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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 102

        'populate_default_values: 3 - before inv_rcv_std_rcpt_apis.insert_txn_interface  '
      , 4
Line: 109

      , p_rcv_rcpt_rec
      , p_group_id
      , l_transaction_type
      , p_organization_id
      , p_rcv_transaction_rec.deliver_to_location_id
      , p_source_type
      , NULL
      , p_project_id
      , p_task_id
      , p_express_transaction--Bug 5550783
Line: 127

        'populate_default_values: 4 - after inv_rcv_std_rcpt_apis.insert_txn_interface  ' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS')
      , 4
Line: 147

          'populate_default_values: 5 - before inv_rcv_std_deliver_apis.insert_lot_serial  '
        , 4
Line: 153

          , p_transaction_temp_id
          , p_lot_control_code
          , p_serial_control_code
          , l_interface_transaction_id);
Line: 167

           'About exit populate_default_values: 6 - after inv_rcv_std_deliver_apis.insert_lot_serial  '
        || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 4);
Line: 262

      SELECT 'N' line_chkbox
           , 'VENDOR' source_type_code
           , 'VENDOR' receipt_source_code
           , 'PO' order_type_code
           , '' order_type
           , poll.po_header_id po_header_id
           , poh.segment1 po_number
           , poll.po_line_id po_line_id
           , pol.line_num po_line_number
           , poll.line_location_id po_line_location_id
           , poll.shipment_num po_shipment_number
           , poll.po_release_id po_release_id
           , por.release_num po_release_number
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) req_header_id
           , NULL req_number
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) req_line_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) req_line
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) req_distribution_id
           --Passing as NULL for the columns for which values are not known. --Bug #3878174
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) rcv_shipment_header_id
           , NULL rcv_shipment_number
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) rcv_shipment_line_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) rcv_line_number
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) from_organization_id
           , poh.po_header_id rcv_shipment_header_id
           , poh.segment1 rcv_shipment_number
           , pol.po_line_id rcv_shipment_line_id
           , pol.line_num rcv_line_number
           , poh.po_header_id from_organization_id
           , poll.ship_to_organization_id to_organization_id
           , poh.vendor_id vendor_id
           , '' SOURCE
           , poh.vendor_site_id vendor_site_id
           , '' outside_operation_flag
           , pol.item_id item_id
           , NULL uom_code
--         , pol.unit_meas_lookup_code primary_uom
	   , msi.primary_unit_of_measure primary_uom /* Bug 5665041:Primary UOM should be taken from MSI*/
           , mum.uom_class primary_uom_class
           , NULL item_allowed_units_lookup_code
           , NULL item_locator_control
           , '' restrict_locators_code
           , '' restrict_subinventories_code
           , NULL shelf_life_code
           , NULL shelf_life_days
           , msi.serial_number_control_code serial_number_control_code
           , msi.lot_control_code lot_control_code
           , DECODE(msi.revision_qty_control_code, 1, 'N', 2, 'Y', 'N') item_rev_control_flag_to
           , NULL item_rev_control_flag_from
           , NULL item_number
           , pol.item_revision item_revision
           , pol.item_description item_description
           , pol.category_id item_category_id
           , '' hazard_class
           , '' un_number
           , pol.vendor_product_num vendor_item_number
           , poll.ship_to_location_id ship_to_location_id
           , '' ship_to_location
           , NULL packing_slip
           , poll.receiving_routing_id routing_id
           , '' routing_name
           , poll.need_by_date need_by_date
           , NVL(poll.promised_date, poll.need_by_date) expected_receipt_date
           , poll.quantity ordered_qty
           , pol.unit_meas_lookup_code ordered_uom
           , NULL ussgl_transaction_code
           , poll.government_context government_context
           , poll.inspection_required_flag inspection_required_flag
           , poll.receipt_required_flag receipt_required_flag
           , poll.enforce_ship_to_location_code enforce_ship_to_location_code
           , NVL(poll.price_override, pol.unit_price) unit_price
           , poh.currency_code currency_code
           , poh.rate_type currency_conversion_type
           , poh.rate_date currency_conversion_date
           , poh.rate currency_conversion_rate
           , poh.note_to_receiver note_to_receiver
           , pod.destination_type_code destination_type_code
           , pod.deliver_to_person_id deliver_to_person_id
           , pod.deliver_to_location_id deliver_to_location_id
           , pod.destination_subinventory destination_subinventory
           , poll.attribute_category attribute_category
           , poll.attribute1 attribute1
           , poll.attribute2 attribute2
           , poll.attribute3 attribute3
           , poll.attribute4 attribute4
           , poll.attribute5 attribute5
           , poll.attribute6 attribute6
           , poll.attribute7 attribute7
           , poll.attribute8 attribute8
           , poll.attribute9 attribute9
           , poll.attribute10 attribute10
           , poll.attribute11 attribute11
           , poll.attribute12 attribute12
           , poll.attribute13 attribute13
           , poll.attribute14 attribute14
           , poll.attribute15 attribute15
           , poll.closed_code closed_code
           , NULL asn_type
           , NULL bill_of_lading
           , TO_DATE(NULL) shipped_date
           , NULL freight_carrier_code
           , NULL waybill_airbill_num
           , NULL freight_bill_num
           , NULL vendor_lot_num
           , NULL container_num
           , NULL truck_num
           , NULL bar_code_label
           , '' rate_type_display
           , poll.match_option match_option
           , poll.country_of_origin_code country_of_origin_code
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) oe_order_header_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) oe_order_num
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) oe_order_line_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) oe_order_line_num
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) customer_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) customer_site_id
           , NULL customer_item_num
           , NULL pll_note_to_receiver
           , pod.po_distribution_id
           , pod.quantity_ordered - pod.quantity_delivered qty_ordered
           , pod.wip_entity_id
           , pod.wip_operation_seq_num
           , pod.wip_resource_seq_num
           , pod.wip_repetitive_schedule_id
           , pod.wip_line_id
           , pod.bom_resource_id
           , '' destination_type
           , '' LOCATION
           , pod.rate currency_conversion_rate_pod
           , pod.rate_date currency_conversion_date_pod
           , pod.project_id project_id
           , pod.task_id task_id
           , pol.secondary_uom secondary_uom --OPM Convergence
           , NULL secondary_uom_code --OPM Convergence
           , pol.secondary_qty secondary_quantity --OPM Convergence
      FROM   po_headers poh
           , po_line_locations poll
           , po_lines pol
           , po_releases por
           , mtl_system_items msi
           , mtl_units_of_measure mum
           , po_distributions pod
      WHERE  pod.po_distribution_id = v_po_distribution_id
      AND    poh.po_header_id = poll.po_header_id
      AND    pol.po_line_id = poll.po_line_id
      AND    poll.po_release_id = por.po_release_id(+)
      AND    pod.line_location_id = poll.line_location_id
      AND    mum.unit_of_measure(+) = pol.unit_meas_lookup_code
      AND    NVL(msi.organization_id, poll.ship_to_organization_id) = poll.ship_to_organization_id
      AND    msi.inventory_item_id(+) = pol.item_id;
Line: 443

      SELECT rcv_interface_groups_s.NEXTVAL
      INTO   l_group_id
      FROM   DUAL;
Line: 493

        SELECT primary_unit_of_measure
        INTO   inv_rcv_std_rcpt_apis.g_rcpt_match_table_gross(inv_rcv_std_rcpt_apis.g_receipt_detail_index).primary_unit_of_measure
        FROM   mtl_system_items
        WHERE  mtl_system_items.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
        AND    mtl_system_items.organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 703

          UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_interface
	          SET  serial_transaction_temp_id = NULL
	          WHERE product_transaction_id = p_transaction_temp_id
	          AND   product_code = 'RCV';
Line: 760

