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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 13

|     for to determine sql statments for GT insert based on sources in       |
|     use for each extract type                                              |
|                                                                            |
| NOTES                                                                      |
|     This package relies on some static business logic specific to FA       |
|     as well as the XLA AAD setups for determining addition sources,        |
|     tables, columns to extract.                                            |
|                                                                            |
|     Primary restrictions:                                                  |
|      1) in base R12 standard sources can only be seeded by ORACLE          |
|         thus attempts to add additional sources may either be ignored      |
|         or fail (depending on whether FKs for table/column are loaded)     |
|      2) on a related note, the tables allowed in the seeded setup are      |
|         a small subset and to add a table requires not only the seed       |
|         and case impacts (GT), but also if it is a new table not yet       |
|         recognized by this program, various sections of this code must be  |
|         updated - including arrays and the "where clause append" section   |
|           WITHOUT the correct where clause the risks of excluding data or  |
|           causing cartesion products (and thus ora-1) will appear          |
|      3) New sources from existing tables can be added at any time          |
|         without impact to this program, but require case changes to the    |
|         GT extract tables to hold those sources                            |
|      4) *** NEW ***                                                        |
|         DO NOT EDIT /SAVE THIS FILE WITH TABS!!!!!!!                       |
|         String comparison in particular looks for spaces and you risk      |
|         breaking the logic.  If your editor does this, than use vi!!!!!    |
|         if you do this, then dont !!!!                                     |
|                                                                            |
|                                                                            |
| HISTORY                                                                    |
|     25-FEB-2006 BRIDGWAY      Created                                      |
|                                                                            |

--|                                                                          |
--| Private global constants                                                 |
--|                                                                          |

Line: 121

c_hdr_insert CONSTANT VARCHAR2(32000)   := '
    insert into fa_xla_ext_headers_b_gt (
           event_id                                ,
           DEFAULT_CCID                            ,
           BOOK_TYPE_CODE                          ,
           PERIOD_NAME                             ,
           PERIOD_CLOSE_DATE                       ,
           PERIOD_COUNTER                          ,
           ACCOUNTING_DATE                         ,
           TRANSFER_TO_GL_FLAG                     ';
Line: 132

c_hdr_select CONSTANT VARCHAR2(32000)   := ' )
    select ctlgd.event_id,
           bc.FLEXBUILDER_DEFAULTS_CCID            ,
           bc.book_type_code                       ,
           dp.PERIOD_NAME                          ,
           dp.CALENDAR_PERIOD_CLOSE_DATE           ,
           dp.PERIOD_COUNTER                       ,
           ctlgd.event_date                        ,';
Line: 141

c_hdr_select1 CONSTANT  VARCHAR2(32000)   := '
           ''Y''                                   ' ;
Line: 144

c_hdr_select2 CONSTANT  VARCHAR2(32000)   := '
           decode(bc.GL_POSTING_ALLOWED_FLAG       ,
                 ''YES'', ''Y'',''N'')         ';
Line: 205

c_line_insert_deprn CONSTANT VARCHAR2(32000) := '
    insert into fa_xla_ext_lines_b_gt (
           EVENT_ID                             ,
           LINE_NUMBER                          ,
           DISTRIBUTION_ID                      ,
           DISTRIBUTION_TYPE_CODE               ,
           LEDGER_ID                            ,
           CURRENCY_CODE                        ,
           ENTERED_AMOUNT                       ,
           BONUS_ENTERED_AMOUNT                 ,
           REVAL_ENTERED_AMOUNT                 ,
           GENERATED_CCID                       ,
           GENERATED_OFFSET_CCID                ,
           BONUS_GENERATED_CCID                 ,
           BONUS_GENERATED_OFFSET_CCID          ,
           REVAL_GENERATED_CCID                 ,
           REVAL_GENERATED_OFFSET_CCID          ,
           RESERVE_ACCOUNT_CCID                 ,
           DEPRN_EXPENSE_ACCOUNT_CCID           ,
           BONUS_RESERVE_ACCT_CCID              ,
           BONUS_EXPENSE_ACCOUNT_CCID           ,
           REVAL_AMORT_ACCOUNT_CCID             ,
           REVAL_RESERVE_ACCOUNT_CCID           ,
           BOOK_TYPE_CODE                       ,
           PERIOD_COUNTER                       '; -- Bug:6399642
Line: 231

