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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 24

    CURSOR CSR1 IS SELECT opt.name /*coverage_type*/
    FROM   ben_opt_f opt,
           ben_oipl_f cop
    WHERE  opt.opt_id = cop.opt_id
    AND    cop.oipl_id = P_OIPL_ID
    AND    cop.effective_start_date =
          (SELECT max(cop1.effective_start_date)
           FROM   ben_oipl_f cop1
           WHERE  cop1.oipl_id = cop.oipl_id
           AND    cop1.effective_start_date <= hr_pay_interface_pkg.get_extract_date)
    AND    opt.effective_start_date =
          (SELECT max(opt1.effective_start_date)
           FROM   ben_opt_f opt1
           WHERE  opt1.opt_id = opt.opt_id
           AND    opt1.effective_start_date <= hr_pay_interface_pkg.get_extract_date);
Line: 71

PROCEDURE select_rec(p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id IN
                     p_effective_start_date IN DATE,
                     p_effective_end_date IN DATE) IS
  CURSOR csr_pay_interface_oab_value_v(c_acty_typ_cd
                                       ben_prtt_rt_val.acty_typ_cd%TYPE) IS
    SELECT pi.*
    FROM   hr_pay_interface_oab_value_v pi
    WHERE  pi.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
    AND    pi.acty_typ_cd = c_acty_typ_cd
    AND    pi.rt_strt_dt <= hr_ceridian.get_cer_extract_date;
Line: 111

END select_rec;
Line: 119

    SELECT 1
    FROM   hr_pay_interface_oab_value_v pi
    WHERE  pi.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
    AND    pi.acty_typ_cd IN ('EEPYC','ERPYC')
    AND    pi.rt_strt_dt <= hr_ceridian.get_cer_extract_date;
Line: 162

Line: 203

Line: 250

Line: 274

    ELSIF l_column_name = 'OABV_LAST_UPDATE_DATE' THEN
Line: 299

Line: 340

Line: 387

Line: 411

    ELSIF l_column_name = 'OABV_LAST_UPDATE_DATE' THEN
Line: 422

PROCEDURE select_split_eepyc_rec(p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id    IN
                     p_effective_start_date IN DATE,
                     p_effective_end_date   IN DATE) IS
  CURSOR csr_pay_interface_oab_value_v IS
    SELECT pi.*
    FROM   hr_pay_interface_oab_value1_v pi
    WHERE  pi.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
    AND    pi.acty_typ_cd = 'EEPYC'
    AND    pi.rt_strt_dt <= hr_ceridian.get_cer_extract_date;
Line: 454

END select_split_eepyc_rec;
Line: 456

PROCEDURE select_split_erpyc_rec(p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
                       IN ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f.prtt_enrt_rslt_id%TYPE,
                     p_effective_start_date IN DATE,
                     p_effective_end_date   IN DATE) IS
  CURSOR csr_pay_interface_oab_value_v IS
    SELECT pi.*
    FROM   hr_pay_interface_oab_value2_v pi
    WHERE  pi.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
    AND    pi.acty_typ_cd = 'ERPYC'
    AND    pi.rt_strt_dt <= hr_ceridian.get_cer_extract_date;
Line: 487

END select_split_erpyc_rec;
Line: 495

    SELECT 1
    FROM   hr_pay_interface_oab_value1_v pi
    WHERE  pi.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
    AND    pi.acty_typ_cd = 'EEPYC'
    AND    pi.rt_strt_dt <= hr_ceridian.get_cer_extract_date;
Line: 528

    SELECT 1
    FROM   hr_pay_interface_oab_value2_v pi
    WHERE  pi.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
    AND    pi.acty_typ_cd = 'ERPYC'
    AND    pi.rt_strt_dt <= hr_ceridian.get_cer_extract_date;
Line: 571

