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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 10

   * inserting MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS for the serial numbers in the LPN
  TYPE msn_attribute_rec_tp IS RECORD(
      serial_number             mtl_serial_numbers.serial_number%TYPE
    , to_serial_number          mtl_serial_numbers.serial_number%TYPE
    , vendor_serial_number      mtl_serial_numbers.vendor_serial_number%TYPE
    , vendor_lot_number         mtl_serial_numbers.vendor_lot_number%TYPE
    , parent_serial_number      mtl_serial_numbers.parent_serial_number%TYPE
    , origination_date          mtl_serial_numbers.origination_date%TYPE
    , end_item_unit_number      mtl_serial_numbers.end_item_unit_number%TYPE
    , territory_code            mtl_serial_numbers.territory_code%TYPE
    , time_since_new            mtl_serial_numbers.time_since_new%TYPE
    , cycles_since_new          mtl_serial_numbers.cycles_since_new%TYPE
    , time_since_overhaul       mtl_serial_numbers.time_since_overhaul%TYPE
    , cycles_since_overhaul     mtl_serial_numbers.cycles_since_overhaul%TYPE
    , time_since_repair         mtl_serial_numbers.time_since_repair%TYPE
    , cycles_since_repair       mtl_serial_numbers.cycles_since_repair%TYPE
    , time_since_visit          mtl_serial_numbers.time_since_visit%TYPE
    , cycles_since_visit        mtl_serial_numbers.cycles_since_visit%TYPE
    , time_since_mark           mtl_serial_numbers.time_since_mark%TYPE
    , cycles_since_mark         mtl_serial_numbers.cycles_since_mark%TYPE
    , number_of_repairs         mtl_serial_numbers.number_of_repairs%TYPE
    , serial_attribute_category mtl_serial_numbers.serial_attribute_category%TYPE
    , c_attribute1              mtl_serial_numbers.c_attribute1%TYPE
    , c_attribute2              mtl_serial_numbers.c_attribute2%TYPE
    , c_attribute3              mtl_serial_numbers.c_attribute3%TYPE
    , c_attribute4              mtl_serial_numbers.c_attribute4%TYPE
    , c_attribute5              mtl_serial_numbers.c_attribute5%TYPE
    , c_attribute6              mtl_serial_numbers.c_attribute6%TYPE
    , c_attribute7              mtl_serial_numbers.c_attribute7%TYPE
    , c_attribute8              mtl_serial_numbers.c_attribute8%TYPE
    , c_attribute9              mtl_serial_numbers.c_attribute9%TYPE
    , c_attribute10             mtl_serial_numbers.c_attribute10%TYPE
    , c_attribute11             mtl_serial_numbers.c_attribute11%TYPE
    , c_attribute12             mtl_serial_numbers.c_attribute12%TYPE
    , c_attribute13             mtl_serial_numbers.c_attribute13%TYPE
    , c_attribute14             mtl_serial_numbers.c_attribute14%TYPE
    , c_attribute15             mtl_serial_numbers.c_attribute15%TYPE
    , c_attribute16             mtl_serial_numbers.c_attribute16%TYPE
    , c_attribute17             mtl_serial_numbers.c_attribute17%TYPE
    , c_attribute18             mtl_serial_numbers.c_attribute18%TYPE
    , c_attribute19             mtl_serial_numbers.c_attribute19%TYPE
    , c_attribute20             mtl_serial_numbers.c_attribute20%TYPE
    , d_attribute1              mtl_serial_numbers.d_attribute1%TYPE
    , d_attribute2              mtl_serial_numbers.d_attribute2%TYPE
    , d_attribute3              mtl_serial_numbers.d_attribute3%TYPE
    , d_attribute4              mtl_serial_numbers.d_attribute4%TYPE
    , d_attribute5              mtl_serial_numbers.d_attribute5%TYPE
    , d_attribute6              mtl_serial_numbers.d_attribute6%TYPE
    , d_attribute7              mtl_serial_numbers.d_attribute7%TYPE
    , d_attribute8              mtl_serial_numbers.d_attribute8%TYPE
    , d_attribute9              mtl_serial_numbers.d_attribute9%TYPE
    , d_attribute10             mtl_serial_numbers.d_attribute10%TYPE
    , n_attribute1              mtl_serial_numbers.n_attribute1%TYPE
    , n_attribute2              mtl_serial_numbers.n_attribute2%TYPE
    , n_attribute3              mtl_serial_numbers.n_attribute3%TYPE
    , n_attribute4              mtl_serial_numbers.n_attribute4%TYPE
    , n_attribute5              mtl_serial_numbers.n_attribute5%TYPE
    , n_attribute6              mtl_serial_numbers.n_attribute6%TYPE
    , n_attribute7              mtl_serial_numbers.n_attribute7%TYPE
    , n_attribute8              mtl_serial_numbers.n_attribute8%TYPE
    , n_attribute9              mtl_serial_numbers.n_attribute9%TYPE
    , n_attribute10             mtl_serial_numbers.n_attribute10%TYPE
Line: 197

    SELECT MAX(line_number)
    INTO   l_line_num
    FROM   mtl_txn_request_lines
    WHERE  header_id = p_header_id;
Line: 273

    l_trolin_tbl(l_order_count).last_updated_by         := fnd_global.user_id;
Line: 274

    l_trolin_tbl(l_order_count).last_update_date        := SYSDATE;
Line: 275

    l_trolin_tbl(l_order_count).last_update_login       := fnd_global.login_id;
Line: 347

    SELECT from_subinventory_code
         , from_cost_group_id
         , to_cost_group_id
    INTO   l1
         , l2
         , l3
    FROM   mtl_txn_request_lines
    WHERE  line_id = l_cg_line;
Line: 543

        SELECT 1
        INTO   l_project_comingle
        FROM   DUAL
        WHERE  EXISTS(
                 SELECT 1
                 FROM   mtl_txn_request_lines
                 WHERE  lpn_id = p_lpn
                 AND    organization_id = p_org_id
                 AND    line_status <> inv_globals.g_to_status_closed
                 AND    NVL(project_id, -1) <> NVL(p_project_id, -1)
                 AND    NVL(task_id, -1) <> NVL(p_task_id, -1));
Line: 603

    l_trohdr_rec.last_updated_by                            := fnd_global.user_id;
Line: 604

    l_trohdr_rec.last_update_date                           := SYSDATE;
Line: 605

    l_trohdr_rec.last_update_login                          := fnd_global.user_id;
Line: 620

    l_trolin_tbl(l_order_count).last_updated_by             := fnd_global.user_id;
Line: 621

    l_trolin_tbl(l_order_count).last_update_date            := SYSDATE;
Line: 622

    l_trolin_tbl(l_order_count).last_updated_by             := fnd_global.user_id;
Line: 623

    l_trolin_tbl(l_order_count).last_update_date            := SYSDATE;
Line: 624

    l_trolin_tbl(l_order_count).last_update_login           := fnd_global.login_id;
Line: 741

      SELECT from_subinventory_code
           , from_cost_group_id
           , to_cost_group_id
      INTO   l1
           , l2
           , l3
      FROM   mtl_txn_request_lines
      WHERE  line_id = l_cg_line;
Line: 969

       SELECT mtrl.line_id
            , mtrl.reference_id
            , mtrl.transaction_source_type_id
            , mtrl.quantity_detailed
            , mtrl.quantity
            , mtrl.backorder_delivery_detail_id
	    , NVL(crossdock_type, 1)
	    , mtrl.to_subinventory_code
	    , mtrl.to_locator_id
            , mtrl.reference_detail_id
	 FROM   mtl_txn_request_lines mtrl, mtl_txn_request_headers mtrh
	 WHERE  mtrl.lpn_id = p_lpn_id
	 AND    mtrl.organization_id = p_org_id
	 AND    mtrl.header_id = mtrh.header_id
	 AND    mtrl.line_status <> inv_globals.g_to_status_closed
	 AND    mtrh.move_order_type = inv_globals.g_move_order_put_away
	 AND    mtrl.line_id = NVL(p_move_order_line_id, mtrl.line_id)    -- added for ATF_J

