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APPS.PO_UOM_SV2 SQL Statements

The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 43

    SELECT uom_code
    INTO   primary_code
    FROM   mtl_units_of_measure
    WHERE  unit_of_measure = x_primary_uom;
Line: 52

       In the SELECT statement, changed mtl_units_of_measure to mtl_units_of_measure_vl
       and unit_of_measure to unit_of_measure_tl to handle translated values
    /* 4718263 changed where condtion of the below SQL: in place of unit_of_measure_tl unit_of_measure should be used.
     from the Form we always pass unit_of_measure value not the translated value. */
    SELECT uom_code
    INTO   current_code
    FROM   mtl_units_of_measure_vl
    WHERE  unit_of_measure = x_current_uom;
Line: 103

  /* Select the unit of issue and rounding factor for the
  ** soure organization and internally ordered item.

  x_progress := '010';
Line: 109

  SELECT nvl(msi.unit_of_issue, NULL),
	 nvl(msi.rounding_factor, NULL)
  INTO	 x_unit_of_issue,
  FROM   mtl_system_items msi
  WHERE  msi.inventory_item_id = x_item_id
  AND 	 msi.organization_id   = x_source_org_id;
Line: 167

    select pri.rowid,
           uomd.uom_code pri_uom_code,
           uoms.uom_code issue_uom_code,
    from po_requisitions_interface pri,
         mtl_system_items msi,
         mtl_units_of_measure uoms,
         mtl_units_of_measure uomd
    where msi.inventory_item_id = pri.item_id
      AND msi.organization_id   = pri.source_organization_id
      AND uoms.unit_of_measure = msi.unit_of_issue
      AND uomd.unit_of_measure = pri.unit_of_measure
      AND msi.unit_of_issue is NOT NULL
      AND pri.source_type_code = 'INVENTORY'
      AND pri.item_id is not NULL
      AND pri.source_organization_id is NOT NULL
      AND pri.unit_of_measure is NOT NULL
      AND pri.quantity > 0
      AND pri.request_id = x_request_id;
Line: 193

     select enforce_full_lot_quantities
       from po_system_parameters;
Line: 255

    	update po_requisitions_interface
          set (uom_code,
               quantity )= (Select pri_inv.issue_uom_code,
                             from  sys.dual)
    	where   rowid= pri_inv.rowid;