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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 167

			     			avalue   => 'Update HR Error : '
                                            || substr(p_error_msg,1,1000)
Line: 181

PROCEDURE UpdateRHistoryProcess( itemtype	in varchar2,
					   itemkey  in varchar2,
					   actid	in number,
					   funcmode	in varchar2,
					   result	in out nocopy varchar2) is
l_result varchar2(4000);
Line: 215

    wf_core.context('GHR_SF52', 'ghr_wf_pkg.UpdateRHistoryProcess',itemtype, itemkey, to_char(actid), funcmode);
Line: 223

end UpdateRHistoryProcess;
Line: 228

PROCEDURE UpdateFinalFYIWFUsers  ( itemtype	in varchar2,
					   itemkey  in varchar2,
					   actid	in number,
					   funcmode	in varchar2,
					   result	in out nocopy varchar2) is
cursor csr_get_approver_name is
            SELECT user_name from  ghr_pa_routing_history
            where pa_request_id = itemkey
                  and approval_status = 'APPROVE'
            order by  pa_routing_history_id desc;
Line: 243

            SELECT user_name from  ghr_pa_routing_history
            where pa_request_id = itemkey
                  and action_taken in ('UPDATE_HR_COMPLETE','ENDED')
            order by  pa_routing_history_id desc;
Line: 297

       if ( CheckItemAttribute ( p_name => 'PERSON_UPDATE_HR',
                                p_itemtype => itemtype,
                                p_itemkey => itemkey ) and (l_upd_hr_user_name Is Not Null) ) then
          wf_engine.SetItemAttrText(  itemtype => itemtype,
			     			itemkey  => itemkey,
			     			aname    => 'PERSON_UPDATE_HR',
			     			avalue   => l_upd_hr_user_name
Line: 341

    wf_core.context('GHR_SF52', 'ghr_wf_pkg.UpdateFinalFYIWFUsers',itemtype, itemkey, to_char(actid), funcmode);
Line: 348

end UpdateFinalFYIWFUsers ;
Line: 380

        if ( CheckItemAttribute ( p_name => 'PERSON_UPDATE_HR',
                                 p_itemtype => itemtype,
	                           p_itemkey => itemkey )  ) then
	               l_upd_hr_user_name := wf_engine.GetItemAttrText
			                  	(itemtype => itemtype,
                    			       itemkey  => itemkey,
	     		                     	 aname    => 'PERSON_UPDATE_HR'
Line: 543

		elsif l_action_taken in ('UPDATE_HR_COMPLETE','ENDED') then
Line: 615

        SELECT  max(pa_routing_history_id)
        FROM    ghr_pa_routing_history
        WHERE   pa_request_id = p_pa_request_id;
Line: 620

	  SELECT action_taken, user_name, groupbox_id
        FROM   ghr_pa_routing_history
        WHERE  pa_routing_history_id = l_pa_routing_history_id;
Line: 625

			SELECT name
			WHERE GROUPBOX_ID = l_groupbox_id;
Line: 660

    	  if l_action_taken not in ('CANCELED','UPDATE_HR_COMPLETE','FUTURE_ACTION','ENDED') or l_action_taken is Null then
	  	if l_user_name is not null then
			p_user_name	   := l_user_name;
Line: 678

	  elsif l_action_taken in ('CANCELED','FUTURE_ACTION','UPDATE_HR_COMPLETE','ENDED') then
			p_action_taken := l_action_taken;
Line: 751

	SELECT noa_family_code, request_number,
		 employee_first_name, employee_last_name, employee_middle_names,
		 proposed_effective_date, effective_date, requested_by_person_id,
		 routing_group_id, to_organization_id, first_noa_desc, second_noa_desc,
             first_noa_code, second_noa_code, from_position_id, personnel_office_id,
             status, to_position_id
	FROM ghr_pa_requests
	WHERE pa_request_id = p_pa_request_id;
Line: 761

	SELECT name
		FROM ghr_families
		WHERE noa_family_code = l_noa_family_code;
Line: 766

		SELECT name, description
		FROM ghr_routing_groups
		WHERE routing_group_id = l_routing_group_id;
Line: 771

		SELECT name
		FROM hr_organization_units
		WHERE organization_id = l_to_organization_id ;
Line: 776

            SELECT action_taken from  ghr_pa_routing_history
            where pa_request_id = p_pa_request_id
            order by  pa_routing_history_id desc;
Line: 781