     --BUG 5194761
       SELECT mtrl.line_id
            , mtrl.reference_id
            , mtrl.transaction_source_type_id
            , mtrl.quantity_detailed
            , mtrl.quantity
            , mtrl.backorder_delivery_detail_id
	    , NVL(crossdock_type, 1)
	    , mtrl.to_subinventory_code
	    , mtrl.to_locator_id
            , mtrl.reference_detail_id
	 FROM   mtl_txn_request_lines mtrl, mtl_txn_request_headers mtrh
	 WHERE  mtrl.lpn_id = p_lpn_id
	 AND    mtrl.organization_id = p_org_id
	 AND    mtrl.header_id = mtrh.header_id
	 AND    mtrl.line_status <> inv_globals.g_to_status_closed
	 AND    mtrh.move_order_type = inv_globals.g_move_order_put_away
	 AND    p_move_order_line_id IS NOT NULL
         AND    mtrl.reference_detail_id = p_move_order_line_id;
Line: 1013

       SELECT mmtt.last_update_date
            , mmtt.transaction_temp_id
            , mmtt.locator_id mmtt_loc_id
            , mol.to_locator_id mol_loc_id
            , mol.backorder_delivery_detail_id
	    , mmtt.operation_plan_id
	    , mol.inspection_status
	 FROM   mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt, mtl_txn_request_lines mol
	 WHERE  mmtt.lpn_id = l_lpn_id
	 -- Added following line for ATF_J
	 AND    mmtt.move_order_line_id = NVL(p_move_order_line_id, mmtt.move_order_line_id)
	 AND    mmtt.organization_id = p_org_id
	 -- Added for ATF_J to make sure dummy packing MMTT lines are not selected
	 AND    mmtt.transaction_action_id NOT IN (50, 51, 52)
	 AND    mmtt.move_order_line_id = mol.line_id
	 -- Bug# 3434940 - Performance Fixes
	 -- Also join against org and LPN for MOL to speed up the parsing
	 -- time for the query
	 AND    mol.organization_id = p_org_id
	 AND    mol.lpn_id = l_lpn_id;
Line: 1045

      SELECT transaction_header_id
           , transaction_temp_id
           , inventory_item_id
           , revision
           , subinventory_code
           , locator_id
           , transaction_quantity
           , transfer_to_location
           , NVL(standard_operation_id, 2)
           , task_priority
           , NVL(wms_task_type, 2)
           , operation_plan_id
           , move_order_line_id
  FROM   mtl_material_transactions_temp
  WHERE  move_order_line_id = l_line_id
  AND    transaction_action_id NOT IN (50, 51, 52)   --ATF_J3: to make sure dummy packing MMTT lines not selected

Line: 1070

      SELECT inventory_item_id
           , quantity
           , uom_code
           , lot_number
           , revision
           , cost_group_id
           , secondary_quantity -- Added for OPM convergance
           , secondary_uom_code -- Added for OPM convergance
      FROM   wms_lpn_contents
      WHERE  parent_lpn_id = p_lpn_id;
Line: 1102

    l_last_update_date             DATE;
Line: 1105

    l_temp_update_date             DATE;
Line: 1160

      SELECT employee_id
      INTO   l_emp_id
      FROM   fnd_user
      WHERE  user_id = p_user_id;
Line: 1173

    SELECT regeneration_interval
         , NVL(crossdock_flag, 2) cdock
         , pregen_putaway_tasks_flag
    INTO   l_regeneration_interval
         , l_cdock_flag
         , l_pregen_putaway_tasks_flag
    FROM   mtl_parameters
    WHERE  organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 1195

    SELECT lpn_context
    INTO   l_lpn_context
    FROM   wms_license_plate_numbers
    WHERE  lpn_id = l_lpn_id
    AND    organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 1207

      SELECT 1
      INTO   l_rcount
      FROM   DUAL
               SELECT 1
               FROM   mtl_txn_request_lines l, mtl_txn_request_headers h
               WHERE  l.lpn_id = l_lpn_id
               AND    l.line_id = NVL(p_move_order_line_id, l.line_id) -- added for ATF_J
               AND    NVL(l.quantity_delivered, 0) < l.quantity -- added for ATF_J
               AND    l.organization_id = p_org_id
               AND    l.header_id = h.header_id
               AND    l.line_status <> inv_globals.g_to_status_closed
               AND    h.move_order_type = inv_globals.g_move_order_put_away);
Line: 1320

        SELECT subinventory_code
             , locator_id
        INTO   l_m_sub
             , l_m_loc
        FROM   wms_license_plate_numbers
        WHERE  lpn_id = l_lpn_id;
Line: 1332

        DELETE FROM wms_dispatched_tasks
              WHERE transaction_temp_id IN(
                      SELECT transaction_temp_id
                      FROM   mtl_material_transactions_temp
                      WHERE  move_order_line_id IN(
                               SELECT mol.line_id
                               FROM   mtl_txn_request_lines mol
                               WHERE  mol.lpn_id = l_lpn_id
                               AND    mol.line_id = NVL(p_move_order_line_id, mol.line_id) -- added for ATF_J
                               AND    mol.organization_id = p_org_id
                               AND    mol.quantity_detailed > 0
                               AND    EXISTS(
                                        SELECT 1
                                        FROM   mtl_txn_request_headers moh
                                        WHERE  mol.header_id = moh.header_id
                                        AND    moh.move_order_type = inv_globals.g_move_order_put_away)));
Line: 1354

        DELETE FROM mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
              WHERE EXISTS(
                      SELECT 1
                      FROM   mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
                      WHERE  mtlt.transaction_temp_id = mmtt.transaction_temp_id
                      AND    mmtt.move_order_line_id IN(
                               SELECT mol.line_id
                               FROM   mtl_txn_request_lines mol
                               WHERE  mol.lpn_id = l_lpn_id
                               AND    mol.line_id = NVL(p_move_order_line_id, mol.line_id) -- added for ATF_J
                               AND    mol.organization_id = p_org_id
                               AND    mol.quantity_detailed > 0
                               AND    EXISTS(
                                        SELECT 1
                                        FROM   mtl_txn_request_headers moh
                                        WHERE  mol.header_id = moh.header_id
                                        AND    moh.move_order_type = inv_globals.g_move_order_put_away)));
Line: 1372

        DELETE FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
              WHERE move_order_line_id IN(
                      SELECT mol.line_id
                      FROM   mtl_txn_request_lines mol
                      WHERE  mol.lpn_id = l_lpn_id
                      AND    mol.line_id = NVL(p_move_order_line_id, mol.line_id) -- added for ATF_J
                      AND    mol.organization_id = p_org_id
                      AND    mol.quantity_detailed > 0
                      AND    EXISTS(SELECT 1
                                    FROM   mtl_txn_request_headers moh
                                    WHERE  mol.header_id = moh.header_id
                                    AND    moh.move_order_type = inv_globals.g_move_order_put_away));
Line: 1385

        UPDATE mtl_txn_request_lines mol
        SET mol.line_status = inv_globals.g_to_status_closed
        WHERE  mol.lpn_id = l_lpn_id
        AND    mol.line_id = NVL(p_move_order_line_id, mol.line_id) -- added for ATF_J
        AND    mol.organization_id = p_org_id
--        AND    mol.quantity_detailed > 0    -- removed in ATF_J3
        AND    EXISTS(SELECT 1
                      FROM   mtl_txn_request_headers moh
                      WHERE  mol.header_id = moh.header_id
                      AND    moh.move_order_type = inv_globals.g_move_order_put_away);
Line: 1433

          SELECT mil.project_id
               , mil.task_id
          INTO   l_project_id
               , l_task_id
          FROM   mtl_item_locations mil
          WHERE  mil.inventory_location_id = l_m_loc
          AND    mil.organization_id = p_org_id
          AND    mil.subinventory_code = l_m_sub;
Line: 1529

	 UPDATE mtl_txn_request_lines mol
	   SET    to_subinventory_code = p_subinventory
	   , to_locator_id = p_locator_id
	   , quantity_detailed = NULL
	   WHERE  organization_id = p_org_id
	   AND    lpn_id = l_lpn_id
	   AND    mol.line_status <> inv_globals.g_to_status_closed;
Line: 1573

    l_temp_update_date := SYSDATE;
Line: 1642

            SELECT '1'
            INTO   wdt_exist
            FROM   DUAL
            WHERE  EXISTS(SELECT transaction_temp_id
                          FROM   wms_dispatched_tasks
                          WHERE  transaction_temp_id = l_pregen_suggestion.transaction_temp_id);
Line: 1710

