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1 package body pa_fp_ci_implement_pkg as
2 /* $Header: PAFPCOMB.pls 120.3.12010000.3 2008/09/10 21:11:27 snizam ship $ */
3 P_PA_DEBUG_MODE varchar2(1) := NVL(FND_PROFILE.value('PA_DEBUG_MODE'), 'N');
5 --3 new parameters are added as part of rounding changes.
6 ---->p_impl_txn_rev_amt : contain the amount in agreement currency for which funding lines should be created
7 ---->p_impl_pc_rev_amt  : contain the amount in project currency for which funding lines should be created
8 ---->p_impl_pfc_rev_amt : contain the amount in project functional currency for which funding lines should be created
9 --The calling API should round these parameters before calling the APi
10 PROCEDURE create_ci_impact_fund_lines(
11                          p_project_id             IN  NUMBER,
12                          p_ci_id                  IN  NUMBER,
13                          x_msg_data               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
14                          x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY NUMBER, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
15                          x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
16                          p_update_agr_amount_flag IN  VARCHAR2,
17                          p_funding_category       IN  VARCHAR2 ,
18                          p_partial_factor         IN  NUMBER,
19                          p_impl_txn_rev_amt       IN  NUMBER,
20                          p_impl_pc_rev_amt        IN  NUMBER,
21                          p_impl_pfc_rev_amt       IN  NUMBER) IS
22    l_agreement_id pa_agreements_all.agreement_id%TYPE;
23    l_budget_version_id pa_budget_versions.budget_version_id%TYPE;
24    l_total_proj_revenue pa_budget_versions.total_project_revenue%TYPE;
25    l_total_projfunc_revenue pa_budget_versions.revenue%TYPE;
26    l_bv_id pa_budget_versions.budget_version_id%TYPE;
28    l_ci_ver_planning_level pa_proj_fp_options.all_fin_plan_level_code%TYPE;
29    l_funding_level    VARCHAR2(100);
30    l_err_code NUMBER := null;
31    l_err_stage varchar2(1000) := null;
32    l_err_stack varchar2(1000) := null;
33    l_msg_data         VARCHAR2(1000);
34    l_msg_index_out        NUMBER:=0;
35    l_upd_agr_allowed VARCHAR2(30);
36    l_valid_funding_amt_flag VARCHAR2(30);
37    l_add_funding_ok_flag VARCHAR2(30);
39    l_customer_id pa_agreements_all.customer_id%TYPE;
40    l_agreement_type pa_agreements_all.agreement_type%TYPE;
41    l_term_id pa_agreements_all.term_id%TYPE;
42    l_template_flag pa_agreements_all.template_Flag%TYPE;
43    l_revenue_limit_flag pa_agreements_all.revenue_limit_flag%TYPE;
44    l_owned_by_person_id pa_agreements_all.owned_by_person_id%TYPE;
45    l_owning_org_id pa_agreements_all.owning_organization_id%TYPE;
46    l_agr_curr_code pa_agreements_all.agreement_currency_Code%TYPE;
47    l_invoice_limit_flag pa_agreements_all.invoice_limit_flag%TYPE;
48    l_agreement_num pa_agreements_all.agreement_num%TYPE;
49    l_expiration_Date pa_agreements_all.expiration_date%TYPE;
50    l_Attribute_Category pa_agreements_all.Attribute_Category%TYPE;
51    l_Attribute1 pa_agreements_all.Attribute1%TYPE;
52    l_Attribute2 pa_agreements_all.Attribute2%TYPE;
53    l_Attribute3 pa_agreements_all.Attribute3%TYPE;
54    l_Attribute4 pa_agreements_all.Attribute4%TYPE;
55    l_Attribute5 pa_agreements_all.Attribute5%TYPE;
56    l_Attribute6 pa_agreements_all.Attribute6%TYPE;
57    l_Attribute7 pa_agreements_all.Attribute7%TYPE;
58    l_Attribute8 pa_agreements_all.Attribute8%TYPE;
59    l_Attribute9 pa_agreements_all.Attribute9%TYPE;
60    l_Attribute10 pa_agreements_all.Attribute10%TYPE;
61    l_agr_amount pa_agreements_all.Amount%TYPE;
63    l_new_agr_amount NUMBER;
65    l_last_updated_by   NUMBER := FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID;
66    l_last_update_login NUMBER := FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID;
67    l_sysdate DATE := TRUNC(SYSDATE);
68    l_total_amount                NUMBER;
69    l_rowid ROWID;
70    l_project_funding_id NUMBER;
72    l_amount_tab PA_PLSQL_DATATYPES.NumTabTyp;
73    l_task_id_tab PA_PLSQL_DATATYPES.IdTabTyp;
74    --These tbls will hold the change order amounts in PC and PFC.
