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2 /* $Header: ENIUCOPB.pls 120.0 2005/05/26 19:36:32 appldev noship $ */
6 -- Returns query for Unit Cost report/portlet
7 PROCEDURE get_sql( p_page_parameter_tbl IN BIS_PMV_PAGE_PARAMETER_TBL
8                             , x_custom_sql OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
9                             , x_custom_output OUT NOCOPY BIS_QUERY_ATTRIBUTES_TBL) IS
11   -- SQL statement for the report
12   l_sql_stmt             VARCHAR2(4000);
14   l_period_type          VARCHAR2(40);
15   l_period_bitand        NUMBER;
16   l_view_by              VARCHAR2(200);
17   l_as_of_date           DATE;
18   l_prev_as_of_date      DATE;
19   l_report_start         DATE;
20   l_cur_period           NUMBER;
21   l_days_into_period     NUMBER;
22   l_comp_type            VARCHAR2(100);
23   l_category             VARCHAR2(100);
24   l_item                 VARCHAR2(100);
25   l_org                  VARCHAR2(30);
26   l_id_column            VARCHAR2(30);
27   l_order_by             VARCHAR2(100);
28   l_drill                VARCHAR2(30);
29   l_custom_rec           BIS_QUERY_ATTRIBUTES;
30   l_err_msg              VARCHAR2(100);
32   l_comp_where          VARCHAR2(100);
33   l_view_by_column      VARCHAR2(30);
34   l_item_where          VARCHAR2(1000);
35   l_org_where           VARCHAR2(1000);
36   l_cat_where           VARCHAR2(1000);
38   l_status varchar2(40);
39   l_priority varchar2(40);
40   l_reason varchar2(40);
41   l_lifecycle_phase varchar2(40);
42   l_currency  varchar2(40);
43   l_bom_type varchar2(40);
44   l_type varchar2(40);
45   l_manager varchar2(40);
46   l_lob varchar2(100);
47   l_from_clause varchar2(1000);
48   l_where_clause varchar2(1000);
49   l_group_by_clause varchar2(1000);
50   l_currency_rate VARCHAR2(30);
53 	ENI_DBI_UTIL_PKG.get_parameters( p_page_parameter_tbl
54                                  , l_period_type
55                                  , l_period_bitand
56                                  , l_view_by
57                                  , l_as_of_date
58                                  , l_prev_as_of_date
59                                  , l_report_start
60                                  , l_cur_period
61                                  , l_days_into_period
62                                  , l_comp_type
63                                  , l_category
64                                  , l_item
65                                  , l_org
66                                  , l_id_column
67                                  , l_order_by
68                                  , l_drill
69                                  , l_status
70                                  , l_priority
71                                  , l_reason
72                                  , l_lifecycle_phase
73                                  , l_currency
74                                  , l_bom_type
75                                  , l_type
76                                  , l_manager
77                                  , l_lob
78                                  );
80 	IF(l_order_by like '%DESC%')
81 	THEN
82 		l_order_by:=' report_period_start_date desc ';
83 	ELSE
84 		l_order_by:=' report_period_start_date asc ';
85 	END IF;
87     l_period_type := '''' || l_period_type || '''';
88     l_comp_type := '''' || l_comp_type || '''';
90   -- Set currency rate based on currency chosen by user
91     l_currency_rate :=
92       CASE l_currency
93         WHEN ENI_DBI_UTIL_PKG.get_curr_sec
94                 THEN 'secondary_currency_rate'   -- secondary global currency
95         ELSE 'primary_currency_rate'             -- primary global currency (default)
96       END;
98  -- Eventually get this string from the util package
100   l_custom_rec := BIS_PMV_PARAMETERS_PUB.Initialize_Query_Type;
101   x_custom_output := bis_query_attributes_tbl();
103 if ((l_org IS NULL OR l_org = '' OR l_org = 'All') or (l_item IS NULL OR l_item = '' OR l_item = 'All')) then
104 l_sql_stmt := 'select null VIEWBY,
105           NULL VIEWBYID,
106           null ENI_MEASURE1, -- curr mtl_cost for table
107           null ENI_MEASURE3, -- curr mtl_ovhd_cost for table
108           null ENI_MEASURE4, -- curr res_cost for table
109           null ENI_MEASURE5, -- curr osp_cost for table
110           null ENI_MEASURE6, -- curr ovhd_cost for table
111 	  NULL ENI_MEASURE10, -- curr unit_cost for table
112 	  null ENI_MEASURE9 -- pct_change for table
113         from sys.dual' ;
114 else
115  l_sql_stmt :=
116   'select name VIEWBY,
117           1 VIEWBYID,
118           curr_mtl_cost ENI_MEASURE1,
119           curr_mtl_ovhd_cost ENI_MEASURE3,
120           curr_res_cost ENI_MEASURE4,
121           curr_osp_cost ENI_MEASURE5,
122           curr_ovhd_cost ENI_MEASURE6,
