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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 48

procedure delete_tax_rule
  (p_validate                       in     boolean  default false
  ,p_assignment_id                  in     number
  ,p_state_code                     in     varchar2
  ,p_county_code                    in     varchar2 default '000'
  ,p_city_code                      in     varchar2 default '0000'
  ,p_effective_start_date           out nocopy   date
  ,p_effective_end_date             out nocopy   date
  ,p_object_version_number          in out nocopy number
  ,p_effective_date                 in     date
  ,p_datetrack_mode                 in     varchar2 default 'ZAP'
  ,p_delete_routine                 in     varchar2 default null
  ) is
  -- Declare types, cursors and local variables
  TYPE gen_rec is RECORD
      state_code            pay_us_emp_city_tax_rules_f.state_code%TYPE,
      county_code           pay_us_emp_city_tax_rules_f.state_code%TYPE,
      city_code             pay_us_emp_city_tax_rules_f.state_code%TYPE,
      object_version_number number
Line: 77

     select emp_city_tax_rule_id, object_version_number,
            effective_start_date, effective_end_date
     from pay_us_emp_city_tax_rules_f
     where assignment_id = p_assignment_id
       and jurisdiction_code = l_jurisdiction
       and p_effective_date between effective_start_date
           and effective_end_date;
Line: 89

     select emp_county_tax_rule_id, object_version_number,
            effective_start_date, effective_end_date
     from pay_us_emp_county_tax_rules_f
     where assignment_id = p_assignment_id
       and jurisdiction_code = l_jurisdiction
       and p_effective_date between effective_start_date
           and effective_end_date;
Line: 101

     select emp_state_tax_rule_id, object_version_number,
            effective_start_date, effective_end_date
     from pay_us_emp_state_tax_rules_f
     where assignment_id = p_assignment_id
       and jurisdiction_code = l_jurisdiction
       and p_effective_date between effective_start_date
           and effective_end_date;
Line: 112

     select state_code, county_code,
            city_code, object_version_number
     from pay_us_emp_city_tax_rules_f
     where assignment_id = p_assignment_id
       and state_code = p_state_code
       and county_code = p_county_code
       and (city_code <> '0000'
           and city_code is not null)
       and p_effective_date
     between effective_start_date
       and effective_end_date;
Line: 127

     select state_code, county_code,
            '0000' city_code, object_version_number
     from pay_us_emp_county_tax_rules_f
     where assignment_id = p_assignment_id
       and state_code = p_state_code
       and (county_code <> '000'
       and county_code is not null)
       and p_effective_date
       between effective_start_date
          and effective_end_date;
Line: 144

     select count(*)
     from pay_element_entries_f peef,
          pay_element_entry_values_f peevf,
          pay_element_types_f petf,
          pay_element_links_f pelf
     where peef.assignment_id=p_assignment_id
       and p_effective_date < peef.effective_end_date
       and petf.element_name='VERTEX'
       and pelf.element_type_id=petf.element_type_id
       and peef.element_link_id=pelf.element_link_id
       and peevf.screen_entry_value = p_jurisdiction
       and p_effective_date < peevf.effective_end_date
       and peevf.element_entry_id = peef.element_entry_id;
Line: 165

  l_proc                   varchar2(72) := g_package||'delete_tax_rule';
Line: 180

  l_delete_jurisdiction    number;
Line: 190

    savepoint delete_tax_rule;
Line: 203

     l_delete_jurisdiction := CITY_JURISDICTION;
Line: 207

     l_delete_jurisdiction := COUNTY_JURISDICTION;
Line: 210

            p_validate               => FALSE
           ,p_assignment_id          => p_assignment_id
           ,p_state_code             => l_jurisdiction_rec.state_code
           ,p_county_code            => l_jurisdiction_rec.county_code
           ,p_city_code              => l_jurisdiction_rec.city_code
           ,p_effective_start_date   => l_effective_start_date
           ,p_effective_end_date     => l_effective_end_date
           ,p_object_version_number  => l_jurisdiction_rec.object_version_number
           ,p_effective_date         => p_effective_date
           ,p_datetrack_mode         => p_datetrack_mode
           ,p_delete_routine         => p_delete_routine
Line: 228

     l_delete_jurisdiction := STATE_JURISDICTION;
Line: 231

            p_validate               => FALSE
           ,p_assignment_id          => p_assignment_id
           ,p_state_code             => l_jurisdiction_rec.state_code
           ,p_county_code            => l_jurisdiction_rec.county_code
           ,p_city_code              => l_jurisdiction_rec.city_code
           ,p_effective_start_date   => l_effective_start_date
           ,p_effective_end_date     => l_effective_end_date
           ,p_object_version_number  => l_jurisdiction_rec.object_version_number
           ,p_effective_date         => p_effective_date
           ,p_datetrack_mode         => p_datetrack_mode
           ,p_delete_routine         => p_delete_routine
Line: 251

  if l_delete_jurisdiction = CITY_JURISDICTION then
    open get_city_tax_rule_id(l_jurisdiction_code);
Line: 273

