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2 /* $Header: penlorgi.pkh 120.0.12000000.1 2007/01/22 00:24:44 appldev ship $ */
3 --
4 --
5 -- Service function to return the current named hierarchy.
6 --
7 FUNCTION named_hierarchy
8 (p_organization_id NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER;
9 --
10 --
11 -- Service function to return the current version of the named hioerarchy.
12 --
13 FUNCTION latest_named_hierarchy_vers
14 (p_organization_id NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER;
15 --
16 --
17 -- Service function to see if organization belongs to the current primary hioerarchy.
18 --
19 FUNCTION org_exists_in_hierarchy
20 (p_organization_id NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2;
21 --
22 --
23 -- Function checks to see if organization region is same as the passed region
24 -- and returns Organization ID if it is found else returns NULL
25 -- It checks the Named Org Hierarchy to check if belongs to the same region from the Org Hierarchy
26 --
27 FUNCTION check_org_in_region (p_org_id in hr_organization_units.organization_id%TYPE,
28                              p_region in varchar2) RETURN hr_organization_units.organization_id%TYPE;
29 --
30 --The following procedure checks if the Organization passed in exists in the Primary Hierarchy.
31 --
32 PROCEDURE chk_for_org_in_hierarchy(p_org_id in hr_organization_units.organization_id%TYPE,
33                                    p_exists out nocopy varchar2);
34 --
35 --
36 -- Procedure returns the Region and Org. Number for the Named Org Hierarchy
37 --
38 PROCEDURE get_org_data_items(p_org_id in number,
39 			     p_region  out nocopy varchar2,
40 			     p_organization_number out nocopy varchar2) ;
42 -- Service function which returns the organization information id for which Social
43 -- Insurance Information is entered in the Org Heirarchy
44 --
46 (p_organization_id NUMBER,p_si_type VARCHAR2,p_assignment_id NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER;
49 -- Service function which returns the SI Provider information for the given organization.
50 -- It performs tree walk if SI information is not defined for the given organization.
51 --
52 FUNCTION Get_SI_Provider_Info
53 (p_organization_id NUMBER,p_si_type VARCHAR2,p_assignment_id NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER;
54 --
55 -- Service function to see if uwv organization is assigned to
56 -- any hr organization in the hierarchy.
57 --
58 -- Service function which returns the SI Provider information for the given assignment.
59 -- It performs tree walk if SI information is not defined for the given organization.
60 --
61 FUNCTION Get_SI_Provider_Info
62 (p_assignment_id NUMBER,p_si_type VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER;
63 --
64 -- Service function to see if uwv organization is assigned to
65 -- any hr organization in the hierarchy.
66 --
67 FUNCTION check_uwv_org_in_hierarchy
68 (p_uwv_org_id NUMBER,p_organization_id NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2;
69 --
70 -- Service function to return the Info Id from the Assignment Extra Information
71 -- to support AMI Enhancement
72 -- Returns the ID for the Specified SI type defined,if not defined looks for a AMI
73 -- record and returns it.
75 (p_assignment_id NUMBER,p_si_type VARCHAR2) RETURN NUMBER;
76 --
77 -- Service function to return the Average_Days_Per_Month defined at the Hr Org
78 -- from the EIT Context - NL_ORG_INFORMATON
79 -- Traversing the Named Org Hierarchy
81 FUNCTION Get_Avg_Days_Per_Month(p_assignment_id NUMBER) RETURN number;
82 --
83 --  Function which returns tax organization for the given organization by traversing the org hierarchy
84 --
85 Function Get_Tax_Org_Id(p_org_structure_version_id NUMBER,p_organization_id NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER;
86 --
87 FUNCTION Get_Working_hours_Per_Week(p_org_id NUMBER) RETURN number;
89 -- Function which returns part time percentage method for the given organization
90 -- If the value is not specified for the given organization it performs the tree walk.
91 FUNCTION Get_Part_Time_Perc_Method(p_assignment_id NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER;
93 -- Function which returns lunar 5-week month wage method for the given organization
94 -- If the value is not specified for the given organization it performs the tree walk.
95 FUNCTION Get_Lunar_5_Week_Method(p_assignment_id NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER;
97 -- NL_Proration Function which returns Proration_Tax_Table for the given organization
98 -- If the value is not specified for the given organization it performs the tree walk.
100 FUNCTION Get_Proration_Tax_Table(p_assignment_id NUMBER) RETURN Varchar2;
102 -- Service function which returns the SI Provider information for the given organization.
103 -- It performs tree walk if SI information is not defined for the given organization.
104 --
106 (p_organization_id NUMBER,p_si_type VARCHAR2,p_assignment_id NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER;
108 -- To get all the employers for given Org Struct Version ID
109 function Get_Employers_List(p_Org_Struct_Version_Id in number,
110                             p_top_org_id in number,
111                             p_sub_emp in varchar2)
112 return varchar2 ;
114 -- Function which returns parental leave wage percentage for the given organization
115 -- If the value is not specified for the given organization it performs the tree walk.
116 FUNCTION Get_Parental_Leave_Wage_Perc(p_assignment_id NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER;
117 -- Function which returns the customer number for the given organization
118 -- If the value is not specified for the given organization it performs the tree walk.
119 FUNCTION Get_customer_number
120         (p_org_id in hr_organization_units.organization_id%type) RETURN Varchar2;
121 -- Function which returns Reporting Frequency for the given organization
122 -- If the value is not specified for the given organization it performs the tree walk.
123 FUNCTION Get_Reporting_Frequency
124         (p_org_id in hr_organization_units.organization_id%type) RETURN Varchar2;
125 -- Function which returns Public Sector Org for the given organization
126 -- If the value is not specified for the given organization it performs the tree walk.
127 FUNCTION Get_Public_Sector_Org
128         (p_org_id in hr_organization_units.organization_id%type) RETURN Varchar2;
129 -- Function which returns company unit for the given organization
130 -- If the value is not specified for the given organization it performs the tree walk.
131 FUNCTION Get_company_unit
132         (p_org_id in hr_organization_units.organization_id%type) RETURN Varchar2;
133 -- Function which returns Full Sickness Wage Paid Indicator for the given organization
134 -- If the value is not specified for the given organization it performs the tree walk.
135 FUNCTION Get_Full_Sickness_Wage_Paid
136         (p_org_id in hr_organization_units.organization_id%type) RETURN Varchar2;
137 -- Function which returns IZA Weekly Full Time Hours for the given organization
138 -- If the value is not specified for the given organization it performs the tree walk.
139 FUNCTION Get_IZA_Weekly_Full_Hours
140         (p_assignment_id in NUMBER ) RETURN Varchar2;
141 -- Function which returns IZA Monthly Full Time Hours for the given organization
142 -- If the value is not specified for the given organization it performs the tree walk.
143 FUNCTION Get_IZA_Monthly_Full_Hours
144        (p_assignment_id in NUMBER ) RETURN Varchar2;
146 FUNCTION Get_IZA_Org_Id(p_org_structure_version_id NUMBER,p_organization_id NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER;
148 END;