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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 220

      select count(*)
      into v_count
      from pay_all_payrolls_f pap,
      hr_soft_coding_keyflex scl
      where pap.business_group_id = (select pap2.business_group_id from pay_all_payrolls_f pap2 where pap2.payroll_id=p_payroll_id and rownum=1)
      and pap.soft_coding_keyflex_id = scl.soft_coding_keyflex_id
      and scl.segment8 = p_irp5no
      and to_date(v_tax_end_date,'DD-MM-YYYY') between pap.effective_start_date and pap.effective_end_date;
Line: 251

      select to_char(min(start_date),'dd-mon-yyyy'),to_char(max(end_date),'dd-mon-yyyy')
      into   p_tax_start_date,p_tax_end_date
      from   per_time_periods
      where  payroll_id = p_payroll_id
             and prd_information1 = p_tax_year;
Line: 376

    /* Cursor to select all Income Sars Codes which have negative balances*/
   g_default_clrno CONSTANT VARCHAR2(11) := '99999999999' ;
Line: 382

     select irp5.code,
            sum(trunc(to_number(pay_za_eoy_val.decimal_character_conversion(nvl(arc.value,0)))))  value
     FROM pay_za_irp5_bal_codes irp5,
       ff_archive_items      arc,
       ff_database_items     dbi
     WHERE     dbi.user_entity_id = arc.user_entity_id
        and    irp5.user_name = dbi.user_name
        AND    arc.context1 = p_asgn_action_id
        and    irp5.balance_sequence = 1
        and    (
                   (irp5.code BETWEEN 3601 AND 3607)
                   (irp5.code BETWEEN 3609 AND 3613)
                   (irp5.code BETWEEN 3615 AND 3617 ) -- 3608 and 3614 are LMPSM balance
                   (irp5.code BETWEEN 3651 AND 3667)
                   (irp5.code BETWEEN 3701 AND 3706)
                   (irp5.code BETWEEN 3708 AND 3717) -- 3707 and 3718 are LMPSM balances
                   (irp5.code BETWEEN 3751 AND 3768)
                   (irp5.code BETWEEN 3801 and 3810)
                   (irp5.code BETWEEN 3851 and 3860)
                   (irp5.code BETWEEN 3813 and 3863)
                   OR                                -- 3901 to 3907 are LMPSM balances
                   (irp5.code BETWEEN 3951 and 3957)
                   (irp5.code BETWEEN 3695 and 3699)
                   OR                                --  4001 to 4004, 4006, 4007 are Deduction balances
                   (irp5.code = 4005 )
                   (irp5.code = 4018)
                   (irp5.code BETWEEN 4024 and 4025)
                   (irp5.code BETWEEN 4101 and 4103)
                   (irp5.code BETWEEN 4472 and 4474)
                   (irp5.code BETWEEN 4485 and 4487)
                   (irp5.code = 4493)
     group by irp5.code
     HAVING     sum(trunc(to_number(pay_za_eoy_val.decimal_character_conversion(nvl(arc.value,0))))) < 0 ;
Line: 435

     select irp5.code,
            sum(trunc(to_number(pay_za_eoy_val.decimal_character_conversion(nvl(arc.value,0)))))  value
     FROM pay_za_irp5_bal_codes irp5,
       ff_archive_items      arc,
       ff_database_items     dbi,
       ff_archive_item_contexts faic2,
       ff_contexts ffc2
     WHERE     irp5.code IN (3608, 3614, 3707, 3718, 3901, 3902, 3903, 3904, 3905, 3906, 3907, 3908, 3909, 3915)
        AND    irp5.balance_sequence = 3
        AND    irp5.user_name = dbi.user_name
        AND    dbi.user_entity_id = arc.user_entity_id
        AND    arc.context1 = p_asgn_action_id
        AND    faic2.archive_item_id = arc.archive_item_id
        AND    ffc2.context_id = faic2.context_id
        AND    ffc2.context_name = 'SOURCE_TEXT'
        AND    faic2.CONTEXT = 'To Be Advised'
     group by irp5.code
     HAVING sum(trunc(to_number(pay_za_eoy_val.decimal_character_conversion(nvl(arc.value,0)))))<0 ;
Line: 457

     select sum(trunc(to_number(pay_za_eoy_val.decimal_character_conversion(arc.value)))) value
              , faic2.CONTEXT  Tax_Directive_Number
              , irp5.code      code
         from   pay_za_irp5_bal_codes irp5,
                ff_archive_items      arc,
                ff_database_items     dbi,
                ff_archive_item_contexts faic2,
                ff_contexts ffc2
         where  arc.context1 in (select ch.assignment_action_id
                                 from pay_assignment_actions main
                                 ,    pay_assignment_actions ch
                                 where main.assignment_action_id = p_asg_act_id
                                 and   ch.payroll_action_id     = main.payroll_action_id
                                 and   ch.assignment_action_id < main.assignment_action_id
                                 AND   ch.assignment_id        = main.assignment_id)
            arc.value is not null
               arc.value is not null
               and arc.value <> 0
         and    dbi.user_entity_id = arc.user_entity_id
         and    irp5.code IN (3608, 3614, 3707, 3718, 3901, 3902, 3903, 3904, 3905, 3906, 3907, 3908, 3909, 3915)
         AND    irp5.balance_sequence = 3
         AND    dbi.user_name = irp5.user_name
         AND    faic2.archive_item_id = arc.archive_item_id
         AND    ffc2.context_id = faic2.context_id
         AND    ffc2.context_name = 'SOURCE_TEXT'
         group BY faic2.CONTEXT
                , irp5.code
          HAVING  sum(trunc(to_number(pay_za_eoy_val.decimal_character_conversion(arc.value)))) < 0;
Line: 495