c_line_select_deprn CONSTANT VARCHAR2(32000) := ' )
    select ctlgd.EVENT_ID                            ,
           dd.distribution_id                        as distribution_id,
           dd.distribution_id                        as dist_id,
           ''DEPRN''                                 ,
           bc.set_of_books_id                        ,
           le.currency_code                          ,
              - dd.deprn_adjustment_amount           , -- BUG# 5094085 removing bonus subtraction intentionally
              - dd.bonus_deprn_adjustment_amount     ,
           dd.reval_amortization                     ,
           dd.deprn_expense_ccid                     ,
           dd.deprn_reserve_ccid                     ,
           dd.bonus_deprn_expense_ccid               ,
           dd.bonus_deprn_reserve_ccid               ,
           dd.reval_amort_ccid                       ,
           dd.reval_reserve_ccid                     ,
           cb.RESERVE_ACCOUNT_CCID                   ,
           cb.DEPRN_EXPENSE_ACCOUNT_CCID             ,
           cb.BONUS_RESERVE_ACCT_CCID                ,
           cb.BONUS_EXPENSE_ACCOUNT_CCID             ,
           cb.REVAL_AMORT_ACCOUNT_CCID               ,
           cb.REVAL_RESERVE_ACCOUNT_CCID             ,
           ctlgd.source_id_char_1                    ,
           dd.period_counter                         '; -- Bug:6399642
Line: 296

c_line_insert_def CONSTANT VARCHAR2(32000) := '
    insert into fa_xla_ext_lines_b_gt (
           EVENT_ID                             ,
           LINE_NUMBER                          ,
           DISTRIBUTION_ID                      ,
           DISTRIBUTION_TYPE_CODE               ,
           LEDGER_ID                            ,
           CURRENCY_CODE                        ,
           ENTERED_AMOUNT                       ,
           BOOK_TYPE_CODE                       ,
           TAX_BOOK_TYPE_CODE                   ,
           GENERATED_CCID                       ,
           GENERATED_OFFSET_CCID                ';
Line: 310

c_line_select_def CONSTANT VARCHAR2(32000) := ' )
    select ctlgd.EVENT_ID                            ,
           df.distribution_id                        as distribution_id,
           df.distribution_id                        as dist_id,
           ''DEFERRED''                              ,
           bc.set_of_books_id                        ,
           le.currency_code                          ,
           df.deferred_deprn_expense_amount          ,
           df.corp_book_type_code                    ,
           df.tax_book_type_code                     ,
           df.deferred_deprn_expense_ccid            ,
           df.deferred_deprn_reserve_ccid            ';
Line: 357

c_line_insert_stg CONSTANT VARCHAR2(32000) := '
    insert into fa_xla_ext_lines_stg_gt (
           EVENT_ID                             ,
           EVENT_TYPE_CODE                      ,
           TRANSACTION_HEADER_ID                ,
           DISTRIBUTION_TYPE_CODE               ,
           BOOK_TYPE_CODE                       ,
           LEDGER_ID                            ,
           CURRENCY_CODE                        ,
           ASSET_TYPE                           ,
           ASSET_COST_ACCOUNT_CCID              ,
           ASSET_CLEARING_ACCOUNT_CCID          ,
           CIP_COST_ACCOUNT_CCID                ,
           CIP_CLEARING_ACCOUNT_CCID            ,
           RESERVE_ACCOUNT_CCID                 ,
           DEPRN_EXPENSE_ACCOUNT_CCID           ,
           BONUS_RESERVE_ACCT_CCID              ,
           BONUS_EXPENSE_ACCOUNT_CCID           ,
           REVAL_AMORT_ACCOUNT_CCID             ,
           REVAL_RESERVE_ACCOUNT_CCID           ,
           UNPLAN_EXPENSE_ACCOUNT_CCID          ,
           ALT_COST_ACCOUNT_CCID                ,
Line: 382