75    l_amount_tab_in_pc    PA_PLSQL_DATATYPES.NumTabTyp;
76    l_amount_tab_in_pfc   PA_PLSQL_DATATYPES.NumTabTyp;
77    l_proj_curr_code pa_projects_all.project_currency_code%TYPE;
78    l_projfunc_curr_code pa_projects_all.projfunc_currency_code%TYPE;
79    l_debug_mode VARCHAR2(30);
80    l_tmp_amount NUMBER;
81    l_rounded_agr_sum      NUMBER;
82    l_rounded_pc_sum       NUMBER;
83    l_rounded_pfc_sum      NUMBER;
84    l_module_name        VARCHAR2(100):='pa_fp_ci_implement_pkg.create_ci_impact_fund_lines';
86    l_budget_line_count    NUMBER; --Bug 5509687
87    -- Bug 6772321
88    l_project_exchange_rate	pa_project_fundings.project_exchange_rate%TYPE;
89    l_projfunc_exchange_rate	pa_project_fundings.projfunc_exchange_rate%TYPE;
92    x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
93    fnd_profile.get('PA_DEBUG_MODE',l_debug_mode);
94    l_debug_mode := NVL(l_debug_mode, 'Y');
95    /* the above default  is set for testing purpose only
96       need to set to 'N' after testing */
97    IF l_debug_mode = 'Y' THEN
98       IF P_PA_DEBUG_MODE = 'Y' THEN
99          PA_DEBUG.init_err_stack('pa_fp_ci_implement_pkg.create_ci_impact_fund_lines');
100       END IF;
101    END IF;
102    IF p_ci_id IS NULL OR
103       p_partial_factor IS NULL OR
104       p_project_id IS NULL THEN
106        IF l_debug_mode = 'Y' THEN
107             pa_debug.g_err_stage:= 'p_ci_id IS '||p_ci_id;
108             pa_debug.write(l_module_name,pa_debug.g_err_stage,5);
110             pa_debug.g_err_stage:= 'p_partial_factor IS '||p_partial_factor;
111             pa_debug.write(l_module_name,pa_debug.g_err_stage,5);
113             pa_debug.g_err_stage:= 'p_project_id IS '||p_project_id;
114             pa_debug.write(l_module_name,pa_debug.g_err_stage,5);
115        END IF;
116        PA_UTILS.ADD_MESSAGE(p_app_short_name => 'PA',
117                      p_msg_name       => 'PA_FP_INV_PARAM_PASSED',
118                      p_token1         => 'PROCEDURENAME',
119                      p_value1         => l_module_name);
120        RAISE PA_FP_CONSTANTS_PKG.Invalid_Arg_Exc;
121    END IF;
125    l_amount_tab.DELETE;
126    l_amount_tab_in_pc.DELETE;
127    l_amount_tab_in_pfc.DELETE;
128    l_task_id_tab.DELETE;
130    SELECT project_currency_Code,
131           projfunc_currency_code
132    INTO
133           l_proj_curr_code,
134           l_projfunc_curr_code
135    FROM pa_projects_all
136    WHERE
137          project_id = p_project_id;
139    SELECT budget_version_id,
140           agreement_id,
141           DECODE(bv.version_type,'REVENUE',revenue_fin_plan_level_code,
142                                 'ALL',all_fin_plan_level_code,null)
143    INTO
144    l_budget_version_id,
145    l_agreement_id,
146    l_ci_ver_planning_level
148    pa_proj_fp_options po WHERE
149    bv.project_id                  = p_project_id
150    AND bv.approved_rev_plan_type_flag = 'Y'
151    AND bv.version_type IN ('REVENUE','ALL')
152    AND po.project_id                  = bv.project_id
153    AND po.fin_plan_type_id            = bv.fin_plan_type_id
154    AND po.fin_plan_version_id         = bv.budget_version_id
155    AND po.fin_plan_option_level_code  = 'PLAN_VERSION'
156    AND bv.ci_id                       = p_ci_id;
158     Select count(*)
159     into l_budget_line_count
160     from pa_budget_lines pbl
161     where pbl.budget_version_id = l_budget_version_id;  --Bug 5509687
163 IF l_budget_line_count > 0 THEN --Bug 5509687: Prevent from creating funding lines if there are no impact lines
165    IF l_debug_mode = 'Y' THEN
166           PA_DEBUG.write_log (x_module      =>
167                            'pa.plsql.pa_fp_ci_implement_pkg.create_ci_impact_fund_lines'
168                      ,x_msg         => 'before getting CW REVENUE budget version id '
169                      ,x_log_level   => 5);
170    END IF;
172    BEGIN
173        SELECT budget_version_id INTO l_bv_id
174        FROM pa_budget_versions
175        WHERE
176        project_id = p_project_id AND
177        version_type IN ('REVENUE','ALL') AND
178        NVL(current_working_flag,'N' ) = 'Y' AND
179        NVL(Approved_Rev_Plan_Type_Flag,'N') = 'Y' AND
180        CI_ID IS NULL;
183       x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
184       PA_UTILS.ADD_MESSAGE( p_app_short_name => 'PA',
185                             p_msg_name       => 'PA_FP_CI_NO_CURR_WK_VERSION');
186       IF l_debug_mode = 'Y' THEN
187          PA_DEBUG.Reset_Err_Stack;
188       END IF;
189       RETURN;
190    END;
192    IF l_debug_mode = 'Y' THEN
193           PA_DEBUG.write_log (x_module      =>
194                            'pa.plsql.pa_fp_ci_implement_pkg.create_ci_impact_fund_lines'
195                      ,x_msg         => 'after getting CW REVENUE budget version id '||
196                                    TO_CHAR(l_bv_id)
197                      ,x_log_level   => 5);
198    END IF;
200    SELECT customer_id,
201           agreement_type,
202           term_id,
203           template_Flag,
204           revenue_limit_flag,
205           owned_by_person_id,
206           owning_organization_id,
207           agreement_currency_code,
208           invoice_limit_flag,
209           agreement_num,
210           expiration_Date,
211           Attribute_Category,
212           Attribute1,
213           Attribute2,
214           Attribute3,
215           Attribute4,
216           Attribute5,
217           Attribute6,
218           Attribute7,
219           Attribute8,
220           Attribute9,
221           Attribute10,
222           Amount
223    INTO
224           l_customer_id,
225           l_agreement_type,
226           l_term_id,
227           l_template_flag,
228           l_revenue_limit_flag,
229           l_owned_by_person_id,
230           l_owning_org_id,
231           l_agr_curr_code,
232           l_invoice_limit_flag,
233           l_agreement_num,
234           l_expiration_date,
235           l_Attribute_Category,
236           l_Attribute1,
237           l_Attribute2,
238           l_Attribute3,
239           l_Attribute4,
240           l_Attribute5,
241           l_Attribute6,
242           l_Attribute7,
243           l_Attribute8,
244           l_Attribute9,
245           l_Attribute10,
246           l_agr_amount
247    FROM pa_agreements_all WHERE
