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2 /* $Header: apwdfcfb.pls 120.10.12010000.3 2008/09/15 09:15:56 rveliche ship $ */
5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 -- CUSTOMPOPULATEPOPLIST:  This procedure provides a way to populate
8 --    the values for custom fields rendered as poplists.  This is pertinent
9 --    only for segments which have value sets which have independent and table
10 --    validation types.  If longlist enabled is checked for the segment, the
11 --    segment is rendered as a text item, and this routine is not called.
12 --
13 --    For segments with the independent validation type:
14 --      (1) If CustomPopulatePoplist returns values, those values are used
15 --          in the poplist.
16 --      (2) Otherwise, the values defined for the independent value set is
17 --          is used.
18 --      (3) Otherwise, the segment is rendered as a text item.
19 --
20 --    For segments with table validation type:
21 --      (1) If CustomPopulatePoplist returns values, those values are used
22 --          in the poplist.  Since this release does not execute the query
23 --          statement, you will have to reenter the query here.
24 --      (2) Otherwise, the segment is rendered as a text item.
25 --
27 --
28 --   P_ExpReportHeaderInfo - Contains header information about the
29 --                           expense report.
30 --   P_ExpenseTypeName - Expense type string, corresponds to the Context
31 --                       Field Value Name field on the Descriptive
32 --                       Flexfield Segments 10SC form.
33 --   P_CustomFieldName - Custom field name, corresponds to the name of the
34 --                       segment on the Segment Summary 10SC form.
35 --   P_NumOfPoplistElem - Number of elements returned in the P_PoplistArray
36 --   P_PoplistArray - Array containing the values to be put into the poplist.
37 --                    For each element, specify an InternalValue which will
38 --                    actually be validated and saved, and a DisplayText
39 --                    which will be displayed in the poplist.
40 --                    Array is 1-based (array index should should start with 1)
41 --
42 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
43 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
44 PROCEDURE CustomPopulatePoplist(
45              P_ExpenseTypeName     IN  VARCHAR2,
46              P_CustomFieldName     IN  VARCHAR2,
47              P_NumOfPoplistElem    OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
48              P_PoplistArray        OUT NOCOPY AP_WEB_DFLEX_PKG.PoplistValues_A)
49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
50 IS
51   V_CurrentCallingSequence   VARCHAR2(240);
52   V_DebugInfo                VARCHAR2(240);
55   V_CurrentCallingSequence := 'AP_WEB_CUST_DFLEX_PKG.CustomPopulatePoplist';
57   V_DebugInfo := 'No poplist values provided.';
58   P_NumOfPoplistElem := 0;
60   --
61   -- Insert logic to populate poplist elements here
62   -- Example:
63   --
64   --  IF (UPPER(P_ExpenseTypeName) = 'CAR RENTAL') THEN
65   --
66   --    IF (UPPER(P_CustomFieldName) = 'RENTAL AGENCY') THEN
67   --
68   --      P_PoplistArray(1).InternalValue := 'Hertz';
69   --      P_PoplistArray(1).DisplayText := 'Hertz Custom Test';
70   --
71   --      P_PoplistArray(2).InternalValue := 'Avis';
72   --      P_PoplistArray(2).DisplayText := 'Avis Custom Test';
73   --
74   --      P_NumOfPoplistElem := 2;
75   --
76   --    END IF;
77   --
79   --
80   --    IF (UPPER(P_CustomFieldName) = 'TEST PROMPT') THEN
81   --
82   --      ...
83   --
84   --    END IF;
85   --
86   --  END IF;
93                           V_CurrentCallingSequence);
95     AP_WEB_UTILITIES_PKG.DisplayException(fnd_message.get);
96 END CustomPopulatePoplist;
98 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
99 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
100 -- CUSTOMPOPULATEDEFAULT:  This procedure provides a way to
101 --    implement complex defaulting logic for the descriptive flexfield
102 --    custom fields you have defined other than what you have provided
103 --    for the descriptive flexfield definition.  If no default is returned
104 --    by this routine, then the default value taken from the default
105 --    value field in the Segment 10SC form.
106 --
107 --    It is not possible to customize segments in the "Global Data Elements",
108 --    only the ones in the custom context values (expense types).
109 --
110 --    For checkboxes, specify 'Y' for check and 'N' to leave the box
111 --    unchecked.
