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1 PACKAGE BODY Igs_Pr_Get_Class_Std AS
2 /* $Header: IGSPR28B.pls 120.2 2006/04/29 02:27:11 swaghmar ship $ */
4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5   --Change History:
6   --Who         When            What
7   -- ddey     27-Oct-2003       Changes are done, so that the message stack is not initilized.(Bug # 3163305)
8   --                            In the function Get_Class_Standing an extra parameter 'p_init_msg_list' is added.
9   --prchandr    08-Jan-01       Enh Bug No: 2174101, As the Part of Change in IGSEN18B
10   --                            Passing NULL as parameters  to ENRP_CLC_SUA_EFTSU
11   --                            ENRP_CLC_EFTSU_TOTAL for Key course cd and version number
12   --ptandon     20-Nov-03       Modified cursor c_spa in Function Get_Class_Standing to consider
13   --                            class standing in term records table as per Term Based Fee Calc build.
14   --                            Enh. Bug# 2829263.
15   --swaghmar	15-Sep-2005	Bug# 4491456 Changed datatypes for l_gpa_value, l_gpa_cp, l_gpa_quality_points
16   --swaghmar	25-Apr-2006	Bug# 5171158 Enabled FND Logging and added call to user hook procedure
17   --				for the customers to customize the derivation of class standing
18   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
19 FUNCTION  Get_Class_Standing(
22    p_Predictive_ind  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'N',
23    p_Effective_dt IN DATE,
24    p_Load_Cal_type IN VARCHAR2,
25    p_Load_Ci_Sequence_Number IN NUMBER,
26    p_init_msg_list  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE
27  )
29    /* Define the required local variables */
30    l_igs_pr_class_std_id        igs_pr_class_std.igs_pr_class_std_id%TYPE;
31    l_igs_pr_cs_schdl_id         igs_pr_cs_schdl.igs_pr_cs_schdl_id%TYPE;
32    l_consider_changes           igs_pr_cs_schdl.consider_changes%TYPE;
33    l_class_standing_override    igs_pr_class_std.class_standing%TYPE;
34    l_min_cp_count               igs_pr_css_class_std.min_cp%TYPE;
35    l_acad_year_count            igs_pr_css_class_std.acad_year%TYPE;
36    l_acad_year                  igs_pr_css_class_std.acad_year%TYPE;
37    l_class_standing             igs_pr_class_std.class_standing%TYPE;
38    l_cp                         igs_pr_css_class_std.min_cp%TYPE;
39    l_dummy                      igs_pr_css_class_std.min_cp%TYPE;
40    l_enrolled_cp                igs_pr_css_class_std.min_cp%TYPE;
41    l_acad_cal_type              igs_ca_inst.cal_type%TYPE;
42    l_acad_ci_sequence_number    igs_ca_inst.sequence_number%TYPE;
43    l_Load_Cal_type              igs_ca_inst.cal_type%TYPE;
44    l_Load_Ci_Sequence_Number    igs_ca_inst.sequence_number%TYPE;
45    l_effective_dt               igs_pr_cs_schdl.start_dt%TYPE;
46    l_earned_cp                  NUMBER;
47    l_attempted_cp               NUMBER;
48    l_return_status              VARCHAR2(100);
49    l_msg_count                  NUMBER(6);
50    l_msg_data                   VARCHAR2(1000);
52    /* added jhanda bug 3843525 */
53    l_gpa_value                  NUMBER;
54    l_gpa_cp                     NUMBER;
55    l_gpa_quality_points         NUMBER;
57    l_flag	VARCHAR2(1);
59     /* Cursor to get the Student Program Attempt and Class Standing Details */
60     CURSOR c_spa IS
61           SELECT  NVL(spat.class_standing_id,spa.igs_pr_class_std_id) igs_pr_class_std_id,
62                   css.igs_pr_cs_schdl_id,
63                   css.consider_changes
64           FROM    IGS_EN_STDNT_PS_ATT             spa,
65                   IGS_PS_VER                      pv,
66                   IGS_PS_TYPE                     pt,
67                   IGS_PR_CS_SCHDL                 css,
68                   IGS_EN_SPA_TERMS                spat