            ((SYSDATE - l_pregen_suggestion.last_update_date) * 24 * 60 > l_regeneration_interval)
            OR -- MMTT line staled
               l_pregen_putaway_tasks_flag <> 1  -- ATF_J5: also treat MMTT lines other than pre-generated as stale. This is to cover what cleanup_partial_putaway used to do
           ) -- MMTT was not generated by pregenerate (???)
           AND l_mmtt_staled_flag = 'N' THEN
	   IF (l_pregen_suggestion.backorder_delivery_detail_id IS NULL -- not a backordered line
	       AND Nvl(l_pregen_suggestion.inspection_status, 2) <> 1) THEN  -- not a line that requires inspection i.e. manually pre-gen
            l_mmtt_staled_flag := 'Y';
Line: 1719

        END IF; -- (Sysdate - l_pregen_suggestion.last_update_date)*24*60
Line: 1759

	    -- MMTT and MOL update from inbound UI for item load.
	    -- The original need for autonomous cleanup_suggestions
	    -- is satisfied by passing p_for_manual_drop => true
	    -- into abort_operation_instance .

	       p_lpn_id                 => l_lpn_id
	       , p_org_id                 => p_org_id
	       , x_return_status          => l_return_status
	       , x_msg_count              => x_msg_count
	       , x_msg_data               => x_msg_data
	       , p_move_order_line_id     => p_move_order_line_id
	       ); --added for ATF_J2
Line: 1810

       SELECT 'Y'
	 INTO l_wlc_mol_missmatch_flag
	 FROM dual
	 WHERE exists
	 (SELECT wlc.inventory_item_id
	  (SELECT parent_lpn_id,
	   SUM(quantity) quantity,
	   organization_id--BUG 4607833
	   GROUP BY parent_lpn_id, inventory_item_id, revision, lot_number,uom_code,organization_id--BUG 4607833
	   ) wlc,   -- sub-query is necessary because there could be more than one wlc record for the same inventory_item_id, revision, lot_number
	  mtl_txn_request_lines mol
	  WHERE wlc.parent_lpn_id = mol.lpn_id
	  AND wlc.inventory_item_id = mol.inventory_item_id
--	  AND wlc.uom_code = mol.uom_code  -- Bug fix 3200526
	  AND wlc.organization_id = mol.organization_id --Bug 4607833
	  AND (wlc.revision = mol.revision
	       OR(wlc.revision IS NULL AND mol.revision IS NULL)
	  AND (wlc.lot_number = mol.lot_number
	       OR(wlc.lot_number IS NULL AND mol.lot_number IS NULL)
	  AND mol.line_status <> 5   -- not closed
	  AND mol.lpn_id = l_lpn_id
	  --    AND mol.line_id = Nvl(p_move_order_line_id, mol.line_id)  -- comment out in ATF_J3, we should only check mismatch based on LPN, because in item load pack/unpack happens after receiving TM call
          -- Bug fix 3200526 If the MOLs for this LPN have different UOMs,
          -- do not consider it mismatch, because we really don't want to call
          -- UOM converstion for this pre-cautionary check.
	GROUP BY wlc.inventory_item_id, wlc.lot_number, wlc.revision, wlc.uom_code
	HAVING MIN(wlc.quantity) <> SUM(mol.quantity-Nvl(mol.quantity_delivered, 0))
         AND MIN(mol.UOM_CODE) = MAX(mol.UOM_CODE)
         AND wlc.UOM_CODE = MIN(mol.UOM_CODE)
Line: 2015

           UPDATE mtl_txn_request_lines
            SET  reference_detail_id = NULL
           WHERE line_id = l_line_id;
Line: 2101

        UPDATE mtl_txn_request_lines mol
        SET mol.quantity_detailed = (SELECT NVL(mol.quantity_delivered, 0) + NVL(SUM(mmtt.transaction_quantity), 0)
                                     FROM   mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
                                     WHERE  mmtt.move_order_line_id = l_line_id
				     AND transaction_action_id NOT IN (50, 51, 52)
				     AND NOT (transaction_action_id = 2
					      AND transaction_source_type_id = 13) -- this is to make sure the dummy MMTT erwin created does not contribute this calculation
        WHERE  mol.line_id = l_line_id;
Line: 2112

          mydebug('suggestions_pub: After UPdate');
Line: 2147

	--  removed update WIP related info into MMTT, this should have been take care of by rules engine
	-- }}

        -- Check mtl statuses
        IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
          mydebug('suggestions_pub: Checking mtl_status');
Line: 2185

   /* nsinghi - GME-WMS Integration. Added the following select stmt to determine if Process Org.
   Also added check in If statement to not refer to Wip_Lpn_Completions table for discrete Orgs.
   Also added the If statement to update transaction_source_id in MMTT for Process Orgs. */

        SELECT NVL(process_enabled_flag, 'N') INTO l_process_flag
        FROM mtl_parameters WHERE organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 2194

          SELECT completion_transaction_id
               , DECODE(wip_entity_type, 4, 'Y', 'N')
               , wip_entity_id
          INTO   l_completion_txn_id
               , l_flow_schedule
               , l_transaction_source_id
          FROM   wip_lpn_completions
          WHERE  header_id = l_ref_id;
Line: 2203

          UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp
          SET completion_transaction_id = l_completion_txn_id
            , flow_schedule = l_flow_schedule
            , transaction_source_id = l_transaction_source_id
          WHERE  transaction_temp_id = l_transaction_temp_id;
Line: 2210

        /* nsinghi - added the If statement to update transaction_source_id in MMTT for Process Orgs. */
        IF (l_txn_source_type_id = 5 AND l_process_flag = 'Y') THEN
           SELECT txn_source_id INTO l_transaction_source_id
           FROM mtl_txn_request_lines
           WHERE line_id = l_line_id;
Line: 2216

           UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp
           SET flow_schedule = 'N'
             , transaction_source_id = l_transaction_source_id
           WHERE  transaction_temp_id = l_transaction_temp_id;
Line: 2311

          UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp
          SET transaction_quantity = ABS(transaction_quantity)
            , primary_quantity = ABS(primary_quantity)
          WHERE  transaction_temp_id = l_transaction_temp_id;
Line: 2326

    SELECT COUNT(t.transaction_temp_id)
    INTO   l_rows_detailed
    FROM   mtl_material_transactions_temp t, mtl_txn_request_lines l
    WHERE  l.lpn_id = l_lpn_id
    AND    l.organization_id = p_org_id
    AND    l.line_id = NVL(p_move_order_line_id, l.line_id) -- Added for ATF_J
    AND    l.line_id = t.move_order_line_id;
Line: 2435