c_line_select_stg CONSTANT VARCHAR2(32000) := ' )
    select ctlgd.EVENT_ID                            ,
           ctlgd.event_type_code                     ,
           th.transaction_header_id                  ,
               th.transaction_header_id)             ,
           ''TRX''                                   ,
           bc.book_type_code                         , -- Bug:6272229
           bc.set_of_books_id                        ,
           le.currency_code                          ,
           ah.asset_type                             ,
           cb.ASSET_COST_ACCOUNT_CCID                ,
           cb.ASSET_CLEARING_ACCOUNT_CCID            ,
           cb.WIP_COST_ACCOUNT_CCID                  ,
           cb.WIP_CLEARING_ACCOUNT_CCID              ,
           cb.RESERVE_ACCOUNT_CCID                   ,
           cb.DEPRN_EXPENSE_ACCOUNT_CCID             ,
           cb.BONUS_RESERVE_ACCT_CCID                ,
           cb.BONUS_EXPENSE_ACCOUNT_CCID             ,
           cb.REVAL_AMORT_ACCOUNT_CCID               ,
           cb.REVAL_RESERVE_ACCOUNT_CCID             ,
           cb.UNPLAN_EXPENSE_ACCOUNT_CCID            ,
           cb.ALT_COST_ACCOUNT_CCID                  ,
           cb.WRITE_OFF_ACCOUNT_CCID  ';
Line: 495

c_line_insert_trx CONSTANT VARCHAR2(32000) := '
    insert into fa_xla_ext_lines_b_gt (
           EVENT_ID                             ,
           LINE_NUMBER                          ,
           DISTRIBUTION_ID                      ,
           DISTRIBUTION_TYPE_CODE               ,
           LEDGER_ID                            ,
           CURRENCY_CODE                        ,
           BOOK_TYPE_CODE                       ,
           GENERATED_CCID                       ,
           ASSET_ID                             ,
           ASSET_TYPE                           ,
           ASSET_COST_ACCOUNT_CCID              ,
           ASSET_CLEARING_ACCOUNT_CCID          ,
           CIP_COST_ACCOUNT_CCID                ,
           CIP_CLEARING_ACCOUNT_CCID            ,
           RESERVE_ACCOUNT_CCID                 ,
           DEPRN_EXPENSE_ACCOUNT_CCID           ,
           BONUS_RESERVE_ACCT_CCID              ,
           BONUS_EXPENSE_ACCOUNT_CCID           ,
           REVAL_AMORT_ACCOUNT_CCID             ,
           REVAL_RESERVE_ACCOUNT_CCID           ,
           UNPLAN_EXPENSE_ACCOUNT_CCID          ,
           ALT_COST_ACCOUNT_CCID                ,
           WRITE_OFF_ACCOUNT_CCID               ,
           ENTERED_AMOUNT                       '; -- Bug:6399642
Line: 522

c_line_select_trx CONSTANT VARCHAR2(32000) := ' )
    select stg.EVENT_ID                            ,
           adj.adjustment_line_id                  ,
           adj.distribution_id                     ,
           stg.distribution_type_code              ,
           stg.ledger_id                           ,
           stg.currency_code                       ,
           stg.book_type_code                      ,
           adj.code_combination_id                 ,
           adj.asset_id                            ,
           stg.asset_type                          ,
           stg.ASSET_COST_ACCOUNT_CCID             ,
           stg.ASSET_CLEARING_ACCOUNT_CCID         ,
           stg.CIP_COST_ACCOUNT_CCID               ,
           stg.CIP_CLEARING_ACCOUNT_CCID           ,
           stg.RESERVE_ACCOUNT_CCID                ,
           stg.DEPRN_EXPENSE_ACCOUNT_CCID          ,
           stg.BONUS_RESERVE_ACCT_CCID             ,
           stg.BONUS_EXPENSE_ACCOUNT_CCID          ,
           stg.REVAL_AMORT_ACCOUNT_CCID            ,
           stg.REVAL_RESERVE_ACCOUNT_CCID          ,
           stg.UNPLAN_EXPENSE_ACCOUNT_CCID         ,
           stg.ALT_COST_ACCOUNT_CCID               ,
           stg.WRITE_OFF_ACCOUNT_CCID              , ';
Line: 548

