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2: /* $Header: INVGMIMB.pls 120.17 2007/12/17 09:47:28 rlnagara ship $
3: +==========================================================================+
4: | Copyright (c) 1998 Oracle Corporation |
5: | Redwood Shores, CA, USA |

Line 689: p_param1 => INV_GMI_Migration.org(r.organization_id),

685: p_log_level => FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE,
686: p_message_token => 'GMI_MIG_ITEM_CAT_EXISTS',
687: p_table_name => 'GMI_ITEM_CATEGORIES',
688: p_context => 'ITEM CATEGORIES',
689: p_param1 => INV_GMI_Migration.org(r.organization_id),
690: p_param2 => INV_GMI_Migration.ditem(r.organization_id, r.inventory_item_id),
691: p_param3 => to_char(r.category_set_id),
692: p_param4 => NULL,
693: p_param5 => NULL,

Line 690: p_param2 => INV_GMI_Migration.ditem(r.organization_id, r.inventory_item_id),

686: p_message_token => 'GMI_MIG_ITEM_CAT_EXISTS',
687: p_table_name => 'GMI_ITEM_CATEGORIES',
688: p_context => 'ITEM CATEGORIES',
689: p_param1 => INV_GMI_Migration.org(r.organization_id),
690: p_param2 => INV_GMI_Migration.ditem(r.organization_id, r.inventory_item_id),
691: p_param3 => to_char(r.category_set_id),
692: p_param4 => NULL,
693: p_param5 => NULL,
694: p_db_error => NULL,

Line 1633: p_param1 => INV_GMI_Migration.org(c.organization_id),

1629: p_log_level => FND_LOG.LEVEL_ERROR,
1630: p_message_token => 'GMI_MIG_ITEM_MIG_FAILED',
1631: p_table_name => 'IC_ITEM_CNV',
1632: p_context => 'LOT CONVERSION',
1633: p_param1 => INV_GMI_Migration.org(c.organization_id),
1634: p_param2 => INV_GMI_Migration.item(c.item_id),
1635: p_param3 => NULL,
1636: p_param4 => NULL,
1637: p_param5 => NULL,

Line 1634: p_param2 => INV_GMI_Migration.item(c.item_id),

1630: p_message_token => 'GMI_MIG_ITEM_MIG_FAILED',
1631: p_table_name => 'IC_ITEM_CNV',
1632: p_context => 'LOT CONVERSION',
1633: p_param1 => INV_GMI_Migration.org(c.organization_id),
1634: p_param2 => INV_GMI_Migration.item(c.item_id),
1635: p_param3 => NULL,
1636: p_param4 => NULL,
1637: p_param5 => NULL,
1638: p_db_error => NULL,

Line 1690: p_param1 => INV_GMI_Migration.org(c.organization_id),

1686: p_log_level => FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE,
1687: p_message_token => 'GMI_MIG_LOT_CONV_EXISTS',
1688: p_table_name => 'IC_ITEM_CNV',
1689: p_context => 'LOT CONVERSIONS',
1690: p_param1 => INV_GMI_Migration.org(c.organization_id),
1691: p_param2 => INV_GMI_Migration.ditem(c.organization_id, l_inventory_item_id),
1692: p_param3 => c.lot_number,
1693: p_param4 => l_from_uom_class,
1694: p_param5 => c.um_type,

Line 1691: p_param2 => INV_GMI_Migration.ditem(c.organization_id, l_inventory_item_id),

1687: p_message_token => 'GMI_MIG_LOT_CONV_EXISTS',
1688: p_table_name => 'IC_ITEM_CNV',
1689: p_context => 'LOT CONVERSIONS',
1690: p_param1 => INV_GMI_Migration.org(c.organization_id),
1691: p_param2 => INV_GMI_Migration.ditem(c.organization_id, l_inventory_item_id),
1692: p_param3 => c.lot_number,
1693: p_param4 => l_from_uom_class,
1694: p_param5 => c.um_type,
1695: p_db_error => NULL,

Line 2310: p_param1 => INV_GMI_Migration.org(l_organization_id),

2306: p_log_level => FND_LOG.LEVEL_ERROR,
2307: p_message_token => 'GMI_MIG_NO_ODM_OPEN_PERIOD',
2308: p_table_name => 'IC_LOCT_INV',
2309: p_context => 'INVENTORY BALANCE',
2310: p_param1 => INV_GMI_Migration.org(l_organization_id),
2311: p_param2 => NULL,
2312: p_param3 => NULL,
2313: p_param4 => NULL,
2314: p_param5 => NULL,

Line 2320: l_field_value := INV_GMI_Migration.org(l_organization_id);