112 --
114 --
115 --   P_ExpReportHeaderInfo - Contains header information about the
116 --                           expense report.
117 --   P_ExpenseTypeName - Expense type string, corresponds to the Context
118 --                       Field Value Name field on the Descriptive
119 --                       Flexfield Segments 10SC form.
120 --   P_CustomFieldName - Custom field name, corresponds to the name of the
121 --                       segment on the Segment Summary 10SC form.
122 --   P_DefaultValue - Custom default value.
123 --
124 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
125 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
126 PROCEDURE CustomPopulateDefault(
127              P_ExpenseTypeName     IN  VARCHAR2,
128              P_CustomFieldName     IN  VARCHAR2,
129              P_DefaultValue        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)
130 ------------------------------------------------------------------
131 IS
132   V_CurrentCallingSequence   VARCHAR2(240);
133   V_DebugInfo                VARCHAR2(240);
136   V_CurrentCallingSequence := 'AP_WEB_CUST_DFLEX_PKG.CustomPopulateDefault';
138   V_DebugInfo := 'No default values provided.';
139   P_DefaultValue := '';
141   --
142   -- Insert logic to calculate the default
143   -- Example:
144   --
145   --   IF (UPPER(P_ExpenseTypeName) = 'GLOBAL DATA ELEMENTS') THEN
146   --
147   --     IF (UPPER(P_CustomFieldName) = 'TEST PROMPT') THEN
148   --       P_DefaultValue := 'Custom Test';
149   --     END IF;
150   --
151   --   ELSIF (UPPER(P_ExpenseTypeName) = 'AIRFARE') THEN
152   --
153   --     IF (UPPER(P_CustomFieldName) = 'AIRLINE') THEN
154   --       P_DefaultValue := 'United';
155   --     END IF;
156   --
157   --   ELSIF (UPPER(P_ExpenseTypeName) = 'HOTEL') THEN
158   --
159   --     IF (UPPER(P_CustomFieldName) = 'NEGOTIATED RATE USED?') THEN
160   --
161   --       P_DefaultValue := 'Y';
162   --     END IF;
163   --
164   --   ELSIF (UPPER(P_ExpenseTypeName) = 'CAR RENTAL') THEN
165   --
166   --     IF (UPPER(P_CustomFieldName) = 'RENTAL AGENCY') THEN
167   --
168   --       P_DefaultValue := 'Hertz';
169   --     END IF;
170   --
171   --   END IF;
178                           V_CurrentCallingSequence);
180     AP_WEB_UTILITIES_PKG.DisplayException(fnd_message.get);
181 END CustomPopulateDefault;
184 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
185 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
186 --  CUSTOMVALIDATEDFLEXVALUES:  This procedure provides you a way to
187 --    implement any special custom validation logic besides the basic
188 --    descriptive flexfield value set validation you wish to perform
189 --    on the descriptive flexfield custom flexfields you have defined.
190 --    Both individual custom field value validation logic as well as
191 --    cross custom field value validation, i.e. custom fields that are
192 --    context-sensitive to values of other custom fields, belong here.
