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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 34

Line: 341

PROCEDURE update_sch_rec_tab  ( px_sch_record_tab           IN  OUT NOCOPY PA_SCHEDULE_GLOB.ScheduleTabTyp,
                                p_project_id                IN       NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
                                p_calendar_id               IN       NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
                                p_assignment_id             IN       NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
                                p_schedule_type_code        IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
                                p_assignment_status_code    IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
                                p_system_status_code        IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
                                p_start_date                IN       DATE     DEFAULT NULL,
                                p_end_date                  IN       DATE     DEFAULT NULL,
                                p_monday_hours              IN       NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
                                p_tuesday_hours             IN       NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
                                p_wednesday_hours           IN       NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
                                p_thursday_hours            IN       NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
                                p_friday_hours              IN       NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
                                p_saturday_hours            IN       NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
                                p_sunday_hours              IN       NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
                                p_change_type_code          IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
                                x_return_status             OUT      NOCOPY VARCHAR2, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
                                x_msg_count                 OUT      NOCOPY NUMBER , --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
                                x_msg_data                  OUT      NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ) --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895

l_iidx   NUMBER;
Line: 409

                           p_procedure_name     => 'update_sch_rec_tab');
Line: 413

END update_sch_rec_tab;
Line: 556

PROCEDURE update_except_record( px_except_record           IN  OUT NOCOPY PA_SCHEDULE_GLOB.SchExceptRecord,
                                p_project_id                IN       NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
                                p_calendar_id               IN       NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
                                p_assignment_id             IN       NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
                                p_schedule_type_code        IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
                                p_assignment_status_code    IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
                                p_start_date                IN       DATE     DEFAULT NULL,
                                p_end_date                  IN       DATE     DEFAULT NULL,
                                p_resource_calendar_percent IN       NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
                                p_non_working_day_flag      IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
                                p_change_hours_type_code    IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
                                p_monday_hours              IN       NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
                                p_tuesday_hours             IN       NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
                                p_wednesday_hours           IN       NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
                                p_thursday_hours            IN       NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
                                p_friday_hours              IN       NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
                                p_saturday_hours            IN       NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
                                p_sunday_hours              IN       NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
                                x_return_status             OUT      NOCOPY VARCHAR2, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
                                x_msg_count                 OUT      NOCOPY NUMBER , --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
                                x_msg_data                  OUT      NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ) --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895


   x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
Line: 603

                           p_procedure_name     => 'update_except_record');
Line: 607

END update_except_record;
Line: 749

   SELECT sum(item_quantity)
    INTO l_num_hours
    FROM pa_forecast_items
    WHERE assignment_id = p_assignment_id
    AND delete_flag = 'N';
Line: 791

  CURSOR C1 IS SELECT  calendar_id
               FROM    jtf_cal_resource_assign jtf_res
               WHERE   jtf_res.resource_id = l_jtf_res_id
               AND     jtf_res.resource_type_code = 'RS_EMPLOYEE'
               AND     jtf_res.primary_calendar_flag = 'Y'
               AND     jtf_res.calendar_id > 0
               AND     ( ( l_tc_start_date BETWEEN trunc(jtf_res.start_date_time) AND
               OR      ( l_tc_end_date   BETWEEN jtf_res.start_date_time AND
               OR      ( l_tc_start_date < jtf_res.start_date_time AND
                           l_tc_end_date > nvl(trunc(jtf_res.end_date_time),l_tc_end_date)) ) ;
Line: 828

      select resource_organization_id
      into l_resource_organization_id
      from pa_resources_denorm
      where resource_effective_start_date =
        (select min(res1.resource_effective_start_date)
         from pa_resources_denorm res1
         where res1.resource_id = p_resource_id)
      and resource_id = p_resource_id;
Line: 860

          SELECT  MIN(start_date_time),MAX(NVL(end_date_time,TO_DATE('01/01/2050','MM/DD/YYYY')))
          INTO    l_temp_start_date,l_temp_end_date
          FROM    jtf_cal_resource_assign
          WHERE   jtf_cal_resource_assign.resource_id = l_jtf_res_id
          AND     jtf_cal_resource_assign.resource_type_code = 'RS_EMPLOYEE'
          AND     jtf_cal_resource_assign.calendar_id > 0
          AND     jtf_cal_resource_assign.primary_calendar_flag = 'Y';
Line: 915

     SELECT resource_id
     INTO l_resource_id
     WHERE person_id = p_person_id
     AND rownum = 1;
Line: 927

  SELECT  jtf_cal.calendar_name
  INTO    l_calendar_name
  FROM    jtf_cal_resource_assign jtf_cal_res,
          jtf_calendars_vl jtf_cal,
          pa_resources res
  WHERE  res.resource_id = l_resource_id
         AND  jtf_cal_res.resource_id = res.jtf_resource_id
         AND  jtf_cal_res.resource_type_code = 'RS_EMPLOYEE'
         AND  jtf_cal_res.primary_calendar_flag = 'Y'
         AND  jtf_cal_res.calendar_id > 0
         AND  p_date BETWEEN jtf_cal_res.start_date_time
              AND nvl(jtf_cal_res.end_date_time, p_date+1)
         AND  jtf_cal_res.calendar_id = jtf_cal.calendar_id;
Line: 969

      SELECT status_code
      FROM pa_schedules
      WHERE assignment_id = p_assignment_id;
Line: 1035

     SELECT calendar_id, start_date_time, end_date_time
     FROM (
        SELECT jtf_res.calendar_id calendar_id,
               NVL(jtf_res.start_date_time, l_start_date) start_date_time,
               NVL(jtf_res.end_date_time, l_end_date) end_date_time
        FROM jtf_cal_resource_assign jtf_res, pa_resources pa_res
        WHERE pa_res.resource_id = p_resource_id
        and jtf_res.resource_id = pa_res.jtf_resource_id
        and jtf_res.resource_type_code = 'RS_EMPLOYEE'
        and jtf_res.calendar_id > -1
        and jtf_res.primary_calendar_flag = 'Y'
        and NVL(jtf_res.start_date_time,l_start_date) <= l_end_date
        and NVL(jtf_res.end_date_time,l_end_date) >= l_start_date
        and p_resource_id is not null
        UNION ALL
        SELECT jtf_res.calendar_id calendar_id,
               NVL(jtf_res.start_date_time, l_start_date) start_date_time,
               NVL(jtf_res.end_date_time, l_end_date) end_date_time
        FROM jtf_cal_resource_assign jtf_res
        WHERE jtf_res.resource_id = p_jtf_resource_id
        and jtf_res.resource_type_code = 'RS_EMPLOYEE'
        and jtf_res.calendar_id > -1
        and jtf_res.primary_calendar_flag = 'Y'
        and NVL(jtf_res.start_date_time,l_start_date) <= l_end_date
        and NVL(jtf_res.end_date_time,l_end_date) >= l_start_date
        and p_jtf_resource_id is not null)
     order by start_date_time;
Line: 1290

     select trunc(min(start_date)) min_start_date,
            trunc(max(end_date)) max_end_date,
            max(monday_hours) + max(tuesday_hours) + max(wednesday_hours) +
            max(thursday_hours) + max(friday_hours) + max(saturday_hours) +
            max(sunday_hours) max_total_hours
     from pa_schedules
     where schedule_type_code = 'CALENDAR'
     and calendar_id = p_calendar_id;