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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 197

   SELECT DISTINCT l.asset_number, l.kle_id, b.authoring_org_id
   FROM   OKL_TRX_ASSETS h, OKL_TXL_ASSETS_B l  -- SECHAWLA 19-FEB-04 3439647 : Use base tables instead of views
          ,okc_k_headers_all_b b /* Bug 6459571 */
   WHERE  h.id = l.tas_id
   AND    h.tsu_code in('ENTERED','ERROR')  -- SMODUGA 07-FEB-05 3578894 : process trx in entered and error status only
   AND    h.date_trans_occurred <= cp_date
   -- SECHAWLA 06-MAY-04 3578894 : Removing 'AED' as evergreen transactions are not created
   AND    (   (p_salvage_writedown_yn = 'N' AND  h.tas_type in ('AMT','AUD','AUS'))  OR
              (p_salvage_writedown_yn = 'Y' AND  h.tas_type in ('AMT','AUD','AUS','FSC'))
          )-- SECHAWLA 06-MAY-04 3578894 : Added new tas types 'AUD','AUS' to above 2 conditions
   AND    (
             --  all 3 parameter values are provided
            ( p_contract_id IS NOT NULL AND p_asset_id IS NOT NULL AND p_kle_id IS NOT NULL AND
              l.dnz_khr_id = p_contract_id AND l.dnz_asset_id= p_asset_id AND l.kle_id = p_kle_id)
            -- none of the parameter values are provided
            ( p_contract_id IS NULL AND p_asset_id IS NULL AND p_kle_id IS NULL)
            -- contract Id is provided, asset_id and kle_id not provided
            (p_contract_id IS NOT NULL AND l.dnz_khr_id = p_contract_id AND p_asset_id IS NULL AND p_kle_id IS NULL)
            -- contract Id and asset Id are provided, kle_id not provided
            (p_contract_id IS NOT NULL AND l.dnz_khr_id = p_contract_id AND p_asset_id IS NOT NULL AND l.dnz_asset_id= p_asset_id AND p_kle_id IS NULL)
            -- contarct Id and kle_id are provided, asset Id not provided
            (p_contract_id IS NOT NULL AND l.dnz_khr_id = p_contract_id AND p_asset_id IS NULL AND p_kle_id IS NOT NULL AND l.kle_id = p_kle_id)
            -- asset Id is provided, cntract ID and kle Id not provided
            (p_contract_id IS NULL AND p_asset_id IS NOT NULL AND  l.dnz_asset_id= p_asset_id AND p_kle_id IS NULL)
            -- asset Id and kle Id are provided, contract Id not provided
            (p_contract_id IS NULL AND p_asset_id IS NOT NULL AND  l.dnz_asset_id= p_asset_id AND p_kle_id IS NOT NULL AND l.kle_id = p_kle_id)
            -- kle Id is provided, contarct Id and asset Id not provided
            (p_contract_id IS NULL AND p_asset_id IS NULL AND p_kle_id IS NOT NULL AND l.kle_id = p_kle_id)
    AND  l.dnz_khr_id = b.id(+)
   ORDER BY  asset_number;
Line: 240

   SELECT h.id, l.id line_id, -- 17-DEC-04 SECHAWLA 4028371 : Added l.id
          h.tas_type, FL.MEANING TAS_TYPE_MEANING, h.date_trans_occurred, l.depreciate_yn, l.dnz_asset_id,
          decode(d.tax_book,NULL,l.CORPORATE_BOOK,d.tax_book ) ASSET_BOOK, fbc.book_class ASSET_BOOK_TYPE,
          l.in_service_date, l.deprn_method, l.life_in_months, l.deprn_rate, --SECHAWLA 28-MAY-04 3645574 : Added deprn_rate
          --nvl(l.depreciation_cost,0) depreciation_cost ,
          l.asset_number, nvl(l.salvage_value,0) salvage_value, nvl(l.old_salvage_value,0) old_salvage_value, l.kle_id,
          to_char(h.trans_number) trans_number -- SECHAWLA 17-DEC-04 4028371 : added for stamping
          --,l.currency_code func_currency_code -- SECHAWLA 29-JUL-05 4456005 : added
          --,l.DNZ_KHR_ID    -- SECHAWLA 29-JUL-05 4456005 : added
          -- SGORANTL 22-MAR-06 5097643: changes made by kbbhavsa for bug 4717511 has been reversed
          ,h.try_id --akrangan added for sla populate sources cr
   FROM   OKL_TRX_ASSETS h, OKL_TXL_ASSETS_B l, OKL_TXD_ASSETS_B d, fa_book_controls fbc, FND_LOOKUPS fl -- SECHAWLA 19-FEB-04 3439647 : Use base tables instead of views
   WHERE  h.id = l.tas_id
   AND    l.id = d.tal_id(+)
   AND    decode(d.tax_book,NULL,  l.CORPORATE_BOOK,d.tax_book ) = fbc.book_type_code
   AND    h.tsu_code IN ('ENTERED','ERROR')  -- SMODUGA 07-FEB-05 4144322 : process trx in entered and error status only
   AND    h.date_trans_occurred <= cp_date
   -- SECHAWLA 06-MAY-04 3578894 : Separate SVW transactions from Amortization transactions
   AND    h.tas_type in ('AMT','AUD','AUS')
   -- SECHAWLA 06-MAY-04 3578894 : Added new tas types 'AUD','AUS' to above 2 conditions
   AND    l.asset_number = cp_asset_number
   ORDER BY  asset_book_type , date_trans_occurred, tas_type;
Line: 269

