams_cpag_questions_b ques, ams_list_src_fields flds
    WHERE ques.profile_field_id = flds.list_source_field_id
      AND flds.de_list_source_type_code = l_data_src_type_code
      AND ques.content_item_id = p_section_citem_id ;
Line: 5682

   SELECT count(1)
     FROM ams_list_src_type_usages
    WHERE list_src_used_by_type = 'CPAGE'
      AND list_src_used_by_id = p_section_citem_id ;
Line: 5711

   l_api_name                    CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30)   := 'update_questions_section';
Line: 5717

   l_select_sql_statement        VARCHAR2(4000) ;
Line: 5726

   AMS_UTILITY_PVT.debug_message(' l_test_file_id in update_questions_section = ' || l_test_file_id);
Line: 5727

   AMS_UTILITY_PVT.debug_message(' l_test_file_name in update_questions_section = ' || l_test_file_name);
Line: 5867

                  p_data_source_code          =>    l_data_src_type_code
                  ,p_data_source_fields_list  =>    NULL
                  ,p_data_source_field_ids    =>    l_data_src_fld_ids
                  ,x_select_sql_statement     =>    l_select_sql_statement
                  ,x_bind_vars                =>    l_bind_vars_list
                  ,x_return_status            =>    l_return_status
                  ,x_msg_count                =>    l_msg_count
                  ,x_msg_data                 =>    l_msg_data
Line: 5884

               AMS_UTILITY_PVT.debug_message( ' l_select_sql_statement = ' || l_select_sql_statement );
Line: 5887

               IF l_select_sql_statement IS NOT NULL
                  l_attr_count := l_attr_count + 1;
Line: 5891

                  l_attribute_type_codes(l_attr_count) := G_SELECT_SQL_QUERY ;
Line: 5894

                  l_attributes(l_attr_count) := l_select_sql_statement ;
Line: 5980

   FND_MSG_PUB.add_exc_msg (g_pkg_name, l_api_name, 'Data for update');
Line: 5994

      p_citem_id                  =>    p_section_citem_id
      ,p_citem_version_id         =>    l_section_citem_ver_id
      ,p_content_type_code        =>    p_content_type_code
      ,p_content_item_name        =>    NULL                -- We do not allow update on this one yet.
      ,p_description              =>    NULL                -- We do not allow update on this one yet.
      ,p_delv_id                  =>    p_delv_id
      ,p_attr_types_for_update    =>    l_attribute_type_codes
      ,p_attr_values_for_update   =>    l_attributes
      ,p_attach_file_id           =>    p_attach_file_id
      ,p_attach_file_name         =>    p_attach_file_name
      ,p_commit                   =>    FND_API.g_false
      ,p_api_version              =>    p_api_version
      ,p_api_validation_level     =>    p_api_validation_level
      ,x_return_status            =>    l_return_status
      ,x_msg_count                =>    l_msg_count
      ,x_msg_data                 =>    l_msg_data
      ,p_replace_attr_bundle      =>    FND_API.g_true
Line: 6014

   AMS_UTILITY_PVT.debug_message( ' After update_content_item call. ' );
Line: 6018

Line: 6027

   UPDATE ibc_citem_versions_tl
      SET attachment_attribute_code = 'QUESTIONS_XML' -- hardcoding as QUESTIONS_XML for Questions Section.
    WHERE citem_version_id = l_section_citem_ver_id ;
Line: 6041

      DELETE FROM ams_list_src_type_usages
       WHERE list_src_used_by_type = 'CPAGE'
         AND list_src_used_by_id = p_section_citem_id;
Line: 6062

         INSERT INTO ams_list_src_type_usages
            substr(l_data_src_type_code, 1, 30),
            0,                                  -- sending list_header_id as 0. -- The index AMS.AMS_LIST_SRC_TYPE_USAGES_U2 has to be dropped from the ODF for this to work correctly.
         from dual
         where not exists
            ( select  'x'
                from  ams_list_src_type_usages
               where list_header_id = 0
                 and source_type_code = l_data_src_type_code
                 and list_src_used_by_type = 'CPAGE'
                 and list_src_used_by_id = p_section_citem_id
             ) ;
Line: 6148

END update_questions_section ;
Line: 6173

   select file_data into l_blob
   from fnd_lobs
   where file_id = p_file_id
   for update;