          ,p_delete_routine                => p_delete_routine
Line: 282

  elsif l_delete_jurisdiction = COUNTY_JURISDICTION then
     open get_county_tax_rule_id(l_jurisdiction_code);
Line: 304

           ,p_delete_routine                => p_delete_routine
Line: 313

  elsif l_delete_jurisdiction = STATE_JURISDICTION then
     open get_state_tax_rule_id(l_jurisdiction_code);
Line: 335

           ,p_delete_routine                => p_delete_routine
Line: 346

  if p_datetrack_mode = 'DELETE' then
     l_effective_date := p_effective_date;
Line: 389

    ROLLBACK TO delete_tax_rule;
Line: 399

    ROLLBACK TO delete_tax_rule;
Line: 402

end delete_tax_rule;
Line: 437

	lv_update_method		VARCHAR2(30);
Line: 439

	lv_update_error_msg		VARCHAR2(10000);
Line: 442

		select  business_group_id
		from	per_people_f
		where	person_id = p_person_id;
Line: 447

		select	ftr.emp_fed_tax_rule_id,
    		from	pay_us_emp_fed_tax_rules_f ftr, per_assignments_f paf,
			hr_soft_coding_keyflex hsck
    		where	paf.person_id = p_person_id
		  and	paf.soft_coding_keyflex_id = hsck.soft_coding_keyflex_id
		  and 	paf.assignment_id = ftr.assignment_id
		  and	paf.assignment_type = 'E'
		  and   decode(l_primary_only,'Y',paf.primary_flag,'Y') = 'Y'
		  and 	p_effective_date between paf.effective_start_date and paf.effective_end_date
    		  and	p_effective_date between ftr.effective_start_date and ftr.effective_end_date
		  and 	not exists(	select 'x'
				   	from	hr_organization_information hoi,
						hr_soft_coding_keyflex sck
					where	paf.soft_coding_keyflex_id = sck.soft_coding_keyflex_id
	  				  and	sck.segment1 = hoi.organization_id
	  				  and   hoi.org_information_context = '1099R Magnetic Report Rules')
    		for update nowait;
Line: 470

		select	str.emp_state_tax_rule_id,
    		from	pay_us_emp_state_tax_rules_f str, per_assignments_f paf,
			pay_us_state_tax_info_f stif, pay_us_states pus,
			hr_soft_coding_keyflex hsck
    		where	paf.person_id = p_person_id
		  and 	paf.assignment_id = str.assignment_id
		  and	paf.assignment_type = 'E'
		  and	paf.soft_coding_keyflex_id = hsck.soft_coding_keyflex_id
		  and 	decode(l_primary_only,'Y',paf.primary_flag,'Y') = 'Y'
		  and	str.state_code = stif.state_code
		  and 	str.state_code = pus.state_code
		  and	stif.sta_information7 like 'Y%'
		  and 	p_effective_date between stif.effective_start_date and stif.effective_end_date
		  and 	p_effective_date between paf.effective_start_date and paf.effective_end_date
    		  and	p_effective_date between str.effective_start_date and str.effective_end_date
		  and 	not exists(	select 'x'
				   	from	hr_organization_information hoi,
						hr_soft_coding_keyflex sck
					where	paf.soft_coding_keyflex_id = sck.soft_coding_keyflex_id
	  				  and	sck.segment1 = hoi.organization_id
	  				  and   hoi.org_information_context = '1099R Magnetic Report Rules')
    		for update nowait;
Line: 508

	-- get the update method
     	lv_update_method := 'PRIMARY';
Line: 510

	if lv_update_method = 'PRIMARY' then
		l_primary_only := 'Y';
Line: 532

	-- make sure we can update
	lv_update_error_msg := chk_w4_allowed(p_person_id 	=> p_person_id,
					      p_effective_date	=> p_effective_date,
					      p_source_name	=> p_source_name
Line: 537

	if lv_update_error_msg is not null then
      		hr_utility.set_message(801, lv_update_error_msg);
Line: 611

		-- We insert using datetrack mode of UPDATE
		-- future dated records will cause an error
		-- if the old start date = p_ef_date, we perform a correction instead
		if ld_old_start_date = p_effective_date then
			lv_datetrack_mode := 'CORRECTION';
Line: 617

			lv_datetrack_mode := 'UPDATE';
Line: 621

				(p_emp_fed_tax_rule_id 		=> ln_fed_tax_rule_id
				,p_withholding_allowances 	=> p_withholding_allowances
				,p_fit_additional_tax		=> p_fit_additional_tax
				,p_filing_status_code		=> p_filing_status_code
				,p_fit_exempt			=> p_fit_exempt
				,p_object_version_number 	=> ln_ovn
				,p_effective_start_date 	=> ld_start_date
				,p_effective_end_date		=> ld_end_date
				,p_effective_date		=> p_effective_date
				,p_datetrack_update_mode 	=> lv_datetrack_mode
Line: 634