69           WHERE   spa.person_id = p_person_id
70           AND     spa.course_cd = p_course_cd
71           AND     spa.course_cd = pv.course_cd
72           AND     spa.version_number = pv.version_number
73           AND     spa.course_attempt_status IN
74                      ('ENROLLED','COMPLETED','INTERMIT','INACTIVE')
75           AND     pv.course_type = pt.course_type
76           AND     pt.course_type = css.course_type (+)
77           AND     TRUNC(css.start_dt (+) ) <= TRUNC(SYSDATE)
78           AND     TRUNC(NVL(css.end_dt (+),SYSDATE) ) >= TRUNC(SYSDATE)
79           AND     spat.person_id(+) = spa.person_id
80           AND     spat.program_cd(+) = spa.course_cd
81           AND     spat.term_cal_type(+) = p_load_cal_type
82           AND     spat.term_sequence_number(+) = p_load_ci_sequence_number;
84         /* Cursor to get the class standing overriden value */
86          CURSOR C_cs_override(cp_igs_pr_class_std_id igs_pr_class_std.igs_pr_class_std_id%TYPE ) IS
87                 SELECT  class_standing
88                 FROM    igs_pr_class_std
89                 WHERE   igs_pr_class_std_id = cp_igs_pr_class_std_id;
92         /* Cursors to get the class standing calculation method */
93         CURSOR C_cs_min_cp(cp_igs_pr_cs_schdl_id igs_pr_cs_schdl.igs_pr_cs_schdl_id%TYPE ) IS
94                 SELECT  COUNT(*)
95                 FROM    igs_pr_css_class_std
96                 WHERE   igs_pr_cs_schdl_id = cp_igs_pr_cs_schdl_id
97                 AND     min_cp IS NOT NULL;
98         CURSOR C_cs_acad_yr(cp_igs_pr_cs_schdl_id igs_pr_cs_schdl.igs_pr_cs_schdl_id%TYPE ) IS
99                 SELECT  COUNT(*)
100                 FROM    igs_pr_css_class_std
101                 WHERE   igs_pr_cs_schdl_id = cp_igs_pr_cs_schdl_id
102                 AND     acad_year IS NOT NULL;
104       /* Cursor to get the academic year method details with load deatils */
105       CURSOR C_acad_year (cp_load_cal_type igs_ca_inst.cal_type%TYPE,
106                           cp_load_ci_sequence_number igs_ca_inst.sequence_number%TYPE ) IS
107         SELECT  COUNT(*)
108         FROM    igs_ca_type     ct1,
109                 igs_ca_inst ci1
110         WHERE   ct1.s_cal_cat = 'ACADEMIC'
111         AND     ct1.cal_type = ci1.cal_type
112         AND     0  < (SELECT   COUNT(*)
113                      FROM    igs_ca_inst     ci2a,
114                              igs_ca_inst     ci2b,
115                              igs_ca_type     ct2,
116                              igs_ca_inst_rel cir2
117                      WHERE   ci2a.cal_type = cp_load_cal_type
118                      AND     ci2a.sequence_number = cp_load_ci_sequence_number
119                      AND     TRUNC(ci2a.end_dt) >= TRUNC(ci2b.end_dt)
120                      AND     cir2.sub_cal_type = ci2b.cal_type
121                      AND     cir2.sub_ci_sequence_number = ci2b.sequence_number
122                      AND     cir2.sup_cal_type = ci1.cal_type
123                      AND     cir2.sup_ci_sequence_number = ci1.sequence_number
124                      AND     ci2b.cal_type = ct2.cal_type
125                      AND     ct2.s_cal_cat = 'LOAD')
126                      AND     0 < (SELECT        COUNT(*)
127                                  FROM  igs_en_su_attempt       sua3,
128                                        igs_ca_inst_rel cir3
129                                  WHERE sua3.person_id = p_person_id
130                                  AND     sua3.course_cd = p_course_cd
131                                  AND     sua3.unit_attempt_status NOT IN
132                                                 ('UNCONFIRM', 'DROPPED','DISCONTIN', 'WAITLISTED')
133                                  AND     sua3.cal_type = cir3.sub_cal_type
134                                  AND     sua3.ci_sequence_number = cir3.sub_ci_sequence_number