Line: 878

      SELECT 'N' line_chkbox
           , 'VENDOR' source_type_code
           , 'VENDOR' receipt_source_code
           , 'PO' order_type_code
           , '' order_type
           , poll.po_header_id po_header_id
           , poh.segment1 po_number
           , poll.po_line_id po_line_id
           , pol.line_num po_line_number
           , poll.line_location_id po_line_location_id
           , poll.shipment_num po_shipment_number
           , poll.po_release_id po_release_id
           , por.release_num po_release_number
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) req_header_id
           , NULL req_number
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) req_line_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) req_line
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) req_distribution_id
            --Passing as NULL for the columns for which values are not known. --Bug #3878174
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL)  rcv_shipment_header_id
           , NULL rcv_shipment_number
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL)  rcv_shipment_line_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL)  rcv_line_number
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL)  from_organization_id
           , poh.po_header_id rcv_shipment_header_id
           , poh.segment1 rcv_shipment_number
           , pol.po_line_id rcv_shipment_line_id
           , pol.line_num rcv_line_number
           , poh.po_header_id from_organization_id
           , poll.ship_to_organization_id to_organization_id
           , poh.vendor_id vendor_id
           , '' SOURCE
           , poh.vendor_site_id vendor_site_id
           , '' outside_operation_flag
           , pol.item_id item_id
           , -- Bug 2073164
             NULL uom_code
--         , pol.unit_meas_lookup_code primary_uom
	   , msi.primary_unit_of_measure primary_uom /* Bug 5665041:Primary UOM should be taken from MSI*/
           , mum.uom_class primary_uom_class
           , NULL item_allowed_units_lookup_code
           , NULL item_locator_control
           , '' restrict_locators_code
           , '' restrict_subinventories_code
           , NULL shelf_life_code
           , NULL shelf_life_days
           , msi.serial_number_control_code serial_number_control_code
           , msi.lot_control_code lot_control_code
           , DECODE(msi.revision_qty_control_code, 1, 'N', 2, 'Y', 'N') item_rev_control_flag_to
           , NULL item_rev_control_flag_from
           , NULL item_number
           , pol.item_revision item_revision
           , pol.item_description item_description
           , pol.category_id item_category_id
           , '' hazard_class
           , '' un_number
           , pol.vendor_product_num vendor_item_number
           , poll.ship_to_location_id ship_to_location_id
           , '' ship_to_location
           , NULL packing_slip
           , poll.receiving_routing_id routing_id
           , '' routing_name
           , poll.need_by_date need_by_date
           , NVL(poll.promised_date, poll.need_by_date) expected_receipt_date
           , poll.quantity ordered_qty
           , pol.unit_meas_lookup_code ordered_uom
           , NULL ussgl_transaction_code
           , poll.government_context government_context
           , poll.inspection_required_flag inspection_required_flag
           , poll.receipt_required_flag receipt_required_flag
           , poll.enforce_ship_to_location_code enforce_ship_to_location_code
           , NVL(poll.price_override, pol.unit_price) unit_price
           , poh.currency_code currency_code
           , poh.rate_type currency_conversion_type
           , poh.rate_date currency_conversion_date
           , poh.rate currency_conversion_rate
           , poh.note_to_receiver note_to_receiver
           , pod.destination_type_code destination_type_code
           , pod.deliver_to_person_id deliver_to_person_id
           , pod.deliver_to_location_id deliver_to_location_id
           , pod.destination_subinventory destination_subinventory
           , poll.attribute_category attribute_category
           , poll.attribute1 attribute1
           , poll.attribute2 attribute2
           , poll.attribute3 attribute3
           , poll.attribute4 attribute4
           , poll.attribute5 attribute5
           , poll.attribute6 attribute6
           , poll.attribute7 attribute7
           , poll.attribute8 attribute8
           , poll.attribute9 attribute9
           , poll.attribute10 attribute10
           , poll.attribute11 attribute11
           , poll.attribute12 attribute12
           , poll.attribute13 attribute13
           , poll.attribute14 attribute14
           , poll.attribute15 attribute15
           , poll.closed_code closed_code
           , NULL asn_type
           , NULL bill_of_lading
           , TO_DATE(NULL) shipped_date
           , NULL freight_carrier_code
           , NULL waybill_airbill_num
           , NULL freight_bill_num
           , NULL vendor_lot_num
           , NULL container_num
           , NULL truck_num
           , NULL bar_code_label
           , '' rate_type_display
           , poll.match_option match_option
           , poll.country_of_origin_code country_of_origin_code
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) oe_order_header_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) oe_order_num
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) oe_order_line_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) oe_order_line_num
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) customer_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) customer_site_id
           , NULL customer_item_num
           , NULL pll_note_to_receiver
           , pod.quantity_ordered - pod.quantity_delivered qty_ordered
           , pod.wip_entity_id
           , pod.wip_operation_seq_num
           , pod.wip_resource_seq_num
           , pod.wip_repetitive_schedule_id
           , pod.wip_line_id
           , pod.bom_resource_id
           , '' destination_type
           , '' LOCATION
           , pod.rate currency_conversion_rate_pod
           , pod.rate_date currency_conversion_date_pod
           , pod.project_id project_id
           , pod.task_id task_id
           , pol.secondary_uom secondary_uom --OPM Convergence
           , NULL secondary_uom_code --OPM Convergence
           , pol.secondary_qty secondary_quantity --OPM Convergence
      FROM   po_headers poh
           , po_line_locations poll
           , po_lines pol
           , po_releases por
           , mtl_system_items msi
           , mtl_units_of_measure mum
           , po_distributions pod
      WHERE  pod.po_distribution_id = v_po_distribution_id
      AND    poh.po_header_id = poll.po_header_id
      AND    pol.po_line_id = poll.po_line_id
      AND    poll.po_release_id = por.po_release_id(+)
      AND    pod.line_location_id = poll.line_location_id
      AND    mum.unit_of_measure(+) = pol.unit_meas_lookup_code
      AND    NVL(msi.organization_id, poll.ship_to_organization_id) = poll.ship_to_organization_id
      AND    msi.inventory_item_id(+) = pol.item_id
      AND    (p_project_id IS NULL
              OR(p_project_id = -9999
                 AND pod.project_id IS NULL) -- bug 2669021
              OR pod.project_id = p_project_id)
      AND    (p_task_id IS NULL
              OR pod.task_id = p_task_id);
Line: 1068

      SELECT rcv_interface_groups_s.NEXTVAL
      INTO   l_group_id
      FROM   DUAL;
Line: 1129

        SELECT primary_unit_of_measure
        INTO   inv_rcv_std_rcpt_apis.g_rcpt_match_table_gross(inv_rcv_std_rcpt_apis.g_receipt_detail_index).primary_unit_of_measure
        FROM   mtl_system_items
        WHERE  mtl_system_items.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
        AND    mtl_system_items.organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 1440

     * Call the split_lot API to split the lots and serials inserted from the UI
     * based on the quantity of each RTI record
    IF ((inv_rcv_common_apis.g_inv_patch_level >= inv_rcv_common_apis.g_patchset_j) AND
        (inv_rcv_common_apis.g_po_patch_level >= inv_rcv_common_apis.g_patchset_j_po)) THEN
      --BUG 3326408,3346758,3405320
      --If there are any serials confirmed from the UI for an item that is
      --lot controlled and serial control dynamic at SO issue,
      --do not NULL out serial_transaction_temp_id. In other cases,
      --NULL OUT serial_temp_id so that split_lot_serial does not look at MSNI
      IF (l_rcv_rcpt_rec.lot_control_code = 2 AND
          l_rcv_rcpt_rec.serial_number_control_code IN(1,6)) THEN
	      IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
	        print_debug('create_po_drct_dlvr_rti_rec 9.6: serial_control_code IS 6, need TO NULL OUT mtli', 4);
Line: 1456

          UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_interface
	          SET  serial_transaction_temp_id = NULL
	          WHERE product_transaction_id = p_transaction_temp_id
	          AND   product_code = 'RCV';
Line: 1507

