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Line 15: ar_lookups al

11: cursor c_site_use_purposes (l_act_site_id IN NUMBER) is
12: select al.MEANING
13: from hz_cust_acct_sites asite,
14: hz_cust_site_uses asu,
15: ar_lookups al
16: where asite.cust_acct_site_id = l_act_site_id
17: and asu.status = 'A'
18: and asu.cust_acct_site_id = asite.cust_acct_site_id
19: and al.lookup_type = 'SITE_USE_CODE'

Line 65: ar_lookups al

61: cursor c_site_use_purposes (l_act_site_id IN NUMBER) is
62: select al.MEANING
63: from hz_cust_acct_sites asite,
64: hz_cust_site_uses asu,
65: ar_lookups al
66: where asite.cust_acct_site_id = l_act_site_id
67: and asu.cust_acct_site_id = asite.cust_acct_site_id
68: and al.lookup_type = 'SITE_USE_CODE'
69: and al.lookup_code = asu.site_use_code

Line 135: ar_lookups al

131: cursor c_get_act_contact_roles (l_cust_account_role_id IN NUMBER) is
132: select al.MEANING
133: from --hz_cust_account_roles roles,
134: hz_role_responsibility role_type,
135: ar_lookups al
136: where role_type.cust_account_role_id = l_cust_account_role_id
137: -- and roles.cust_account_role_id = role_type.cust_account_role_id
138: and al.lookup_type = 'SITE_USE_CODE'
139: and al.lookup_code = role_type.responsibility_type