Line: 612

Line: 659

Line: 683

    ELSIF l_column_name = 'OABV_LAST_UPDATE_DATE' THEN
Line: 708

Line: 749

Line: 796

Line: 820

    ELSIF l_column_name = 'OABV_LAST_UPDATE_DATE' THEN
Line: 830

PROCEDURE disable_ele_entry_delete
--  This procedure returns an error if an attempt is being made to
--  perform a Datetrack purge of an element entry. Certain types of Datetrack
--  delete are allowable, so we cannot simply prevent all deletes against
--  pay_element_entries_f.
--  If we try to access pay_element_entries_f from a delete trigger on
--  the same table, we hit a mutating table error. So we must perform
--  the delete check against a different table to that against which the
--  delete trigger is created.
--  We are making use of the validation rule that states that each
--  element entry must have at least one entry value. Within a commit unit,
--  rows are deleted from pay_element_entries_f before they are deleted from
--  pay_element_entry_values_f.
--  So the delete trigger is created against pay_element_entry_values_f, and
--  this procedure looks at pay_element_entries_f. The user is attempting a
--  Datetrack purge if there are no parent element entries that match
--  the element entry value that is being deleted.
--  This procedure uses the global g_ele_start_date to verify if the
--  element entry is current or futured dated.
--  This procedure uses the global g_ele_entry_id and g_ele_link_id
--  which are assigned in the set_ele_var_ids procedure.
--  The second part of the validation checks the link from the deleted element
--  entry to ensure that the element type does not contain either Y,E or D in
--  the attribute1 column.  If it does then an error is raised.
--  Attribute1 in pay_element_types_f is from this point
--  to be used as a flag to identify that it is a deduction element
  dummy     integer;
Line: 872

  SELECT COUNT(element_entry_id)
  INTO dummy
  FROM pay_element_entries_f
  WHERE element_entry_id = g_ele_entry_id;
Line: 878

       SELECT pt.attribute1
       INTO l_attrib1
       FROM pay_element_types_f pt,
            pay_element_links_f pl
       pl.element_link_id      =  g_ele_link_id  AND
       pt.element_type_id      =  pl.element_type_id AND
       pt.effective_start_date = (SELECT max(pt2.effective_start_date)
                                  FROM pay_element_types_f pt2
                                  (pt2.effective_start_date <=
                                  (pt2.element_type_id =
                                   pt.element_type_id)) AND
       pl.effective_start_date = (SELECT max(pt2.effective_start_date)
                                  FROM pay_element_links_f pt2
                                  (pt2.effective_start_date <=
                                  (pt2.element_link_id =
Line: 902

         hr_utility.set_message (800, 'PER_ELE_ENTRY_DISABLE_DELETE');
Line: 907

END disable_ele_entry_delete;
Line: 934

procedure disable_emp_number_update (p_old_emp_number varchar2 default null,
                                     p_new_emp_number varchar2 default null)
--  This procedure returns an error if an attempt is being made to
--  update an employee number.
--  A change in employee number would result in the
--  creation of a new employee record in the vendors payroll.
  if  p_old_emp_number is not null
  and p_new_emp_number is not null
  and p_old_emp_number <> p_new_emp_number then
       hr_utility.set_message (800, 'PER_EMP_NUMBER_DISABLE_UPDATE');
Line: 952

end disable_emp_number_update;
Line: 966

  FROM pay_element_types_f et
  WHERE et.business_group_id
    = hr_pay_interface_pkg.g_reporting_details_rec_var.business_group_id
   AND (NVL(et.legislation_code,-99)
   = NVL(hr_pay_interface_pkg.g_reporting_details_rec_var.legislation_code,-99))
   AND UPPER(et.reporting_name)
     = UPPER(hr_pay_interface_pkg.g_reporting_details_rec_var.reporting_name)
   AND (et.element_type_id
      <> hr_pay_interface_pkg.g_reporting_details_rec_var.element_type_id
      OR hr_pay_interface_pkg.g_reporting_details_rec_var.element_type_id ='')
      -- Have to ensure the reporting name doesn't exist on date-tracked
      -- rows (even though reporting_name isn't datetracked, it still is
      -- possible to achieve by altering a datetrack row at the same time)
    AND (hr_pay_interface_pkg.g_reporting_details_rec_var.effective_start_date
      between et.effective_start_date and et.effective_end_date
      OR  hr_pay_interface_pkg.g_reporting_details_rec_var.effective_end_date
      between et.effective_start_date and et.effective_end_date
      OR (hr_pay_interface_pkg.g_reporting_details_rec_var.effective_start_date
	    < et.effective_start_date
         AND hr_pay_interface_pkg.g_reporting_details_rec_var.effective_end_date
	   > et.effective_end_date)
Line: 1063