Line: 1618

      SELECT 'N' line_chkbox
           , 'INTERNAL' source_type_code
           , DECODE(rsl.source_document_code, 'INVENTORY', 'INVENTORY', 'REQ', 'INTERNAL ORDER') receipt_source_code
           , rsl.source_document_code order_type_code
           , '' order_type
           --Passing as NULL for the columns for which value is not known.  --Bug #3878174
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) po_header_id
           , NULL po_number
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) po_line_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) po_line_number
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) po_line_location_id
           , NULL po_shipment_number
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) po_release_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) po_release_number
           , rsh.shipment_header_id po_header_id
           , rsh.shipment_num po_number
           , rsl.shipment_line_id po_line_id
           , rsl.line_num po_line_number
           , rsl.shipment_line_id po_line_location_id
           , rsl.line_num po_shipment_number
           , rsh.shipment_header_id po_release_id
           , rsh.shipment_header_id po_release_number
           , porh.requisition_header_id req_header_id
           , porh.segment1 req_number
           , porl.requisition_line_id req_line_id
           , porl.line_num req_line
           , rsl.req_distribution_id req_distribution_id
           , rsl.shipment_header_id rcv_shipment_header_id
           , rsh.shipment_num rcv_shipment_number
           , rsl.shipment_line_id rcv_shipment_line_id
           , rsl.line_num rcv_line_number
           , rsl.from_organization_id from_organization_id
           , rsl.to_organization_id to_organization_id
           , rsl.shipment_line_id vendor_id
           , '' SOURCE
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) vendor_site_id
           , 'N' outside_operation_flag
           , rsl.item_id item_id
           , -- Bug 2073164
             NULL uom_code
           , rsl.unit_of_measure primary_uom
           , mum.uom_class primary_uom_class
           , NVL(msi.allowed_units_lookup_code, 2) item_allowed_units_lookup_code
           , NVL(msi.location_control_code, 1) item_locator_control
           , DECODE(msi.restrict_locators_code, 1, 'Y', 'N') restrict_locators_code
           , DECODE(msi.restrict_subinventories_code, 1, 'Y', 'N') restrict_subinventories_code
           , NVL(msi.shelf_life_code, 1) shelf_life_code
           , NVL(msi.shelf_life_days, 0) shelf_life_days
           , msi.serial_number_control_code serial_number_control_code
           , msi.lot_control_code lot_control_code
           , DECODE(msi.revision_qty_control_code, 1, 'N', 2, 'Y', 'N') item_rev_control_flag_to
           , DECODE(msi1.revision_qty_control_code, 1, 'N', 2, 'Y', 'N') item_rev_control_flag_from
           , NULL item_number
           , rsl.item_revision item_revision
           , rsl.item_description item_description
           , rsl.category_id item_category_id
           , '' hazard_class
           , '' un_number
           , rsl.vendor_item_num vendor_item_number
           , rsh.ship_to_location_id ship_to_location_id
           , '' ship_to_location
           , rsh.packing_slip packing_slip
           , rsl.routing_header_id routing_id
           , '' routing_name
           , porl.need_by_date need_by_date
           , rsh.expected_receipt_date expected_receipt_date
           , rsl.quantity_shipped ordered_qty
           , rsl.primary_unit_of_measure ordered_uom
           , rsh.ussgl_transaction_code ussgl_transaction_code
           , rsh.government_context government_context
           , NULL inspection_required_flag
           , NULL receipt_required_flag
           , NULL enforce_ship_to_location_code
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) unit_price
           , NULL currency_code
           , NULL currency_conversion_type
           , TO_DATE(NULL) currency_conversion_date
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) currency_conversion_rate
           , NULL note_to_receiver
             rsl.destination_type_code destination_type_code
           , rsl.deliver_to_person_id deliver_to_person_id
           , rsl.deliver_to_location_id deliver_to_location_id
           , rsl.to_subinventory destination_subinventory
           , rsl.attribute_category attribute_category
           , rsl.attribute1 attribute1
           , rsl.attribute2 attribute2
           , rsl.attribute3 attribute3
           , rsl.attribute4 attribute4
           , rsl.attribute5 attribute5
           , rsl.attribute6 attribute6
           , rsl.attribute7 attribute7
           , rsl.attribute8 attribute8
           , rsl.attribute9 attribute9
           , rsl.attribute10 attribute10
           , rsl.attribute11 attribute11
           , rsl.attribute12 attribute12
           , rsl.attribute13 attribute13
           , rsl.attribute14 attribute14
           , rsl.attribute15 attribute15
           , 'OPEN' closed_code
           , NULL asn_type
           , rsh.bill_of_lading bill_of_lading
           , rsh.shipped_date shipped_date
           , rsh.freight_carrier_code freight_carrier_code
           , rsh.waybill_airbill_num waybill_airbill_num
           , rsh.freight_bill_number freight_bill_num
           , rsl.vendor_lot_num vendor_lot_num
           , rsl.container_num container_num
           , rsl.truck_num truck_num
           , rsl.bar_code_label bar_code_label
           , NULL rate_type_display
           , 'P' match_option
           , NULL country_of_origin_code
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) oe_order_header_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) oe_order_num
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) oe_order_line_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) oe_order_line_num
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) customer_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) customer_site_id
           , NULL customer_item_num
           , NULL pll_note_to_receiver
             NULL po_distribution_id
           , NULL qty_ordered
           , NULL wip_entity_id
           , NULL wip_operation_seq_num
           , NULL wip_resource_seq_num
           , NULL wip_repetitive_schedule_id
           , NULL wip_line_id
           , NULL bom_resource_id
           , '' destination_type
           , '' LOCATION
           , NULL currency_conversion_rate_pod
           , NULL currency_conversion_date_pod
           , NULL project_id
           , NULL task_id
            , NULL secondary_uom --OPM Convergence
           , NULL secondary_uom_code --OPM Convergence
           , NULL secondary_quantity --OPM Convergence
      FROM   rcv_shipment_headers rsh
           , rcv_shipment_lines rsl
           , po_requisition_headers porh
           , po_requisition_lines porl
           , mtl_system_items msi
           , mtl_system_items msi1
           , mtl_units_of_measure mum
      WHERE  rsh.receipt_source_code <> 'VENDOR'
      AND    rsl.requisition_line_id = porl.requisition_line_id(+)
      AND    porl.requisition_header_id = porh.requisition_header_id(+)
      AND    rsh.shipment_header_id = rsl.shipment_header_id
      AND    mum.unit_of_measure(+) = rsl.unit_of_measure
      AND    msi.organization_id(+) = rsl.to_organization_id
      AND    msi.inventory_item_id(+) = rsl.item_id
      AND    msi1.organization_id(+) = rsl.from_organization_id
      AND    msi1.inventory_item_id(+) = rsl.item_id
      AND    rsl.shipment_line_id = v_shipment_line_id
      AND    (
               rsl.source_document_code = 'REQ'
               AND EXISTS(
                    SELECT '1'
                    FROM   po_req_distributions_all prd
                    WHERE  prd.requisition_line_id = porl.requisition_line_id
                            p_project_id IS NULL
                            OR(p_project_id = -9999
                               AND prd.project_id IS NULL)
                            OR -- bug 2669021
                               prd.project_id = p_project_id
                    AND    (p_task_id IS NULL
                            OR prd.task_id = p_task_id))
              OR rsl.source_document_code <> 'REQ'
Line: 1825

        SELECT receipt_num
        INTO   l_receipt_num
        FROM   rcv_shipment_headers
        WHERE  shipment_header_id = p_shipment_header_id
        AND    ship_to_org_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 1856

      SELECT rcv_interface_groups_s.NEXTVAL
      INTO   l_group_id
      FROM   DUAL;
Line: 1891

      SELECT primary_unit_of_measure
      INTO   inv_rcv_std_rcpt_apis.g_rcpt_match_table_gross(inv_rcv_std_rcpt_apis.g_receipt_detail_index).primary_unit_of_measure
      FROM   mtl_system_items
      WHERE  mtl_system_items.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
      AND    mtl_system_items.organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 2064