248    agreement_id = l_agreement_id;
250      IF l_debug_mode = 'Y' THEN
251           PA_DEBUG.write_log (x_module      =>
252                            'pa.plsql.pa_fp_ci_implement_pkg.create_ci_impact_fund_lines'
253                      ,x_msg         => 'fund level chk begin '||
254                                        'upd agr amt flag from page '||p_update_agr_amount_flag
255                                 ||' fund cate fr page '||p_funding_category
256                      ,x_log_level   => 5);
257           PA_DEBUG.write_log (x_module
258                        => 'pa.plsql.pa_fp_ci_implement_pkg.create_ci_impact_fund_lines'
259                      ,x_msg         => 'prj id '||to_char(p_project_id) ||
260                                        'ci id '||to_char(p_ci_id)
261                      ,x_log_level   => 5);
262      END IF;
264      pa_billing_core.check_funding_level(   x_project_id => p_project_id,
265                                           x_funding_level => l_funding_level,
266                                           x_err_code => l_err_code,
267                                           x_err_stage => l_err_stage,
268                                           x_err_stack => l_err_stack );
270      IF (l_err_code <> 0) THEN
271          x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
272          /* x_msg_count := FND_MSG_PUB.Count_Msg;
273            IF x_msg_count = 1 THEN
274               PA_INTERFACE_UTILS_PUB.get_messages
275                  (p_encoded        => FND_API.G_TRUE,
276                   p_msg_index      => 1,
277                   p_msg_count      => 1,
278                   p_msg_data       => l_msg_data ,
279                   p_data           => x_msg_data,
280                   p_msg_index_out  => l_msg_index_out);
281            END IF;  */
282          IF l_debug_mode = 'Y' THEN
283             PA_DEBUG.Reset_Err_Stack;
284          END IF;
286          RETURN;
287      END IF;
288      IF l_debug_mode = 'Y' THEN
289           PA_DEBUG.write_log (x_module      =>
290                      'pa.plsql.pa_fp_ci_implement_pkg.create_ci_impact_fund_lines'
291                      ,x_msg         => 'funding level '||l_funding_level
292                      ,x_log_level   => 5);
293      END IF;
295     l_total_amount           := p_impl_txn_rev_amt;
296     l_total_projfunc_revenue := p_impl_pfc_rev_amt;
297     l_total_proj_revenue     := p_impl_pc_rev_amt;
299      /* check for agreement amount update allowed */
300      IF l_debug_mode = 'Y' THEN
301           PA_DEBUG.write_log (x_module      =>
302                   'pa.plsql.pa_fp_ci_implement_pkg.create_ci_impact_fund_lines'
303                      ,x_msg         => 'total fund amt '||ltrim(to_char(l_total_amount))
304                      ,x_log_level   => 5);
305      END IF;
307      IF p_update_agr_amount_flag = 'Y' THEN
308         l_upd_agr_allowed := pa_agreement_pvt.check_update_agreement_ok
309         (p_pm_agreement_reference       => NULL
310         ,p_agreement_id                 => l_agreement_id
311         ,p_funding_id                   => NULL
312         ,p_customer_id                  => l_customer_id
313         ,p_agreement_type               => l_agreement_type
314         ,p_term_id                      => l_term_id
315         ,p_template_flag                => l_template_flag
316         ,p_revenue_limit_flag           => l_revenue_limit_flag
317         ,p_owned_by_person_id           => l_owned_by_person_id
318         ,p_owning_organization_id       => l_owning_org_id
319         ,p_agreement_currency_code      => l_agr_curr_code
320         ,p_invoice_limit_flag           => l_invoice_limit_flag
321         ,p_start_date                   => PA_INTERFACE_UTILS_PUB.G_PA_MISS_DATE  -- Bug 5522880
322         ,p_end_date                     => PA_INTERFACE_UTILS_PUB.G_PA_MISS_DATE  -- Bug 5522880
323         ,p_advance_required             => PA_INTERFACE_UTILS_PUB.G_PA_MISS_CHAR  -- Bug 5522880
324         ,p_billing_sequence             => PA_INTERFACE_UTILS_PUB.G_PA_MISS_NUM   -- Bug 5522880
325         ,p_amount                       => PA_INTERFACE_UTILS_PUB.G_PA_MISS_NUM); -- Bug 5522880
327         IF l_debug_mode = 'Y' THEN
328            PA_DEBUG.write_log (x_module      =>
329                      'pa.plsql.pa_fp_ci_implement_pkg.create_ci_impact_fund_lines'
330                      ,x_msg         => 'upd agr allowed flag '||l_upd_agr_allowed
331                      ,x_log_level   => 5);
332         END IF;
333         IF l_upd_agr_allowed = 'N' THEN
334            x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
335            /* x_msg_count := FND_MSG_PUB.Count_Msg;
336            IF x_msg_count = 1 THEN
337               PA_INTERFACE_UTILS_PUB.get_messages
338                  (p_encoded        => FND_API.G_TRUE,
339                   p_msg_index      => 1,
340                   p_msg_count      => 1,
341                   p_msg_data       => l_msg_data ,
342                   p_data           => x_msg_data,
343                   p_msg_index_out  => l_msg_index_out);
344            END IF;  */
345            IF l_debug_mode = 'Y' THEN
346               PA_DEBUG.Reset_Err_Stack;
347            END IF;
348            RETURN;
349         END IF;
350         /* calling update agreement API */
351         /* the update agreement API expects the existing amount plus
352            the new amount for the update bug 2671305   */
354         l_new_agr_amount := NVL(l_total_amount,0) + l_agr_amount;
356         IF l_debug_mode = 'Y' THEN
357            PA_DEBUG.write_log (x_module      =>
358                         'pa.plsql.pa_fp_ci_implement_pkg.create_ci_impact_fund_lines'
359                      ,x_msg         => 'new agr amt '||ltrim(to_char(l_new_agr_amount))
360                                               ||' Agr ID '||ltrim(to_char(l_agreement_id))
361                      ,x_log_level   => 5);
362         END IF;
364         pa_agreement_core.update_agreement(
365            p_Agreement_Id                    => l_agreement_id,
366            p_Customer_Id                     => l_customer_id,
367            p_Agreement_Num                   => l_agreement_num,
368            p_Agreement_Type                  => l_agreement_type,
369            p_Last_Update_Date                => TRUNC(SYSDATE),