c_line_select_trx_dist1 CONSTANT VARCHAR2(32000) := ' )
    select stg.EVENT_ID                            ,
           adj.adjustment_line_id                  ,
           adj.distribution_id                     ,
           stg.distribution_type_code              ,
           stg.ledger_id                           ,
           stg.currency_code                       ,
           stg.book_type_code                      ,
           adj.code_combination_id                 ,
           adj.asset_id                            ,
           stg.asset_type                          ,
           cb.ASSET_COST_ACCOUNT_CCID             ,
           cb.ASSET_CLEARING_ACCOUNT_CCID         ,
           cb.WIP_COST_ACCOUNT_CCID               ,
           cb.WIP_CLEARING_ACCOUNT_CCID           ,
           cb.RESERVE_ACCOUNT_CCID                ,
           cb.DEPRN_EXPENSE_ACCOUNT_CCID          ,
           cb.BONUS_RESERVE_ACCT_CCID             ,
           cb.BONUS_EXPENSE_ACCOUNT_CCID          ,
           cb.REVAL_AMORT_ACCOUNT_CCID            ,
           cb.REVAL_RESERVE_ACCOUNT_CCID          ,
           cb.UNPLAN_EXPENSE_ACCOUNT_CCID         ,
           cb.ALT_COST_ACCOUNT_CCID               ,
           cb.WRITE_OFF_ACCOUNT_CCID              , ';
Line: 851

                        ''Rows inserted into lines: '' || to_char(SQL%ROWCOUNT));
Line: 865

c_mls_insert CONSTANT VARCHAR2(32000)   := '
    insert into fa_xla_ext_lines_tl_gt (
           event_id                                ,
           line_number                             ,
           LEDGER_ID                               ,
           TRANSACTION_HEADER_ID                   ,
           ASSET_ID                                ,
           DEPRN_RUN_ID                            ,
           BOOK_TYPE_CODE                          ,
           PERIOD_COUNTER                          '; -- Bug:6399642
Line: 876

c_mls_select CONSTANT VARCHAR2(32000)   := ' )
    select xl.event_id                             ,
           xl.line_number                          ,
           xl.ledger_id                            ,
           xl.TRANSACTION_HEADER_ID                ,
           xl.ASSET_ID                             ,
           xl.DEPRN_RUN_ID                         ,
           xl.BOOK_TYPE_CODE                       ,
           xl.PERIOD_COUNTER                       '; -- Bug:6399642
Line: 924

procedure delete_table_member (p_table IN OUT NOCOPY v30_tbl,
                               p_index IN number) is

