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Line 941: -- Cash based accounting for standard ap invoices and non rate based pos or when interface

937: --}}}
938: ELSE
939: --{{ continue
940: --
941: -- Cash based accounting for standard ap invoices and non rate based pos or when interface
942: -- invoice option is set in project impl option.
944: -- Apply prepay amount will be reported as it is because there is no payament for
945: -- prepayment application and this is reported as invoice cost.

Line 1016: --For the standard invoice distributions (i.e. non tax distributons), appropriate

1012: FETCH C_Valid_Invoice INTO l_dummy;
1013: IF C_Valid_Invoice%FOUND THEN
1014: CLOSE C_Valid_Invoice;
1016: --For the standard invoice distributions (i.e. non tax distributons), appropriate
1017: --variance amounts must be returned depending on whether the variances are
1018: --interfaced to PA or not.
1019: IF p_dist_type in ( 'ACCRUAL', 'ITEM') THEN
1020: l_Ret_Amt := nvl(p_var_amt,0) ;