370            p_Last_Updated_By                 => l_last_updated_by,
371            p_Last_Update_Login               => l_last_update_login,
372            p_Owned_By_Person_Id              => l_owned_by_person_id,
373            p_Term_Id                         => l_term_id,
374            p_Revenue_Limit_Flag              => l_revenue_limit_flag,
375            p_Amount                          => l_new_agr_amount,
376            p_Description                     => NULL,
377            p_Expiration_Date                 => l_expiration_date,
378            p_Attribute_Category              => l_attribute_category,
379            p_Attribute1                      => l_attribute1,
380            p_Attribute2                      => l_attribute2,
381            p_Attribute3                      => l_attribute3,
382            p_Attribute4                      => l_attribute4,
383            p_Attribute5                      => l_attribute5,
384            p_Attribute6                      => l_attribute6,
385            p_Attribute7                      => l_attribute7,
386            p_Attribute8                      => l_attribute8,
387            p_Attribute9                      => l_attribute9,
388            p_Attribute10                     => l_attribute10,
389            p_Template_Flag                   => l_template_flag,
390            p_pm_agreement_reference          => NULL,
391            p_pm_product_code                 => NULL,
392            p_agreement_currency_code         => l_agr_curr_code,
393            p_owning_organization_id          => l_owning_org_id,
394            p_invoice_limit_flag              => l_invoice_limit_flag,
395            p_customer_order_number    =>      PA_INTERFACE_UTILS_PUB.G_PA_MISS_CHAR,  -- Bug 5522880
396            p_advance_required         =>      PA_INTERFACE_UTILS_PUB.G_PA_MISS_CHAR,
397            p_start_date               =>      PA_INTERFACE_UTILS_PUB.G_PA_MISS_DATE,
398            p_billing_sequence         =>      PA_INTERFACE_UTILS_PUB.G_PA_MISS_NUM,
399            p_line_of_account          =>      PA_INTERFACE_UTILS_PUB.G_PA_MISS_CHAR,
400            p_Attribute11              =>      PA_INTERFACE_UTILS_PUB.G_PA_MISS_CHAR,
401            p_Attribute12              =>      PA_INTERFACE_UTILS_PUB.G_PA_MISS_CHAR,
402            p_Attribute13              =>      PA_INTERFACE_UTILS_PUB.G_PA_MISS_CHAR,
403            p_Attribute14              =>      PA_INTERFACE_UTILS_PUB.G_PA_MISS_CHAR,
404            p_Attribute15              =>      PA_INTERFACE_UTILS_PUB.G_PA_MISS_CHAR,
405            p_Attribute16              =>      PA_INTERFACE_UTILS_PUB.G_PA_MISS_CHAR,
406            p_Attribute17              =>      PA_INTERFACE_UTILS_PUB.G_PA_MISS_CHAR,
407            p_Attribute18              =>      PA_INTERFACE_UTILS_PUB.G_PA_MISS_CHAR,
408            p_Attribute19              =>      PA_INTERFACE_UTILS_PUB.G_PA_MISS_CHAR,
409            p_Attribute20              =>      PA_INTERFACE_UTILS_PUB.G_PA_MISS_CHAR,
410            p_Attribute21              =>      PA_INTERFACE_UTILS_PUB.G_PA_MISS_CHAR,
411            p_Attribute22              =>      PA_INTERFACE_UTILS_PUB.G_PA_MISS_CHAR,
412            p_Attribute23              =>      PA_INTERFACE_UTILS_PUB.G_PA_MISS_CHAR,
413            p_Attribute24              =>      PA_INTERFACE_UTILS_PUB.G_PA_MISS_CHAR,
414            p_Attribute25              =>      PA_INTERFACE_UTILS_PUB.G_PA_MISS_CHAR);  -- Bug 5522880
417      END IF;
419            /* the following is only for testing a bug */
420            BEGIN
421               SELECT amount into l_tmp_amount
422               FROM pa_agreements_all WHERE
423               agreement_id = l_agreement_id;
424            EXCEPTION
425            WHEN OTHERS THEN
426                l_tmp_amount := 0;
427            END;
428            IF l_debug_mode = 'Y' THEN
429               PA_DEBUG.write_log (x_module      =>
430                       'pa.plsql.pa_fp_ci_implement_pkg.create_ci_impact_fund_lines'
431                      ,x_msg         => 'aft upd agr api'||ltrim(to_char(l_tmp_amount))
432                      ,x_log_level   => 5);
433            END IF;
435            /* the following is only for testing a bug */
437      /* check and call for agreement amount update */
439      /* check for validate funding amount */
441      l_valid_funding_amt_flag := Pa_agreement_pvt.validate_funding_amt(
442                  p_funding_amt            => l_total_amount,
443                  p_agreement_id         => l_agreement_id,
444                  p_operation_flag       => 'A',
445                  p_funding_id           => NULL,
446                  p_pm_funding_reference => NULL );
448      IF l_debug_mode = 'Y' THEN
449          PA_DEBUG.write_log (x_module      =>
450                   'pa.plsql.pa_fp_ci_implement_pkg.create_ci_impact_fund_lines'
451                   ,x_msg         => 'aft valid fund amt api call '||l_valid_funding_amt_flag
452                   ,x_log_level   => 5);
453      END IF;
455      IF l_valid_funding_amt_flag <> 'Y' THEN
457                        p_app_short_name      => 'PA',
458                        p_msg_name            => 'PA_INVD_FUND_ALLOC_AMG' );
460         x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
461         /* x_msg_count := FND_MSG_PUB.Count_Msg;
462         IF x_msg_count = 1 THEN
463            PA_INTERFACE_UTILS_PUB.get_messages
464               (p_encoded        => FND_API.G_TRUE,
465                p_msg_index      => 1,
466                p_msg_count      => 1,
467                p_msg_data       => l_msg_data ,
468                p_data           => x_msg_data,
469                p_msg_index_out  => l_msg_index_out);
470         END IF;  */
471         IF l_debug_mode = 'Y' THEN
472            PA_DEBUG.Reset_Err_Stack;
473         END IF;
474         RETURN;
475      END IF;
477      /* checking for project level funding */
479      IF ( l_ci_ver_planning_level = 'P' AND
480           l_funding_level         = 'P'      ) OR
481         ( l_ci_ver_planning_level = 'T' AND
482           l_funding_level         = 'P'      ) OR
483         ( l_ci_ver_planning_level = 'L' AND         -- Bug 3755783: CI version Lowest level funding
484           l_funding_level         = 'P'      )THEN
