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Line 54: 20-Jul-04 abparekh 115.23 Bug 3776045 : Use fnd_profile.get to fetch profile value

50: so -1 lenth of string is trimed for the dlimiter 3115428
51: 03-Mar-04 tjesumic 115.22 delimiter value defined with 1 char and column with 90 char
52: this cause error when the delimiter defined with more then
53: 1 char
54: 20-Jul-04 abparekh 115.23 Bug 3776045 : Use fnd_profile.get to fetch profile value
55: from cache.
56: 25 Aug 2004 tjesumic 115.24 xdo integeration
57: 18 Oct 2004 nhunur 115.25 Bug : 3954449 Added union part to also look at gv$system_parameter.
58: 19 Oct 2004 tjesumic 115.26 RECLINKS added to overcome the 75 column limitation

Line 4719: -- Use FND_PROFILE.GET to get CACHED profile value.

4716: if nvl(l_output_type,'F') = 'F' then
4717: --
4718: -- Bug : 3776045
4719: -- Use FND_PROFILE.GET to get CACHED profile value.
4720: /*
4721: fnd_profile.get_specific( name_z => 'BEN_MAX_EXT_LINE_SIZE'
4722: ,user_id_z => fnd_global.user_id
4723: ,responsibility_id_z => fnd_global.resp_id

Line 4721: fnd_profile.get_specific( name_z => 'BEN_MAX_EXT_LINE_SIZE'

4717: --
4718: -- Bug : 3776045
4719: -- Use FND_PROFILE.GET to get CACHED profile value.
4720: /*
4721: fnd_profile.get_specific( name_z => 'BEN_MAX_EXT_LINE_SIZE'
4722: ,user_id_z => fnd_global.user_id
4723: ,responsibility_id_z => fnd_global.resp_id
4724: ,application_id_z => fnd_global.resp_appl_id
4725: ,val_z => l_max_prf_value

Line 4728: fnd_profile.get( NAME => 'BEN_MAX_EXT_LINE_SIZE'

4724: ,application_id_z => fnd_global.resp_appl_id
4725: ,val_z => l_max_prf_value
4726: ,defined_z => l_defined );
4727: */
4728: fnd_profile.get( NAME => 'BEN_MAX_EXT_LINE_SIZE'
4729: ,VAL => l_max_prf_value );
4730: --
4731: -- Bug : 3776045
4732: --