		-- we insert a row into the transaction table to show the change to this assignment
	  		 p_effective_date => p_effective_date
	  	 	,p_transaction_type => lv_trans_type
	  		,p_transaction_date => trunc(sysdate)
	  		,p_transaction_effective_date => p_effective_date
	  		,p_business_group_id => ln_business_group_id
	  		,p_transaction_subtype => lv_trans_subtype
  			,p_person_id => p_person_id
			,p_assignment_id => ln_assignment_id
  			,p_source1 => '00-000-0000'
  			,p_source1_type => 'JURISDICTION'
			,p_source2 => fnd_number.number_to_canonical(ln_gre_id)
			,p_source2_type => 'GRE'
  			,p_source3 => p_source_name
  			,p_source3_type => 'SOURCE_NAME'
			,p_transaction_parent_id => ln_parent_audit_id
  			,p_stat_trans_audit_id => ln_dummy
  			,p_object_version_number => ln_ovn
Line: 669

	-- next we update state tax records
	-- we don't update the amount withheld, because it is probably of a different magnitude
	-- then the state taxes.

	hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 40);
Line: 680

			lv_datetrack_mode := 'UPDATE';
Line: 683

		-- We need to test whether or not the state being updated has a filing status
		-- that we are filing.  We do this by validating it in the state api.  If it fails
		-- validation, we default to single.

		-- Also, if the fed type is '03', we change it to '04' for the states
		if p_filing_status_code = '03' then
			lv_state_filing_status_code := '04';
Line: 710

				(p_emp_state_tax_rule_id => c_state_rec.emp_state_tax_rule_id
				,p_withholding_allowances => p_withholding_allowances
				,p_sit_additional_tax	=> 0
				,p_filing_status_code	=> lv_state_filing_status_code
				,p_sit_exempt		=> p_fit_exempt
				,p_object_version_number => c_state_rec.object_version_number
				,p_effective_start_date => ld_start_date
				,p_effective_end_date	=> ld_end_date
				,p_effective_date	=> p_effective_date
				,p_datetrack_update_mode => lv_datetrack_mode
Line: 723

		-- when we insert into the transaction audit table, we only show
		-- where the child record is different from the parent record
		-- therefore, if state filing status <> fed filing status we
		-- store it, otherwise there is nothing stored except the child
		-- record info

		if p_filing_status_code <> lv_state_filing_status_code then
			lv_context := 'W4 FED';
Line: 737

		-- insert a row in the transaction table
	  		 p_effective_date => p_effective_date
	  	 	,p_transaction_type => lv_trans_type
	  		,p_transaction_date => trunc(sysdate)
	  		,p_transaction_effective_date => p_effective_date
	  		,p_business_group_id => ln_business_group_id
	  		,p_transaction_subtype => lv_trans_subtype
  			,p_person_id => p_person_id
			,p_assignment_id => c_state_rec.assignment_id
  			,p_source1 => c_state_rec.state_code || '-000-0000'
  			,p_source1_type => 'JURISDICTION'
			,p_source2 => fnd_number.number_to_canonical(c_state_rec.segment1) --gre
			,p_source2_type => 'GRE'
  			,p_source3 => p_source_name
  			,p_source3_type => 'SOURCE_NAME'
			,p_audit_information_category => lv_context
			,p_audit_information1 => lv_state_filing_status_code
			,p_transaction_parent_id => ln_parent_audit_id
  			,p_stat_trans_audit_id => ln_dummy
  			,p_object_version_number => ln_ovn
Line: 853

	select 'x'
	from 	pay_us_emp_fed_tax_rules_f prtf,
		per_assignments_f paf
	where	paf.person_id = p_person_id
	  and	decode(l_primary_only,'Y',paf.primary_flag,'Y') = 'Y'
	  and	prtf.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
	  and	prtf.effective_start_date <= p_effective_date;
Line: 862

	select	'x'
	from	per_assignments_f paf,
		hr_organization_information hoi,
		hr_soft_coding_keyflex	sck
	where	paf.person_id = p_person_id
	  and	paf.primary_flag = 'Y'
	  and	paf.effective_end_date >= p_effective_date
	  and	paf.soft_coding_keyflex_id = sck.soft_coding_keyflex_id
	  and 	paf.assignment_type = 'E'
	  and	sck.segment1 = hoi.organization_id
	  and   hoi.org_information_context = '1099R Magnetic Report Rules';
Line: 875