  /* Local function to insert record in MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS_TEMP given
   * a record type containing the information of one serial number (including
   * attributes). This procedure is called from complete_putaway to create
   * as many MSNT records for the serial numbers within the LPN for the quantity
   * confirmed
  FUNCTION insert_msnt_rec(
    p_transaction_temp_id  IN  NUMBER
  , p_serial_number        IN  VARCHAR2
  , p_serial_atts          IN  msn_attribute_rec_tp
  , p_user_id              IN  NUMBER
  , p_to_serial_number     IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL) RETURN BOOLEAN IS
    INSERT INTO mtl_serial_numbers_temp
               , last_update_date
               , last_updated_by
               , creation_date
               , created_by
               , fm_serial_number
               , to_serial_number
               , vendor_serial_number
               , vendor_lot_number
               , parent_serial_number
               , origination_date
               , end_item_unit_number
               , territory_code
               , time_since_new
               , cycles_since_new
               , time_since_overhaul
               , cycles_since_overhaul
               , time_since_repair
               , cycles_since_repair
               , time_since_visit
               , cycles_since_visit
               , time_since_mark
               , cycles_since_mark
               , number_of_repairs
               , serial_attribute_category
               , c_attribute1
               , c_attribute2
               , c_attribute3
               , c_attribute4
               , c_attribute5
               , c_attribute6
               , c_attribute7
               , c_attribute8
               , c_attribute9
               , c_attribute10
               , c_attribute11
               , c_attribute12
               , c_attribute13
               , c_attribute14
               , c_attribute15
               , c_attribute16
               , c_attribute17
               , c_attribute18
               , c_attribute19
               , c_attribute20
               , d_attribute1
               , d_attribute2
               , d_attribute3
               , d_attribute4
               , d_attribute5
               , d_attribute6
               , d_attribute7
               , d_attribute8
               , d_attribute9
               , d_attribute10
               , n_attribute1
               , n_attribute2
               , n_attribute3
               , n_attribute4
               , n_attribute5
               , n_attribute6
               , n_attribute7
               , n_attribute8
               , n_attribute9
               , n_attribute10
    VALUES      (
               , SYSDATE
               , p_user_id
               , SYSDATE
               , p_user_id
               , p_serial_number
               , Nvl(p_to_serial_number,p_serial_number)
               , p_serial_atts.vendor_serial_number
               , p_serial_atts.vendor_lot_number
               , p_serial_atts.parent_serial_number
               , p_serial_atts.origination_date
               , p_serial_atts.end_item_unit_number
               , p_serial_atts.territory_code
               , p_serial_atts.time_since_new
               , p_serial_atts.cycles_since_new
               , p_serial_atts.time_since_overhaul
               , p_serial_atts.cycles_since_overhaul
               , p_serial_atts.time_since_repair
               , p_serial_atts.cycles_since_repair
               , p_serial_atts.time_since_visit
               , p_serial_atts.cycles_since_visit
               , p_serial_atts.time_since_mark
               , p_serial_atts.cycles_since_mark
               , p_serial_atts.number_of_repairs
               , p_serial_atts.serial_attribute_category
               , p_serial_atts.c_attribute1
               , p_serial_atts.c_attribute2
               , p_serial_atts.c_attribute3
               , p_serial_atts.c_attribute4
               , p_serial_atts.c_attribute5
               , p_serial_atts.c_attribute6
               , p_serial_atts.c_attribute7
               , p_serial_atts.c_attribute8
               , p_serial_atts.c_attribute9
               , p_serial_atts.c_attribute10
               , p_serial_atts.c_attribute11
               , p_serial_atts.c_attribute12
               , p_serial_atts.c_attribute13
               , p_serial_atts.c_attribute14
               , p_serial_atts.c_attribute15
               , p_serial_atts.c_attribute16
               , p_serial_atts.c_attribute17
               , p_serial_atts.c_attribute18
               , p_serial_atts.c_attribute19
               , p_serial_atts.c_attribute20
               , p_serial_atts.d_attribute1
               , p_serial_atts.d_attribute2
               , p_serial_atts.d_attribute3
               , p_serial_atts.d_attribute4
               , p_serial_atts.d_attribute5
               , p_serial_atts.d_attribute6
               , p_serial_atts.d_attribute7
               , p_serial_atts.d_attribute8
               , p_serial_atts.d_attribute9
               , p_serial_atts.d_attribute10
               , p_serial_atts.n_attribute1
               , p_serial_atts.n_attribute2
               , p_serial_atts.n_attribute3
               , p_serial_atts.n_attribute4
               , p_serial_atts.n_attribute5
               , p_serial_atts.n_attribute6
               , p_serial_atts.n_attribute7
               , p_serial_atts.n_attribute8
               , p_serial_atts.n_attribute9
               , p_serial_atts.n_attribute10
Line: 2587

  END insert_msnt_rec;
Line: 2590

  /* Local function to insert a record in MTL_TRANSACTION_LOTS_TEMP
   * from the original MTLT record. These MTLT records are needed by
   * the receiving transaction manager for the deliver transaction
  FUNCTION insert_dup_mtlt (
        p_orig_temp_id    IN  NUMBER
      , p_new_temp_id     IN  NUMBER
      , p_serial_temp_id  IN  NUMBER
      , p_item_id         IN  NUMBER
      , p_organization_id IN  NUMBER) RETURN BOOLEAN IS
    INSERT INTO mtl_transaction_lots_temp
               , last_update_date
               , last_updated_by
               , creation_date
               , created_by
               , transaction_quantity
               , primary_quantity
               , lot_number
               , lot_expiration_date
               , serial_transaction_temp_id
               , description
               , vendor_name
               , supplier_lot_number
               , origination_date
               , date_code
               , grade_code
               , change_date
               , maturity_date
               , retest_date
               , age
               , item_size
               , color
               , volume
               , volume_uom
               , place_of_origin
               , best_by_date
               , LENGTH
               , length_uom
               , recycled_content
               , thickness
               , thickness_uom
               , width
               , width_uom
               , curl_wrinkle_fold
               , lot_attribute_category
               , c_attribute1
               , c_attribute2
               , c_attribute3
               , c_attribute4
               , c_attribute5
               , c_attribute6
               , c_attribute7
               , c_attribute8
               , c_attribute9
               , c_attribute10
               , c_attribute11
               , c_attribute12
               , c_attribute13
               , c_attribute14
               , c_attribute15
               , c_attribute16
               , c_attribute17
               , c_attribute18
               , c_attribute19
               , c_attribute20
               , d_attribute1
               , d_attribute2
               , d_attribute3
               , d_attribute4
               , d_attribute5
               , d_attribute6
               , d_attribute7
               , d_attribute8
               , d_attribute9
               , d_attribute10
               , n_attribute1
               , n_attribute2
               , n_attribute3
               , n_attribute4
               , n_attribute5
               , n_attribute6
               , n_attribute7
               , n_attribute8
               , n_attribute9
               , n_attribute10
               , vendor_id
               , territory_code
      (SELECT p_new_temp_id
            , mtlt.last_update_date
            , mtlt.last_updated_by
            , mtlt.creation_date
            , mtlt.created_by
            , mtlt.transaction_quantity
            , mtlt.primary_quantity
            , mtlt.lot_number
            , mtlt.lot_expiration_date
            , p_serial_temp_id
            , mln.description
            , mln.vendor_name
            , mln.supplier_lot_number
            , mln.origination_date
            , mln.date_code
            , mln.grade_code
            , mln.change_date
            , mln.maturity_date
            , mln.retest_date
            , mln.age
            , mln.item_size
            , mln.color
            , mln.volume
            , mln.volume_uom
            , mln.place_of_origin
            , mln.best_by_date
            , mln.LENGTH
            , mln.length_uom
            , mln.recycled_content
            , mln.thickness
            , mln.thickness_uom
            , mln.width
            , mln.width_uom
            , mln.curl_wrinkle_fold
            , mln.lot_attribute_category
            , mln.c_attribute1
            , mln.c_attribute2
            , mln.c_attribute3
            , mln.c_attribute4
            , mln.c_attribute5
            , mln.c_attribute6
            , mln.c_attribute7
            , mln.c_attribute8
            , mln.c_attribute9
            , mln.c_attribute10
            , mln.c_attribute11
            , mln.c_attribute12
            , mln.c_attribute13
            , mln.c_attribute14
            , mln.c_attribute15
            , mln.c_attribute16
            , mln.c_attribute17
            , mln.c_attribute18
            , mln.c_attribute19
            , mln.c_attribute20
            , mln.d_attribute1
            , mln.d_attribute2
            , mln.d_attribute3
            , mln.d_attribute4
            , mln.d_attribute5
            , mln.d_attribute6
            , mln.d_attribute7
            , mln.d_attribute8
            , mln.d_attribute9
            , mln.d_attribute10
            , mln.n_attribute1
            , mln.n_attribute2
            , mln.n_attribute3
            , mln.n_attribute4
            , mln.n_attribute5
            , mln.n_attribute6
            , mln.n_attribute7
            , mln.n_attribute8
            , mln.n_attribute9
            , mln.n_attribute10
            , mln.vendor_id
            , mln.territory_code
       FROM   mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
            , mtl_lot_numbers mln
       WHERE  mtlt.transaction_temp_id = p_orig_temp_id
       AND    mln.lot_number = mtlt.lot_number
       AND    mln.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
       AND    mln.organization_id = p_organization_id);
Line: 2768