135                                  AND     cir3.sup_cal_type = ci1.cal_type
136                                  AND     cir3.sup_ci_sequence_number = ci1.sequence_number);
138     /* Cursor to  Select Class Standing matching the Period Range */
139         CURSOR C_Get_Cs_for_acad_yr(cp_igs_pr_cs_schdl_id   igs_pr_cs_schdl.igs_pr_cs_schdl_id%TYPE,
140                                     cp_acad_year   igs_pr_css_class_std.acad_year%TYPE ) IS
141                 SELECT  ipcs.class_standing
142                 FROM    igs_pr_css_class_std    ipccs,
143                         igs_pr_class_std                ipcs
144                 WHERE   ipccs.igs_pr_cs_schdl_id = cp_igs_pr_cs_schdl_id
145                 AND     ipccs.acad_year = cp_acad_year
146                 AND     ipccs.igs_pr_class_std_id = ipcs.igs_pr_class_std_id;
148    /* Cursor to Get the details of the most recent load calendar attempted */
149       CURSOR c_load_ci (cp_consider_changes  IGS_PR_CS_SCHDL.consider_changes%TYPE) IS
150              SELECT  ci.cal_type,
151                      ci.sequence_number
152              FROM    igs_ca_type ct,
153                      igs_ca_inst ci
154              WHERE   ct.s_cal_cat = 'LOAD'
155              AND     ct.cal_type = ci.cal_type
156              AND     ((cp_consider_changes = 'IMMEDIATELY'
157              AND       ((TRUNC(ci.start_dt) <= TRUNC(NVL(p_effective_dt, SYSDATE))
158              AND         p_load_cal_type IS NULL)
159              OR         (ci.cal_type = p_load_cal_type
160              AND         ci.sequence_number = p_load_ci_sequence_number
161              AND         p_load_cal_type IS NOT NULL)))
162              OR       (cp_consider_changes = 'BYPERIOD'
163              AND       (TRUNC(ci.end_dt) <= TRUNC(NVL(p_effective_dt, SYSDATE))
164              OR         (p_load_cal_type IS NOT NULL
165              AND         ci.cal_type = p_load_cal_type
166              AND         ci.sequence_number = p_load_ci_sequence_number
167              AND         TRUNC(ci.end_dt) <= TRUNC(SYSDATE)))))
168             ORDER BY ci.end_dt DESC;
170   /* Cursor to Get the academic calendar superior to the load calendar provided  */
171         CURSOR C_Get_acad_cal(cp_load_cal_type igs_ca_inst.cal_type%TYPE,
172                               cp_load_ci_sequence_number igs_ca_inst.sequence_number%TYPE ) IS
173                 SELECT  sup_cal_type,
174                         sup_ci_sequence_number
175                 FROM    igs_ca_type     ct,
176                         igs_ca_inst_rel cir
177                 WHERE   cir.sub_cal_type = cp_load_cal_type
178                 AND     cir.sub_ci_sequence_number = cp_load_ci_sequence_number
179                 AND     cir.sup_cal_type = ct.cal_type
180                 AND     ct.s_cal_cat = 'ACADEMIC';
182   /*Cursor to SELECT Class Standing matching the CP RANGE */
183     CURSOR C_Get_cs_cp_range( cp_igs_pr_cs_schdl_id igs_pr_cs_schdl.igs_pr_cs_schdl_id%TYPE,
184                               cp_cp  igs_pr_css_class_std.min_cp%TYPE )  IS
185          SELECT ipcs.class_standing
186          FROM   igs_pr_css_class_std    ipccs,
187                 igs_pr_class_std            ipcs
188          WHERE  ipccs.igs_pr_cs_schdl_id = cp_igs_pr_cs_schdl_id
189          AND    ipccs.min_cp <= cp_cp
190          AND    ipccs.max_cp >= cp_cp
191          AND    ipccs.igs_pr_class_std_id = ipcs.igs_pr_class_std_id;
195 l_flag := IGS_PR_USER_CLASS_STD.customized_class_standing_flag;
197 /**
198 *  Logging all params
199 */
200 IF fnd_log.level_procedure >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level THEN
201 fnd_log.string ( fnd_log.level_procedure,
202 		'igs.plsql.igs_pr_get_class_std.get_class_standing' ||  '.begin',
203 		'Params: p_person_id  => '||p_person_id|| ';' ||