193 --    We have also provided a function GetCustomFieldValue for which you
194 --    provide the name of the custom field and the custom_fields_array and
195 --    the custom field value is returned.  This function makes accessing
196 --    the values of custom fields other than the current custom field being
197 --    processed possible.  The following is that function spec:
198 --
199 --      FUNCTION GetCustomFieldValue(p_prompt			IN VARCHAR2,
200 --          p_custom_fields_array	IN CustomFields_A) RETURN VARCHAR2);
201 --
202 --
203 --
205 --
206 --    p_exp_header_info - record that contains expense report header
207 --                        information.  The record contains the following
208 --                        components:
209 --    			    report_header_id	NUMBER,
210 --			    employee_id		VARCHAR2(25),
211 --			    cost_center		VARCHAR2(30),
212 --			    template_id		VARCHAR2(25),
213 --			    template_name	VARCHAR2(100),
214 --			    purpose		VARCHAR2(240),
215 --    			    summary_start_date	VARCHAR2(25),
216 --    			    summary_end_date	VARCHAR2(25),
217 --    			    summary_xtype	VARCHAR2(25),
218 --    			    receipt_index	NUMBER,
219 --    			    last_receipt_date	VARCHAR2(25),
220 --    			    last_update_date	VARCHAR2(25),
221 --			    receipt_count	VARCHAR2(25),
222 --			    transaction_currency_type	VARCHAR2(25),
223 --			    reimbursement_currency_code	VARCHAR2(25),
224 --			    reimbursement_currency_name	VARCHAR2(80),
225 --			    multi_currency_flag	VARCHAR2(1),
226 --			    inverse_rate_flag	VARCHAR2(1),
227 --			    override_approver_id	VARCHAR2(25),
228 --			    override_approver_name	VARCHAR2(80)
229 --			    expenditure_organization_id NUMBER(15),
230 --			    number_max_flexfield	NUMBER,
231 --			    amt_due_employee		NUMBER,
232 --			    amt_due_ccCompany		NUMBER);
233 --
234 --                       Usage:  p_exp_header_info.multi_currency_flag
235 --
236 --    p_exp_line_info   - record that contains expense report line
237 --                        information.  The record contains the following
238 --			  components:
239 --			    receipt_index       NUMBER, -- index of receipt starting from 1
240 --  			    start_date		DATE,
241 --			    end_date		DATE,
242 --			    days		VARCHAR2(25),
243 --			    daily_amount	VARCHAR2(25),
244 --			    receipt_amount	VARCHAR2(50),
245 --			    rate		VARCHAR2(25),
246 --			    amount		VARCHAR2(50),
247 --			    parameter_id	VARCHAR2(25),
248 --			    expense_type	VARCHAR2(80),
249 --			    currency_code	VARCHAR2(25),
250 --			    cCardTrxnId         NUMBER,
251 --			    category            VARCHAR2(30),
252 --			    group_value		VARCHAR2(80),
253 --			    justification	VARCHAR2(240),
254 --			    receipt_missing_flag VARCHAR2(1),
255 --			    validation_required	 VARCHAR2(1),
256 --			    calculate_flag	 VARCHAR2(1),
257 --			    calculated_amount	 VARCHAR2(50),
258 --			    copy_calc_amt_into_receipt_amt VARCHAR2(1)
259 --			    amount_includes_tax  VARCHAR2(1),
260 --			    tax_code             VARCHAR2(15),
261 --			    taxOverrideFlag	 VARCHAR2(1),
262 --			    taxId		 VARCHAR2(15),
263 --			    project_id           VARCHAR2(15),
264 --			    project_number       VARCHAR2(25),
265 --			    task_id              VARCHAR2(15),
266 --			    task_number          VARCHAR2(25),
267 --			    expenditure_type     VARCHAR2(30)
268 --
269 --                       Usage:  p_exp_line_info.expense_type
270 --
271 --    p_custom_fields_array  - array of custom fields record required by
272 --                             GetCustomFieldValue function as a parameter
273 --                             Needed for inter-dependent custom field
274 --                             validation
275 --
276 --    p_custom_field_record - record containing custom field information
277 --                            of the custom field being validated.
278 --
279 --    p_validation_level - validation level at which this api is being
280 --                         called.
281 --
282 --    p_resulting_message - available for you to assign any validation error
286 --		       if p_resulting_message is an error message,
283 --                          or warning message to be displayed to the user.
284 --
285 --    p_message_type - (used in the future, not currently supported)
287 --                       then set p_message_type = 'ERROR'
288 --                     if p_resulting_message is a warning message,
289 --                       then set p_message_type = 'WARNING'
290 --                     You can refer to the following predefined constants
291 --                       in your code:
292 --                       AP_WEB_DFLEX_PKG.C_CustValidResMsgTypeNone
293 --                       AP_WEB_DFLEX_PKG.C_CustValidResMsgTypeError
294 --                       AP_WEB_DFLEX_PKG.C_CustValidResMsgTypeWarning
295 --
296 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
297 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
298 PROCEDURE CustomValidateDFlexValues(
299 	p_exp_header_info	IN AP_WEB_DFLEX_PKG.ExpReportHeaderRec,
300 	p_exp_line_info		IN AP_WEB_DFLEX_PKG.ExpReportLineRec,
301 	p_custom_fields_array	IN AP_WEB_DFLEX_PKG.CustomFields_A,
302 	p_custom_field_record  	IN AP_WEB_DFLEX_PKG.CustomFieldRec,
303 	p_validation_level	IN VARCHAR2,
304 	p_result_message 	IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
305 	p_message_type  	IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
306 	p_receipt_index		IN BINARY_INTEGER)
307 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
308 IS
309   l_debug_info			VARCHAR2(2000);
310   l_curr_calling_sequence	VARCHAR2(200) := 'CustomValidateDFlexValues';
313   IF (p_validation_level = 'HEADER') THEN
315     ------------------------------------------------------------------
316     -- Expense Report Header Level Validation Logic Goes Here
317     -- Currently not supported.  Feature to be implemented later on.