   SELECT h.id, h.tas_type, FL.MEANING TAS_TYPE_MEANING, h.date_trans_occurred, l.depreciate_yn, l.dnz_asset_id,
          decode(d.tax_book,NULL,l.CORPORATE_BOOK,d.tax_book ) ASSET_BOOK, fbc.book_class ASSET_BOOK_TYPE,
          l.in_service_date, l.deprn_method, l.life_in_months, l.deprn_rate, --SECHAWLA 28-MAY-04 3645574 : Added deprn_rate
          --nvl(l.depreciation_cost,0) depreciation_cost ,
          l.asset_number, nvl(l.salvage_value,0) salvage_value, nvl(l.old_salvage_value,0) old_salvage_value, l.kle_id
          --,l.currency_code func_currency_code -- SECHAWLA 29-JUL-05 4456005 : added
          --,l.DNZ_KHR_ID    -- SECHAWLA 29-JUL-05 4456005 : added
          -- SGORANTL 22-MAR-06 5097643: changes made by kbbhavsa for bug 4717511 has been reversed
          ,h.try_id --akrangan added for sla populate sources cr
          ,l.id line_id --akrangan added for sla populate sources cr
   FROM   OKL_TRX_ASSETS h, OKL_TXL_ASSETS_B l, OKL_TXD_ASSETS_B d, fa_book_controls fbc, FND_LOOKUPS fl -- SECHAWLA 19-FEB-04 3439647 : Use base tables instead of views
   WHERE  h.id = l.tas_id
   AND    l.id = d.tal_id(+)
   AND    decode(d.tax_book,NULL,  l.CORPORATE_BOOK,d.tax_book ) = fbc.book_type_code
   AND    h.tsu_code IN ('ENTERED','ERROR')  -- SMODUGA 07-FEB-05 4144322 : process trx in entered and error status only
   AND    h.date_trans_occurred <= cp_date
   AND    h.tas_type = 'FSC'
   AND    l.asset_number = cp_asset_number
   ORDER BY  asset_book_type;
Line: 297

   SELECT fb.cost, fb.salvage_value, fb.depreciate_flag, fb.deprn_method_code, fb.life_in_months, fb.adjusted_rate
   FROM   fa_books fb, fa_additions_b fab
   WHERE  fb.transaction_header_id_out is null
   AND    fb.book_type_code = cp_book_type_code
   AND    fab.asset_id = fb.asset_id
   AND    fab.asset_number = cp_asset_number;
Line: 307

   SELECT  l.asset_number
   FROM    okl_trx_quotes_b qh, okl_txl_quote_lines_b ql, okx_asset_lines_v l
   WHERE   qh.id = ql.qte_id
   AND     qh.qst_code = 'ACCEPTED'
   AND     ql.qlt_code = 'AMCFIA'
   AND     ql.kle_id  = l.parent_line_id
   AND     ql.kle_id = p_kle_id;
Line: 322

   SELECT a.book_type_code
   FROM   fa_books a, fa_book_controls b
   WHERE  a.asset_id = p_asset_id
   AND    a.book_type_code = b.book_type_code
   AND    b.book_class = 'TAX'
   AND    a.date_ineffective IS NULL
   AND    a.transaction_header_id_out IS NULL;
Line: 335

   SELECT lkhr.id, lkhr.deal_type, khr.contract_number
   FROM   okl_k_headers lkhr, okc_k_lines_b cle, okc_k_headers_b khr
   WHERE  khr.id = cle.chr_id
   AND    lkhr.id = khr.id
   AND    cle.id = p_financial_asset_id;
Line: 343

