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1 Package body pqh_reallocation_pkg as
2 /* $Header: pqrealoc.pkb 115.11 2004/04/20 09:53:40 hsajja noship $ */
3 --
4 -- Function to calculate the reallocation amt for the given position and dates
5 --
7 function get_reallocation(p_position_id 	in number default null
8 			 ,p_job_id      	in number default null
9 			 ,p_grade_id    	in number default null
10 			 ,p_organization_id 	in number default null
11 			 ,p_budget_entity       in varchar2 default 'POSITION'
12 			 ,p_start_date          in date default sysdate
13 			 ,p_end_date            in date default sysdate
14 			 ,p_effective_date      in date default sysdate
15 			 ,p_system_budget_unit  in varchar2
16 			 ,p_business_group_id   in number
17                           ) return number is
18 --
19 -- Cursor to fetch the reallocation_amt, budget dates and period_set_name
20 -- of the budget for the given position/job/grade/organization, system budget unit
21 -- and for the given start_date and end_date
22 --
23 /* Re-writing the cursor inline with the revised reallocation functionality
24 *************************************************************************kgowirpe
25 cursor c_reallocation is
26 Select
27     bud.period_set_name,
28     bud.budget_start_date,
29     bud.budget_end_date,
30     bpr.reallocation_amt,
31     decode(p_system_budget_unit,
32            PQH_PSF_BUS.GET_SYSTEM_SHARED_TYPE(budget_unit1_id), budget_unit1_aggregate,
33            PQH_PSF_BUS.GET_SYSTEM_SHARED_TYPE(budget_unit2_id), budget_unit2_aggregate,
34            PQH_PSF_BUS.GET_SYSTEM_SHARED_TYPE(budget_unit3_id), budget_unit3_aggregate) budget_unit_aggregate
35 from
36     pqh_bdgt_pool_realloctions bpr,
37     pqh_budget_pools bpl,
38     pqh_budgets bud,
39     pqh_budget_versions bvr
40 where
41     bpl.pool_id = bpr.pool_id
42     and trunc(p_effective_date) between trunc(bud.budget_start_date) and trunc(bud.budget_end_date)
43     and bud.budget_id = bvr.budget_id
44     and trunc(p_effective_date) between trunc(bvr.date_from) and trunc(bvr.date_to)
45     and bvr.budget_version_id = bpl.budget_version_id
46     and nvl(bud.position_control_flag,'X') = 'Y'
47     and bud.budgeted_entity_cd = p_budget_entity
48     and nvl(p_position_id,     nvl(bpr.position_id,      -1)) =
49 			       nvl(bpr.position_id,      -1)
50 --
51 -- Commented because no reallocation is possible for entities - job, grade and organization.
52 --
53 --    and nvl(p_organization_id, nvl(bpr.organization_id,  -1)) =
54 --                               nvl(bpr.organization_id,  -1)
55 --    and nvl(p_job_id,          nvl(bpr.job_id,   -1)) =
56 --		               nvl(bpr.job_id,   -1)
57 --    and nvl(p_grade_id,        nvl(bpr.grade_id,         -1)) =
58 --			       nvl(bpr.grade_id,         -1)
59     and PQH_PSF_BUS.GET_SYSTEM_SHARED_TYPE(bpl.budget_unit_id) = p_system_budget_unit
60     and	(p_effective_date between bvr.date_from and bvr.date_to)
61     and	bud.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
62     and	((p_start_date <= budget_start_date
63           and p_end_date >= budget_end_date
64          ) or
65         (p_start_date between budget_start_date and budget_end_date) or
66         (p_end_date between budget_start_date and budget_end_date)
67        )
68      and (
69           hr_psf_shd.SYSTEM_AVAILABILITY_STATUS(budget_unit1_id) = p_system_budget_unit
70           or hr_psf_shd.SYSTEM_AVAILABILITY_STATUS(budget_unit2_id) = p_system_budget_unit
71           or hr_psf_shd.SYSTEM_AVAILABILITY_STATUS(budget_unit3_id) = p_system_budget_unit
72       );
73 ************************************************************************************kgowripe
74 */
75 cursor c_reallocation is
76 Select
77     bud.period_set_name,
78     bud.budget_start_date,
79     bud.budget_end_date,
80     decode(rec_amt.transaction_type,'DD',-1*rec_amt.reallocation_amt,'RD',rec_amt.reallocation_amt) reallocation_amt,
81     decode(p_system_budget_unit,
82            PQH_PSF_BUS.GET_SYSTEM_SHARED_TYPE(budget_unit1_id), budget_unit1_aggregate,