2316: p_app_short_name => 'GMI');
2318: -- Try to open the period
2319: l_field_name := 'Organization Definition';
2320: l_field_value := INV_GMI_Migration.org(l_organization_id);
2321: l_skip_to_next_whse := 1;
2322: SELECT b.period_set_name, b.accounted_period_type
2323: INTO l_period_set_name, l_accounted_period_type
2324: FROM org_organization_definitions a,

Line 2345: p_param1 => INV_GMI_Migration.org(l_organization_id),

2341: p_log_level => FND_LOG.LEVEL_ERROR,
2342: p_message_token => 'GMI_MIG_OPENING_ODM_PERIOD',
2343: p_table_name => 'IC_LOCT_INV',
2344: p_context => 'INVENTORY BALANCE',
2345: p_param1 => INV_GMI_Migration.org(l_organization_id),
2346: p_param2 => fp.period_year,
2347: p_param3 => fp.period_number,
2348: p_param4 => fp.period_name,
2349: p_param5 => NULL,

Line 2464: p_param1 => INV_GMI_Migration.org(l_organization_id),

2460: p_log_level => FND_LOG.LEVEL_ERROR,
2461: p_message_token => 'GMI_MIG_ITEM_MIG_FAILED',
2462: p_table_name => 'IC_LOCT_INV',
2463: p_context => 'INVENTORY BALANCE',
2464: p_param1 => INV_GMI_Migration.org(l_organization_id),
2465: p_param2 => INV_GMI_Migration.item(bal.item_id),
2466: p_param3 => NULL,
2467: p_param4 => NULL,
2468: p_param5 => NULL,

Line 2465: p_param2 => INV_GMI_Migration.item(bal.item_id),

2461: p_message_token => 'GMI_MIG_ITEM_MIG_FAILED',
2462: p_table_name => 'IC_LOCT_INV',
2463: p_context => 'INVENTORY BALANCE',
2464: p_param1 => INV_GMI_Migration.org(l_organization_id),
2465: p_param2 => INV_GMI_Migration.item(bal.item_id),
2466: p_param3 => NULL,
2467: p_param4 => NULL,
2468: p_param5 => NULL,
2469: p_db_error => NULL,

Line 2528: p_param1 => INV_GMI_Migration.item(bal.item_id),

2524: p_log_level => FND_LOG.LEVEL_ERROR,
2525: p_message_token => 'GMI_MIG_LOT_MIG_FAILED',
2526: p_table_name => 'IC_LOCT_INV',
2527: p_context => 'INVENTORY BALANCE',
2528: p_param1 => INV_GMI_Migration.item(bal.item_id),
2529: p_param2 => INV_GMI_Migration.lot(bal.lot_id),
2530: p_param3 => bal.whse_code,
2531: p_param4 => bal.location,
2532: p_param5 => NULL,

Line 2529: p_param2 => INV_GMI_Migration.lot(bal.lot_id),

2525: p_message_token => 'GMI_MIG_LOT_MIG_FAILED',
2526: p_table_name => 'IC_LOCT_INV',
2527: p_context => 'INVENTORY BALANCE',
2528: p_param1 => INV_GMI_Migration.item(bal.item_id),
2529: p_param2 => INV_GMI_Migration.lot(bal.lot_id),
2530: p_param3 => bal.whse_code,
2531: p_param4 => bal.location,
2532: p_param5 => NULL,
2533: p_db_error => NULL,

Line 2728: p_param1 => INV_GMI_Migration.item(bal.item_id),

2724: p_log_level => FND_LOG.LEVEL_ERROR,
2725: p_message_token => 'GMI_MIG_BALANCE_MIG_FAILED',
2726: p_table_name => 'IC_LOCT_INV',
2727: p_context => 'INVENTORY BALANCE',
2728: p_param1 => INV_GMI_Migration.item(bal.item_id),
2729: p_param2 => bal.whse_code,
2730: p_param3 => INV_GMI_Migration.lot(bal.lot_id),
2731: p_param4 => bal.location,
2732: p_param5 => NULL,

Line 2730: p_param3 => INV_GMI_Migration.lot(bal.lot_id),

2726: p_table_name => 'IC_LOCT_INV',
2727: p_context => 'INVENTORY BALANCE',
2728: p_param1 => INV_GMI_Migration.item(bal.item_id),
2729: p_param2 => bal.whse_code,
2730: p_param3 => INV_GMI_Migration.lot(bal.lot_id),
2731: p_param4 => bal.location,
2732: p_param5 => NULL,
2733: p_db_error => NULL,
2734: p_app_short_name => 'GMI');

Line 2842: END INV_GMI_Migration;

2838: p_app_short_name => 'GMA');
2839: ROLLBACK ;
2840: END;
2842: END INV_GMI_Migration;