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Line 267: --,pa_event_types ev

263: --,pa_proj_fp_options fp
264: --,pa_expenditure_types et
265: --,pa_non_labor_resources nlr
266: --,pa_expenditure_categories ec
267: --,pa_event_types ev
268: --,pa_resource_classes_b rc
269: WHERE ra.budget_version_id = p_budget_version_id
270: --AND ra.budget_version_id = bv.budget_version_id (+)
271: --ANd bv.budget_version_id = fp.fin_plan_version_id(+)

Line 304: from pa_event_types ev

300: where ec.expenditure_category = ra.expenditure_category
301: and ra.resource_assignment_id = tmp.source_id
302: and rownum = 1)
303: ,tmp.event_type_id = (select ev.event_type_id
304: from pa_event_types ev
305: ,pa_resource_assignments ra
306: where ra.event_type = ev.event_type
307: and ra.resource_assignment_id = tmp.source_id
308: and rownum = 1)

Line 381: from pa_event_types evt

377: from pa_expenditure_categories ec
378: where ec.expenditure_category = g_expenditure_category_sqltab(i))
379: /* Bug fix: 3999186 populating event type */
380: ,tmp.event_type_id = (select evt.event_type_id
381: from pa_event_types evt
382: where evt.event_type = g_event_type_sqltab(i))
383: WHERE tmp.source_id = g_txn_source_id_sqltab(i);
385: Elsif p_calling_mode = 'SYSTEM_TABLE' Then

Line 448: from pa_event_types evt

444: from pa_expenditure_categories ec
445: where ec.expenditure_category = g_expenditure_category_systab(i))
446: /* Bug fix: 3999186 populating event type */
447: ,event_type_id = (select evt.event_type_id
448: from pa_event_types evt
449: where evt.event_type = g_event_type_systab(i))
450: WHERE source_id = g_txn_source_id_systab(i);
451: End If;

Line 470: from pa_event_types et

466: /* Bug fix: 3999186 populate revenue category based on event types */
467: -- update revenue category if its null based on event types
468: UPDATE pa_rbs_plans_in_tmp tmp
469: SET tmp.Revenue_category_code = (select et.Revenue_category_code
470: from pa_event_types et
471: where et.event_type_id = tmp.event_type_id
472: )
473: WHERE tmp.Revenue_category_code is NULL
474: AND tmp.event_type_id is NOT NULL ;

Line 1184: FROM pa_event_types evt

1181: -- update revenue category based on event type if its null
1182: UPDATE pa_res_list_map_tmp1 tmp
1183: SET tmp.revenue_category = (SELECT evt.revenue_category_code
1184: FROM pa_event_types evt
1185: WHERE evt.event_type=tmp.event_type)
1186: WHERE tmp.revenue_category IS NULL
1187: AND tmp.event_type IS NOT NULL;