	select 	'x'
	from	per_assignments_f paf,
		pay_us_emp_fed_tax_rules_f ftr
	where 	paf.person_id = p_person_id
	  and	ftr.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
	  and   paf.assignment_type = 'E'
	  and	decode(l_primary_only,'Y',paf.primary_flag,'Y') = 'Y'
	  and	p_effective_date between ftr.effective_start_date and ftr.effective_end_date
	  and	p_effective_date between paf.effective_start_date and paf.effective_end_date
	  and	(ftr.excessive_wa_reject_date is not null
		 or nvl(ftr.fit_override_rate,0) <> 0
		 or nvl(ftr.supp_tax_override_rate,0) <> 0
		 or nvl(ftr.fit_override_amount,0) <> 0);
Line: 890

	select 	'x'
	from	per_assignments_f paf,
		pay_us_emp_state_tax_rules_f str
	where 	paf.person_id = p_person_id
	  and 	paf.assignment_type = 'E'
	  and	str.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
	  and	str.state_code = p_state_code
	  and	decode(l_primary_only,'Y',paf.primary_flag,'Y') = 'Y'
	  and	p_effective_date between str.effective_start_date and str.effective_end_date
	  and	p_effective_date between paf.effective_start_date and paf.effective_end_date
	  and	(str.excessive_wa_reject_date is not null
		 or nvl(str.sit_override_amount,0) <> 0
		 or nvl(str.sit_override_rate,0) <> 0
		 or nvl(str.sui_wage_base_override_amount,0) <> 0
		 or nvl(str.supp_tax_override_rate,0) <> 0);
Line: 907

	select 	'x'
	from	per_assignments_f paf,
		pay_us_emp_state_tax_rules_f str,
		pay_us_state_tax_info_f stif
	where 	paf.person_id = p_person_id
	  and 	paf.assignment_type = 'E'
	  and	str.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
	  and	stif.state_code = str.state_code
	  and	stif.sta_information7 like 'Y%'
	  and	decode(l_primary_only,'Y',paf.primary_flag,'Y') = 'Y'
	  and	p_effective_date between str.effective_start_date and str.effective_end_date
	  and	p_effective_date between paf.effective_start_date and paf.effective_end_date
	  and	(str.excessive_wa_reject_date is not null
		 or nvl(str.sit_override_amount,0) <> 0
		 or nvl(str.sit_override_rate,0) <> 0
		 or nvl(str.sui_wage_base_override_amount,0) <> 0
		 or nvl(str.supp_tax_override_rate,0) <> 0);
Line: 926

	select 'x'
	from	per_assignments_f paf,
		pay_us_emp_fed_tax_rules_f ftr
	where	paf.person_id = p_person_id
	  and   paf.assignment_type = 'E'
	  and	ftr.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
	  and	decode(l_primary_only,'Y',paf.primary_flag,'Y') = 'Y'
	  and  	ftr.effective_start_date > p_effective_date
	  and	p_effective_date between paf.effective_start_date and paf.effective_end_date;
Line: 937

	select 'x'
	from	per_assignments_f paf,
		pay_us_emp_state_tax_rules_f str
	where	paf.person_id = p_person_id
	  and	str.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
	  and	paf.assignment_type = 'E'
	  and	decode(l_primary_only,'Y',paf.primary_flag,'Y') = 'Y'
	  and	str.state_code = p_state_code
	  and  	str.effective_start_date > p_effective_date
	  and	p_effective_date between paf.effective_start_date and paf.effective_end_date;
Line: 950

	select 'x'
	from	per_assignments_f paf,
		pay_us_emp_state_tax_rules_f str,
		pay_us_state_tax_info_f stif
	where	paf.person_id = p_person_id
	  and	str.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
	  and	paf.assignment_type = 'E'
	  and	decode(l_primary_only,'Y',paf.primary_flag,'Y') = 'Y'
	  and	stif.state_code = str.state_code
 	  and	stif.sta_information7 like 'Y%'
	  and  	str.effective_start_date > p_effective_date
	  and	p_effective_date between paf.effective_start_date and paf.effective_end_date
	  and	p_effective_date between stif.effective_start_date and stif.effective_end_date;
Line: 965

     lv_update_method	VARCHAR2(30);
Line: 971

     lv_update_method := 'PRIMARY';
Line: 974

     hr_utility.trace(l_proc || ' - Testing W4_UPDATE_METHOD');
Line: 976

     if lv_update_method = 'PRIMARY' then
	l_primary_only := 'Y';
Line: 978

     elsif lv_update_method = 'ALL' then
	l_primary_only := 'N';
Line: 980

     else -- update_method = NONE
	hr_utility.trace(' Leaving: ' || l_proc || ' - Failed - Method = None');
Line: 982