318     ------------------------------------------------------------------
319     NULL;
321   ELSIF (p_validation_level = 'LINE') THEN
323     --------------------------------------------------------
324     -- Expense Report Lines Level Validation Logic Goes Here
325     --------------------------------------------------------
326     NULL;
328   ELSIF (p_validation_level = 'FIELD') THEN
330     -------------------------------------------------------------------
331     -- Expense Report Type-Related Level Validation Logic Goes Here
332     -- EXAMPLE CODE:
333     -- IF (upper(p_custom_field_record.prompt) = 'RATE PER MILE') THEN
334     --
335     --   IF (p_custom_field_record.value > 5) THEN
336     --
337     --     p_result_message := 'Rate per mile cannot exceed 5';
338     --     p_message_type := 'ERROR';
339     --     return;
340     --   END IF;
341     -- ELSE IF (upper(p_custom_field_record.prompt) = '...') THEN
342     --
343     -- ELSE IF ... THEN
344     --
345     -- END IF;
346     -------------------------------------------------------------------
348     NULL;
350   END IF;
357                     l_curr_calling_sequence);
358         FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('DEBUG_INFO',l_debug_info);
359         AP_WEB_UTILITIES_PKG.DisplayException(fnd_message.get);
360 END CustomValidateDFlexValues;
363 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
364 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
365 -- CUSTOMCALCULATEAMOUNT:  This procedure is here to implement the
366 --    calculate amount feature to provide you a mechanism to perform
367 --    custom expense line calculation based off of expense report header,
368 --    line and custom field values.
369 --
371 --
372 --    p_exp_header_info - record that contains expense report header
373 --                        information.  The record contains the following
374 --                        components:
375 --			    employee_id		VARCHAR2(25),
376 --			    cost_center		VARCHAR2(30),
377 --			    template_id		VARCHAR2(25),
378 --			    template_name	VARCHAR2(100),
379 --			    purpose		VARCHAR2(240),
380 --			    last_receipt_date	VARCHAR2(25),
381 --			    receipt_count	VARCHAR2(25),
382 --			    transaction_currency_type	VARCHAR2(25),
383 --			    reimbursement_currency_code	VARCHAR2(25),
384 --			    reimbursement_currency_name	VARCHAR2(80),
385 --			    multi_currency_flag	VARCHAR2(1),
386 --			    inverse_rate_flag	VARCHAR2(1),
387 --			    override_approver_id		VARCHAR2(25),
388 --			    override_approver_name	VARCHAR2(80)
389 --
390 --                       Usage:  p_exp_header_info.multi_currency_flag
391 --
392 --    p_exp_line_info - record that contains expense report line
393 --                      information.  The record contains the following
394 --			components:
395 --  			    start_date		date,
396 --			    end_date		date,
397 --			    days		VARCHAR2(25),
398 --			    daily_amount	VARCHAR2(25),
399 --			    receipt_amount	VARCHAR2(50),
400 --			    rate		VARCHAR2(25),
401 --			    amount		VARCHAR2(50),
402 --			    parameter_id	VARCHAR2(25),
403 --			    expense_type	VARCHAR2(80),
404 --			    currency_code	VARCHAR2(25),
405 --			    group_value		VARCHAR2(80),
406 --			    justification	VARCHAR2(240),
407 --			    receipt_missing_flag VARCHAR2(1),
411 --			    copy_calc_amt_into_receipt_amt	VARCHAR2(1)
408 --			    validation_required	 VARCHAR2(1),
409 --			    calculate_flag	 VARCHAR2(1),
410 --			    calculated_amount	 VARCHAR2(50),
412 --
413 --                       Usage:  p_exp_line_info.expense_type
414 --
415 --    All the components of p_exp_line_info are reference information
416 --    except for the last 2 components:
417 --
418 --      The result of the calculated_amount needs to be assigned into
419 --      p_exp_line_info.calculated_amount
420 --
421 --      For foreign currency, you can also specify if you want the result
422 --      copied into the Receipt Amount instead of Total.  Total is the
423 --      expense line amount in the reimbursement currency while
424 --      Receipt Amount is without the foreing currency conversion.  If
425 --      you want to let the end-user specify the currency rate, set
426 --      p_exp_line_info.copy_calc_amt_into_receipt_amt := 'Y'.