  END insert_dup_mtlt;
Line: 2770

  /* Local function to insert records in MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS_TEMP
   * from the original MSNT record(s). These records are needed by
   * the receiving transaction manager for the deliver transaction
  FUNCTION insert_dup_msnt (
        p_orig_temp_id    IN  NUMBER
      , p_new_temp_id     IN  NUMBER) RETURN BOOLEAN IS
    INSERT INTO mtl_serial_numbers_temp
               , last_update_date
               , last_updated_by
               , creation_date
               , created_by
               , fm_serial_number
               , to_serial_number
               , vendor_serial_number
               , vendor_lot_number
               , parent_serial_number
               , origination_date
               , end_item_unit_number
               , territory_code
               , time_since_new
               , cycles_since_new
               , time_since_overhaul
               , cycles_since_overhaul
               , time_since_repair
               , cycles_since_repair
               , time_since_visit
               , cycles_since_visit
               , time_since_mark
               , cycles_since_mark
               , number_of_repairs
               , serial_attribute_category
               , c_attribute1
               , c_attribute2
               , c_attribute3
               , c_attribute4
               , c_attribute5
               , c_attribute6
               , c_attribute7
               , c_attribute8
               , c_attribute9
               , c_attribute10
               , c_attribute11
               , c_attribute12
               , c_attribute13
               , c_attribute14
               , c_attribute15
               , c_attribute16
               , c_attribute17
               , c_attribute18
               , c_attribute19
               , c_attribute20
               , d_attribute1
               , d_attribute2
               , d_attribute3
               , d_attribute4
               , d_attribute5
               , d_attribute6
               , d_attribute7
               , d_attribute8
               , d_attribute9
               , d_attribute10
               , n_attribute1
               , n_attribute2
               , n_attribute3
               , n_attribute4
               , n_attribute5
               , n_attribute6
               , n_attribute7
               , n_attribute8
               , n_attribute9
               , n_attribute10
      (SELECT p_new_temp_id
            , last_update_date
            , last_updated_by
            , creation_date
            , created_by
            , fm_serial_number
            , to_serial_number
            , vendor_serial_number
            , vendor_lot_number
            , parent_serial_number
            , origination_date
            , end_item_unit_number
            , territory_code
            , time_since_new
            , cycles_since_new
            , time_since_overhaul
            , cycles_since_overhaul
            , time_since_repair
            , cycles_since_repair
            , time_since_visit
            , cycles_since_visit
            , time_since_mark
            , cycles_since_mark
            , number_of_repairs
            , serial_attribute_category
            , c_attribute1
            , c_attribute2
            , c_attribute3
            , c_attribute4
            , c_attribute5
            , c_attribute6
            , c_attribute7
            , c_attribute8
            , c_attribute9
            , c_attribute10
            , c_attribute11
            , c_attribute12
            , c_attribute13
            , c_attribute14
            , c_attribute15
            , c_attribute16
            , c_attribute17
            , c_attribute18
            , c_attribute19
            , c_attribute20
            , d_attribute1
            , d_attribute2
            , d_attribute3
            , d_attribute4
            , d_attribute5
            , d_attribute6
            , d_attribute7
            , d_attribute8
            , d_attribute9
            , d_attribute10
            , n_attribute1
            , n_attribute2
            , n_attribute3
            , n_attribute4
            , n_attribute5
            , n_attribute6
            , n_attribute7
            , n_attribute8
            , n_attribute9
            , n_attribute10
       FROM   mtl_serial_numbers_temp
       WHERE  transaction_temp_id = p_orig_temp_id);
Line: 2917

  END insert_dup_msnt;
Line: 2924

  FUNCTION insert_mtli_helper(
          p_txn_if_id       IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
        , p_lot_number      IN            VARCHAR2
        , p_txn_qty         IN            NUMBER
        , p_prm_qty         IN            NUMBER
        , p_item_id         IN            NUMBER
        , p_org_id          IN            NUMBER
        , x_serial_temp_id  OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
        , p_product_txn_id  IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
        , p_temp_id         IN            NUMBER
        , p_secondary_quantity IN NUMBER --OPM Convergence
        , p_secondary_uom   IN NUMBER --OPM Convergence
    --Local variables
    l_lot_status_id         NUMBER;
Line: 2952

    SELECT  expiration_date
          , status_id
    INTO    l_expiration_date
          , l_lot_status_id
    FROM    mtl_lot_numbers
    WHERE   lot_number = p_lot_number
    AND     inventory_item_id = p_item_id
    AND     organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 2971

          p_api_version                 =>  1.0
        , p_init_msg_lst                =>  l_false
        , x_return_status               =>  l_return_status
        , x_msg_count                   =>  l_msg_count
        , x_msg_data                    =>  l_msg_data
        , p_transaction_interface_id    =>  l_txn_if_id
        , p_lot_number                  =>  p_lot_number
        , p_transaction_quantity        =>  p_txn_qty
        , p_primary_quantity            =>  p_prm_qty
        , p_organization_id             =>  p_org_id
        , p_inventory_item_id           =>  p_item_id
        , p_expiration_date             =>  l_expiration_date
        , p_status_id                   =>  l_lot_status_id
        , x_serial_transaction_temp_id  =>  x_serial_temp_id
        , p_product_transaction_id      =>  l_product_txn_id
        , p_product_code                =>  l_prod_code
        , p_att_exist                   =>  l_yes
        , p_update_mln                  =>  l_no
        , p_secondary_quantity          =>  p_secondary_quantity --OPM Convergence
Line: 2996

        mydebug('insert_mtli_helper: Error occurred while creating interface lots: ' || l_msg_data);
Line: 3006

        mydebug('Exception occurred in insert_mtli_helper: ');
Line: 3009

  END insert_mtli_helper;
Line: 3016

  FUNCTION insert_msni_helper(
          p_txn_if_id       IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
        , p_serial_number   IN            VARCHAR2
        , p_item_id         IN            NUMBER
        , p_org_id          IN            NUMBER
        , p_product_txn_id  IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
    --Local variables
    l_serial_status_id      NUMBER;
Line: 3038

    SELECT  status_id
    INTO    l_serial_status_id
    FROM    mtl_serial_numbers
    WHERE   serial_number = p_serial_number
    AND     inventory_item_id = p_item_id;
Line: 3045

          p_api_version                 =>  1.0
        , p_init_msg_lst                =>  l_false
        , x_return_status               =>  l_return_status
        , x_msg_count                   =>  l_msg_count
        , x_msg_data                    =>  l_msg_data
        , p_transaction_interface_id    =>  l_txn_if_id
        , p_fm_serial_number            =>  p_serial_number
        , p_to_serial_number            =>  p_serial_number
        , p_organization_id             =>  p_org_id
        , p_inventory_item_id           =>  p_item_id
        , p_status_id                   =>  l_serial_status_id
        , p_product_transaction_id      =>  l_product_txn_id
        , p_product_code                =>  l_prod_code
        , p_att_exist                   =>  l_yes
        , p_update_msn                  =>  l_no);
Line: 3065

        mydebug('insert_msni_helper: Error occurred while creating interface serials: ' || l_msg_data);
Line: 3075

        mydebug('Exception occurred in insert_msni_helper: ');
Line: 3078

  END insert_msni_helper;
Line: 3090

	select primary_cost_method
	into   l_primary_cost_method
	from   mtl_parameters
	where  organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 3247

      SELECT serial_number
	   , serial_number to_serial_number
           , vendor_serial_number
           , vendor_lot_number
           , parent_serial_number
           , origination_date
           , end_item_unit_number
           , territory_code
           , time_since_new
           , cycles_since_new
           , time_since_overhaul
           , cycles_since_overhaul
           , time_since_repair
           , cycles_since_repair
           , time_since_visit
           , cycles_since_visit
           , time_since_mark
           , cycles_since_mark
           , number_of_repairs
           , serial_attribute_category
           , c_attribute1
           , c_attribute2
           , c_attribute3
           , c_attribute4
           , c_attribute5
           , c_attribute6
           , c_attribute7
           , c_attribute8
           , c_attribute9
           , c_attribute10
           , c_attribute11
           , c_attribute12
           , c_attribute13
           , c_attribute14
           , c_attribute15
           , c_attribute16
           , c_attribute17
           , c_attribute18
           , c_attribute19
          , c_attribute20
           , d_attribute1
           , d_attribute2
           , d_attribute3
           , d_attribute4
           , d_attribute5
           , d_attribute6
           , d_attribute7
           , d_attribute8
           , d_attribute9
           , d_attribute10
           , n_attribute1
           , n_attribute2
           , n_attribute3
           , n_attribute4
           , n_attribute5
           , n_attribute6
           , n_attribute7
           , n_attribute8
           , n_attribute9
           , n_attribute10
      FROM   mtl_serial_numbers
      WHERE  lpn_id = p_lpn_id
      AND    inventory_item_id = p_item_id
      AND    NVL(revision, '#%^') = NVL(p_rev, '#%^')
      AND    NVL(lot_number, -999) = NVL(p_lot, -999)
      AND    ROWNUM <= l_pr_qty
      AND    (
              (p_entire_lpn = 'Y'
               AND(group_mark_id IS NULL
                   OR group_mark_id = -1))
              OR(p_entire_lpn = 'N'
                 AND group_mark_id = 1)
              OR(p_process_serial_flag = 'N'
                 AND p_entire_lpn = 'N'
                 AND group_mark_id IS NULL)
      -- Bug# 2772676
      -- For WIP completions, there is a specific serial
      -- tied to the MOL/MMTT line which we have to use
      AND    (
              (l_transaction_source_type_id = 5
               AND serial_number IN(SELECT fm_serial_number
                                    FROM   wip_lpn_completions_serials
                                    WHERE  header_id = l_ref_id))
              OR l_transaction_source_type_id <> 5
Line: 3348