   SELECT salvage_type
   FROM   fa_books
   WHERE  asset_id = cp_asset_id
   AND    book_type_code = cp_booktype_code
   AND    transaction_header_id_out IS NULL
   AND    date_ineffective IS NULL;
Line: 418

   l_update_status              VARCHAR2(1);
Line: 456

Line: 478

      SAVEPOINT asset_updates;
Line: 616

                       IF l_fa_depreciate_flag <> 'NO' THEN  -- SECHAWLA 10-MAY-04 3578894 : FA update fails
                                                             -- if we try to update the flag to the same value
                            --  Operating Lease hold period, DF Lease hold period : 1st trx -  stop depreciation
                            -- asset header information
                            l_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id := l_assettrx_rec.dnz_asset_id;
Line: 729

                       /*IF l_fa_cost <> l_assettrx_rec.depreciation_cost THEN  -- SECHAWLA 10-MAY-04 3578894 : FA update fails
                                         -- if we try to update the cost with the same value
                       -- SECHAWLA 19-FEB-04 3439647 : Write asset cost up to NIV when we stop the depreciation, for DF/Sales lease
                       IF l_deal_type IN ('LEASEDF','LEASEST') THEN
                               -- 5097643 27-mar-06 5029064: changes made by kbbhavsa for bug 4717511 has been reversed
                     	        --SECHAWLA 21-DEC-05 4899337 : end
                                l_dep_cost := l_assettrx_rec.depreciation_cost; -- sgorantl 27-mar-06 5097643
Line: 908

                           			(l_fa_salvage_value <> l_sal_value) THEN  -- SECHAWLA 10-MAY-04 3578894 : FA update fails

                                		-- asset header information
                                		l_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id := l_assettrx_rec.dnz_asset_id;
Line: 920

                                		--SECHAWLA 28-MAY-04 3645574 : update life or rate and nullify the other
                                		IF l_assettrx_rec.life_in_months IS NOT NULL THEN
                                   			l_asset_fin_rec_adj.life_in_months := l_assettrx_rec.life_in_months;
Line: 1192

                            p_api_version       => p_api_version,
                            p_init_msg_list     => OKC_API.G_FALSE,
                            x_return_status     => l_return_status,
                            x_msg_count         => x_msg_count,
                            x_msg_data          => x_msg_data,
                            p_tlpv_rec          => lp_tlpv_rec,
                            x_tlpv_rec          => lx_tlpv_rec);
Line: 1231

      l_update_status := OKC_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
Line: 1241

                            p_api_version       => p_api_version,
                            p_init_msg_list     => OKC_API.G_FALSE,
                            x_return_status     => l_return_status,
                            x_msg_count         => x_msg_count,
                            x_msg_data          => x_msg_data,
                            p_thpv_rec          => lp_thpv_rec,
                            x_thpv_rec          => lx_thpv_rec);
Line: 1263

                    l_update_status := OKC_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
Line: 1271

            IF l_update_status = OKC_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS THEN  -- trx status updated successfully for all the transactions for this asset
               COMMIT;  -- it will commit changes in FA and also in OKL (trx status update)
Line: 1281

               ROLLBACK TO asset_updates;  -- This will rollback FA changes and also OKL changes (trx status update, incase status was chnaged
Line: 1298

           ROLLBACK TO asset_updates;
Line: 1307

              SAVEPOINT trx_status_update;
Line: 1315

                            p_api_version       => p_api_version,
                            p_init_msg_list     => OKC_API.G_FALSE,
                            x_return_status     => l_return_status,
                            x_msg_count         => x_msg_count,
                            x_msg_data          => x_msg_data,
                            p_thpv_rec          => lp_thpv_rec,
                            x_thpv_rec          => lx_thpv_rec);
Line: 1337

                          l_update_status := OKC_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
Line: 1344

                  IF l_update_status = OKC_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS THEN -- trx status updated succesfully to 'ERROR' for all trx for this asset
                     COMMIT; -- commit the trx status upadte to ERROR
Line: 1346

                  ELSE  -- trx status could not be updated to ERROR for one or more transactions
                     ROLLBACK to trx_status_update;  -- trx status will remain ENTERED (fa trx have already been rolled back)
Line: 1652

                            p_api_version       => p_api_version,
                            p_init_msg_list     => OKC_API.G_FALSE,
                            x_return_status     => l_return_status,
                            x_msg_count         => x_msg_count,
                            x_msg_data          => x_msg_data,
                            p_thpv_rec          => lp_thpv_rec,
                            x_thpv_rec          => lx_thpv_rec);
Line: 1686

                            p_api_version       => p_api_version,
                            p_init_msg_list     => OKC_API.G_FALSE,
                            x_return_status     => l_return_status,
                            x_msg_count         => x_msg_count,
                            x_msg_data          => x_msg_data,
                            p_thpv_rec          => lp_thpv_rec,
                            x_thpv_rec          => lx_thpv_rec);