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Line 859: and msi.organization_id=decode(l.ship_from_org_id, null , h.ship_from_org_id, l.ship_from_org_id) -- oe_sys_parameters.value('MASTER_ORGANIZATION_ID')

855: --and wnd.name = 'passedname'
856: and wdd.source_code ='OE'
857: and l.ship_from_org_id = ship_from_org.organization_id(+)
858: and ship_from_org.process_enabled_flag(+)='Y'
859: and msi.organization_id=decode(l.ship_from_org_id, null , h.ship_from_org_id, l.ship_from_org_id) -- oe_sys_parameters.value('MASTER_ORGANIZATION_ID')
860: and msi.inventory_item_id = l.inventory_item_id
861: and msi.segment1 = ic.item_no
862: and l.ship_to_org_id = s.site_use_id(+)
863: and s.site_use_code(+) ='SHIP_TO'

Line 1053: trace('The value of master organization id is '||oe_sys_parameters.value('MASTER_ORGANIZATION_ID'));

1049: END IF; */
1050: /*fnd_file.put_names(test.log,test.out,/home/magupta/work/qc/); */
1051: --gmd_debug.Log_Initialize('coacocpackage');
1052: trace('Populate_CoA_Data :- delivery_id '||rec_param.bol_id);
1053: trace('The value of master organization id is '||oe_sys_parameters.value('MASTER_ORGANIZATION_ID'));
1054: IF rec_param.shipment_no is not NULL or rec_param.order_id is not NULL or rec_param.bol_id is not NULL
1055: or rec_param.from_shipdate is not NULL or rec_param.org_id IS NOT NULL or rec_param.item_id IS NOT NULL THEN
1056: /*- or rec_param.cust_po is not NULL */
1057: OPEN get_order_info (rec_param.order_id,