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2 --$Header: psapbcxs.pls 120.2 2005/10/28 14:34:58 vnoothig noship $
4  -- /*============================================================================
5  -- API name     : Budgetary_Control
6  -- Type         : public
7  -- Pre-reqs     : Create events in psa_bc_xla_events_gt
8  -- Description  :
9  --                  Public sector budgetary control package budgetary control
10  --                  is the main procedure which product would use for funds check,
11  --   	 		     the procedure validates the parameters and calls the private
12  --   				 function, which invokes the SLA online accounting engine and return
13  --   				 the funds status to caller.
14  --
15  -- Version      : Current Version 1.0
16  --                  Initial Version 1.0
17  --  Parameters  :
18  --  IN          :   p_api_version    IN NUMBER  Required
19  --                  p_init_msg_list  IN VARCHAR2 optional Default FND_API.G_FALSE
20  --                  p_commit         IN VARCHAR2 optional Default FND_API.G_FALSE
21  --                  p_application_id IN NUMBER  Required
22  --                  p_bc_mode        IN NUMBER optional Possible values:Check(C )
23  --                                               /Reserve(R)/partial(P)/Force pass(F)
24  --                  p_bc_override_flag VARCHAR2 optional Possible values: Y/N
25  --                  p_user_id        IN NUMBER optional
26  --                  p_user_resp_id   IN NUMBER optional
27  --
28  -- OUT          :   x_return_status  OUT VARCHAR2(1)
29  --                  x_msg_count      OUT NUMBER
30  --                  x_msg_data       OUT VARCHAR2(2000)
31  --                  x_status_code    OUT
32  --                 x_packet_id      OUT  NUMBER
33  -- /*============================================================================
35 PROCEDURE Budgetary_Control
36    ( p_api_version               IN  NUMBER
37     ,p_init_msg_list             IN  VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
38     ,x_return_status             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
39     ,x_msg_count                 OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
40     ,x_msg_data                  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
41     ,p_application_id	         IN INTEGER
42     ,p_bc_mode                   IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT  NULL
43     ,p_override_flag             IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT  NULL
44     ,P_user_id                   IN NUMBER   DEFAULT  NULL
45     ,P_user_resp_id              IN NUMBER   DEFAULT  NULL
46     ,x_status_code               OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
47     ,x_Packet_ID                 OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
48    );
51 -- /*============================================================================
52  -- API name     : get_sla_notupgraded_flag
53  -- Type         : private
54  -- Pre-reqs     : None
55  -- Description  : Returns Y/N depending on whether the distribution passed is notupgraded
56  --
57  --  Parameters  :
58  --  IN          :
59  --                  p_application_id 	IN NUMBER        Applied to Application ID
60  --                  p_entity_code		IN VARCHAR2      Applied to Entity code
61  --                  p_source_id_int_1	IN NUMBER        Applied to Header ID
62  --                  p_dist_link_type 	IN VARCHAR2      Applied to Dist Link Type
63  --                  p_distribution_id  IN NUMBER        Applied to Distribution ID
64  --
65  --  Returns     :   VARCHAR2 i.e., Y/N
66  -- /*============================================================================
68 FUNCTION get_sla_notupgraded_flag (	p_application_id 	IN NUMBER,
69 					p_entity_code		IN VARCHAR2,
70 					p_source_id_int_1	IN NUMBER,
71                                 	p_dist_link_type 	IN VARCHAR2,
72                                 	p_distribution_id   IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2;
74 END psa_bc_xla_pub; -- Package spec