486         l_amount_tab(1) := l_total_amount;
487         l_amount_tab_in_pfc(1) := l_total_projfunc_revenue;
488         l_amount_tab_in_pc(1)  := l_total_proj_revenue;
489         l_task_id_tab(1)       := NULL;
490         IF l_debug_mode = 'Y' THEN
491            PA_DEBUG.write_log (x_module      =>
492                   'pa.plsql.pa_fp_ci_implement_pkg.create_ci_impact_fund_lines'
493                   ,x_msg         => 'inside fund : ci level PP PT'
494                   ,x_log_level   => 5);
495         END IF;
498      ELSIF l_ci_ver_planning_level = 'T' AND
499            l_funding_level         = 'T' THEN
500         IF l_debug_mode = 'Y' THEN
501            PA_DEBUG.write_log (x_module      =>
502                   'pa.plsql.pa_fp_ci_implement_pkg.create_ci_impact_fund_lines'
503                   ,x_msg         => 'inside fund : ci level TT'
504                   ,x_log_level   => 5);
505         END IF;
506         BEGIN
507             SELECT NVL( SUM(nvl(bl.txn_revenue,0)) , 0)*p_partial_factor,
508             NVL( SUM(nvl(bl.project_revenue,0)) , 0)*p_partial_factor,
509             NVL( SUM(nvl(bl.revenue,0)) , 0)*p_partial_factor,
510             ra.Task_id
511             BULK COLLECT INTO
512                    l_amount_tab,
513                    l_amount_tab_in_pc,
514                    l_amount_tab_in_pfc,
515                    l_task_id_tab
516             FROM pa_budget_lines bl,
517                pa_resource_assignments ra
518             WHERE
519                ra.project_id = p_project_id AND
520                ra.budget_version_id = l_budget_version_id AND
521                NVL(ra.resource_assignment_type,'USER_ENTERED') = 'USER_ENTERED' AND
522                ra.resource_assignment_id = bl.resource_Assignment_id AND
523                bl.budget_version_id = ra.budget_version_id  AND
524                bl.cost_rejection_code IS NULL           AND
525                bl.revenue_rejection_code IS NULL        AND
526                bl.burden_rejection_code IS NULL         AND
527                bl.other_rejection_code IS NULL          AND
528                bl.pc_cur_conv_rejection_code IS NULL    AND
529                bl.pfc_cur_conv_rejection_code IS NULL
530             GROUP BY ra.task_id HAVING NVL( SUM(nvl(bl.txn_revenue,0)) , 0) <> 0
532         EXCEPTION
534             NULL;
535         END;
536      ELSIF l_ci_ver_planning_level = 'P' AND
537            l_funding_level = 'T' THEN
538         PA_UTILS.ADD_MESSAGE( p_app_short_name => 'PA',
539                               p_msg_name       => 'PA_FP_CI_FUNDING_LEVEL' );
540         x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
541         IF l_debug_mode = 'Y' THEN
542            PA_DEBUG.Reset_Err_Stack;
543         END IF;
544         RETURN;
545      ELSIF l_ci_ver_planning_level = 'L' AND  -- Bug 3755783: FP.M change
546            l_funding_level = 'T' THEN
547            -- Rollup ci budget lines to appropriate top node and create funding lines
548            BEGIN
549                 SELECT NVL( SUM(nvl(bl.txn_revenue,0)) , 0)*p_partial_factor,
550                        NVL( SUM(nvl(bl.project_revenue,0)) , 0)*p_partial_factor,
551                        NVL( SUM(nvl(bl.revenue,0)) , 0)*p_partial_factor,
552                        pt.top_task_id
553                 BULK COLLECT INTO
554                        l_amount_tab,
555                        l_amount_tab_in_pc,
556                        l_amount_tab_in_pfc,
557                        l_task_id_tab
558                 FROM   pa_budget_lines bl,
559                        pa_resource_assignments ra,
560                        pa_tasks pt
561                 WHERE  ra.project_id = p_project_id
562                 AND    ra.budget_version_id = l_budget_version_id
563                 AND    NVL(ra.resource_assignment_type,'USER_ENTERED') = 'USER_ENTERED'
564                 AND    ra.task_id = pt.task_id
565                 AND    ra.resource_assignment_id = bl.resource_Assignment_id
566                 AND    bl.budget_version_id = ra.budget_version_id
567                 AND    bl.cost_rejection_code IS NULL
568                 AND    bl.revenue_rejection_code IS NULL
569                 AND    bl.burden_rejection_code IS NULL
570                 AND    bl.other_rejection_code IS NULL
571                 AND    bl.pc_cur_conv_rejection_code IS NULL
572                 AND    bl.pfc_cur_conv_rejection_code IS NULL
573                 GROUP BY pt.top_task_id HAVING NVL( SUM(nvl(bl.txn_revenue,0)) , 0) <> 0
574                 ORDER BY PA_PROJ_ELEMENTS_UTILS.GET_DISPLAY_SEQUENCE(pt.top_task_id);
575         EXCEPTION
576                 WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN
577                      NULL;
578         END;
579      END IF;
581      --In 3 for loops written below all the txn/pc/pfc amounts will be rounded. 3 For loops are written to take advantage
582      --of caching logic in Pa_currency.round_trans_currency_amt1
583      l_rounded_agr_sum :=0;
584      l_rounded_pc_sum  :=0;
585      l_rounded_pfc_sum :=0;
586      -- Call the rounding api for all the agreement currency amounts
587      FOR i IN  1..l_task_id_tab.COUNT
588      LOOP
589          IF l_amount_tab(i) <> 0 THEN
590              l_amount_tab(i) :=
591                     Pa_currency.round_trans_currency_amt1(l_amount_tab(i),
592                                                           l_agr_curr_code);
593          END IF;
594          l_rounded_agr_sum := l_rounded_agr_sum + l_amount_tab(i);
595      END LOOP;
597      --Round PFC amounts
598      IF l_agr_curr_code = l_projfunc_curr_code THEN
600          l_amount_tab_in_pfc:=l_amount_tab;
601          l_rounded_pfc_sum   := l_rounded_agr_sum;
603      ELSE
605          FOR i IN 1 .. l_task_id_tab.COUNT
606          LOOP
607              IF l_amount_tab_in_pfc(i) <> 0 THEN
608                  l_amount_tab_in_pfc(i) :=
609                         Pa_currency.round_trans_currency_amt1(l_amount_tab_in_pfc(i),
610                                                               l_projfunc_curr_code);
611                  l_rounded_pfc_sum := l_rounded_pfc_sum + l_amount_tab_in_pfc(i);
612              END IF;
613          END LOOP;
615      END IF;
617      --Round PC amounts
618      IF l_agr_curr_code = l_proj_curr_code THEN