     select irp5.code ,
            faic2.CONTEXT clearance_num,
            sum(trunc(to_number(pay_za_eoy_val.decimal_character_conversion(nvl(arc.value,0)))))  value
     FROM pay_za_irp5_bal_codes irp5,
       ff_archive_items      arc,
       ff_database_items     dbi,
       ff_archive_item_contexts faic2,
       ff_contexts ffc2
     WHERE     irp5.code IN (4001, 4002, 4003, 4004, 4006, 4007)
        AND    irp5.balance_sequence = 1
        AND    irp5.user_name = dbi.user_name
        AND    dbi.user_entity_id = arc.user_entity_id
        AND    arc.context1 = p_asgn_action_id
        AND    faic2.archive_item_id = arc.archive_item_id
        AND    ffc2.context_id = faic2.context_id
        AND    ffc2.context_name = 'SOURCE_NUMBER'
     group by irp5.code,
     HAVING (sum(trunc(to_number(pay_za_eoy_val.decimal_character_conversion(nvl(arc.value,0)))))<0)
         OR (faic2.CONTEXT = g_default_clrno
             and sum(trunc(to_number(pay_za_eoy_val.decimal_character_conversion(nvl(arc.value,0))))) <> 0);
Line: 520

     select irp5.code,
            sum(trunc(to_number(pay_za_eoy_val.decimal_character_conversion(nvl(arc.value,0)))))  value
     FROM pay_za_irp5_bal_codes irp5,
       ff_archive_items      arc,
       ff_database_items     dbi
     WHERE     irp5.code IN (3810, 3813, 4005, 4024, 4025, 4485, 4486)
        AND    irp5.balance_sequence = 1
        AND    irp5.user_name = dbi.user_name
        AND    dbi.user_entity_id = arc.user_entity_id
        AND    arc.context1 = p_asgn_action_id
     group by irp5.code;
Line: 534

        SELECT assignment_id,
               max(assignment_action_id) assignment_action_id  -- max assignment_action_id relates to Main Certificate
        FROM   pay_assignment_actions
        WHERE  payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id
        GROUP BY assignment_id ;
Line: 544

         select paa.assignment_action_id
           from   pay_action_contexts    pac,
                  pay_assignment_actions paa,
                  pay_payroll_actions    ppa,
                  ff_contexts            ffc
           where  paa.assignment_id = p_asgn_id
             and  paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
             and  ppa.action_type in ('R', 'Q','B')
             AND  pac.assignment_Action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
             And  pac.context_value = g_default_clrno
             and  ffc.context_name = 'SOURCE_NUMBER'
             and  ffc.context_id = pac.context_id
             and ppa.effective_date >= p_start_date
             and ppa.effective_date <= p_end_date;
Line: 561

                Select  element_name
                FROM    pay_assignment_actions paa,
                        pay_payroll_actions ppa,
                        pay_element_types_f pet,
                        pay_input_values_f piv,
                        pay_run_results prr,
                        pay_run_result_values prv
                Where   paa.assignment_action_id = p_asgn_ac_id
                   and  prr.assignment_Action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
                   and  pet.element_type_id     = prr.element_type_id
                   and  piv.element_type_id      = pet.element_type_id
                   and  piv.name                 = 'Clearance Number'
                   and  prv.run_result_id    = prr.run_result_id
                   and  prv.input_value_id   = piv.input_value_id
                   and  prv.RESULT_VALUE     = g_default_clrno
                   and  ppa.payroll_action_id    = paa.payroll_action_id
                   and  ppa.effective_date      between pet.effective_start_date and pet.effective_end_date
                   and  ppa.effective_date      between piv.effective_start_date and piv.effective_end_date ;
Line: 582

       select irp5.code,
              irp5.full_balance_name bal_name,
              irp5.balance_type_id bal_type_id,
              trunc(to_number(pay_za_eoy_val.decimal_character_conversion(nvl(arc.value,0))))  value
       FROM pay_za_irp5_bal_codes irp5,
         ff_archive_items      arc,
         ff_database_items     dbi,
         per_assignment_extra_info paei,
	 pay_assignment_actions paa
       WHERE     dbi.user_name in
          AND    irp5.balance_sequence = 1
          AND    irp5.user_name = dbi.user_name
          AND    dbi.user_entity_id = arc.user_entity_id
          AND    paei.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
          AND    arc.context1 = p_asgn_action_id
	  AND    arc.context1 = paa.assignment_action_id
          AND    paei.AEI_INFORMATION8 <> '1' -- 'Pension Basis: Fixed Percentage of Specific Income
          AND    paei.information_type = 'ZA_SPECIFIC_INFO'
          AND    pay_za_eoy_val.decimal_character_conversion(nvl(arc.value,0)) <> '0';
Line: 656