        SELECT cost_group_id
        INTO   l_rcv_transaction_rec.transfer_cost_group_id
        FROM   rcv_shipment_lines
        WHERE  shipment_line_id = l_rcv_transaction_rec.rcv_shipment_line_id;
Line: 2182

        print_debug('create_int_shp_dr_del_rti_rec: 125 - before update_rcv_serials_supply'
        , 4);
Line: 2188

       * No updates to rcv_serials_supply if INV J and PO J are installed
      IF ((inv_rcv_common_apis.g_inv_patch_level < inv_rcv_common_apis.g_patchset_j) OR
        (inv_rcv_common_apis.g_po_patch_level < inv_rcv_common_apis.g_patchset_j_po)) THEN
        IF l_rcv_rcpt_rec.req_line_id IS NOT NULL
           AND p_serial_control_code NOT IN(1, 6) THEN
          -- update rss for req
            x_return_status        => l_return_status
          , x_msg_count            => l_msg_count
          , x_msg_data             => x_message
          , p_shipment_line_id     => l_rcv_transaction_rec.rcv_shipment_line_id
Line: 2204

          print_debug('create_int_shp_dr_del_rti_rec: 127 - after update_rcv_serials_supply'
            || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS')
          , 4);
Line: 2212

     * Call the split_lot API to split the lots and serials inserted from the UI
     * based on the quantity of each RTI record
    IF ((inv_rcv_common_apis.g_inv_patch_level >= inv_rcv_common_apis.g_patchset_j) AND
        (inv_rcv_common_apis.g_po_patch_level >= inv_rcv_common_apis.g_patchset_j_po)) THEN
      --BUG 3326408,3346758,3405320
      --If there are any serials confirmed from the UI for an item that is
      --lot controlled and serial control dynamic at SO issue,
      --do not NULL out serial_transaction_temp_id. In other cases,
      --NULL OUT serial_temp_id so that split_lot_serial does not look at MSNI
      l_msni_count := 0;
Line: 2230

            SELECT count(1)
            INTO   l_msni_count
            FROM   mtl_serial_numbers_interface
            WHERE  product_transaction_id = p_transaction_temp_id
            AND    product_code = 'RCV';
Line: 2237

            UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_interface
	          SET  serial_transaction_temp_id = NULL
	          WHERE product_transaction_id = p_transaction_temp_id
	          AND   product_code = 'RCV';
Line: 2288

Line: 2392

      SELECT 'N' line_chkbox
           , 'CUSTOMER' source_type_code
           , 'CUSTOMER' receipt_source_code
           , '' order_type_code
           , '' order_type
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) po_header_id
           , NULL po_number
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) po_line_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) po_line_number
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) po_line_location_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) po_shipment_number
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) po_release_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) po_release_number
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) req_header_id
           , NULL req_number
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) req_line_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) req_line
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) req_distribution_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) rcv_shipment_header_id
           , NULL rcv_shipment_number
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) rcv_shipment_line_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) rcv_line_number
           , NVL(oel.ship_to_org_id, oeh.ship_to_org_id) from_organization_id
           , NVL(oel.ship_from_org_id, oeh.ship_from_org_id) to_organization_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) vendor_id
           , '' SOURCE
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) vendor_site_id
           , NULL outside_operation_flag
           , oel.inventory_item_id item_id
           , -- Bug 2073164
             NULL uom_code
           , mum.unit_of_measure primary_uom
           , mum.uom_class primary_uom_class
           , NVL(msi.allowed_units_lookup_code, 2) item_allowed_units_lookup_code
           , NVL(msi.location_control_code, 1) item_locator_control
           , DECODE(msi.restrict_locators_code, 1, 'Y', 'N') restrict_locators_code
           , DECODE(msi.restrict_subinventories_code, 1, 'Y', 'N') restrict_subinventories_code
           , NVL(msi.shelf_life_code, 1) shelf_life_code
           , NVL(msi.shelf_life_days, 0) shelf_life_days
           , msi.serial_number_control_code serial_number_control_code
           , msi.lot_control_code lot_control_code
           , DECODE(msi.revision_qty_control_code, 1, 'N', 2, 'Y', 'N') item_rev_control_flag_to
           , NULL item_rev_control_flag_from
           , msi.segment1 item_number
           , oel.item_revision item_revision
           , msi.description item_description
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) item_category_id
           , NULL hazard_class
           , NULL un_number
           , NULL vendor_item_number
           , oel.ship_from_org_id ship_to_location_id
           , '' ship_to_location
           , NULL packing_slip
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) routing_id
           , NULL routing_name
           , oel.request_date need_by_date
           , NVL(oel.promise_date, oel.request_date) expected_receipt_date
           , oel.ordered_quantity ordered_qty
           , '' ordered_uom
           , NULL ussgl_transaction_code
           , NULL government_context
           , DECODE(msi.return_inspection_requirement, 1, 'Y', 'N') inspection_required_flag--bug 4700067
           , 'Y' receipt_required_flag
           , 'N' enforce_ship_to_location_code
           , oel.unit_selling_price unit_price
           , oeh.transactional_curr_code currency_code
           , oeh.conversion_type_code currency_conversion_type
           , oeh.conversion_rate_date currency_conversion_date
           , oeh.conversion_rate currency_conversion_rate
           , NULL note_to_receiver
           , NULL destination_type_code
           , oel.deliver_to_contact_id deliver_to_person_id
           , oel.deliver_to_org_id deliver_to_location_id
           , NULL destination_subinventory
           , oel.CONTEXT attribute_category
           , oel.attribute1 attribute1
           , oel.attribute2 attribute2
           , oel.attribute3 attribute3
           , oel.attribute4 attribute4
           , oel.attribute5 attribute5
           , oel.attribute6 attribute6
           , oel.attribute7 attribute7
           , oel.attribute8 attribute8
           , oel.attribute9 attribute9
           , oel.attribute10 attribute10
           , oel.attribute11 attribute11
           , oel.attribute12 attribute12
           , oel.attribute13 attribute13
           , oel.attribute14 attribute14
           , oel.attribute15 attribute15
           , NULL closed_code
           , NULL asn_type
           , NULL bill_of_lading
           , TO_DATE(NULL) shipped_date
           , NULL freight_carrier_code
           , NULL waybill_airbill_num
           , NULL freight_bill_num
           , NULL vendor_lot_num
           , NULL container_num
           , NULL truck_num
           , NULL bar_code_label
           , NULL rate_type_display
           , NULL match_option
           , NULL country_of_origin_code
           , oel.header_id oe_order_header_id
           , oeh.order_number oe_order_num
           , oel.line_id oe_order_line_id
           , oel.line_number oe_order_line_num
           , oel.sold_to_org_id customer_id
           , NVL(oel.ship_to_org_id, oeh.ship_to_org_id) customer_site_id
           , '' customer_item_num
           , '' pll_note_to_receiver
           , NULL po_distribution_id
           , NULL qty_ordered
           , NULL wip_entity_id
           , NULL wip_operation_seq_num
           , NULL wip_resource_seq_num
           , NULL wip_repetitive_schedule_id
           , NULL wip_line_id
           , NULL bom_resource_id
           , '' destination_type
           , '' LOCATION
           , NULL currency_conversion_rate_pod
           , NULL currency_conversion_date_pod
           , NULL project_id
           , NULL task_id
           , NULL secondary_uom --OPM Convergence
           , NULL secondary_uom_code --OPM Convergence
           , NULL secondary_quantity --OPM Convergence
      FROM   oe_order_lines_all oel
           , oe_order_headers_all oeh
           , mtl_system_items msi
           , mtl_units_of_measure mum
      WHERE  oel.line_category_code = 'RETURN'
      AND    oel.header_id = oeh.header_id
      AND    oel.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id
      AND    oel.ship_from_org_id = msi.organization_id
      AND    msi.primary_uom_code = mum.uom_code
      AND    oel.booked_flag = 'Y'
      AND    oel.ordered_quantity > NVL(oel.shipped_quantity, 0)
      AND    msi.mtl_transactions_enabled_flag = 'Y'
      AND    oel.line_id = v_oe_order_line_id
      AND    (p_project_id IS NULL
              OR(p_project_id = -9999
                 AND oel.project_id IS NULL)
              OR -- bug 2669021
                 oel.project_id = p_project_id)
      AND    (p_task_id IS NULL
              OR oel.task_id = p_task_id);
Line: 2570