  select decode(pliv.default_value,
                pliv.default_value) screen_entry_value
  into   hot_default_value
  from   pay_input_values_f         piv,
         pay_link_input_values_f    pliv
  where  pliv.element_link_id = p_element_link_id
    and  pliv.effective_start_date =
         (select max(pliv2.effective_start_date)
            from pay_link_input_values_f pliv2
            where pliv2.effective_start_date <= trunc(sysdate)
              and pliv2.element_link_id       = p_element_link_id
              and pliv2.input_value_id        = p_input_value_id)
    and  pliv.input_value_id  = p_input_value_id
    and  piv.effective_start_date =
         (select max(piv2.effective_start_date)
            from pay_input_values_f piv2
            where piv2.effective_start_date <= trunc(sysdate)
              and piv2.input_value_id        = p_input_value_id
              and hot_default_flag           = 'Y')
    and  piv.input_value_id   = p_input_value_id
    and  piv.hot_default_flag = 'Y';
Line: 1117

procedure disable_ppm_update (p_old_priority varchar2 default null,
                              p_new_priority varchar2 default null)
--  This procedure returns an error if an attempt is being made to
--  update personal payment method priority.
--  A change in priority would result in the
--  creation of a new EFT record in the third party payroll system.
  if  p_old_priority is not null
  and p_new_priority is not null
  and p_old_priority <> p_new_priority then
       hr_utility.set_message (800, 'PER_PPM_PRI_DISABLE_UPDATE');
Line: 1135

end disable_ppm_update;
Line: 1138

procedure disable_ppm_delete_purge
--  This procedure returns an error if an attempt is being made to
--  delete a personal payment method.
CURSOR csr_ppm_delete_purge is
select 1
from  pay_personal_payment_methods_f
where personal_payment_method_id =
Line: 1151

FROM per_periods_of_service         pps,
     per_all_assignments_f          paa
     HR_PAY_INTERFACE_PKG.g_ppm_ass_id   = paa.assignment_id
AND  paa.person_id                       = pps.person_id
AND ( pps.final_process_date              IS NOT NULL
    OR pps.last_standard_process_date   IS NOT NULL)
AND  HR_PAY_INTERFACE_PKG.g_ppm_start_date > trunc(SYSDATE);
Line: 1175

  open  csr_ppm_delete_purge;
Line: 1176

  fetch csr_ppm_delete_purge into l_purge;
Line: 1177

  close csr_ppm_delete_purge;
Line: 1191

end disable_ppm_delete_purge;
Line: 1193

procedure disable_asg_cost_delete_purge
--  This procedure returns an error if an attempt is being made to
--  delete an assignment costing.
CURSOR csr_asg_cost_delete_purge is
select 1
from  pay_cost_allocations_f
where cost_allocation_id =
Line: 1207

FROM per_periods_of_service         pps,
     per_all_assignments_f          paa
     HR_PAY_INTERFACE_PKG.g_asg_cost_ass_id = paa.assignment_id
AND  paa.person_id                          = pps.person_id
AND  (pps.final_process_date                 IS NOT NULL
    OR pps.last_standard_process_date   IS NOT NULL)
AND  HR_PAY_INTERFACE_PKG.g_asg_cost_start_date > trunc(SYSDATE);
Line: 1233

  open  csr_asg_cost_delete_purge;
Line: 1234

  fetch csr_asg_cost_delete_purge into l_purge;
Line: 1235

  close csr_asg_cost_delete_purge;
Line: 1249

end disable_asg_cost_delete_purge;