427 --
428 --    p_custom_fields_array - array of custom fields record required by
429 --                            the GetCustomFieldValue function as a parameter
430 --                            Needed for inter-dependent custom field
431 --                            validation
432 --
433 --    Currently we only support propogating the calculated result back
434 --    to either the 'Total' field or the 'Receipt Amount' field in the
435 --    Enter Receipts page.  By default, it is the 'Total' field, but for
436 --    the case where the reimbursement currency is different from the receipt
437 --    currency, if you want to allow the user to specify the conversion
438 --    rate from receipt currency to reimbursement currency, you can
439 --    specify that the amount calculated is to be copied into the
440 --    'Receipt Amount' field by setting:
441 --            p_exp_line_info.copy_calc_amt_into_receipt_amt := 'Y';
442 --    otherwise it will be copied into the 'Total' field.  Setting this
443 --    flag only works when reimbursement currency is different from
444 --    receipt currency.
445 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
446 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
447 PROCEDURE CustomCalculateAmount(
448 	p_exp_header_info	IN OUT NOCOPY AP_WEB_DFLEX_PKG.ExpReportHeaderRec, -- epxense report header details
449 	p_exp_line_info		IN OUT NOCOPY AP_WEB_DFLEX_PKG.ExpReportLineRec, -- expense report line detail
450 	p_custom_fields_array	IN AP_WEB_DFLEX_PKG.CustomFields_A, -- custom field details
451 	-- p_addon_rates used for mileage category only
452 	p_addon_rates           IN OIE_ADDON_RATES_T, -- array of additional rate types
453         p_report_line_id        IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, -- report line id
454         -- below fields are used for per diem category only
455         p_daily_breakup_id              IN      OIE_PDM_NUMBER_T DEFAULT NULL, -- array of unique identifer for daily breakups
456         p_start_date                    IN      OIE_PDM_DATE_T DEFAULT NULL, -- array of start date
457         p_end_date                      IN      OIE_PDM_DATE_T DEFAULT NULL,-- array of end date
458         p_amount                        IN      OIE_PDM_NUMBER_T DEFAULT NULL,-- array of amount
459         p_number_of_meals               IN      OIE_PDM_NUMBER_T DEFAULT NULL,-- array of number of meals
460         p_meals_amount                  IN      OIE_PDM_NUMBER_T DEFAULT NULL,-- array of meals amount
461         p_breakfast_flag                IN      OIE_PDM_VARCHAR_1_T DEFAULT NULL,-- array of breakfast flag
462         p_lunch_flag                    IN      OIE_PDM_VARCHAR_1_T DEFAULT NULL, -- array of lunch flag
463         p_dinner_flag                   IN      OIE_PDM_VARCHAR_1_T DEFAULT NULL, -- array of dinner flag
464         p_accommodation_amount          IN      OIE_PDM_NUMBER_T DEFAULT NULL, -- array of accommodation amount
465         p_accommodation_flag            IN      OIE_PDM_VARCHAR_1_T DEFAULT NULL, -- array of accommodation flag
466         p_hotel_name                    IN      OIE_PDM_VARCHAR_80_T DEFAULT NULL, -- array of hotel name
467         p_night_rate_Type               IN      OIE_PDM_VARCHAR_80_T DEFAULT NULL, -- array of night rate type
468         p_night_rate_amount             IN      OIE_PDM_NUMBER_T DEFAULT NULL, -- array of night rate amount
469         p_pdm_rate                      IN      OIE_PDM_NUMBER_T DEFAULT NULL, -- array of pdm rate
470         p_rate_Type_code                IN      OIE_PDM_VARCHAR_80_T DEFAULT NULL, -- array of rate type code
471         p_pdm_breakup_dest_id           IN      OIE_PDM_NUMBER_T DEFAULT NULL, -- array of unique identified for multiple destinations
