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Line 180: --If install_location_type_code = 'HZ_LOCATIONS'

176: from hz_party_sites hps
177: where hps.party_site_id = p_party_site_id;
179: --Following Logic Applicable only for after Book:
180: --If install_location_type_code = 'HZ_LOCATIONS'
181: --then take the install_location_id from Ship_to_csr
182: --Else If install_location_type_code = 'HZ_PARTY_SITES'
183: --then execute location_csr by passing install_location_id
184: --as p_party_site_id parameter and take location_id from

Line 193: from hz_locations hl,

189: --start:| 06-Jul-2007 cklee -- Fixed ship to issue |
190: CURSOR Ship_to_csr_before_booked( p_top_kle_id IN NUMBER ) IS
191: select hps.party_site_id install_location_id,
192: hl.location_id
193: from hz_locations hl,
194: hz_party_sites hps,
195: hz_party_site_uses hpsu,
196: okl_txl_itm_insts tii,
197: okc_k_lines_b cleb_ib,

Line 527: --If install_location_type_code = 'HZ_LOCATIONS'

524: ELSE -- other than before booked case
526: --Following Logic Applicable only for after Book:
527: --If install_location_type_code = 'HZ_LOCATIONS'
528: --then take the install_location_id from Ship_to_csr
529: --Else If install_location_type_code = 'HZ_PARTY_SITES'
530: --then execute location_csr by passing install_location_id
531: --as p_party_site_id parameter and take location_id from

Line 533: IF l_install_location_type_code = 'HZ_LOCATIONS' THEN

529: --Else If install_location_type_code = 'HZ_PARTY_SITES'
530: --then execute location_csr by passing install_location_id
531: --as p_party_site_id parameter and take location_id from
532: -- location_csr
533: IF l_install_location_type_code = 'HZ_LOCATIONS' THEN
534: l_ship_to := l_install_location_id;
535: ELSIF l_install_location_type_code = 'HZ_PARTY_SITES' THEN
536: OPEN location_csr(l_install_location_id);
537: FETCH location_csr INTO l_ship_to;

Line 542: FND_FILE.PUT_LINE (FND_FILE.OUTPUT, 'install_location_type_code is other than HZ_LOCATIONS or HZ_PARTY_SITES');

538: CLOSE location_csr;
539: ELSE
540: -- error log
541: l_ship_to := null;
542: FND_FILE.PUT_LINE (FND_FILE.OUTPUT, 'install_location_type_code is other than HZ_LOCATIONS or HZ_PARTY_SITES');
543: END IF;
544: -- end: 07-May-2008 cklee -- Fixed bug:7015970
545: END IF;
546: --end:| 06-Jul-2007 cklee -- Fixed ship to issue |