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1 PACKAGE Ben_FastFormula_Check AS
2 /* $Header: benffchk.pkh 120.0 2005/05/28 09:00:43 appldev noship $ */
3 /*============================================================================+
4 |                      Copyright (c) 1997 Oracle Corporation                  |
5 |                         Redwood Shores, California, USA                     |
6 |                            All rights reserved.                             |
7 |                          <<BEN_FASTFORMULA_CHECK (H)>>                     |
8 +=============================================================================+
9  * Name:
10  *   Fast_Formula_Check
11  * Purpose:
12  *   This package is used to check the existence of given formula_type_id
13  *   and formula_id in ben tables.
14  * History:
15  *   Date        Who            Version  What?
16  *   ----------- ------------   -------  ------------------------------------
17  *   01-SEP-2004 swjain         115.0    Created.
18  *   01-SEP-2004 swjain         115.1    No Changes.
19  *   01-SEP-2004 swjain         115.2    No Changes.
20  *   01-SEP-2004 swjain         115.3    p_effective_date and p_business_group_id
21  *										 defaulted to null
22  *   02-SEP-2004 swjain         115.4    p_legislation_cd parameter added for
23  *										 future use
24  * ===========================================================================
25  */
27 --
28 -- ============================================================================
29 -- Function Name:<<chk_formula_exists_in_ben>>
30 -- Description:
31 -- Checks the existence of the given formula_id and formula_type_id in ben tables.
32 --.
33 -- ============================================================================
34 --
35 FUNCTION chk_formula_exists_in_ben(p_formula_id IN NUMBER,
36                                    p_formula_type_id IN NUMBER,
37 								   p_effective_date IN DATE Default NULL,
38 								   p_business_group_id IN NUMBER Default NULL,
39 								   p_legislation_cd IN VARCHAR2 Default NULL
40 								   )
41 	                               RETURN BOOLEAN;
42 --
43 END Ben_FastFormula_Check;