204 		' p_course_cd  => '||p_course_cd|| ';' ||
205 		' p_predictive_ind  => '||p_predictive_ind|| ';' ||
206 		' p_effective_dt  => '||p_effective_dt|| ';' ||
207 		' p_load_cal_type  => '||p_load_cal_type|| ';' ||
208 		' p_load_ci_sequence_number  => '||p_load_ci_sequence_number|| ';' ||
209 		' p_init_msg_list  => '||p_init_msg_list|| ';'
210 	     );
211 END IF;
213 /**
214 *  Logging for validating whether or not class standing calculation is
215 * customized
216 */
217 IF fnd_log.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level THEN
218 fnd_log.string (fnd_log.level_statement,
219 		'igs.plsql.igs_pr_get_class_std.get_class_standing',
220 		'Customization Flag => '||l_flag
221 		);
222 END IF;
224     IF (l_flag = 'Y')
225       THEN                                   -- For Customized Class Standing
226          /* For customized class standing, calling the customized procedure*/
227 	 l_class_standing :=
228             IGS_PR_USER_CLASS_STD.get_customized_class_std
229                                                   (p_person_id,
230                                                    p_course_cd,
231                                                    p_predictive_ind,
232                                                    p_effective_dt,
233                                                    p_load_cal_type,
234                                                    p_load_ci_sequence_number,
235                                                    p_init_msg_list
236                                                   );
237          /**
238          * Customized Class Standing outcome
239          */
240 	 RETURN l_class_standing;
242       ELSE                                -- For Non Customized Class Standing
243     /* Validate Parameters*/
244     IF p_person_id IS NULL OR p_course_cd IS NULL THEN
245         RETURN NULL;
246     END IF;
247     /* both load calendar attributes should be specified or both should be null */
248     IF ( p_load_cal_type IS NOT NULL AND p_load_ci_sequence_number IS NULL ) OR
249        ( p_load_cal_type IS NULL AND p_load_ci_sequence_number IS NOT NULL ) OR
250        ( p_predictive_ind NOT IN ('Y','N' ) ) THEN
251 /**
252 *  Logging Load Calendar Set-Up
253 *
254 */
255 IF fnd_log.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level THEN
256 fnd_log.string (fnd_log.level_statement,
257 	'igs.plsql.igs_pr_get_class_std.get_class_standing',
258 	'Load Calendar attributes not set up properly'
259 	);
260 END IF;
261         RETURN NULL;
262     END IF;
263     /*if load calendar attributes and effective dates are passed then return null */
264     IF ( p_load_cal_type IS NOT NULL AND p_load_ci_sequence_number IS NOT NULL AND
265          p_effective_dt IS NOT NULL )  THEN
266 /**
267 *  Logging -
268 *
269 */
270 IF fnd_log.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level THEN
271 fnd_log.string (fnd_log.level_statement,
272 		'igs.plsql.igs_pr_get_class_std.get_class_standing',
273 		'Both load Calendar attributes and effective dates are passed, hence exiting'
274 		);
275 END IF;
276          RETURN NULL;
277     END IF;
278     /* Get Student Program Attempt and Program Type details*/
279     OPEN    c_spa;
280     FETCH   c_spa INTO l_igs_pr_class_std_id,
281                        l_igs_pr_cs_schdl_id,
282                        l_consider_changes;
283 /**
284 *  Logging - l_igs_pr_class_std_id, l_igs_pr_cs_schdl_id, l_consider_changes
285 *
286 */
287 IF fnd_log.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level THEN
288 fnd_log.string (fnd_log.level_statement,
289 		'igs.plsql.igs_pr_get_class_std.get_class_standing',
290 		'Student Program Attempt and Program Type details - '||
291 		'l_igs_pr_class_std_id => '||l_igs_pr_class_std_id||';'||
292 		'l_igs_pr_cs_schdl_id => '||l_igs_pr_cs_schdl_id||';'||