83            PQH_PSF_BUS.GET_SYSTEM_SHARED_TYPE(budget_unit2_id), budget_unit2_aggregate,
84            PQH_PSF_BUS.GET_SYSTEM_SHARED_TYPE(budget_unit3_id), budget_unit3_aggregate) budget_unit_aggregate
85 from pqh_budget_pools fld,
86      pqh_budget_pools trnx,
87      pqh_bdgt_pool_realloctions trnx_dtl,
88      pqh_bdgt_pool_realloctions rec_amt,
89      pqh_budgets bud,
90      pqh_budget_versions bvr
91 where   trunc(p_effective_date) between trunc(bud.budget_start_date) and trunc(bud.budget_end_date)
92     and nvl(bud.position_control_flag,'X') = 'Y'
93     and bud.budgeted_entity_cd = p_budget_entity
94     and	bud.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
95     and	((p_start_date <= budget_start_date
96           and p_end_date >= budget_end_date
97          ) or
98         (p_start_date between budget_start_date and budget_end_date) or
99         (p_end_date between budget_start_date and budget_end_date)
100        )
101      and (
102           hr_psf_shd.SYSTEM_AVAILABILITY_STATUS(budget_unit1_id) = p_system_budget_unit
103           or hr_psf_shd.SYSTEM_AVAILABILITY_STATUS(budget_unit2_id) = p_system_budget_unit
104           or hr_psf_shd.SYSTEM_AVAILABILITY_STATUS(budget_unit3_id) = p_system_budget_unit
105       )
106     and bud.budget_id = bvr.budget_id
107     and trunc(p_effective_date) between trunc(bvr.date_from) and trunc(bvr.date_to)
108     and bvr.budget_version_id = fld.budget_version_id
109     and PQH_PSF_BUS.GET_SYSTEM_SHARED_TYPE(fld.budget_unit_id) = p_system_budget_unit
110     and fld.pool_id           = trnx.parent_pool_id
111     and trnx.pool_id          = trnx_dtl.pool_id
112     and trnx_dtl.reallocation_id = rec_amt.txn_detail_id
113     and nvl(p_position_id,     nvl(rec_amt.entity_id,      -1)) =
114 			       nvl(rec_amt.entity_id,      -1)
115     and nvl(p_organization_id, nvl(rec_amt.entity_id,  -1)) =
116                                nvl(rec_amt.entity_id,  -1)
117     and nvl(p_job_id,          nvl(rec_amt.entity_id,   -1)) =
118 		               nvl(rec_amt.entity_id,   -1)
119     and nvl(p_grade_id,        nvl(rec_amt.entity_id,         -1)) =
120 			       nvl(rec_amt.entity_id,         -1);
121 --
122 -- Local Variables
123 --
124 l_total_realloc     number;
125 l_prorate_ratio     number := 1;
126 calc_start_date     date;
127 calc_end_date       date;
128 --
129 begin
130 --
131 for l_reallocation in c_reallocation
132 loop
133    if (p_system_budget_unit = 'MONEY' or p_system_budget_unit = 'HOURS'
134        or l_reallocation.budget_unit_aggregate = 'ACCUMULATE') then
135     --
136     calc_start_date := greatest(l_reallocation.budget_start_date, p_start_date);
137     calc_end_date   := least(l_reallocation.budget_end_date, p_end_date);
138     --
139     -- Calculate the prorate ratio
140     --
141     l_prorate_ratio := pqh_budgeted_salary_pkg.get_prorate_ratio
142     -- Hima, greates/least functions for p_start_date and p_end_date
143                                 ( calc_start_date
144                                 , calc_end_date
145                                 , l_reallocation.period_set_name
146                                 , l_reallocation.budget_start_date
147                                 , l_reallocation.budget_end_date
148                                 );
149     --
150     -- Calculate the prorated reallocation amount for the current budget and add to the l_total_realloc
151     --
152     l_total_realloc := nvl(l_total_realloc,0) + l_reallocation.reallocation_amt * l_prorate_ratio;
153   else
154     l_total_realloc := nvl(l_total_realloc,0) + l_reallocation.reallocation_amt;
155     --
156   end if;
157 end loop;
158 --
159 -- Return the calculated total reallocation amount
160 --
161 if l_total_realloc is null then
162   return null;
163 else
164   Return(trunc(nvl(l_total_realloc,0),2));
165 end if;
166 --
167 end;
168 --
169 function get_reallocated_money(p_position_id	     in number
170                                ,p_business_group_id  in number
171                                ,p_type               in varchar2 default 'DNTD'