                        SELECT  serial_number                  ,
                                serial_number to_serial_number ,
                                vendor_serial_number           ,
                                vendor_lot_number              ,
                                parent_serial_number           ,
                                origination_date               ,
                                end_item_unit_number           ,
                                territory_code                 ,
                                time_since_new                 ,
                                cycles_since_new               ,
                                time_since_overhaul            ,
                                cycles_since_overhaul          ,
                                time_since_repair              ,
                                cycles_since_repair            ,
                                time_since_visit               ,
                                cycles_since_visit             ,
                                time_since_mark                ,
                                cycles_since_mark              ,
                                number_of_repairs              ,
                                serial_attribute_category      ,
                                c_attribute1                   ,
                                c_attribute2                   ,
                                c_attribute3                   ,
                                c_attribute4                   ,
                                c_attribute5                   ,
                                c_attribute6                   ,
                                c_attribute7                   ,
                                c_attribute8                   ,
                                c_attribute9                   ,
                                c_attribute10                  ,
                                c_attribute11                  ,
                                c_attribute12                  ,
                                c_attribute13                  ,
                                c_attribute14                  ,
                                c_attribute15                  ,
                                c_attribute16                  ,
                                c_attribute17                  ,
                                c_attribute18                  ,
                                c_attribute19                  ,
                                c_attribute20                  ,
                                d_attribute1                   ,
                                d_attribute2                   ,
                                d_attribute3                   ,
                                d_attribute4                   ,
                                d_attribute5                   ,
                                d_attribute6                   ,
                                d_attribute7                   ,
                                d_attribute8                   ,
                                d_attribute9                   ,
                                d_attribute10                  ,
                                n_attribute1                   ,
                                n_attribute2                   ,
                                n_attribute3                   ,
                                n_attribute4                   ,
                                n_attribute5                   ,
                                n_attribute6                   ,
                                n_attribute7                   ,
                                n_attribute8                   ,
                                n_attribute9                   ,
                        FROM    mtl_serial_numbers
                        WHERE   lpn_id                = p_lpn_id
                            AND inventory_item_id     = p_item_id
                            AND NVL(revision, '#%^')  = NVL(p_rev, '#%^')
                            AND NVL(lot_number, -999) = NVL(p_lot, -999)
                            AND ROWNUM               <= l_pr_qty
                                            p_entire_lpn = 'Y'
                                                        group_mark_id IS NULL
                                                     OR group_mark_id >= -1
                                            p_entire_lpn  = 'N'
                                            AND group_mark_id = 1
                                            p_process_serial_flag = 'N'
                                            AND p_entire_lpn          = 'N'
                                            AND group_mark_id IS NULL
                                -- Bug# 2772676
                                -- For WIP completions, there is a specific serial
                                -- tied to the MOL/MMTT line which we have to use
                                            l_transaction_source_type_id = 5
                                            AND serial_number               IN
                                                        SELECT  fm_serial_number
                                                        FROM    wip_lpn_completions_serials
                                                        WHERE   header_id = l_ref_id
                                     OR l_transaction_source_type_id <> 5
Line: 3457

      SELECT serial_number
	   , serial_number to_serial_number
           , vendor_serial_number
           , vendor_lot_number
           , parent_serial_number
           , origination_date
           , end_item_unit_number
           , territory_code
           , time_since_new
           , cycles_since_new
           , time_since_overhaul
           , cycles_since_overhaul
           , time_since_repair
           , cycles_since_repair
           , time_since_visit
           , cycles_since_visit
           , time_since_mark
           , cycles_since_mark
           , number_of_repairs
           , serial_attribute_category
           , c_attribute1
           , c_attribute2
           , c_attribute3
           , c_attribute4
           , c_attribute5
           , c_attribute6
           , c_attribute7
           , c_attribute8
           , c_attribute9
           , c_attribute10
           , c_attribute11
           , c_attribute12
           , c_attribute13
           , c_attribute14
           , c_attribute15
           , c_attribute16
           , c_attribute17
           , c_attribute18
           , c_attribute19
           , c_attribute20
           , d_attribute1
           , d_attribute2
           , d_attribute3
           , d_attribute4
           , d_attribute5
           , d_attribute6
           , d_attribute7
           , d_attribute8
           , d_attribute9
           , d_attribute10
           , n_attribute1
           , n_attribute2
           , n_attribute3
           , n_attribute4
           , n_attribute5
           , n_attribute6
           , n_attribute7
           , n_attribute8
           , n_attribute9
           , n_attribute10
	FROM   mtl_serial_numbers msn
      WHERE  msn.lpn_id = p_lpn_id
      AND    msn.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
      AND    ((p_rev IS NOT NULL AND msn.revision = p_rev)
              OR (p_rev IS NULL AND msn.revision IS NULL))
      AND    ((p_lot IS NOT NULL AND msn.lot_number = p_lot)
              OR (p_lot IS NULL AND msn.lot_number IS NULL))
      AND    ROWNUM <= l_pr_qty
      AND    (
              (p_entire_lpn = 'Y'
               AND(msn.group_mark_id IS NULL OR msn.group_mark_id = -1)
              OR(p_entire_lpn = 'N' AND group_mark_id = 1)
              OR(p_process_serial_flag = 'N'
                 AND p_entire_lpn = 'N'
                 AND group_mark_id IS NULL)
     ORDER BY msn.lot_number, msn.serial_number;
Line: 3538

      SELECT fm_serial_number serial_number
	   , to_serial_number to_serial_number
           , vendor_serial_number
           , vendor_lot_number
           , parent_serial_number
           , origination_date
           , NULL end_item_unit_number
           , territory_code
           , time_since_new
           , cycles_since_new
           , time_since_overhaul
           , cycles_since_overhaul
           , time_since_repair
           , cycles_since_repair
           , time_since_visit
           , cycles_since_visit
           , time_since_mark
           , cycles_since_mark
           , number_of_repairs
           , serial_attribute_category
           , c_attribute1
           , c_attribute2
           , c_attribute3
           , c_attribute4
           , c_attribute5
           , c_attribute6
           , c_attribute7
           , c_attribute8
           , c_attribute9
           , c_attribute10
           , c_attribute11
           , c_attribute12
           , c_attribute13
           , c_attribute14
           , c_attribute15
           , c_attribute16
           , c_attribute17
           , c_attribute18
           , c_attribute19
           , c_attribute20
           , d_attribute1
           , d_attribute2
           , d_attribute3
           , d_attribute4
           , d_attribute5
           , d_attribute6
           , d_attribute7
           , d_attribute8
           , d_attribute9
           , d_attribute10
           , n_attribute1
           , n_attribute2
           , n_attribute3
           , n_attribute4
           , n_attribute5
           , n_attribute6
           , n_attribute7
           , n_attribute8
           , n_attribute9
           , n_attribute10
	FROM mtl_serial_numbers_interface msni
	-- Bug# 3281512 - Performance Fixes
	-- Since this cursor is only used for receiving, the product code
	-- will always be 'RCV'.  This is needed in order to use the index.
	WHERE msni.product_code = 'RCV'
	AND msni.product_transaction_id = v_prod_txn_id;
Line: 3629

    SELECT NVL(process_enabled_flag, 'N') INTO l_process_flag
    FROM mtl_parameters WHERE organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 3649

    SELECT task_id
    INTO   l_task_id
    FROM   wms_dispatched_tasks
    WHERE  transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id
    AND    ROWNUM < 2;             -- prevent exception
Line: 3660

         , mol.reference_type_code
         , mol.reference_id
         , mol.backorder_delivery_detail_id
         , mmtt.subinventory_code
         , mmtt.locator_id
         , mmtt.transaction_action_id
         , mmtt.transfer_subinventory
         , mmtt.transfer_to_location
         , mmtt.transaction_header_id
         , mol.transaction_source_type_id
         , mol.inspection_status
         , mol.lpn_id
         , mmtt.transaction_uom
         , mmtt.transaction_quantity
         , mmtt.wip_supply_type
         , mol.crossdock_type
         , mol.txn_source_id
         , mol.lot_number
         , mol.line_id
         , mmtt.operation_plan_id
         , mmtt.transaction_type_id
         , mmtt.secondary_transaction_quantity --OPM Convergence
         , mol.to_cost_group_id --BUG 4134432
         , mmtt.secondary_uom_code  --OPM Convergence