472         p_pdm_destination_id            IN      OIE_PDM_NUMBER_T DEFAULT NULL, -- array of locations for each breakup period
473         p_dest_start_date               IN      OIE_PDM_DATE_T DEFAULT NULL, -- array of start date for each location
474         p_dest_end_date                 IN      OIE_PDM_DATE_T DEFAULT NULL,-- array of end date for each location
475         p_location_id                   IN      OIE_PDM_NUMBER_T DEFAULT NULL, -- array of locations
476         -- bug 5358186
477         p_cust_meals_amount             IN OUT  NOCOPY OIE_PDM_NUMBER_T, -- array of modified meals amount
478         p_cust_accommodation_amount     IN OUT  NOCOPY OIE_PDM_NUMBER_T,-- array of modified accommodation amount
479         p_cust_night_rate_amount        IN OUT  NOCOPY OIE_PDM_NUMBER_T,-- array of modified night rate amount
480         p_cust_pdm_rate                 IN OUT  NOCOPY OIE_PDM_NUMBER_T-- array of modified pdm rate
481         )
482 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
483 IS
484   l_miles			NUMBER;
485   l_rate_per_mile	NUMBER;
486   l_debug_info		VARCHAR2(2000);
490   l_tot_amount number := 0;
487   l_curr_calling_sequence	VARCHAR2(200) := 'CustomCalculateAmount';
488   i number ;
489   l_hours number ;
491   l_amount number := 0;
492   l_date1 date := null;
493   l_date2 date := null;
494   --  l_addon_array     OIE_ADDON_RATES_T;
497   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
498   l_debug_info := 'Expense type ='|| p_exp_line_info.expense_type;
499   AP_WEB_UTILITIES_PKG.logStatement('AP_WEB_CUST_DFLEX_PKG', l_debug_info);
500   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
501   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
502   -- Example code:  Mileage
503   --
504   --   IF (upper(p_exp_line_info.expense_type) = 'MILEAGE') THEN
505   --
506   --     l_miles := AP_WEB_DFLEX_PKG.GetCustomFieldValue('MILES', p_custom_fields_array);
507   --     l_rate_per_mile := AP_WEB_DFLEX_PKG.GetCustomFieldValue('RATE PER MILE', p_custom_fields_array);
508   --     p_exp_line_info.calculated_amount := l_miles * l_rate_per_mile;
509   --     p_exp_line_info.copy_calc_amt_into_receipt_amt := 'Y';
510   --
511   --   ELSE IF (upper(p_exp_line_info.expense_type) = 'PER DIEM') THEN
512   --
513   --     NULL;
514   --
515   --   ELSE IF ...
516   --
517   --   END IF;
518   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
519   IF (upper(p_exp_line_info.expense_type) = 'MILEAGE') THEN
520       NULL;
521   END IF;
523   /* Below sample code is part of a white paper which is to be published on client extension.*/
524   /*
525   -- sample code for expense type 'Mileage Client Extension Test'
526   -- to limit additional reimbursement amount if more than 5 passengers
527   IF (upper(p_exp_line_info.expense_type) = 'MILEAGE CLIENT EXTENSION') THEN
528      IF (p_exp_line_info.numberPassengers > 5) THEN
529            -- subtract the additional passenger rates from total amount
530            p_exp_line_info.calculated_amount :=
531                       round(p_exp_line_info.mileageRate *p_exp_line_info.tripDistance
532                       - (p_exp_line_info.numberPassengers - 5)*
533                               p_exp_line_info.passengerRateUsed *p_exp_line_info.tripDistance, 2) ;
534            p_exp_line_info.copy_calc_amt_into_receipt_amt := 'Y';
535      END IF;
536   END IF;
538   -- change the expense type as applicable
539   IF (upper(p_exp_line_info.expense_type) = 'PERDIEM CLIENT EXTENSION') THEN
540   i := p_end_date.count;
541   -- if it is the employee hasn't traveled 3 hours within 16:00 and 07:00, reset the amount to zero.