172 			       ,p_start_date         in date default sysdate
173 			       ,p_end_date           in date default sysdate
174 			       ,p_effective_date     in date default sysdate) return number is
175 l_txn_type varchar2(30);
176 cursor c_reallocation is
177 Select bud.period_set_name,
178        bud.budget_start_date,
179        bud.budget_end_date,
180        rec_amt.reallocation_amt,
181        rec_amt.reserved_amt
182 from pqh_budget_pools fld,
183      pqh_budget_pools trnx,
184      pqh_bdgt_pool_realloctions trnx_dtl,
185      pqh_bdgt_pool_realloctions rec_amt,
186      pqh_budgets bud,
187      pqh_budget_versions bvr
188 where trunc(p_effective_date) between bud.budget_start_date and bud.budget_end_date
189     and bud.position_control_flag = 'Y'
190     and bud.budgeted_entity_cd = 'POSITION'
191     and rec_amt.transaction_type = l_txn_type
192     and	bud.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
193     and	((p_start_date <= budget_start_date
194           and p_end_date >= budget_end_date
195          ) or
196         (p_start_date between budget_start_date and budget_end_date) or
197         (p_end_date between budget_start_date and budget_end_date)
198        )
199      and ( hr_psf_shd.SYSTEM_AVAILABILITY_STATUS(budget_unit1_id) = 'MONEY'
200           or hr_psf_shd.SYSTEM_AVAILABILITY_STATUS(budget_unit2_id) = 'MONEY'
201           or hr_psf_shd.SYSTEM_AVAILABILITY_STATUS(budget_unit3_id) = 'MONEY')
202     and bud.budget_id = bvr.budget_id
203     and trunc(p_effective_date) between bvr.date_from and bvr.date_to
204     and bvr.budget_version_id = fld.budget_version_id
205     and PQH_PSF_BUS.GET_SYSTEM_SHARED_TYPE(fld.budget_unit_id) = 'MONEY'
206     and fld.pool_id           = trnx.parent_pool_id
207     and trnx.pool_id          = trnx_dtl.pool_id
208     and trnx_dtl.reallocation_id = rec_amt.txn_detail_id
209     and rec_amt.entity_id        = p_position_id;
211 l_total_realloc     number := 0;
212 l_total_reserve     number := 0;
213 l_prorate_ratio     number := 1;
214 calc_start_date     date;
215 calc_end_date       date;
216 --
217 begin
218 --
219 hr_utility.set_location('mode passed'||p_type,10);
220 if p_type = 'RCVD' then
221    l_txn_type := 'RD';
222 elsif p_type in ('DNTD','RSRVD') then
223    l_txn_type := 'DD';
224 else
225    hr_utility.set_location('wrong mode passed'||p_type,10);
226 end if;
227 for l_reallocation in c_reallocation loop
228     calc_start_date := greatest(l_reallocation.budget_start_date, p_start_date);
229     calc_end_date   := least(l_reallocation.budget_end_date, p_end_date);
230     --
231     -- Calculate the prorate ratio
232     --
233     hr_utility.set_location('period set name '||l_reallocation.period_set_name,20);
234     l_prorate_ratio := pqh_budgeted_salary_pkg.get_prorate_ratio
235                                 ( calc_start_date
236                                 , calc_end_date
237                                 , l_reallocation.period_set_name
238                                 , l_reallocation.budget_start_date
239                                 , l_reallocation.budget_end_date
240                                 );
241     hr_utility.set_location('prorate ratio is'||to_char(l_prorate_ratio),20);
242     if p_type in ('RCVD','DNTD') then
243        l_total_realloc := l_total_realloc + (nvl(l_reallocation.reallocation_amt,0) * l_prorate_ratio);
244        hr_utility.set_location('realoc amt is'||to_char(l_reallocation.reallocation_amt),20);
245        hr_utility.set_location('total realloc amt is'||to_char(l_total_realloc),20);
246     elsif p_type = 'RSRVD' then
247        l_total_reserve := l_total_reserve + (nvl(l_reallocation.reserved_amt,0) * l_prorate_ratio);
248        hr_utility.set_location('reserve amt is'||to_char(l_reallocation.reserved_amt),20);
249        hr_utility.set_location('total reserve amt is'||to_char(l_total_reserve),20);
250     end if;
251 end loop;
253 if p_type in ('RCVD','DNTD') then
254    return(trunc(l_total_realloc,2));
255 elsif p_type = 'RSRVD' then
256    return(trunc(l_total_reserve,2));
257 end if;
258 --
259 end;
260 --
261 end;