    INTO   l_ref
         , l_ref_type
         , l_ref_id
         , l_del_detail_id
         , l_org_sub
         , l_org_loc
         , l_txn_action_id
         , l_dest_sub
         , l_dest_loc_id
         , l_orig_txn_header_id
         , l_transaction_source_type_id
         , l_inspection_status
         , l_mo_lpn_id
         , l_orig_txn_uom
         , l_orig_qty
         , l_wip_supply_type
         , l_crossdock_type
         , l_parent_txn_id
         , l_mol_lot_number
         , l_mo_line_id
         , l_operation_plan_id
         , l_txn_type_id
         , l_secondary_qty --OPM Convergence

         , l_cost_group_id -- BUG 4134432
         , l_secondary_uom_code --OPM Convergence

    FROM   mtl_txn_request_lines mol
         , mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
    WHERE  mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id
    AND    mmtt.move_order_line_id = mol.line_id;
Line: 3737

      SELECT employee_id
      INTO   l_emp_id
      FROM   fnd_user
      WHERE  user_id = p_user_id;
Line: 3755

    SELECT lpn_context
    INTO   l_lpn_context
    FROM   wms_license_plate_numbers
    WHERE  lpn_id = p_lpn_id;
Line: 3765

       SELECT mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL
	 INTO   l_txn_header_id
Line: 3806

        mydebug('complete_putaway: Uom has changed - need to update MMTT');
Line: 3820

      UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp
      SET transaction_uom = p_uom
        , transaction_quantity = l_qty
      WHERE  transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id;
Line: 3838

        UPDATE  mtl_material_transactions_temp
        SET     transfer_subinventory = p_sub
              , transfer_to_location = p_loc
        WHERE  transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id;
Line: 3857

            mydebug('complete_putaway: RCV LPN, No updates of sub and loc for receving lpn');
Line: 3861

          UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp
          SET subinventory_code = p_sub
            , locator_id = p_loc
          WHERE  transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id;
Line: 3882

        SELECT 1
        INTO   l_exist_lpn
        FROM   DUAL
                      FROM   wms_license_plate_numbers
                      WHERE  license_plate_number = p_to_lpn
                      AND    organization_id = p_org_id);
Line: 3952

        SELECT lpn_id
        INTO   l_to_lpn_id
        FROM   wms_license_plate_numbers
        WHERE  license_plate_number = p_to_lpn
        AND    organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 3964

    SELECT lot_control_code
         , serial_number_control_code
    INTO   l_lot_code
         , l_serial_code
    FROM   mtl_system_items
    WHERE  organization_id = p_org_id
    AND    inventory_item_id = p_item_id;
Line: 3978

       SELECT count(1)
	 INTO   l_is_msni_req
	 FROM   mtl_serial_numbers
	 WHERE  inventory_item_id = p_item_id
	 AND    lpn_id = p_lpn_id
	 AND    current_status = 7
	 AND    current_organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 4010

          mydebug('complete_putaway: Inserting Lots');
Line: 4026

          SELECT mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL
          INTO   l_ser_seq
          FROM   DUAL;
Line: 4036

         * Do not update MTL_TRANSACTION_LOTS_TEMP  from here if the LPN Resides in
         * Receiving and WMS and PO patch levels are J or higher
         * For other LPN contexts and if patch levels are lower than J,
         * continue with the updates
        IF (l_lpn_context = 3) THEN
          IF (l_is_crossdocked = FALSE) THEN
            IF l_debug = 1 THEN
              mydebug('complete_putaway: LPN Resides in Receiving. No updates to MTLT from here.');
Line: 4047

            UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_temp
            SET    serial_transaction_temp_id = l_ser_seq
                 , last_update_date = SYSDATE
                 , last_updated_by = p_user_id
            WHERE  transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id
            AND    lot_number = p_lot;
Line: 4058

            mydebug('complete_putaway: INV/WIP LPN. Update MTLT.');
Line: 4061

          UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_temp
          SET transaction_quantity = l_orig_qty
            , primary_quantity = l_pr_qty
            , serial_transaction_temp_id = l_ser_seq
            , last_update_date = SYSDATE
            , last_updated_by = p_user_id
          WHERE  transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id
          AND    lot_number = p_lot;
Line: 4074

        Update Lot attrs from wip_lpn_completions_lots table only for discrete orgs. */

        IF (l_transaction_source_type_id = 5 AND l_process_flag = 'N') THEN
          IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
            mydebug('complete_putaway: Capture lot atts from wip tables');
Line: 4090

	 -- Update MMTT for WIP flow completions
          SELECT DECODE(wip_entity_type, 4, 'Y', 'N')
          INTO l_flow_schedule
          FROM   wip_lpn_completions
          WHERE  header_id = l_ref_id;
Line: 4100

	  UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp
          SET flow_schedule = l_flow_schedule
          WHERE  transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id;
Line: 4113

              SELECT  rcv_transactions_interface_s.NEXTVAL
              INTO    l_product_transaction_id
              FROM    sys.dual;
Line: 4121

            l_result := insert_mtli_helper(
                  p_txn_if_id       =>  l_dup_temp_id
                , p_lot_number      =>  p_lot
                , p_txn_qty         =>  p_qty --Bug 5225012. Earlier l_orig_qty was being passed
                , p_prm_qty         =>  l_pr_qty
                , p_item_id         =>  p_item_id
                , p_org_id          =>  p_org_id
                , x_serial_temp_id  =>  l_dup_ser_temp_id
                , p_product_txn_id  =>  l_product_transaction_id
                , p_temp_id         =>  p_temp_id
                , p_secondary_quantity => p_secondary_quantity --OPM Convergence
                , p_secondary_uom   =>  p_secondary_uom);   --OPM Convergence
Line: 4135

              mydebug('complete_putaway: Failure while Inserting MSNI records - lot and serial controlled item');
Line: 4141

              mydebug('complete_putaway: Inserted MTLI for lot and serial item. intf_txn_id: ' || l_dup_temp_id ||
                ', ser_temp_id : ' || l_dup_ser_temp_id || ' , prod_txn_id: ' || l_product_transaction_id);
Line: 4161

            mydebug('complete_putaway: Inserting Serials');
Line: 4166

		SELECT  COUNT(msn.group_mark_id)
		INTO    res_count
		FROM    mtl_serial_numbers msn ,
			mtl_reservations mr
		WHERE   mr.lpn_id        =msn.lpn_id
		    AND msn.group_mark_id=mr.reservation_id
		    AND msn.lpn_id       = p_lpn_id;
Line: 4229

        Update Serial attrs from wip_lpn_completions_serials table only for discrete orgs. */

              IF (l_transaction_source_type_id = 5 AND l_process_flag = 'N') THEN
                IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
                  mydebug('complete_putaway: Capture serial atts from wip tables');
Line: 4245

                , p_last_update_date     => SYSDATE
                , p_last_updated_by      => p_user_id
                , p_creation_date        => SYSDATE
                , p_created_by           => p_user_id
                , p_fm_serial_number     => l_serial
                , p_to_serial_number     => l_serial
                , p_serial_temp_id       => l_ser_seq
                , p_serial_flag          => 2
Line: 4263

                    mydebug('complete_putaway: Inserting MSNI - lot and serial item');
Line: 4266

                  l_result := insert_msni_helper(
                        p_txn_if_id       =>  l_dup_ser_temp_id
                      , p_serial_number   =>  l_serial
                      , p_org_id          =>  p_org_id
                      , p_item_id         =>  p_item_id
                      , p_product_txn_id  =>  l_product_transaction_id
Line: 4276

                    mydebug('complete_putaway: Failure while Inserting MSNI records - lot and serial controlled item');
Line: 4282

                    mydebug('complete_putaway: Inserted MSNI for lot and serial item. intf_txn_id: '
                      || l_dup_ser_temp_id || ' , prod_txn_id: ' || l_product_transaction_id);
Line: 4289

                      mydebug('complete_putaway: Inserting MSNT for xdock - lot and serial item' || l_ser_seq);
Line: 4293

                    l_result := insert_msnt_rec(
                          p_transaction_temp_id =>  l_ser_seq
                        , p_serial_number       =>  l_serial
                        , p_serial_atts         =>  l_serial_rec
                        , p_user_id             =>  p_user_id);
Line: 4305

                  END IF;  --END IF insert MSNT for xdock
Line: 4310

                    mydebug('complete_putaway: Inserting MSNT - lot and serial item' || l_ser_seq);
Line: 4314

                  l_result := insert_msnt_rec(
                        p_transaction_temp_id =>  l_ser_seq
                      , p_serial_number       =>  l_serial
                      , p_serial_atts         =>  l_serial_rec
                      , p_user_id             =>  p_user_id);
Line: 4331