      SELECT rcv_interface_groups_s.NEXTVAL
      INTO   l_group_id
      FROM   DUAL;
Line: 2604

      SELECT primary_unit_of_measure
      INTO   inv_rcv_std_rcpt_apis.g_rcpt_match_table_gross(inv_rcv_std_rcpt_apis.g_receipt_detail_index).primary_unit_of_measure
      FROM   mtl_system_items
      WHERE  mtl_system_items.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
      AND    mtl_system_items.organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 2857

     * Call the split_lot API to split the lots and serials inserted from the UI
     * based on the quantity of each RTI record
    IF ((inv_rcv_common_apis.g_inv_patch_level >= inv_rcv_common_apis.g_patchset_j) AND
        (inv_rcv_common_apis.g_po_patch_level >= inv_rcv_common_apis.g_patchset_j_po)) THEN

       l_split_lot_serial_ok := inv_rcv_integration_apis.split_lot_serial(
              p_api_version   => 1.0
            , p_init_msg_lst  => FND_API.G_FALSE
            , x_return_status =>  l_return_status
            , x_msg_count     =>  l_msg_count
            , x_msg_data      =>  x_message
            , p_new_rti_info  =>  l_new_rti_info);
Line: 2902

Line: 3013

      SELECT 'N' line_chkbox
           , p_source_type source_type_code
           , 'VENDOR' receipt_source_code
           , 'PO' order_type_code
           , '' order_type
           , poll.po_header_id po_header_id
           , poh.segment1 po_number
           , poll.po_line_id po_line_id
           , pol.line_num po_line_number
           , poll.line_location_id po_line_location_id
           , poll.shipment_num po_shipment_number
           , poll.po_release_id po_release_id
           , por.release_num po_release_number
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) req_header_id
           , NULL req_number
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) req_line_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) req_line
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) req_distribution_id
           , rsh.shipment_header_id rcv_shipment_header_id
           , rsh.shipment_num rcv_shipment_number
           , rsl.shipment_line_id rcv_shipment_line_id
           , rsl.line_num rcv_line_number
           , rsl.from_organization_id from_organization_id  --Bug #3878174
           , NVL(rsl.from_organization_id, poh.po_header_id) from_organization_id
           , rsl.to_organization_id to_organization_id
           , rsh.vendor_id vendor_id
           , '' SOURCE
           , poh.vendor_site_id vendor_site_id -- Bug 6403165
           , '' outside_operation_flag
           , rsl.item_id item_id
           , -- Bug 2073164
             NULL uom_code
           , rsl.unit_of_measure primary_uom
           , mum.uom_class primary_uom_class
           , NVL(msi.allowed_units_lookup_code, 2) item_allowed_units_lookup_code
           , NVL(msi.location_control_code, 1) item_locator_control
           , DECODE(msi.restrict_locators_code, 1, 'Y', 'N') restrict_locators_code
           , DECODE(msi.restrict_subinventories_code, 1, 'Y', 'N') restrict_subinventories_code
           , NVL(msi.shelf_life_code, 1) shelf_life_code
           , NVL(msi.shelf_life_days, 0) shelf_life_days
           , msi.serial_number_control_code serial_number_control_code
           , msi.lot_control_code lot_control_code
           , DECODE(msi.revision_qty_control_code, 1, 'N', 2, 'Y', 'N') item_rev_control_flag_to
           , NULL item_rev_control_flag_from
           , NULL item_number
           , rsl.item_revision item_revision
           , rsl.item_description item_description
           , rsl.category_id item_category_id
           , '' hazard_class
           , '' un_number
           , rsl.vendor_item_num vendor_item_number
           , rsl.ship_to_location_id ship_to_location_id
           , '' ship_to_location
           , rsl.packing_slip packing_slip
           , rsl.routing_header_id routing_id
           , '' routing_name
           , poll.need_by_date need_by_date
           , rsh.expected_receipt_date expected_receipt_date
           , poll.quantity ordered_qty
           , pol.unit_meas_lookup_code ordered_uom
           , rsl.ussgl_transaction_code ussgl_transaction_code
           , rsl.government_context government_context
           , poll.inspection_required_flag inspection_required_flag
           , poll.receipt_required_flag receipt_required_flag
           , poll.enforce_ship_to_location_code enforce_ship_to_location_code
           , NVL(poll.price_override, pol.unit_price) unit_price
           , poh.currency_code currency_code
           , poh.rate_type currency_conversion_type
           , poh.rate_date currency_conversion_date
           , poh.rate currency_conversion_rate
           , poh.note_to_receiver note_to_receiver
           , pod.destination_type_code destination_type_code
           , pod.deliver_to_person_id deliver_to_person_id
           , pod.deliver_to_location_id deliver_to_location_id
           , pod.destination_subinventory destination_subinventory
           , rsl.attribute_category attribute_category
           , rsl.attribute1 attribute1
           , rsl.attribute2 attribute2
           , rsl.attribute3 attribute3
           , rsl.attribute4 attribute4
           , rsl.attribute5 attribute5
           , rsl.attribute6 attribute6
           , rsl.attribute7 attribute7
           , rsl.attribute8 attribute8
           , rsl.attribute9 attribute9
           , rsl.attribute10 attribute10
           , rsl.attribute11 attribute11
           , rsl.attribute12 attribute12
           , rsl.attribute13 attribute13
           , rsl.attribute14 attribute14
           , rsl.attribute15 attribute15
           , poll.closed_code closed_code
           , rsh.asn_type asn_type
           , rsh.bill_of_lading bill_of_lading
           , rsh.shipped_date shipped_date
           , rsh.freight_carrier_code freight_carrier_code
           , rsh.waybill_airbill_num waybill_airbill_num
           , rsh.freight_bill_number freight_bill_num
           , rsl.vendor_lot_num vendor_lot_num
           , rsl.container_num container_num
           , rsl.truck_num truck_num
           , rsl.bar_code_label bar_code_label
           , '' rate_type_display
           , poll.match_option match_option
           , rsl.country_of_origin_code country_of_origin_code
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) oe_order_header_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) oe_order_num
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) oe_order_line_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) oe_order_line_num
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) customer_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) customer_site_id
           , NULL customer_item_num
           , NULL pll_note_to_receiver
             pod.po_distribution_id po_distribution_id
           , pod.quantity_ordered - pod.quantity_delivered qty_ordered
           , pod.wip_entity_id wip_entity_id
           , pod.wip_operation_seq_num wip_operation_seq_num
           , pod.wip_resource_seq_num wip_resource_seq_num
           , pod.wip_repetitive_schedule_id wip_repetitive_schedule_id
           , pod.wip_line_id wip_line_id
           , pod.bom_resource_id bom_resource_id
           , '' destination_type
           , '' LOCATION
           , pod.rate currency_conversion_rate_pod
           , pod.rate_date currency_conversion_date_pod
           , pod.project_id project_id
           , pod.task_id task_id
           , NULL secondary_uom --OPM Convergence
           , NULL secondary_uom_code --OPM Convergence
           , NULL secondary_quantity --OPM Convergence
      FROM   rcv_shipment_lines rsl
           , rcv_shipment_headers rsh
           , po_headers poh
           , po_line_locations poll
           , po_lines pol
           , po_releases por
           , mtl_system_items msi
           , mtl_units_of_measure mum
           , po_distributions pod
      WHERE  pod.po_distribution_id = v_po_distribution_id
      AND    pod.line_location_id = poll.line_location_id
      AND    NVL(poll.approved_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
      AND    NVL(poll.cancel_flag, 'N') = 'N'
      AND    NVL(poll.closed_code, 'OPEN') <> 'FINALLY CLOSED'
      AND    poll.shipment_type IN('STANDARD', 'BLANKET', 'SCHEDULED')
      AND    poh.po_header_id = poll.po_header_id
      AND    pol.po_line_id = poll.po_line_id
      AND    poll.po_release_id = por.po_release_id(+)
      AND    mum.unit_of_measure(+) = rsl.unit_of_measure
      AND    NVL(msi.organization_id, rsl.to_organization_id) = rsl.to_organization_id
      AND    msi.inventory_item_id(+) = rsl.item_id