   l_procedure_name varchar2(80) := ' delete_table_member';
Line: 933

Line: 944

      p_table.delete(l_count + 1);
Line: 957

end delete_table_member;
Line: 1264

   select distinct table_name,
              -- standard headers/lines
              'FA_BOOK_CONTROLS'        , 'bc',
              'FA_DEPRN_PERIODS'        , 'dp',
              'XLA_EVENTS_GT'           , 'ctgld',
              -- standard lines
              'FA_ADDITIONS_B'          , 'ad',
              'FA_ADJUSTMENTS'          , 'adj',
              'FA_ASSET_HISTORY'        , 'ah',
              'FA_CATEGORY_BOOKS'       , 'cb',
              'FA_DISTRIBUTION_HISTORY' , 'dh',
              'FA_DEFERRED_DEPRN'       , 'df',
              'FA_DEPRN_DETAIL'         , 'dd',
              'FA_LOOKUPS'              , 'lu',
              'FA_TRANSACTION_HEADERS'  , 'th',
              'FA_RETIREMENTS'          , 'ret',
              'FA_XLA_EXT_LINES_STG_GT' , 'stg',
              'GL_LEDGERS'              , 'le',
              -- non-standard
              'FA_ADDITIONS_TL'         , 'adtl',
              'FA_ASSET_INVOICES'       , 'ai',
              'FA_ASSET_KEYWORDS'       , 'key',
              'FA_BOOKS'                , 'bk',
              'FA_CATEGORIES_B'         , 'cat',
              'FA_CATEGORIES_TL'        , 'cattl',
              'FA_DEPRN_SUMMARY'        , 'ds',
              'FA_LEASES'               , 'ls',
              'FA_LOCATIONS'            , 'loc',
              'FA_METHODS'              , 'mt',
     from all_tables tab,
          TABLE(CAST(p_tables AS fa_char30_tbl_type)) fatab,
          TABLE(CAST(p_schemas AS fa_char30_tbl_type)) stab
    where tab.table_name = fatab.column_value
      and tab.owner = stab.column_value;
Line: 1316

   select distinct
     from xla_aad_sources aad,
          xla_sources_b   sources,
          TABLE(CAST(p_event_class_table AS fa_char30_tbl_type)) fatab
    where aad.application_id     = 140
      and sources.application_id = 140
      and aad.entity_code        = p_entity_code
      and aad.source_level_code  = p_source_level_code
      and aad.event_class_code   = fatab.column_value
      and aad.source_code        = sources.source_code
      and sources.source_table_name is not null
      and sources.source_table_name not in ('FA_ADDITIONS_TL', 'FA_CATEGORIES_TL')
    order by 2,1;
Line: 1337

   select distinct
     from xla_aad_sources aad,
          xla_sources_b   sources,
          TABLE(CAST(p_event_class_table AS fa_char30_tbl_type)) fatab
    where aad.application_id     = 140
      and sources.application_id = 140
      and aad.entity_code        = p_entity_code
      and aad.source_level_code  = p_source_level_code
      and aad.event_class_code   = fatab.column_value
      and aad.source_code        = sources.source_code
      and sources.source_table_name is not null
      and sources.source_table_name in
          (select fatab2.column_value
             from TABLE(CAST(p_known_tables AS fa_char30_tbl_type)) fatab2)
    order by 2,1;
Line: 1360

   select distinct
     from xla_aad_sources aad,
          xla_sources_b   sources,
          TABLE(CAST(p_event_class_table AS fa_char30_tbl_type)) fatab
    where aad.application_id     = 140
      and sources.application_id = 140
      and aad.entity_code        = p_entity_code
      and aad.source_level_code  = p_source_level_code
      and aad.event_class_code   = fatab.column_value
      and aad.source_code        = sources.source_code
      and sources.source_table_name is not null
      and sources.source_table_name not in
          (select fatab2.column_value
             from TABLE(CAST(p_known_tables AS fa_char30_tbl_type)) fatab2)
   select distinct
     from xla_aad_sources aad,
          xla_sources_b   sources,
          TABLE(CAST(p_event_class_table AS fa_char30_tbl_type)) fatab
    where aad.application_id     = 140
      and sources.application_id = 140
      and aad.entity_code        = p_entity_code
      and aad.source_level_code  = p_source_level_code
      and aad.event_class_code   = fatab.column_value
      and aad.source_code        = sources.source_code
      and sources.source_table_name is not null
      and sources.source_table_name in
          (select fatab2.column_value
             from TABLE(CAST(p_known_tables AS fa_char30_tbl_type)) fatab2)
    order by 2,1;
Line: 1401

