779: rsl.unit_of_measure,
780: rsl.primary_unit_of_measure
781: )),0)
782: INTO x_total_alloc_qty
783: FROM rcv_shipment_lines rsl,
784: rcv_transactions rct
785: WHERE rct.shipment_line_id = rsl.shipment_line_id
786: AND rct.transaction_type = 'DELIVER'
787: AND rsl.from_organization_id = arg_source_org
796: -- global ASL. we need to fix this if ever we decide to support
797: -- local ASL.
798: SELECT /*+ use_nl(rct,rsl, poh,pol)
799: INDEX(rct rcv_transactions_n15)
800: INDEX(rsl rcv_shipment_lines_u1)
801: INDEX(poh po_headers_u1)
802: INDEX(rol po_lines_u1) */
803: NVL(SUM(
804: INV_CONVERT.inv_um_convert
813: )),0)
814: INTO x_total_alloc_qty
815: FROM po_lines_all pol,
816: po_headers_all poh,
817: rcv_shipment_lines rsl,
818: rcv_transactions rct
819: WHERE rct.shipment_line_id = rsl.shipment_line_id
820: AND rct.transaction_type = 'DELIVER'
821: AND rsl.po_header_id = poh.po_header_id