      AND    poll.line_location_id = rsl.po_line_location_id
      AND    rsl.shipment_header_id = rsh.shipment_header_id
      AND    rsh.asn_type IN('ASN', 'ASBN', 'LCM')    -- For LCM Project
      AND    rsl.shipment_line_status_code <> 'CANCELLED'
      AND    rsl.shipment_line_id = v_shipment_line_id
      AND    (p_project_id IS NULL
              OR(p_project_id = -9999
                 AND pod.project_id IS NULL)
              OR -- bug 2669021
                 pod.project_id = p_project_id)
      AND    (p_task_id IS NULL
              OR pod.task_id = p_task_id)
      SELECT 'N' line_chkbox
           , 'INTERNAL' source_type_code
           , DECODE(rsl.source_document_code, 'INVENTORY', 'INVENTORY', 'REQ', 'INTERNAL ORDER') receipt_source_code
           , rsl.source_document_code order_type_code
           , '' order_type
           , rsh.shipment_header_id po_header_id
           , rsh.shipment_num po_number
           , rsl.shipment_line_id po_line_id
           , rsl.line_num po_line_number
           , rsl.shipment_line_id po_line_location_id
           , rsl.line_num po_shipment_number
           , rsh.shipment_header_id po_release_id
           , rsh.shipment_header_id po_release_number
           , porh.requisition_header_id req_header_id
           , porh.segment1 req_number
           , porl.requisition_line_id req_line_id
           , porl.line_num req_line
           , rsl.req_distribution_id req_distribution_id
           , rsl.shipment_header_id rcv_shipment_header_id
           , rsh.shipment_num rcv_shipment_number
           , rsl.shipment_line_id rcv_shipment_line_id
           , rsl.line_num rcv_line_number
           , rsl.from_organization_id from_organization_id
           , rsl.to_organization_id to_organization_id
           , rsl.shipment_line_id vendor_id
           , '' SOURCE
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) vendor_site_id
           , 'N' outside_operation_flag
           , rsl.item_id item_id
           , -- Bug 2073164
             NULL uom_code
           , rsl.unit_of_measure primary_uom
           , mum.uom_class primary_uom_class
           , NVL(msi.allowed_units_lookup_code, 2) item_allowed_units_lookup_code
           , NVL(msi.location_control_code, 1) item_locator_control
           , DECODE(msi.restrict_locators_code, 1, 'Y', 'N') restrict_locators_code
           , DECODE(msi.restrict_subinventories_code, 1, 'Y', 'N') restrict_subinventories_code
           , NVL(msi.shelf_life_code, 1) shelf_life_code
           , NVL(msi.shelf_life_days, 0) shelf_life_days
           , msi.serial_number_control_code serial_number_control_code
           , msi.lot_control_code lot_control_code
           , DECODE(msi.revision_qty_control_code, 1, 'N', 2, 'Y', 'N') item_rev_control_flag_to
           , DECODE(msi1.revision_qty_control_code, 1, 'N', 2, 'Y', 'N') item_rev_control_flag_from
           , NULL item_number
           , rsl.item_revision item_revision
           , rsl.item_description item_description
           , rsl.category_id item_category_id
           , '' hazard_class
           , '' un_number
           , rsl.vendor_item_num vendor_item_number
           , rsh.ship_to_location_id ship_to_location_id
           , '' ship_to_location
           , rsh.packing_slip packing_slip
           , rsl.routing_header_id routing_id
           , '' routing_name
           , porl.need_by_date need_by_date
           , rsh.expected_receipt_date expected_receipt_date
           , rsl.quantity_shipped ordered_qty
           , rsl.primary_unit_of_measure ordered_uom
           , rsh.ussgl_transaction_code ussgl_transaction_code
           , rsh.government_context government_context
           , NULL inspection_required_flag
           , NULL receipt_required_flag
           , NULL enforce_ship_to_location_code
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) unit_price
           , NULL currency_code
           , NULL currency_conversion_type
           , TO_DATE(NULL) currency_conversion_date
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) currency_conversion_rate
           , NULL note_to_receiver
             rsl.destination_type_code destination_type_code
           , rsl.deliver_to_person_id deliver_to_person_id
           , rsl.deliver_to_location_id deliver_to_location_id
           , rsl.to_subinventory destination_subinventory
           , rsl.attribute_category attribute_category
           , rsl.attribute1 attribute1
           , rsl.attribute2 attribute2
           , rsl.attribute3 attribute3
           , rsl.attribute4 attribute4
           , rsl.attribute5 attribute5
           , rsl.attribute6 attribute6
           , rsl.attribute7 attribute7
           , rsl.attribute8 attribute8
           , rsl.attribute9 attribute9
           , rsl.attribute10 attribute10
           , rsl.attribute11 attribute11
           , rsl.attribute12 attribute12
           , rsl.attribute13 attribute13
           , rsl.attribute14 attribute14
           , rsl.attribute15 attribute15
           , 'OPEN' closed_code
           , NULL asn_type
           , rsh.bill_of_lading bill_of_lading
           , rsh.shipped_date shipped_date
           , rsh.freight_carrier_code freight_carrier_code
           , rsh.waybill_airbill_num waybill_airbill_num
           , rsh.freight_bill_number freight_bill_num
           , rsl.vendor_lot_num vendor_lot_num
           , rsl.container_num container_num
           , rsl.truck_num truck_num
           , rsl.bar_code_label bar_code_label
           , NULL rate_type_display
           , 'P' match_option
           , NULL country_of_origin_code
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) oe_order_header_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) oe_order_num
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) oe_order_line_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) oe_order_line_num
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) customer_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) customer_site_id
           , NULL customer_item_num
           , NULL pll_note_to_receiver
             TO_NUMBER(NULL) po_distribution_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) qty_ordered
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) wip_entity_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) wip_operation_seq_num
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) wip_resource_seq_num
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) wip_repetitive_schedule_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) wip_line_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) bom_resource_id
           , '' destination_type
           , '' LOCATION
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) currency_conversion_rate_pod
           , TO_DATE(NULL) currency_conversion_date_pod
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) project_id
           , TO_NUMBER(NULL) task_id
         , NULL secondary_uom --OPM Convergence
           , NULL secondary_uom_code --OPM Convergence
           , NULL secondary_quantity --OPM Convergence
      FROM   rcv_shipment_headers rsh
           , rcv_shipment_lines rsl
           , po_requisition_headers porh
           , po_requisition_lines porl
           , mtl_system_items msi
           , mtl_system_items msi1
           , mtl_units_of_measure mum
      WHERE  rsh.receipt_source_code <> 'VENDOR'
      AND    rsl.requisition_line_id = porl.requisition_line_id(+)
      AND    porl.requisition_header_id = porh.requisition_header_id(+)
      AND    rsh.shipment_header_id = rsl.shipment_header_id
      AND    mum.unit_of_measure(+) = rsl.unit_of_measure
      AND    msi.organization_id(+) = rsl.to_organization_id
      AND    msi.inventory_item_id(+) = rsl.item_id
      AND    msi1.organization_id(+) = rsl.from_organization_id
      AND    msi1.inventory_item_id(+) = rsl.item_id
      AND    rsh.asn_type IS NULL
      AND    rsl.shipment_line_id = v_shipment_line_id
      AND    (
               rsl.source_document_code = 'REQ'
               AND EXISTS(
                    SELECT '1'
                    FROM   po_req_distributions_all prd
                    WHERE  prd.requisition_line_id = porl.requisition_line_id
                      AND  (
                            p_project_id IS NULL
                            OR(p_project_id = -9999
                               AND prd.project_id IS NULL)
                            OR -- bug 2669021
                               prd.project_id = p_project_id
                    AND    (p_task_id IS NULL
                            OR prd.task_id = p_task_id))
              OR rsl.source_document_code <> 'REQ'
Line: 3392