620          l_amount_tab_in_pc:=l_amount_tab;
621          l_rounded_pc_sum:=l_rounded_agr_sum;
623      ELSIF l_projfunc_curr_code = l_proj_curr_code THEN
625          l_amount_tab_in_pc := l_amount_tab_in_pfc;
626          l_rounded_pc_sum:=l_rounded_pfc_sum;
628      ELSE
630          FOR i IN 1 .. l_task_id_tab.COUNT
631          LOOP
632              IF l_amount_tab_in_pc(i) <> 0 THEN
633                  l_amount_tab_in_pc(i) :=
634                         Pa_currency.round_trans_currency_amt1(l_amount_tab_in_pc(i),
635                                                               l_proj_curr_code);
636                  l_rounded_pc_sum:= l_rounded_pc_sum + l_amount_tab_in_pc(i);
637              END IF;
638          END LOOP;
640      END IF;
642      --Adjust the residual amount, if any, because of rounding into the last funding line
643      IF l_task_id_tab.COUNT >0 THEN
645         l_amount_tab(l_amount_tab.COUNT) :=  l_amount_tab(l_amount_tab.COUNT) + (l_total_amount-l_rounded_agr_sum);
646         l_amount_tab_in_pfc(l_amount_tab_in_pfc.COUNT) :=  l_amount_tab_in_pfc(l_amount_tab_in_pfc.COUNT)
647                                                           +(l_total_projfunc_revenue-l_rounded_pfc_sum);
648         l_amount_tab_in_pc(l_amount_tab_in_pc.COUNT) :=  l_amount_tab_in_pc(l_amount_tab_in_pc.COUNT)
649                                                           +(l_total_proj_revenue-l_rounded_pc_sum);
651      END IF;
653      FOR i IN 1 .. l_task_id_tab.COUNT LOOP
654         --Bug 6600563. Added the parameter p_calling_context to the below API call.
655         l_add_funding_ok_flag := pa_agreement_pvt.Check_add_funding_ok(
656         p_project_id                => p_project_id,
657         p_task_id                   => l_task_id_tab(i),
658         p_agreement_id              => l_agreement_id,
659         p_pm_funding_reference      => NULL,
660         p_funding_amt               => l_amount_tab(i),
661         p_customer_id               => l_customer_id  ,
662         p_calling_context           => 'CI');
664         IF l_debug_mode = 'Y' THEN
665            PA_DEBUG.write_log (x_module      =>
666                   'pa.plsql.pa_fp_ci_implement_pkg.create_ci_impact_fund_lines'
667                   ,x_msg         => 'chk for add fund ok '||
668                                               ltrim(to_char(nvl(l_task_id_tab(i),-1)))
669                                        || ' amt '||to_char(l_amount_tab(i)) ||
670                                         ' flag '|| l_add_funding_ok_flag
671                   ,x_log_level   => 5);
672         END IF;
674         IF l_add_funding_ok_flag <> 'Y' THEN
675            x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
676            /* x_msg_count := FND_MSG_PUB.Count_Msg;
677            IF x_msg_count = 1 THEN
678               PA_INTERFACE_UTILS_PUB.get_messages
679                   (p_encoded        => FND_API.G_TRUE,
680                    p_msg_index      => 1,
681                    p_msg_count      => 1,
682                    p_msg_data       => l_msg_data ,
683                    p_data           => x_msg_data,
684                    p_msg_index_out  => l_msg_index_out);
685            END IF;  */
686            IF l_debug_mode = 'Y' THEN
687               PA_DEBUG.Reset_Err_Stack;
688            END IF;
689            RETURN;
690         END IF;
692         IF l_debug_mode = 'Y' THEN
693            PA_DEBUG.write_log (x_module      =>
694                   'pa.plsql.pa_fp_ci_implement_pkg.create_ci_impact_fund_lines'
695                   ,x_msg         => 'bef create_funding api call'
696                   ,x_log_level   => 5);
697         END IF;
699         l_err_stage := NULL;
700         /* added for bug 2782095 */
701         l_rowid := NULL;
702         l_project_funding_id := NULL;
703         /* added for bug 2782095 */
705         -- Bug 6772321
706 		IF l_amount_tab(i) <> 0 THEN
707 			l_project_exchange_rate := l_amount_tab_in_pc(i)/l_amount_tab(i);
708 			l_projfunc_exchange_rate := l_amount_tab_in_pfc(i)/l_amount_tab(i);
709 		ELSE
710 			l_project_exchange_rate := NULL;
711 			l_projfunc_exchange_rate := NULL;
712 		END IF;
714          pa_funding_core.create_funding_CO(
715             p_Rowid                       => l_rowid,
716             p_Project_Funding_Id          => l_project_funding_id,
717             p_Last_Update_Date            => l_sysdate,
718             p_Last_Updated_By             => l_last_updated_by,
719             p_Creation_Date               => l_sysdate,
720             p_Created_By                  => l_last_updated_by,
721             p_Last_Update_Login           => l_last_update_login,
722             p_Agreement_Id                => l_agreement_id,
723             p_Project_Id                  => p_project_id,
724             p_Task_id                     => l_task_id_tab(i),
725             p_Budget_Type_Code            => 'DRAFT',
726             p_Allocated_Amount            => l_amount_tab(i),
727             p_Date_Allocated              => l_sysdate,
728             P_Funding_Currency_Code       => l_agr_curr_code,
729             p_Control_Item_ID             => p_ci_id,
730             p_Attribute_Category          => NULL,
731             p_Attribute1                  => NULL,
732             p_Attribute2                  => NULL,
733             p_Attribute3                  => NULL,
734             p_Attribute4                  => NULL,
735             p_Attribute5                  => NULL,
736             p_Attribute6                  => NULL,
737             p_Attribute7                  => NULL,
738             p_Attribute8                  => NULL,
739             p_Attribute9                  => NULL,
740             p_Attribute10                 => NULL,
741             p_pm_funding_reference        => NULL,
742             p_pm_product_code             => NULL,
743             p_Project_Allocated_Amount    => l_amount_tab_in_pc(i),
744             p_project_rate_type           => 'User',
745             p_project_rate_date           => NULL,
746             --p_project_exchange_rate       => l_amount_tab_in_pc(i)/l_amount_tab(i),
747             p_project_exchange_rate       => l_project_exchange_rate,   --Bug 6772321
748             p_Projfunc_Allocated_Amount   => l_amount_tab_in_pfc(i),