542   FOR j IN 1..i LOOP
543      l_amount := p_amount(j);
544      l_hours := (p_end_date(j) - p_start_date(j)) *24;
545      IF ((l_hours > 6) AND (l_hours <= 8)) THEN
546            l_date1 := to_date(to_char(trunc(p_start_date(j)), 'YY-MON-DD')||':16:00', 'YY-MON-DD:HH24:MI') ;
547            l_date2 := to_date(to_char(trunc(p_start_date(j)+1), 'YY-MON-DD')||':07:00', 'YY-MON-DD:HH24:MI') ;
548            IF (p_start_date(j) < to_date(to_char(trunc(p_start_date(j)), 'YY-MON-DD')||':07:00', 'YY-MON-DD:HH24:MI')) THEN
549                l_date1 := to_date(to_char(trunc(p_start_date(j)-1), 'YY-MON-DD')||':16:00', 'YY-MON-DD:HH24:MI');
550                l_date2 := to_date(to_char(trunc(p_start_date(j)), 'YY-MON-DD')||':07:00', 'YY-MON-DD:HH24:MI');
551            END IF;
552         -- if l_date1 >= l_start_date then l_end_date - l_date1 < 3 then set amount to zero
553         -- else l_end_date - l_start_date < 3 then amount is set to zero
554         IF (l_date1 >= p_start_date(j)) THEN
555             IF (round(to_char(p_end_date(j) - l_date1)*24) < 3) THEN
556                l_amount := 0;
557                p_cust_pdm_rate(j) := 0;
558                p_cust_meals_amount(j) := 0;
559                p_cust_accommodation_amount(j) := 0;
560             END IF;
561         ELSIF (round(to_char(p_end_date(j) - p_start_date(j))*24) < 3) THEN
562                l_amount := 0;
563                p_cust_pdm_rate(j) := 0;
564                p_cust_meals_amount(j) := 0;
565                p_cust_accommodation_amount(j) := 0;
566         END IF;
567      END IF;
568      l_tot_amount := l_tot_amount + l_amount;
569   END LOOP;
570   p_exp_line_info.calculated_amount := l_tot_amount ;
571   p_exp_line_info.copy_calc_amt_into_receipt_amt := 'Y';
572   END IF;
573   */
574   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
575   l_debug_info := 'calculated_amount,copy_calc_amt_into_receipt_amt '|| p_exp_line_info.calculated_amount || ' ' || p_exp_line_info.copy_calc_amt_into_receipt_amt;
576   AP_WEB_UTILITIES_PKG.logStatement('AP_WEB_CUST_DFLEX_PKG', l_debug_info);
577   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
585                     l_curr_calling_sequence);
586         FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('DEBUG_INFO',l_debug_info);
587         AP_WEB_UTILITIES_PKG.DisplayException(fnd_message.get);
588 END CustomCalculateAmount;
590 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
592 --    Called by AP_WEB_VALIDATE_UTIL.ValidateCostCenter();
593 -- API provides a means of bypassing native cost center segment validation
597 -- enabled, or FALSE if native validation should be used.  By default,
594 -- and using custom code to validate cost center value.
595 --
596 --    Function returns TRUE if custom cost center segment validation is
598 -- we assume that native validation is used.
599 --
601 --
602 --    p_cs_error        - Set this variable with your custom error message.
603 --                        If left blank, standard error message will be used.
604 --    p_CostCenterValue - The cost center entered by the user
605 --    p_CostCenterValid - TRUE if cost center is valid, otherwise FALSE;
606 --
607 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
608 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
609 FUNCTION CustomValidateCostCenter(
610         p_cs_error              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
611         p_CostCenterValue       IN  AP_EXPENSE_FEED_DISTS.cost_center%TYPE,
612         p_CostCenterValid       IN OUT NOCOPY BOOLEAN,
613         p_employee_id           IN NUMBER DEFAULT null) return BOOLEAN IS
614 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
616   --
617   -- Assume cost center is valid
618   --
619   p_CostCenterValid := TRUE;
621   return(FALSE); -- return TRUE if using this extension to perform validation
623   -- Note: If any error occurred and p_cs_error needs to be set by getting
624   --       a FND message, make sure to use the following syntax:
625   --
626   -- p_CostCenterValid := FALSE;
627   --
629   -- p_cs_error :=  FND_MESSAGE.GET_ENCODED();
630   --
631   -- return(TRUE);
633 END CustomValidateCostCenter;
635 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
637 --    Called by AP_WEB_VALIDATE_UTIL.GetEmployeeInfo();
638 -- API provides a means of bypassing native cost center segment default
639 -- and using custom code to default cost center value.
640 --
641 --    Use employee_id to determing cost center within this custom
642 -- function and return the cost center segment value.