        SELECT receipt_num
        INTO   l_receipt_num
        FROM   rcv_shipment_headers
        WHERE  shipment_header_id = p_shipment_header_id
        AND    ship_to_org_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 3430

      SELECT rcv_interface_groups_s.NEXTVAL
      INTO   l_group_id
      FROM   DUAL;
Line: 3471

      SELECT primary_unit_of_measure
      INTO   inv_rcv_std_rcpt_apis.g_rcpt_match_table_gross(inv_rcv_std_rcpt_apis.g_receipt_detail_index).primary_unit_of_measure
      FROM   mtl_system_items
      WHERE  mtl_system_items.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
      AND    mtl_system_items.organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 3501

          SELECT cost_group_id
          INTO   l_rcv_transaction_rec.cost_group_id
          FROM   wms_lpn_contents wlpnc
          WHERE  organization_id = p_organization_id
          AND    parent_lpn_id = p_lpn_id
          AND    wlpnc.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
          AND    EXISTS(SELECT 1
                        FROM   cst_cost_group_accounts
                        WHERE  organization_id = p_organization_id
                        AND    cost_group_id = wlpnc.cost_group_id);
Line: 3517

          UPDATE wms_lpn_contents wlpnc
          SET cost_group_id = NULL
          WHERE  organization_id = p_organization_id
          AND    parent_lpn_id = p_lpn_id
          AND    wlpnc.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
          AND    NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1
                            FROM   cst_cost_group_accounts
                            WHERE  organization_id = p_organization_id
                            AND    cost_group_id = wlpnc.cost_group_id);
Line: 3785

     * Call the split_lot API to split the lots and serials inserted from the UI
     * based on the quantity of each RTI record
    IF ((inv_rcv_common_apis.g_inv_patch_level >= inv_rcv_common_apis.g_patchset_j) AND
        (inv_rcv_common_apis.g_po_patch_level >= inv_rcv_common_apis.g_patchset_j_po)) THEN
      l_msni_count := 0;
Line: 3804

            SELECT count(1)
            INTO   l_msni_count
            FROM   mtl_serial_numbers_interface
            WHERE  product_transaction_id = p_transaction_temp_id
            AND    product_code = 'RCV';
Line: 3812

            UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_interface
	          SET  serial_transaction_temp_id = NULL
	          WHERE product_transaction_id = p_transaction_temp_id
	          AND   product_code = 'RCV';
Line: 3858

      UPDATE wms_license_plate_numbers
      SET lpn_context = 3
      WHERE  lpn_id = p_lpn_id;
Line: 3903

Line: 3993

      SELECT lpnc.lpn_id
           , lpnc.inventory_item_id
           , lpnc.revision
           , lpnc.quantity
           , lpnc.uom_code
           , lpnc.lot_control_code
           , lpnc.serial_number_control_code
           , lpnc.primary_uom_code
           , p_po_header_id
           , lpnc.lot_number
           , mln.expiration_date
           , mln.status_id
           , lpnc.lpn_org_id
      FROM   mtl_lot_numbers mln
           , (SELECT wlpn.lpn_id
                   , wlpnc.inventory_item_id
                   , msi.organization_id
                   , msi.lot_control_code
                   , msi.serial_number_control_code
                   , msi.primary_uom_code
                   , wlpnc.revision
                   , wlpnc.quantity
                   , wlpnc.uom_code
                   , wlpnc.lot_number
                   , wlpnc.source_line_id
                   , wlpn.organization_id lpn_org_id
              FROM   wms_lpn_contents wlpnc, wms_license_plate_numbers wlpn, mtl_system_items msi, rcv_shipment_headers rsh
              WHERE  rsh.shipment_header_id = p_shipment_header_id
              AND    (wlpn.source_header_id = rsh.shipment_header_id
                      OR wlpn.source_name = rsh.shipment_num)
              AND    wlpn.lpn_context IN(6, 7)                                  -- only those pre-ASN receiving ones
                                               -- Nested LPN changes to explode the LPN
                                               --AND wlpnc.parent_lpn_id = Nvl(p_lpn_id, wlpn.lpn_id)
                                               -- In case user tries to to ASN reciept by giving only PO Number
                                               -- LPN id will be NULL, In this case we should not expand the LPN
                                               -- in which case start with lpn_id = p_lpn_id will fail.
              AND    (wlpnc.parent_lpn_id = NVL(p_lpn_id, wlpn.lpn_id)
                      OR wlpnc.parent_lpn_id IN(SELECT     lpn_id
                                                FROM       wms_license_plate_numbers
                                                START WITH lpn_id = p_lpn_id
                                                CONNECT BY parent_lpn_id = PRIOR lpn_id))
              AND    wlpnc.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id
              AND    msi.organization_id = p_organization_id
              AND    wlpn.lpn_id = wlpnc.parent_lpn_id
              AND    (
                      wlpnc.source_line_id IN(SELECT pola.po_line_id
                                              FROM   po_lines_all pola
                                              WHERE  pola.po_header_id = NVL(p_po_header_id, pola.po_header_id))
                      OR wlpnc.source_line_id IS NULL
                     )) lpnc
      WHERE  lpnc.inventory_item_id = mln.inventory_item_id(+)
      AND    lpnc.lot_number = mln.lot_number(+)
      AND    lpnc.organization_id = mln.organization_id(+);
Line: 4051

      SELECT serial_number
            , status_id
      FROM   mtl_serial_numbers
      WHERE  inventory_item_id = v_inventory_item_id
      AND    (revision = v_revision
              OR(revision IS NULL
                 AND v_revision IS NULL))
      AND    (lot_number = v_lot_number
              OR(lot_number IS NULL
                 AND v_lot_number IS NULL))
      AND    lpn_id = v_lpn_id;
Line: 4073

    l_msnt_last_update_date    date_tab_tp;
Line: 4074

    l_msnt_last_updated_by     number_tab_tp;
Line: 4138

    SELECT NVL(lpn_controlled_flag,1)
      INTO l_lpn_controlled_flag
      FROM mtl_secondary_inventories
     WHERE secondary_inventory_name =  p_subinventory
       AND organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 4169

          p_organization_id     => p_organization_id
        , p_lpn_id              => l_lpn_id
        , x_return_status       => l_return_status
        , x_msg_count           => l_msg_count
        , x_msg_data            => l_msg_data
Line: 4184

      SELECT unit_of_measure
      INTO   l_unit_of_measure
      FROM   mtl_item_uoms_view
      WHERE  uom_code = l_uom_code
      AND    organization_id = p_organization_id
      AND    inventory_item_id = l_inventory_item_id;
Line: 4203

            print_debug('create_asn_exp_dd_intf_rec: 25 before inv_rcv_common_apis.insert_lot'
              || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS')
            , 4);
Line: 4228

                SELECT expiration_date
                INTO l_lot_expiration_date
                FROM mtl_lot_numbers
                WHERE inventory_item_id = l_inventory_item_id
                AND organization_id = l_lpn_org
                AND lot_number = l_lot_number;
Line: 4245

            p_transaction_temp_id            => l_transaction_temp_id
          , p_created_by                     => fnd_global.user_id
          , p_transaction_qty                => l_quantity
          , p_primary_qty                    => l_primary_qty
          , p_lot_number                     => l_lot_number
          , p_expiration_date                => l_lot_expiration_date
          , p_status_id                      => NULL
          , x_serial_transaction_temp_id     => l_serial_txn_temp_id
          , x_return_status                  => l_return_status
          , x_msg_data                       => l_msg_data
Line: 4264

                   'create_asn_exp_dd_intf_rec 25.1: inv_rcv_common_apis.insert_lot RAISE FND_API.G_EXC_ERROR;'
Line: 4277

