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Line 775: CST_COST_TYPES cct,

772: cursor excess_value is
773: select sum(cel.excess_quantity * NVL(ITEM_COST,0))
774: from CST_ITEM_COSTS cic,
775: CST_COST_TYPES cct,
776: csp_excess_lists cel
777: where cic.ORGANIZATION_ID = cel.organization_id
778: and cic.inventory_item_id = cel.inventory_item_id
779: and cic.COST_TYPE_ID = cct.COST_TYPE_ID

Line 786: CST_COST_TYPES cct,

783: cursor org_max_value is
784: select sum(msib.max_minmax_quantity * NVL(ITEM_COST,0))
785: from CST_ITEM_COSTS cic,
786: CST_COST_TYPES cct,
787: mtl_system_items_b msib
788: where msib.organization_id = p_organization_id
789: and cic.ORGANIZATION_ID = msib.organization_id
790: and cic.inventory_item_id = msib.inventory_item_id

Line 798: cst_cost_types cct,

795: cursor sub_max_value is
796: select sum(misi.max_minmax_quantity * nvl(cic.item_cost,0))
797: from cst_item_costs cic,
798: cst_cost_types cct,
799: mtl_item_sub_inventories misi
800: where misi.organization_id = p_organization_id
801: and misi.secondary_inventory = p_subinventory_code
802: and cic.organization_id = misi.organization_id

Line 861: CST_COST_TYPES cct,

857: cursor excess_line_value is
858: select cel.excess_line_id,
859: cel.excess_quantity * NVL(ITEM_COST,0) value
860: from CST_ITEM_COSTS cic,
861: CST_COST_TYPES cct,
862: csp_excess_lists cel
863: where cel.organization_id = p_organization_id
864: and cic.ORGANIZATION_ID = cel.organization_id
865: and cic.inventory_item_id = cel.inventory_item_id