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APPS.IGP_VW_GEN_001_PKG dependencies on WF_ENGINE

Line 115: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(

111: END LOOP;
113: -- Set WF attrib for Role here.
115: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(
116: ItemType => itemtype,
117: ItemKey => itemkey,
118: aname => 'P_VIEWER_ROLE',
119: avalue => l_role_name );

Line 120: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(

116: ItemType => itemtype,
117: ItemKey => itemkey,
118: aname => 'P_VIEWER_ROLE',
119: avalue => l_role_name );
120: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(
121: ItemType => itemtype,
122: ItemKey => itemkey,
123: aname => 'FROM',
124: avalue => l_cc_users );

Line 274: l_portfolio_ids := wf_engine.GetItemAttrText( itemtype => l_item_type,

270: IF l_item IS NOT NULL THEN
271: --
272: -- If the Item Name is not null then get the value of the Portfolios to form the message again.
273: --
274: l_portfolio_ids := wf_engine.GetItemAttrText( itemtype => l_item_type,
275: itemkey => l_item_key,
276: aname => 'P_PORTFOLIO_IDS');
277: -- if the event is raised when the author assigns the end date, then p_expdate parameter will be recieved.
278: -- else if the access is given by the Career Center then the p_expdate will be NULL.

Line 280: l_exp_date := wf_engine.GetItemAttrText( itemtype => l_item_type,

276: aname => 'P_PORTFOLIO_IDS');
277: -- if the event is raised when the author assigns the end date, then p_expdate parameter will be recieved.
278: -- else if the access is given by the Career Center then the p_expdate will be NULL.
280: l_exp_date := wf_engine.GetItemAttrText( itemtype => l_item_type,
281: itemkey => l_item_key,
282: aname => 'P_EXPDATE');
283: END IF;

Line 325: p_viewer_ids => wf_engine.getitemattrtext(itemtype,itemkey,'P_VIEWER_IDS'),

321: IF (funcmode = 'RUN') THEN
323: Create_Viewers_Role (itemtype => itemtype,
324: itemkey => itemkey,
325: p_viewer_ids => wf_engine.getitemattrtext(itemtype,itemkey,'P_VIEWER_IDS'),
326: p_portfolio_ids => wf_engine.getitemattrtext(itemtype,itemkey,'P_PORTFOLIO_IDS') );
328: -- standard way to call PLSQLCLOB. Dont modify.
329: wf_engine.setitemattrtext(ItemType => itemtype,

Line 326: p_portfolio_ids => wf_engine.getitemattrtext(itemtype,itemkey,'P_PORTFOLIO_IDS') );

323: Create_Viewers_Role (itemtype => itemtype,
324: itemkey => itemkey,
325: p_viewer_ids => wf_engine.getitemattrtext(itemtype,itemkey,'P_VIEWER_IDS'),
326: p_portfolio_ids => wf_engine.getitemattrtext(itemtype,itemkey,'P_PORTFOLIO_IDS') );
328: -- standard way to call PLSQLCLOB. Dont modify.
329: wf_engine.setitemattrtext(ItemType => itemtype,
330: ItemKey => itemkey,

Line 329: wf_engine.setitemattrtext(ItemType => itemtype,

325: p_viewer_ids => wf_engine.getitemattrtext(itemtype,itemkey,'P_VIEWER_IDS'),
326: p_portfolio_ids => wf_engine.getitemattrtext(itemtype,itemkey,'P_PORTFOLIO_IDS') );
328: -- standard way to call PLSQLCLOB. Dont modify.
329: wf_engine.setitemattrtext(ItemType => itemtype,
330: ItemKey => itemkey,
331: aname => 'P_VIEWER_MESSAGE',
332: avalue => 'PLSQLCLOB:igp_vw_gen_001_pkg.write_viewer_message/'||itemtype||':'||itemkey||'*P_VIEWER_MESSAGE');

Line 334: wf_engine.setitemattrtext(ItemType => itemtype,

330: ItemKey => itemkey,
331: aname => 'P_VIEWER_MESSAGE',
332: avalue => 'PLSQLCLOB:igp_vw_gen_001_pkg.write_viewer_message/'||itemtype||':'||itemkey||'*P_VIEWER_MESSAGE');
334: wf_engine.setitemattrtext(ItemType => itemtype,
335: ItemKey => itemkey,
336: aname => 'P_SYSDATE',
337: avalue => l_sysdate);

Line 664: l_message_text := wf_engine.GetItemAttrText( itemtype => l_item_type,

660: l_item_type := substr(document_id, 1, instr(document_id,':')-1);
661: l_item_key := substr (document_id, INSTR(document_id, ':') +1, (INSTR(document_id, '*') - INSTR(document_id, ':'))-1) ;
662: l_item := substr(document_id, instr(document_id,'*')+1);
664: l_message_text := wf_engine.GetItemAttrText( itemtype => l_item_type,
665: itemkey => l_item_key,
666: aname => 'P_MESSAGE_TEXT');
667: -- Write the header doc into CLOB variable
668: WF_NOTIFICATION.WriteToClob(document, l_message_text);

Line 701: wf_engine.setitemattrtext(ItemType => itemtype,

698: IF (funcmode = 'RUN') THEN
700: -- standard way to write a CLOB in workflow. dont change.
701: wf_engine.setitemattrtext(ItemType => itemtype,
702: ItemKey => itemkey,
703: aname => 'P_AUTHOR_MESSAGE',
704: avalue => 'PLSQLCLOB:igp_vw_gen_001_pkg.write_author_message/'||itemtype||':'||itemkey||'*P_AUTHOR_MESSAGE');

Line 706: wf_engine.setitemattrtext(ItemType => itemtype,

702: ItemKey => itemkey,
703: aname => 'P_AUTHOR_MESSAGE',
704: avalue => 'PLSQLCLOB:igp_vw_gen_001_pkg.write_author_message/'||itemtype||':'||itemkey||'*P_AUTHOR_MESSAGE');
706: wf_engine.setitemattrtext(ItemType => itemtype,
707: ItemKey => itemkey,
708: aname => 'P_SYSDATE',
709: avalue => l_sysdate);
710: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(

Line 710: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(

706: wf_engine.setitemattrtext(ItemType => itemtype,
707: ItemKey => itemkey,
708: aname => 'P_SYSDATE',
709: avalue => l_sysdate);
710: Wf_Engine.SetItemAttrText(
711: ItemType => itemtype,
712: ItemKey => itemkey,
713: aname => 'FROM',
714: avalue => l_users );