123 	  curr_item_cost ENI_MEASURE10,
124           prev_item_cost ENI_MEASURE9
125 	  -- removed the calculation of change % for Bug# 3933564
126     from  ( select name, report_period_start_date start_date,
127                     sum(case when curr_or_prior_period = ''C''
128                     then material_cost * ' || l_currency_rate || '
129 		              else null
130 		              end) curr_mtl_cost,
131                    sum(case when curr_or_prior_period = ''C''
132                        then material_overhead_cost * ' || l_currency_rate || '
133  		       else null
134 		       end) curr_mtl_ovhd_cost,
135                    sum(case when curr_or_prior_period = ''C''
136                        then resource_cost * ' || l_currency_rate || '
137 		       else null
138 		       end) curr_res_cost,
139                    sum(case when curr_or_prior_period = ''C''
140                        then outside_processing_cost * ' || l_currency_rate || '
141 		       else null
142 		       end) curr_osp_cost,
143                    sum(case when curr_or_prior_period = ''C''
144                        then overhead_cost * ' || l_currency_rate || '
145 		       else null
146 		       end) curr_ovhd_cost,
147               sum(case when curr_or_prior_period = ''C''
148                        then item_cost * ' || l_currency_rate || '
149                        else null
150                        end) curr_item_cost,
151                    sum(case when curr_or_prior_period = ''P''
152                        then item_cost * ' || l_currency_rate || '
153 		       else null
154                        end) prev_item_cost
155     from
156      (select t.*, cost.*,
157        rank() over
158 	(partition by t.curr_or_prior_period, t.report_period_start_date
159 	 order by effective_date DESC) r
160       from
161         (select TO_CHAR(&' || 'BIS_CURRENT_ASOF_DATE + offset , ''dd-Mon-yyyy'') AS name,
162 		''C'' AS curr_or_prior_period,
163 		&' || 'BIS_CURRENT_ASOF_DATE + offset + start_date_offset
164 	       		AS report_period_start_date,
165 		&' || 'BIS_CURRENT_ASOF_DATE + offset + start_date_offset
166 	       AS period_start_date,
167            &' || 'BIS_CURRENT_ASOF_DATE + offset AS period_end_date
168      	from fii_time_rolling_offsets
169      	where period_type = :l_period_type
170             AND comparison_type = :l_comp_type
171      	union all
172      	select TO_CHAR(&' || 'BIS_CURRENT_ASOF_DATE + offset , ''dd-Mon-yyyy'') AS name,
173 		''P'' AS curr_or_prior_period,
174 		&' || 'BIS_CURRENT_ASOF_DATE + offset + start_date_offset
175 	       		AS report_period_start_date,
176 		&' || 'BIS_PREVIOUS_ASOF_DATE + offset + start_date_offset
177 	       		AS period_start_date,
178                 &' || 'BIS_PREVIOUS_ASOF_DATE  + offset AS period_end_date
179      	from fii_time_rolling_offsets
180      	where period_type = :l_period_type
181             AND comparison_type = :l_comp_type)t,
182 	 eni_dbi_item_cost_f cost
183          where cost.inventory_item_id (+) = :l_item
184          and cost.organization_id (+) = :l_org
185          and cost.effective_date (+) <= period_end_date) t
186     WHERE r=1
187     GROUP BY name, report_period_start_date
188     ORDER BY ' || l_order_by || ' )';
189     --removed the binding for Bug # 3930862
191 end if;
193   x_custom_sql := l_sql_stmt;
194   l_custom_rec := BIS_PMV_PARAMETERS_PUB.Initialize_Query_Type;
195   x_custom_output := bis_query_attributes_tbl();
197   x_custom_output.extend;
198   l_custom_rec.attribute_name := ':l_item';
199   l_custom_rec.attribute_value := replace(l_item,'''');
200   l_custom_rec.attribute_type := BIS_PMV_PARAMETERS_PUB.BIND_TYPE;
201   l_custom_rec.attribute_data_type := BIS_PMV_PARAMETERS_PUB.VARCHAR2_BIND;
202   x_custom_output(1) := l_custom_rec;
204   x_custom_output.extend;
205   l_custom_rec.attribute_name := ':l_org';
206   l_custom_rec.attribute_value := replace(l_org,'''');
207   l_custom_rec.attribute_type := BIS_PMV_PARAMETERS_PUB.BIND_TYPE;
208   l_custom_rec.attribute_data_type := BIS_PMV_PARAMETERS_PUB.VARCHAR2_BIND;
209   x_custom_output(2) := l_custom_rec;
211   x_custom_output.extend;
212   l_custom_rec.attribute_name := ':l_period_type';
213   l_custom_rec.attribute_value := replace(l_period_type,'''');
214   l_custom_rec.attribute_type := BIS_PMV_PARAMETERS_PUB.BIND_TYPE;
215   l_custom_rec.attribute_data_type := BIS_PMV_PARAMETERS_PUB.VARCHAR2_BIND;
216   x_custom_output(3) := l_custom_rec;
218   x_custom_output.extend;
219   l_custom_rec.attribute_name := ':l_comp_type';
220   l_custom_rec.attribute_value := replace(l_comp_type,'''');
221   l_custom_rec.attribute_type := BIS_PMV_PARAMETERS_PUB.BIND_TYPE;
222   l_custom_rec.attribute_data_type := BIS_PMV_PARAMETERS_PUB.VARCHAR2_BIND;
223   x_custom_output(4) := l_custom_rec;
225 END get_sql;