643 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
644 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
645 FUNCTION CustomDefaultCostCenter(
646         p_employee_id           IN NUMBER) return VARCHAR2 IS
647 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
649   --
650   --
651   --
653   return(null); -- return Cost center value here
655 END CustomDefaultCostCenter;
657 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
659 --    Called by AP_WEB_VALIDATE_UTIL.ValidateExpLineCustomFields().
660 --    This API provides additional validation by adding errors to
661 --    the error stack.
662 --    Use AP_WEB_UTILITIES_PKG.AddExpErrorNotEncoded to add error messages.
663 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
664 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
665 PROCEDURE CustomValidateLine(
666   p_exp_header_info	IN AP_WEB_DFLEX_PKG.ExpReportHeaderRec,
667   p_exp_line_info	IN AP_WEB_DFLEX_PKG.ExpReportLineRec,
668   p_custom_fields_array	IN AP_WEB_DFLEX_PKG.CustomFields_A,
669   p_message_array       IN OUT NOCOPY AP_WEB_UTILITIES_PKG.expError)
670 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
671 IS
672   l_error_msg  		VARCHAR2(2000);
673   l_start_date		Date;
674   l_end_date		Date;
675   l_dff_start_date	Date;
676   l_dff_end_date	Date;
679   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
680   -- Example code:  Custmize Validation and add to error stack
681   --
682   --IF (to_number(p_exp_line_info.receipt_amount) > 2000) THEN
683   --    l_error_msg := 'Receipt Amount needs to be greater than 2000';
684   --    AP_WEB_UTILITIES_PKG.AddExpErrorNotEncoded(p_message_array,
685   --      				 l_error_msg,
686   --      				 AP_WEB_UTILITIES_PKG.C_ErrorMessageType,
687   --      				 'ReceiptAmount', -- Prompt
688   --      				 p_exp_line_info.receipt_index);
689   --ELSIF (...) THEN
690   --END IF;
692   -- Example code: To check if expense dates fall between start and end date
693   -- you should know the attributes associated with start and end date segments
694   -- defined in header DFF(Title : Expense Report)
695   /*
696   l_start_date := p_exp_line_info.start_date ;
697   l_end_date := nvl(p_exp_line_info.end_date,p_exp_line_info.start_date);
698   l_dff_start_date := fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_exp_header_info.attribute2 );
699   l_dff_end_date := fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_exp_header_info.attribute3 );
701   IF ((l_start_date is not null) AND (l_dff_start_date is not null) AND
702       (l_dff_end_date is not null)) THEN
703     IF (l_start_date < l_dff_start_date or l_start_date > l_dff_end_date or
704         l_end_date < l_dff_start_date or l_end_date > l_dff_end_date) THEN
706         l_error_msg := 'Date should be between ' || l_dff_start_date || ' - ' || l_dff_end_date;
707         AP_WEB_UTILITIES_PKG.AddExpErrorNotEncoded(p_message_array,
708         				 l_error_msg,
709         				 AP_WEB_UTILITIES_PKG.C_ErrorMessageType,
710         				 'Date', -- Prompt
711         				 p_exp_line_info.receipt_index);
712     --ELSIF (...) THEN
713     END IF;
714   END IF;
715   */
716   NULL;
718 END CustomValidateLine;
720 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
721 -- Bug: 7365109
722 -- CustomGetCountyProvince:
723 --    Called by AP_WEB_DB_EXPLINE_PKG.GetCountyProvince;
724 -- API provides a means of bypassing native address style validation
725 --
726 -- Function returns TRUE if the validation for p_addressstyle passed in needs
727 -- to be skipped.
728 --
730 --
731 --    p_addressstyle    - The address style currently being used for validations
732 --    p_region          - INOUT parameter, has a value when thic funtion is called
733 --                        can be overridden.
734 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
735 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
736 FUNCTION CustomGetCountyProvince(
737   p_addressstyle  IN             per_addresses.style%TYPE,
738   p_region        IN OUT NOCOPY  per_addresses.region_1%TYPE) return BOOLEAN IS
739 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
742 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
743 -- Example
744 -- IF p_addressstyle = 'CL_GLB' OR p_addressstyle = 'GT_GLB' THEN
745 --    RETURN TRUE;
746 -- ELSE
747 --    RETURN FALSE;
748 -- END IF;
749 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
751 END CustomGetCountyProvince;