293 		'l_onsider_changes => '||l_consider_changes||';'
294 		);
295 END IF;
296     CLOSE c_spa;
297     /* Is the Class Standing Override values set*/
298     IF l_igs_pr_class_std_id IS NOT NULL THEN
299         OPEN  C_cs_override(l_igs_pr_class_std_id);
300         FETCH C_cs_override INTO   l_class_standing_override;
301         CLOSE C_cs_override;
302 /**
303 *  Logging - l_class_standing_override
304 *
305 */
306 IF fnd_log.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level THEN
307 fnd_log.string (fnd_log.level_statement,
308 		'igs.plsql.igs_pr_get_class_std.get_class_standing',
309 		'Class Standing Override values set => '||l_class_standing_override
310 		);
311 END IF;
312         RETURN l_class_standing_override;
313     ELSIF l_igs_pr_cs_schdl_id IS NULL OR l_consider_changes IS NULL THEN
314         /* Return Null if the class standing setup is not done */
315 /**
316 *  Logging -
317 *
318 */
319 IF fnd_log.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level THEN
320 fnd_log.string (fnd_log.level_statement,
321 		'igs.plsql.igs_pr_get_class_std.get_class_standing',
322 		'Class Standing setup is not done, hence exiting'
323 		);
324 END IF;
325         RETURN NULL;
326     END IF;
327     /* Determine the correct Load Calendar */
328     OPEN   c_load_ci (l_consider_changes);
329     FETCH  c_load_ci
330            INTO   l_load_cal_type,
331                   l_load_ci_sequence_number;
332     IF c_load_ci%NOTFOUND THEN
333         /* If no Load Calendars are found assume student is a new enrolment */
334         l_acad_year := 1;
335         l_cp := 0;
336     END IF;
337     CLOSE  c_load_ci;
338     /* Determine the Class Standing calculation method
339     A Program Type Class Standing Schedule cannot have child records
340     with both start and end cp values and academic year values set. */
341     OPEN    C_cs_min_cp(l_igs_pr_cs_schdl_id);
342     FETCH   C_cs_min_cp INTO  l_min_cp_count;
343     CLOSE   C_cs_min_cp;
344     OPEN   C_cs_acad_yr(l_igs_pr_cs_schdl_id);
345     FETCH  C_cs_acad_yr INTO  l_acad_year_count;
346     CLOSE  C_cs_acad_yr;
347     IF NVL(l_min_cp_count, 0) = 0 AND NVL(l_acad_year_count, 0) = 0 THEN
348 /**
349 *  Logging -
350 *
351 */
352 IF fnd_log.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level THEN
353 fnd_log.string (fnd_log.level_statement,
354 		'igs.plsql.igs_pr_get_class_std.get_class_standing',
355 		'l_min_cp_count and l_acad_year_count both are NULL or 0, hence exiting'
356 		);
357 END IF;
359     END IF;
360     IF NVL(l_min_cp_count, 0) > 0 AND NVL(l_acad_year_count, 0) > 0 THEN
361 /**
362 *  Logging -
363 *
364 */
365 IF fnd_log.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level THEN
366 fnd_log.string (fnd_log.level_statement,
367 		'igs.plsql.igs_pr_get_class_std.get_class_standing',
368 		'l_min_cp_count => '|| l_min_cp_count||';'||
369 		'l_acad_year_count => '||l_acad_year_count||';'
370 		);
371 END IF;
373     END IF;
374     /*  Academic Year Method*/
375     IF NVL(l_acad_year_count, 0) > 0 THEN
376         IF l_acad_year IS NULL THEN
377             OPEN    c_acad_year(p_load_cal_type,p_load_ci_sequence_number);
378             FETCH   c_acad_year INTO   l_acad_year;
379             CLOSE   c_acad_year;
380         END IF;
381         /*  Select Class Standing matching the Period Range */
382         OPEN C_Get_Cs_for_acad_yr(l_igs_pr_cs_schdl_id, l_acad_year) ;
383         FETCH C_Get_Cs_for_acad_yr INTO    l_class_standing;
384         CLOSE C_Get_Cs_for_acad_yr;
385 /**
386 *  Logging - l_class_standing
387 *
388 */
389 IF fnd_log.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level THEN
390 fnd_log.string (fnd_log.level_statement,
391 		'igs.plsql.igs_pr_get_class_std.get_class_standing',
392 		'l_class_standing => '|| l_class_standing||';'