                   'create_asn_exp_dd_intf_rec 25.2: inv_rcv_common_apis.insert_lot RAISE FND_API.G_EXC_UNEXPECTED_ERROR;'
Line: 4292

            print_debug('create_asn_exp_dd_intf_rec 27.1 - insert serial temp' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 4);
Line: 4301

            SELECT mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL
            INTO   l_serial_txn_temp_id
            FROM   DUAL;
Line: 4316

            l_msnt_last_update_date(l_serial_number_count) := SYSDATE;
Line: 4317

            l_msnt_last_updated_by(l_serial_number_count) := fnd_global.user_id;
Line: 4331

            INSERT INTO mtl_serial_numbers_temp
                       , last_update_date
                       , last_updated_by
                       , creation_date
                       , created_by
                       , fm_serial_number
                       , to_serial_number
            VALUES      (
                       , l_msnt_last_update_date(i)
                       , l_msnt_last_updated_by(i)
                       , l_msnt_creation_date(i)
                       , l_msnt_created_by(i)
                       , l_msnt_fm_serial_number(i)
                       , l_msnt_to_serial_number(i)
Line: 4352

            UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers
            SET group_mark_id = l_serial_txn_temp_id
            WHERE  inventory_item_id = l_inventory_item_id
            AND    serial_number = l_msnt_fm_serial_number(i);
Line: 4402

                p_api_version                 =>  1.0
              , p_init_msg_lst                =>  FND_API.G_FALSE
              , x_return_status               =>  l_return_status
              , x_msg_count                   =>  l_msg_count
              , x_msg_data                    =>  l_msg_data
              , p_transaction_interface_id    =>  l_transaction_interface_id
              , p_lot_number                  =>  l_lot_number
              , p_transaction_quantity        =>  l_quantity
              , p_primary_quantity            =>  l_lot_prm_quantity
              , p_organization_id             =>  l_from_org_id
              , p_inventory_item_id           =>  l_inventory_item_id
              , p_expiration_date             =>  l_lot_expiration_date
              , p_status_id                   =>  l_lot_status_id
              , x_serial_transaction_temp_id  =>  l_serial_transaction_temp_id
              , p_product_transaction_id      =>  l_product_transaction_id
              , p_product_code                =>  'RCV'
              , p_att_exist                   =>  'Y'
              , p_update_mln                  =>  'N'
Line: 4453

                  p_api_version                 =>  1.0
                , p_init_msg_lst                =>  FND_API.G_FALSE
                , x_return_status               =>  l_return_status
                , x_msg_count                   =>  l_msg_count
                , x_msg_data                    =>  l_msg_data
                , p_transaction_interface_id    =>  l_serial_transaction_temp_id
                , p_fm_serial_number            =>  l_serial_number
                , p_to_serial_number            =>  l_serial_number
                , p_organization_id             =>  p_organization_id
                , p_inventory_item_id           =>  l_inventory_item_id
                , p_status_id                   =>  l_serial_status_id
                , p_product_transaction_id      =>  l_product_transaction_id
                , p_product_code                =>  'RCV'
                , p_att_exist                   =>  'Y'
                , p_update_msn                  =>  'N'
Line: 4510

                p_api_version                 =>  1.0
              , p_init_msg_lst                =>  FND_API.G_FALSE
              , x_return_status               =>  l_return_status
              , x_msg_count                   =>  l_msg_count
              , x_msg_data                    =>  l_msg_data
              , p_transaction_interface_id    =>  l_transaction_interface_id
              , p_fm_serial_number            =>  l_serial_number
              , p_to_serial_number            =>  l_serial_number
              , p_organization_id             =>  p_organization_id
              , p_inventory_item_id           =>  l_inventory_item_id
              , p_status_id                   =>  l_serial_status_id
              , p_product_transaction_id      =>  l_product_transaction_id
              , p_product_code                =>  'RCV'
              , p_att_exist                   =>  'Y'
              , p_update_msn                  =>  'N'
Line: 4659

             'create_asn_exp_dd_intf_rec: 50.1 - Before inserting into wlpni for p_lpn_id with parent NULL '
          || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 4);
Line: 4670

          p_api_version           => 1.0
         ,x_return_status         => l_return_status
         ,x_msg_count             => l_msg_count
         ,x_msg_data              => l_msg_data
         ,p_organization_id       => l_from_org_id -- BUG 4096028: should
					           -- from org_id
         ,p_lpn_id                => p_lpn_id
         ,p_license_plate_number  => NULL
         ,p_lpn_group_id          => inv_rcv_common_apis.g_rcv_global_var.interface_group_id
         ,p_parent_lpn_id         => NULL
Line: 4688

          print_debug('create_asn_exp_dd_intf_rec 50.2:create_asn_con_dd_intf_rec -  RAISE FND_API.G_EXC_ERROR after insert_wlpni;'|| TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 4);
Line: 4696

             'create_asn_exp_dd_intf_rec: 50.1 - After inserting into wlpni for p_lpn_id with parent NULL '
          || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 4);
Line: 4716

      UPDATE wms_license_plate_numbers
      SET lpn_context = 3
      WHERE  source_header_id = p_shipment_header_id
      AND    lpn_id = NVL(p_lpn_id, lpn_id);
Line: 4728

        print_debug(' create_asn_exp_dd_intf_rec: Before Update lpn history  ' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 4);
Line: 4736

      UPDATE wms_lpn_histories
      SET source_name = 'ASNEXP'
        , source_header_id = inv_rcv_common_apis.g_rcv_global_var.interface_group_id
      WHERE  lpn_context = 7
      AND    parent_lpn_id IN(SELECT lpn_id
                              FROM   wms_license_plate_numbers
                              WHERE  source_header_id = p_shipment_header_id
                              AND    lpn_id = NVL(p_lpn_id, lpn_id));
Line: 4835

      /* SELECT MIN(rti.interface_transaction_id) */
      /* Group BY LPN_ID is changed for Express Receipts */
      /* Also  duplicate print of LPN labels is avoided */
      SELECT   MAX(rti.interface_transaction_id)
      FROM     rcv_transactions_interface rti
      WHERE    rti.GROUP_ID = inv_rcv_common_apis.g_rcv_global_var.interface_group_id
      GROUP BY DECODE(p_source_type, 'ASNEXP', rti.interface_transaction_id, 'SHIPMENTEXP', rti.interface_transaction_id, NULL);
Line: 4856

       SELECT TO_NUMBER(hoi.org_information1)
	 INTO inv_rcv_common_apis.g_po_startup_value.sob_id
	 FROM hr_organization_information hoi
	 WHERE hoi.organization_id = p_organization_id
	 AND (hoi.org_information_context || '') = 'Accounting Information';
Line: 4978

       IF (p_source_type <> 'VENDOR') THEN --Bug #4079952 ..For PO receipt, code in rcv_insert_update_header(INVSTDRB.pls) will be called.
        l_counter := 1;
Line: 5115

      /* SELECT MIN(rti.interface_transaction_id) */
      /* Group BY LPN_ID is changed for Express Receipts */
      /* Also  duplicate print of LPN labels is avoided */
      SELECT   MAX(rti.interface_transaction_id)
      FROM     rcv_transactions_interface rti
      WHERE    rti.GROUP_ID = inv_rcv_common_apis.g_rcv_global_var.interface_group_id
      GROUP BY DECODE(p_source_type, 'ASNEXP', rti.interface_transaction_id, 'SHIPMENTEXP', rti.interface_transaction_id, NULL);
Line: 5142

      SELECT TO_NUMBER(hoi.org_information1)
      INTO   inv_rcv_common_apis.g_po_startup_value.sob_id
      FROM hr_organization_information hoi
      WHERE hoi.organization_id = p_organization_id
        AND (hoi.org_information_context || '') = 'Accounting Information';
Line: 5718

       IF (p_source_type <> 'VENDOR') THEN  --Bug #4079952.. For PO receipt code in rcv_insert_update_header(INVSTDRB.pls) will be called.

        l_counter := 1;