749             p_projfunc_rate_type          => 'User',
750             p_projfunc_rate_date          => NULL,
751             --p_projfunc_exchange_rate      => l_amount_tab_in_pfc(i)/l_amount_tab(i),
752             p_projfunc_exchange_rate      => l_projfunc_exchange_rate,   --Bug 6772321
753             x_err_code                    => l_err_code,
754             x_err_msg                     => l_err_stage,
755             p_funding_category            => p_funding_category  );
757          IF l_debug_mode = 'Y' THEN
758             PA_DEBUG.write_log (x_module      =>
759                   'pa.plsql.pa_fp_ci_implement_pkg.create_ci_impact_fund_lines'
760                   ,x_msg         => 'aft create_funding api call ret code '||
761                                    to_char(l_err_code)
762                   ,x_log_level   => 5);
763          END IF;
765          IF (l_err_code <> 0) THEN
766              PA_UTILS.ADD_MESSAGE(
767                        p_app_short_name      => 'PA',
768                        p_msg_name            => l_err_stage );
769              x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
770               /* x_msg_count := FND_MSG_PUB.Count_Msg;
771                IF x_msg_count = 1 THEN
772                   PA_INTERFACE_UTILS_PUB.get_messages
773                      (p_encoded        => FND_API.G_TRUE,
774                       p_msg_index      => 1,
775                       p_msg_count      => 1,
776                       p_msg_data       => l_msg_data ,
777                       p_data           => x_msg_data,
778                       p_msg_index_out  => l_msg_index_out);
779                END IF;  */
780              IF l_debug_mode = 'Y' THEN
781                 PA_DEBUG.Reset_Err_Stack;
782              END IF;
783              RETURN;
784          END IF;
786          pa_agreement_utils.summary_funding_insert_row(
787                 p_agreement_id         => l_agreement_id,
788                 p_project_id           => p_project_id,
789                 p_task_id              => l_task_id_tab(i),
790                 p_login_id             => LTRIM(RTRIM(TO_CHAR(l_last_update_login))),
791                 p_user_id              => LTRIM(RTRIM(TO_CHAR(l_last_updated_by)))
792                       );
793             IF l_debug_mode = 'Y' THEN
794                PA_DEBUG.write_log (x_module      =>
795                          'pa.plsql.pa_fp_ci_implement_pkg.create_ci_impact_fund_lines'
796                          ,x_msg         => 'aft calling summary fund ins API '
797                   ,x_log_level   => 5);
798             END IF;
799         END LOOP;
800         /* FP.M- The following call to the api has been commented as this
801          * api spec has undergone changes and the calling api would not be
802          * called at all
803          */
805                        p_project_id       => p_project_id,
806                        p_s_fp_version_id  => l_budget_version_id,
807                        p_t_fp_version_id  => l_bv_id,
808                        p_inclusion_method => 'AUTOMATIC',
809                        p_included_by      => NULL,
810                        x_return_status    => x_return_status,
811                        x_msg_count        => x_msg_count,
812                        x_msg_data         => x_msg_data
813                                       );
815          IF l_debug_mode = 'Y' THEN
816                PA_DEBUG.write_log (x_module      =>
817                          'pa.plsql.pa_fp_ci_implement_pkg.create_ci_impact_fund_lines'
818                          ,x_msg         => 'aft calling link api : ret status '||
819                                           x_return_status
820                   ,x_log_level   => 5);
821         END IF;
822         IF x_return_status <> FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS THEN
823              IF l_debug_mode = 'Y' THEN
824                PA_DEBUG.Reset_Err_Stack;
825            END IF;
826            RETURN;
827         END IF;
828      /* checking for project level funding */
829  END IF; --Bug 5509687
830      /* PA_DEBUG.Reset_Err_Stack;  */
831      IF l_debug_mode = 'Y' THEN
832         PA_DEBUG.Reset_Err_Stack;
833      END IF;
834      RETURN;
837     ROLLBACK;
839     IF l_debug_mode = 'Y' THEN
840        PA_DEBUG.Reset_Err_Stack;
841     END IF;
843     x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR;
844     fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(p_pkg_name       => 'PA_FP_CI_IMPLEMENT_PKG',
845                             p_procedure_name => 'CREATE_CI_IMPACT_FUND_LINES',
846                             p_error_text     => SUBSTRB(SQLERRM,1,240));
848     fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count,
849                               p_data  => x_msg_data);
852 END create_ci_impact_fund_lines;
856 /* bug 2735741 this API returns the appropriate error msg when the
857    budget version passed is in Submitted status or
858    locked by a different user. If the lock is held by
859    the current login user and the version is not in Submitted status,
860    then the implementation of the  change order is allowed .  */
863 PROCEDURE chk_plan_ver_for_merge
864        (
865             p_project_id                 IN NUMBER,
866             p_target_fp_version_id_tbl   IN PA_PLSQL_DATATYPES.IdTabTyp,
867                x_msg_data   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
868                x_msg_count  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
869                x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
870          ) IS
871    l_budget_status_code pa_budget_versions.budget_status_code%TYPE;
872    l_locked_by_person_id pa_budget_versions.locked_by_person_id%TYPE;
873    l_version_type pa_budget_versions.version_type%TYPE;
874    l_meaning pa_lookups.meaning%TYPE;
875    l_person_id                 NUMBER;
876    l_resource_id               NUMBER;
877    l_resource_name             VARCHAR2(200);
878    l_user_id NUMBER;
879    l_chk_flag VARCHAR2(1);
880    /* l_chk_flag is used to display only one error for the
881       target version.either version in Submitted status or version locked by
882       another user. In this case, error for Submit status takes precedence
883       over the lock error. */
884    l_locked_by_name per_people_x.full_name%TYPE;
