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2 -- $Header: perpomap.pkb 115.4 99/10/18 20:40:31 porting shi $
3 IS
4   function get_position_id
5    ( p_name IN varchar2,
6      p_effective_date IN date )
7    return number
8    is
9      l_position_id number(15) ;
10      cursor c1 is select position_id from hr_all_positions_f
11                   where name = p_name
12                   and effective_end_date = to_date('31124712','ddmmyyyy');
13    BEGIN
14        open c1 ;
15        fetch c1 into l_position_id ;
16        close c1;
17        return l_position_id ;
18    END;
20   function get_position_definition_id
21    ( p_name IN varchar2,
22      p_effective_date IN date )
23    return number
24    is
25      l_position_definition_id number(15) ;
26      cursor c1 is select position_definition_id from hr_all_positions_f
27                   where name = p_name
28                   and effective_end_date = to_date('31124712','ddmmyyyy');
29    BEGIN
30        open c1 ;
31        fetch c1 into l_position_definition_id ;
32        close c1;
33        return l_position_definition_id ;
34    END;
36    function get_prior_position_id
37    ( p_prior_position_name IN varchar2,
38      p_effective_date IN date )
39    return number
40    is
41      l_position_id number(15) ;
42    BEGIN
43        l_position_id := get_position_id(p_prior_position_name,p_effective_date);
44        return l_position_id ;
45    END;
47    function get_supervisor_position_id
48    ( p_supervisor_position_name IN varchar2,
49      p_effective_date IN date )
50    return number
51    is
52      l_position_id number(15) ;
53    BEGIN
54        l_position_id := get_position_id(p_supervisor_position_name,p_effective_date);
55        return l_position_id ;
56    END;
58    function get_successor_position_id
59    ( p_successor_position_name IN varchar2,
60      p_effective_date IN date )
61    return number
62    is
63      l_position_id number(15) ;
64    BEGIN
65        l_position_id := get_position_id(p_successor_position_name,p_effective_date);
66        return l_position_id ;
67    END;
69    function get_relief_position_id
70    ( p_relief_position_name IN varchar2,
71      p_effective_date IN date )
72    return number
73    is
74      l_position_id number(15) ;
75    BEGIN
76        l_position_id := get_position_id(p_relief_position_name,p_effective_date);
77        return l_position_id ;
78    END;
80    function get_pay_freq_payroll_id (
81             p_pay_freq_payroll_name varchar2
82           , p_business_group_id     number )
83    return number is
84       cursor csr_lookup is
85          select    payroll_id
86          from      pay_all_payrolls_f pay, fnd_sessions f
87          where     payroll_name      = p_pay_freq_payroll_name
88          and       f.effective_date between
89                    pay.effective_start_date and pay.effective_end_date
90          and       f.session_id         = userenv ('sessionid')
91          and       pay.business_group_id = p_business_group_id ;
92      v_payroll_id          number(15) := null;
93    begin
94      if p_pay_freq_payroll_name is not null then
95         open csr_lookup;
96         fetch csr_lookup into v_payroll_id;
97         close csr_lookup;
98      end if;
99      return v_payroll_id;
100    end get_pay_freq_payroll_id;
102    function get_entry_step_id (
103          p_spinal_point      varchar2
104        , p_effective_date    date
105        , p_business_group_id number)
106    return number is
107     cursor csr_step is
108       select sps.step_id
109    	  from	per_spinal_point_steps_f sps, per_spinal_points psp
110       where p_effective_date between sps.effective_start_date
111           and sps.effective_end_date
112           and sps.business_group_id = psp.business_group_id
113           and psp.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
114           and sps.spinal_point_id = psp.spinal_point_id
115           and psp.spinal_point = p_spinal_point ;
116        v_step_id          number(15) := null;
117    begin
118      if p_spinal_point is not null and p_effective_date is not null then
119         open csr_step;
120         fetch csr_step into v_step_id;
121         close csr_step;
122      end if;
123      return v_step_id;
124    end get_entry_step_id;
126    function get_availability_status_id (
127             p_shared_type_name      varchar2
128            ,p_system_type_cd        varchar2
129            ,p_business_group_id     number )
130      return number is
131       cursor csr_lookup is
132          select    shared_type_id
133          from      per_shared_types_vl
134          where     shared_type_name = p_shared_type_name
135 	 and lookup_type = 'POSITION_AVAILABILITY_STATUS'
136          and system_type_cd = p_system_type_cd
137          and nvl(business_group_id,p_business_group_id) = p_business_group_id;
138        v_shared_type_id    number(15) := null;
139     begin
140       if p_shared_type_name is not null then
141          open csr_lookup;
142          fetch csr_lookup into v_shared_type_id;
143          close csr_lookup;
144       end if;
145       return v_shared_type_id;
146     end get_availability_status_id;
148   function get_position_ovn
149    ( p_name IN varchar2,
150      p_effective_date IN date )
151    return number
152    is
153      l_position_ovn number(15) ;
154      cursor c1 is select object_version_number from hr_all_positions_f
155                   where name = p_name
156                   and effective_end_date = to_date('31124712','ddmmyyyy');
157    BEGIN
158        open c1 ;
159        fetch c1 into l_position_ovn ;
160        close c1;
161        return l_position_ovn ;
162    END;
164 END;