            SELECT date_notification_sent, creation_date FROM ghr_pa_routing_history
            WHERE pa_request_id = p_pa_request_id
            order by 1 asc;
Line: 786

            SELECT hru.name
            FROM hr_organization_units hru,
                 hr_all_positions_f    hpf
            WHERE hpf.position_id = nvl(l_from_position_id,-9999)
            and   nvl(l_effective_date,sysdate)
            between hpf.effective_start_date
            and     hpf.effective_end_date
            and     hpf.organization_id = hru.organization_id;
Line: 945

     	elsif l_action_taken1 in ('UPDATE_HR_COMPLETE') then
		l_subject := 'Personnel Action : Update HR Complete : ' || l_first_noa_desc || ' : Req# ' || l_request_number;
Line: 1042

			     			avalue   => 'Update HR Error : '
                                            || substr(p_error_msg,1,1000)
Line: 1069

			     			avalue   => 'Update HR Error : '
                                            || substr(p_error_msg,1,1000)
Line: 1074

	if p_action_taken = 'UPDATE_HR_COMPLETE' then
		wf_engine.CompleteActivity('GHR_SF52', p_pa_request_id, 'BLOCK_FUTURE_ACTION','UPDATE_HR_COMPLETE');
Line: 1093

        select   name
        from     wf_item_attribute_values
        where    item_type = upper(p_itemtype)
        and      item_key  = nvl(p_itemkey,'-9999')
        and      name = nvl(p_name,'-9999');
Line: 1120

        SELECT  action_taken
        FROM    ghr_pa_routing_history
        WHERE   pa_request_id = itemkey
        order by  pa_routing_history_id desc;
Line: 1138

	  if l_action_taken in ('ENDED','UPDATE_HR_COMPLETE') then
                if ( CheckItemAttribute (  p_name => 'PA_REQUEST_RO',
                                p_itemtype => itemtype,
                                p_itemkey => itemkey ) ) then

                    l_load_form := 'GHRWS52L:p_pa_request_id=' || Itemkey
                          || ' p_inbox_query_only="YES"' || ' WORKFLOW_NAME="GHR US PA REQUEST"'
                          || ' p_wf_notification_id=&#NID';--Bug# 6923642
Line: 1323

select name,groupbox_id,display_name from ghr_groupboxes
where routing_group_id = l_routing_group_id
and name =  l_forward_to_name;
Line: 1328

select groupbox_user_id,groupbox_id,user_name,
 from ghr_groupbox_users
where groupbox_id = ( select groupbox_id from ghr_groupboxes
where routing_group_id = l_routing_group_id )
and user_name = l_forward_to_name;
Line: 1344

  SELECT pei.pei_information3 routing_group_id
        ,pei.pei_information4 initiator_flag
        ,pei.pei_information5 requester_flag
        ,pei.pei_information6 authorizer_flag
        ,pei.pei_information7 personnelist_flag
        ,pei.pei_information8 approver_flag
        ,pei.pei_information9 reviewer_flag
        ,pei.person_id        person_id
  FROM   per_people_extra_info  pei
        ,fnd_user               use
  WHERE use.user_name = p_user_name
  AND   pei.person_id = use.employee_id
  AND   pei.information_type = 'GHR_US_PER_WF_ROUTING_GROUPS'
  AND   pei.pei_information3 = ( SELECT routing_group_id from
                               where pa_request_id = itemkey);
Line: 1363

    select  usr.employee_id,
    from    per_people_f per,
            fnd_user     usr
    where   upper(usr.user_name)  =  upper(p_user_name)
    and     per.person_id         =  usr.employee_id
    and     l_effective_date
    between effective_start_date
    and     effective_end_date; */
Line: 1376

    SELECT  usr.employee_id,
    FROM    per_people_f per,
            fnd_user     usr
    WHERE   usr.user_name  =  upper(p_user_name)
    AND     per.person_id         =  usr.employee_id
    AND     l_effective_date
    BETWEEN effective_start_date
    AND     effective_end_date;
Line: 1389

    select   prh.pa_routing_history_id,
    from     ghr_pa_routing_history prh
    where    prh.pa_request_id = itemkey
    order by prh.pa_routing_history_id desc;
Line: 1397

SELECT routing_group_id,nvl(effective_date,sysdate) effective_date,
from ghr_pa_requests
where pa_request_id = itemkey;