885    l_request_id NUMBER;
886    l_plan_proc_code pa_budget_versions.plan_processing_code%TYPE;
887    l_refresh_required_flag VARCHAR2(1);
888    l_request_id_v VARCHAR2(100);
889    l_url_text VARCHAR2(500);
890    l_return_status VARCHAR2(30);
891    l_wbs_update_flag VARCHAR2(1);
892    /* l_wbs_update_flag is used to display the error only one time,
893       if the Cost and Revenue amounts are planned separately and
894       both the target versions are undergoing WBS process update
895       changes.   */
897    x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
899    l_user_id := FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID;
900    l_wbs_update_flag := 'Y';
903           (p_user_id         => l_user_id,
904            x_person_id       => l_person_id,
905            x_resource_id     => l_resource_id,
906            x_resource_name   => l_resource_name);
908    FOR i IN 1 .. p_target_fp_version_id_tbl.COUNT LOOP
909       l_chk_flag := 'Y';
910       SELECT budget_status_code,
911             locked_by_person_id,
912             version_type,
913             NVL(request_id,0),
914             NVL(plan_processing_code,'ABC'),
915             NVL(process_update_wbs_flag,'N')
916       INTO
917             l_budget_status_code,
918             l_locked_by_person_id,
919             l_version_type,
920             l_request_id,
921             l_plan_proc_code,
922             l_refresh_required_flag
923       FROM pa_budget_versions WHERE
924            budget_version_id = p_target_fp_version_id_tbl(i);
926       /* code added for Patchset L */
927       /* We are not calling the API pa_fp_refresh_elements_pub.get_refresh_plan_ele_dtls
928          for getting the status details as we are already
929          getting information from pa_budget_versions table. */
931        IF l_plan_proc_code = 'WUP' AND l_wbs_update_flag = 'Y' THEN
932           x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
933           l_chk_flag := 'N';
934           l_wbs_update_flag := 'N';
935           IF l_request_id IS NOT NULL THEN
936              l_request_id_v := LTRIM(RTRIM(TO_CHAR(l_request_id)));
937           END IF;
938           l_url_text := 'OA.jsp?akRegionCode=FNDCPREQUESTVIEWREGION';
939           l_url_text := l_url_text || '&akRegionApplicationId=0';
940           l_url_text := l_url_text || '&progApplShortName=PA&progShortName=PAWPUWBS';
941           l_url_text := l_url_text || '&requestId=' || l_request_id_v;
943           PA_UTILS.ADD_MESSAGE( p_app_short_name => 'PA',
944                                 p_msg_name       => 'PA_FP_MERGE_WBS_UPD',
945                                 p_token1         => 'URLTXT',
946                                 p_value1         => l_url_text );
947        END IF;
948       /* code added for Patchset L */
950       /* checking for Submitted status */
952       IF l_budget_status_code = 'S' AND l_chk_flag = 'Y' THEN
953          l_chk_flag := 'N';
954          x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
955          IF l_version_type = 'ALL' THEN
956             PA_UTILS.ADD_MESSAGE( p_app_short_name => 'PA',
957                                   p_msg_name       => 'PA_FP_MERGE_ALL_SUBMIT');
958          ELSE
959             BEGIN
960                SELECT meaning
961                INTO l_meaning
962                FROM pa_lookups
963                WHERE lookup_type = 'FIN_PLAN_VER_TYPE'
964                AND lookup_code = l_version_type;
965             EXCEPTION
966             WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN
967                 l_meaning := NULL;
968             END;
970             PA_UTILS.ADD_MESSAGE( p_app_short_name => 'PA',
971                                   p_msg_name       => 'PA_FP_MERGE_SUBMIT',
972                                   p_token1         => 'VERTYPE',
973                                   p_value1         => l_meaning );
974          END IF;
975       END IF;
977       /* checking for lock. If the version is in Submitted status, the msg for
978          the Lock should not be displayed, even though the locked user id is
979          different. l_chk_flag is used to avoid the lock err msg in this case. */
981       l_locked_by_name := NULL;
983       IF l_locked_by_person_id IS NOT NULL AND
984          l_locked_by_person_id <> l_person_id AND
985          l_chk_flag = 'Y' THEN
986          l_locked_by_name := pa_fin_plan_utils.get_person_name(l_locked_by_person_id );
987          x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
988          IF l_version_type = 'ALL' THEN
989             PA_UTILS.ADD_MESSAGE( p_app_short_name => 'PA',
990                                   p_msg_name       => 'PA_FP_MERGE_ALL_LCK',
991                                   p_token1         => 'LOCKBY',
992                                   p_value1         => l_locked_by_name );
993          ELSE
994             BEGIN
995                SELECT meaning
996                INTO l_meaning
997                FROM pa_lookups
998                WHERE lookup_type = 'FIN_PLAN_VER_TYPE'
999                AND lookup_code = l_version_type;
1000             EXCEPTION
1001             WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN
1002                 l_meaning := NULL;
1003             END;
1005             PA_UTILS.ADD_MESSAGE( p_app_short_name => 'PA',
1006                                   p_msg_name       => 'PA_FP_MERGE_LCK',
1007                                   p_token1         => 'VERTYPE',
1008                                   p_value1         => l_meaning,
1009                                   p_token2         => 'LOCKBY',
1010                                   p_value2         => l_locked_by_name );
1011          END IF;
1012       END IF;
1013    END LOOP;
1019     x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR;
1020     fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(p_pkg_name       => 'PA_FP_CI_IMPLEMENT_PKG',
1021                             p_procedure_name => 'CHK_PLAN_VER_FOR_MERGE',
1022                             p_error_text     => SUBSTRB(SQLERRM,1,240));
1024     fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_count => x_msg_count,
1025                               p_data  => x_msg_data);
1027 END chk_plan_ver_for_merge;
1029 END pa_fp_ci_implement_pkg;