   select distinct
     from xla_aad_sources aad,
          xla_sources_b   sources,
          TABLE(CAST(p_event_class_table AS fa_char30_tbl_type)) fatab
    where aad.application_id     = 140
      and sources.application_id = 140
      and aad.entity_code        = p_entity_code
      and aad.source_level_code  = p_source_level_code
      and aad.event_class_code   = fatab.column_value
      and aad.source_code        = sources.source_code
      and sources.source_table_name   in ('FA_ADDITIONS_TL', 'FA_CATEGORIES_TL')
    order by 2,1;
Line: 1417

   l_insert    varchar2(32000);
Line: 1418

   l_select    varchar2(32000);
Line: 1490

      l_insert := c_hdr_insert;
Line: 1491

      l_select := c_hdr_select;
Line: 1495

         l_select := l_select || c_hdr_select1;
Line: 1497

         l_select := l_select || c_hdr_select2;
Line: 1544

         l_insert := c_line_insert_deprn;
Line: 1545

         l_select := c_line_select_deprn;
Line: 1549

         l_select := replace(l_select, 'select ' ,
                     'select /*+ ordered use_hash(CB,BC,LE) swap_join_inputs(CB)  swap_join_inputs(BC) swap_join_inputs(LE) */ ');
Line: 1558

         l_insert := c_line_insert_def;
Line: 1559

         l_select := c_line_select_def;
Line: 1569

         l_insert := c_line_insert_trx;
Line: 1573

            l_select := c_line_select_trx_dist1;
Line: 1575

            l_select := c_line_select_trx;
Line: 1584

            l_select := l_select || c_line_adj_amt_fin1;
Line: 1592

            l_select := l_select || c_line_adj_amt_fin2;
Line: 1600

            l_select := l_select || c_line_adj_amt_xfr;
Line: 1608

            l_select := l_select || c_line_adj_amt_dist1;
Line: 1617

            l_select := l_select || c_line_adj_amt_dist2;
Line: 1625

            l_select := l_select || c_line_adj_amt_ret;
Line: 1634

            l_select := l_select || c_line_adj_amt_ret;
Line: 1647

         l_select := replace(l_select, 'select ' ,
                     'select /*+ leading(stg) index(adj, FA_ADJUSTMENTS_U1) */ ');
Line: 1658

      l_insert := c_line_insert_stg;
Line: 1659

      l_select := c_line_select_stg;
Line: 1671

         l_select := replace(l_select, 'select ' ,
                     'select /*+ leading(ctgld) index(th, FA_TRANSACTION_HEADERS_U1) */ ');
Line: 1683

         l_select := replace(l_select, 'select ' ,
                     'select /*+ leading(ctgld) index(th, FA_TRANSACTION_HEADERS_N7) */ ');
Line: 1701

      l_insert := c_mls_insert;
Line: 1702

      l_select := c_mls_select;
Line: 1815

      if (instr(upper(l_insert), ' ' || l_source_code(l_index) || ' ') > 0) then   -- BUG# 6779783

         delete_table_member(l_source_code, l_index);
Line: 1818

         delete_table_member(l_column_name, l_index);
Line: 1819

         delete_table_member(l_table_name,  l_index);
Line: 1869

      l_insert := l_insert || ',' || fa_cmp_string_pkg.g_chr_newline  || '           ' || l_source_code(i);
Line: 1870

      l_select := l_select || ',' || fa_cmp_string_pkg.g_chr_newline  || '           ' || l_alias(i)  || '.' || l_column_name(i) ;
Line: 1975

          l_select := replace(l_select, 'FA_ADJUSTMENTS_U1' ,
                                        'FA_MC_ADJUSTMENTS_U1') ;
Line: 2007

             l_select := replace(l_select, 'stg.ledger_id',       'bc.set_of_books_id');
Line: 2008

             l_select := replace(l_select, 'stg.currency_code',   'le.currency_code');
Line: 2029

       l_bodypkg := l_insert || l_select || l_from || l_where || ';' || fa_cmp_string_pkg.g_chr_newline ;