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Line 806: hz_locations l

802: CURSOR lc_get_location_id (p_entity_id IN NUMBER) IS
803: SELECT b.location_id
804: FROM as_leads_all a,
805: hz_party_sites b,
806: hz_locations l
807: WHERE a.lead_id = p_entity_id AND
808: a.customer_id = b.party_id AND
809: b.party_site_id = a.address_id AND
810: b.location_id = l.location_id AND

Line 1768: hz_locations l

1764: SELECT b.location_id
1765: INTO l_customer_address.location_id
1766: FROM as_leads_all a,
1767: hz_party_sites b,
1768: hz_locations l
1769: WHERE a.lead_id = p_lead_id AND
1770: a.customer_id = b.party_id AND
1771: b.party_site_id = a.address_id AND
1772: b.location_id = l.location_id AND