393 		);
394 END IF;
395         RETURN l_class_standing;
396     ELSIF  NVL(l_min_cp_count, 0) > 0  THEN   /* CP Range */
397         IF l_cp IS NULL THEN
398             /* Get the earned cp total */
399             igs_pr_cp_gpa.get_cp_stats(
400                             p_person_id,
401                             p_course_cd,
402                             NULL,
403                             l_load_cal_type,
404                             l_load_ci_sequence_number,
405                             NULL,
406                             'Y',
407                             l_earned_cp,
408                             l_attempted_cp,
409                             p_init_msg_list,
410                             l_return_status,
411                             l_msg_count,
412                             l_msg_data);
413 /**
414 *  Logging - l_earned_cp
415 *
416 */
417 IF fnd_log.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level THEN
418 fnd_log.string (fnd_log.level_statement,
419 		'igs.plsql.igs_pr_get_class_std.get_class_standing',
420 		'l_earned_cp => '|| l_earned_cp||';'
421 		);
422 END IF;
423             l_cp := NVL(l_earned_cp, 0);
424         END IF;
425         IF p_predictive_ind = 'Y' THEN
426             /* Get the academic calendar superior to the load calendar provided*/
427             OPEN C_Get_acad_cal( l_load_cal_type, l_load_ci_sequence_number);
428             FETCH C_Get_acad_cal INTO     l_acad_cal_type,l_acad_ci_sequence_number;
429             CLOSE C_Get_acad_cal;
430             /* Get the enrolled cp total */
432 	    /* Removed call to Igs_En_Prc_Load.ENRP_CLC_EFTSU_TOTAL
433 	     for calculating the l_enrolled_cp value .
434 	     Jhanda
435 	    */
436 	    igs_pr_cp_gpa.get_all_stats_new(
437 				p_person_id               ,
438 				p_course_cd               ,
439 				NULL     		  ,
440 				l_load_cal_type           ,
441 				l_load_ci_sequence_number ,
442 				NULL                      ,
443 				'Y'			  ,
444 				l_earned_cp               ,
445 				l_attempted_cp            ,
446 				l_gpa_value               ,
447 				l_gpa_cp                  ,
448 				l_gpa_quality_points      ,
449 				p_init_msg_list           ,
450 				l_return_status           ,
451 				l_msg_count               ,
452 				l_msg_data                ,
453 				'N'			  ,
454 				l_enrolled_cp             );
456 /**
457 *  Logging - l_enrolled_cp
458 *
459 */
460 IF fnd_log.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level THEN
461 fnd_log.string (fnd_log.level_statement,
462 	'igs.plsql.igs_pr_get_class_std.get_class_standing',
463 	'l_enrolled_cp => '|| l_enrolled_cp||';'
464 	);
465 END IF;
466 	    /* For predictive the cp total is earned cp plus enrolled cp */
467             l_cp := l_cp + NVL(l_enrolled_cp, 0);
468         END IF;
469         /* SELECT Class Standing matching the CP RANGE */
470         OPEN  C_Get_cs_cp_range( l_igs_pr_cs_schdl_id, l_cp);
471         FETCH C_Get_cs_cp_range INTO  l_class_standing;
472         CLOSE C_Get_cs_cp_range;
473       /**
474       *  Logging - l_class_standing
475       *
476       */
477       IF fnd_log.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level THEN
478 	 fnd_log.string (fnd_log.level_statement,
479 		'igs.plsql.igs_pr_get_class_std.get_class_standing',
480 		'l_class_standing => '|| l_class_standing||';'
481 		);
482 	END IF;
483 	RETURN l_class_standing;
484 END IF;                             -- For Non Customized Class Standing
485 END IF;
488 	       Fnd_Message.Set_Name('IGS','IGS_GE_UNHANDLED_EXP');
489                Fnd_Message.SET_TOKEN('NAME', 'Igs_Pr_Get_Class_Std.get_class_standing');
490                Igs_Ge_Msg_Stack.ADD;
491                App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
492 END get_class_standing;
494 END Igs_Pr_Get_Class_Std;