      SELECT  ELEM.element_name element_name,
      from   pay_balance_feeds_f               FEED
           , pay_run_result_values             TARGET
           , pay_run_results                   RR
           , per_time_periods                  PPTP
           , per_time_periods                  BPTP
           , pay_payroll_actions               PACT
           , pay_assignment_actions            ASSACT
           , pay_payroll_actions               BACT
           , pay_assignment_actions            BAL_ASSACT
          , pay_element_types_f               ELEM
       where BAL_ASSACT.assignment_action_id = p_asgn_action_id
         and BAL_ASSACT.payroll_action_id    = BACT.payroll_action_id
         and FEED.input_value_id             = TARGET.input_value_id
         and TARGET.run_result_id            = RR.run_result_id
         and RR.assignment_action_id         = ASSACT.assignment_action_id
         + decode(PPTP.year_number, 0, 0, 0)
         and ASSACT.payroll_action_id        = PACT.payroll_action_id
         and PACT.effective_date       between FEED.effective_start_date
                                           and FEED.effective_end_date
         and BPTP.payroll_id                 = BACT.payroll_id
         and PPTP.payroll_id                 = PACT.payroll_id
         and nvl(BACT.date_earned,BACT.effective_date)
                                       between BPTP.start_date and BPTP.end_date
         and PACT.date_earned          between PPTP.start_date and PPTP.end_date
         and RR.status                      in ('P','PA')
         AND ELEM.element_type_id = RR.element_type_id
         and PPTP.prd_information1           = BPTP.prd_information1
         and ASSACT.action_sequence         <= BAL_ASSACT.action_sequence
         and ASSACT.assignment_id            = BAL_ASSACT.assignment_id
         AND feed.BALANCE_TYPE_ID            = p_bal_typ_id
	 GROUP BY ELEM.element_name
         HAVING sum(trunc(to_number(pay_za_eoy_val.decimal_character_conversion(nvl(TARGET.RESULT_VALUE,0))))) <> 0;
Line: 709

        SELECT  per.employee_number empno, asgn2.assignment_number assgno
                FROM pay_assignment_actions paa,
                per_all_assignments_f asgn2,
                per_all_people_f per,
                pay_payroll_actions ppa
         WHERE paa.assignment_action_id = asgn_ac_id
         AND ppa.payroll_action_id    = paa.payroll_action_id
         AND asgn2.assignment_id      = paa.assignment_id
         AND per.person_id            = asgn2.person_id
         AND asgn2.effective_start_date =
           ( select max(paf2.effective_start_date)
             from   per_assignments_f paf2
             where paf2.effective_start_date <= ppa.effective_date
             and    paf2.assignment_id         = asgn2.assignment_id
        AND per.effective_start_date =
         ( select max(per2.effective_start_date)
           from   per_all_people_f per2
           where per2.effective_start_date <= ppa.effective_date
           and    per2.person_id = per.person_id
Line: 734

      SELECT irp5.code, sum(trunc(to_number(pay_za_eoy_val.decimal_character_conversion(nvl(arc.value,0))))) value
      FROM ff_archive_items arc,
           ff_database_items dbi,
           pay_za_irp5_bal_codes irp5
      WHERE arc.user_entity_id = dbi.user_entity_id
        and irp5.user_name = dbi.user_name
        and arc.context1 in (p_asgn_action_id)
        and code in (3915,4115)
      GROUP BY irp5.code ;
Line: 770

         select pay_za_eoy_val.decimal_character_conversion(nvl(arc.value,0))
         into   l_tax_ytd
         from   ff_archive_items  arc,
                ff_database_items dbi
         where  dbi.user_name      = 'A_TAX_ASG_TAX_YTD'
         and    arc.user_entity_id = dbi.user_entity_id
         and    arc.context1       = asgn.assignment_action_id;
Line: 779

                 select pay_za_eoy_val.decimal_character_conversion(nvl(arc.value,0))
                 into   l_site
                 from   ff_archive_items  arc,
                        ff_database_items dbi
                 where  dbi.user_name      = 'A_SITE_ASG_TAX_YTD'
                 and    arc.user_entity_id = dbi.user_entity_id
                 and    arc.context1       = asgn.assignment_action_id;
Line: 787

                 select pay_za_eoy_val.decimal_character_conversion(nvl(arc.value,0))
                 into   l_paye
                 from   ff_archive_items  arc,
                        ff_database_items dbi
                 where  dbi.user_name      = 'A_PAYE_ASG_TAX_YTD'
                 and    arc.user_entity_id = dbi.user_entity_id
                 and    arc.context1       = asgn.assignment_action_id;