             * Do not update MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS from here if the LPN Resides in
             * Receiving and WMS and PO patch levels are J or higher
             * For other LPN contexts and if patch levels are lower than J,
             * continue with the updates
            IF (l_lpn_context = 3) THEN
              IF l_debug = 1 THEN
                mydebug('complete_putaway: The LPN resides in Receiving. No updates to MSN from here.');
Line: 4343

                mydebug('complete_putaway: INV/WIP LPN. Update MSN.');
Line: 4347

              UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers
              SET group_mark_id = p_temp_id
              WHERE  serial_number = l_serial
              AND    inventory_item_id = p_item_id
              AND    lot_number = p_lot;
Line: 4357

                UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers
                SET current_status = 4
                  , previous_status = current_status
                WHERE  serial_number = l_serial
                AND    inventory_item_id = p_item_id
                AND    lot_number = p_lot;
Line: 4397

	SELECT  COUNT(msn.group_mark_id)
        INTO    res_count
        FROM    mtl_serial_numbers msn ,
                mtl_reservations mr
        WHERE   mr.lpn_id        =msn.lpn_id
              AND msn.group_mark_id=mr.reservation_id
              AND msn.lpn_id       = p_lpn_id;
Line: 4475

              , p_last_update_date     => SYSDATE
              , p_last_updated_by      => p_user_id
              , p_creation_date        => SYSDATE
              , p_created_by           => p_user_id
              , p_fm_serial_number     => l_serial
              , p_to_serial_number     => l_serial
              , p_serial_temp_id       => p_temp_id
              , p_serial_flag          => 3
Line: 4494

                  mydebug('complete_putaway: Inserting MSNI - serial controlled only' || p_temp_id);
Line: 4498

                  SELECT  rcv_transactions_interface_s.NEXTVAL
                  INTO    l_product_transaction_id
                  FROM    sys.dual;
Line: 4504

                l_result := insert_msni_helper(
                      p_txn_if_id       =>  l_dup_temp_id
                    , p_serial_number   =>  l_serial
                    , p_org_id          =>  p_org_id
                    , p_item_id         =>  p_item_id
                    , p_product_txn_id  =>  l_product_transaction_id);
Line: 4513

                  mydebug('complete_putaway: Failure while Inserting MSNI records - serial controlled item');
Line: 4518

		   mydebug('complete_putaway: Inserting MSNT for xdock - serial item' || l_ser_seq);
Line: 4523

		  l_result := insert_msnt_rec(
  		      p_transaction_temp_id =>  p_temp_id
	            , p_serial_number       =>  l_serial
	            , p_serial_atts         =>  l_serial_rec
	           , p_user_id              =>  p_user_id);
Line: 4540

                   mydebug('complete_putaway: Inserting MSNT - serial controlled only' || p_temp_id);
Line: 4547

                SELECT count(transaction_temp_id)
                INTO l_exist_msnt
                FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp
                WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id
                AND fm_serial_number = l_serial ;
Line: 4557

                   l_result := insert_msnt_rec(
                         p_transaction_temp_id =>  p_temp_id
                       , p_serial_number       =>  l_serial
                       , p_serial_atts         =>  l_serial_rec
                       , p_user_id             =>  p_user_id);
Line: 4568

                    mydebug('complete_putaway: Failure while Inserting MSNT - serial controlled only');
Line: 4577

           * Do not update MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS from here if the LPN Resides in
           * Receiving and WMS and PO patch levels are J or higher
           * For other LPN contexts and if patch levels are lower than J,
           * continue with the updates
          IF (l_lpn_context = 3) THEN
            IF l_debug =1 THEN
              mydebug('complete_putaway: LPN Resides in Receiving. No updates to MSN from here.');
Line: 4593

            UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers
            SET group_mark_id = p_temp_id
            WHERE  serial_number = l_serial
            AND    inventory_item_id = p_item_id;
Line: 4602

              UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers
              SET current_status = 4
                , previous_status = current_status
              WHERE  serial_number = l_serial
              AND    inventory_item_id = p_item_id;
Line: 4650

	       SELECT serial_transaction_temp_id
		 INTO   l_msnt_temp_id
		 FROM   mtl_transaction_lots_interface
		 WHERE  lot_number = p_lot
		 AND    product_transaction_id = l_product_transaction_id;
Line: 4669

	     l_result := insert_msnt_rec(
		 p_transaction_temp_id =>  l_msnt_temp_id
               , p_serial_number       =>  l_fm_serial
               , p_serial_atts         =>  l_serial_rec
               , p_user_id             =>  p_user_id
               , p_to_serial_number    =>  l_to_serial);
Line: 4677

		   mydebug('complete_putaway: Failure while Inserting MSNT - qty disc');
Line: 4709

          UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_temp
          SET transaction_quantity = l_qty
            , primary_quantity = l_pr_qty
            , last_update_date = SYSDATE
            , last_updated_by = p_user_id
          WHERE  transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id
          AND    lot_number = p_lot;
Line: 4752

           UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp
           SET  transaction_header_id = l_txn_header_id
           WHERE  transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id;
Line: 4862

	  --This is Receiving LPN, we have to update header_id as we need
	  -- one for each txn
	  --We always will generate new txn header id for a receiving lpn due to the
	  --problem in join between WDTH and MMT for the deliver transaction
	  UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp
            SET  transaction_header_id = l_txn_header_id
            WHERE  transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id;
Line: 4875

	     mydebug('Update only transfer LPN ID to NULL');
Line: 4878

	  UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp
            SET  transaction_header_id = l_txn_header_id
            WHERE  transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id;
Line: 4892

	UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp
          SET  transaction_header_id = l_txn_header_id
          WHERE  transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id;
Line: 4908

      UPDATE wms_exceptions
	SET transaction_header_id = l_txn_header_id
	WHERE  transaction_header_id = l_orig_txn_header_id
	AND organization_id = p_org_id
	AND inventory_item_id = p_item_id;
Line: 4924

          SELECT 1
          INTO   l_wf
          FROM   mtl_transaction_reasons
          WHERE  reason_id = p_qty_reason_id
          AND    workflow_name IS NOT NULL
          AND    workflow_name <> ' '
          AND    workflow_process IS NOT NULL
          AND    workflow_process <> ' ';
Line: 4989

	update mtl_material_transactions_temp
	set reason_id = p_loc_reason_id
	where transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id;
Line: 4994

	   SELECT 1,
	     INTO   l_wf,
	     FROM   mtl_transaction_reasons
	     WHERE  reason_id = p_loc_reason_id
	     AND    workflow_name IS NOT NULL
	     AND    workflow_name <> ' '
	     AND    workflow_process IS NOT NULL
	     AND    workflow_process <> ' ';
Line: 5077

      UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp
      SET wms_task_type = -1
      WHERE  transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id;
Line: 5116

      UPDATE mtl_txn_request_lines
	SET wms_process_flag = 2
	WHERE line_id = l_mo_line_id;
Line: 5222

      UPDATE wms_dispatched_tasks
      SET task_group_id = inv_rcv_common_apis.g_rcv_global_var.interface_group_id
      WHERE  transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id;
Line: 5235

          mydebug(' need to update the context of the from lpn   ');
Line: 5248

	   SELECT   1
	     INTO   cnt
	     FROM   DUAL
			    FROM   mtl_material_transactions_temp
			    WHERE  lpn_id = p_lpn_id
			    AND    organization_id = p_org_id
			    AND    inventory_item_id = p_item_id)
	     OR     EXISTS (SELECT 1
			    FROM   mtl_material_transactions_temp
			    WHERE  content_lpn_id = p_lpn_id
			    AND    organization_id = p_org_id
			    AND    inventory_item_id = p_item_id);
Line: 5306

	 mydebug('complete_putaway: Patchset J or above , Update MMTT');
Line: 5308

	 mydebug(' Update MMTT l_dest_loc_id with ' || l_dest_loc_id);
Line: 5309

	 mydebug(' Update MMTT l_dest_sub with ' || l_dest_sub);
Line: 5316

	    mydebug(' Update MMTT contet LPN_ID WITH ' || p_lpn_id);
Line: 5317

	    mydebug(' Update MMTT cost_group_id with ' || l_cost_group_id);
Line: 5320

	 UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp
	   SET transaction_header_id = l_txn_header_id
	   , content_lpn_id = p_lpn_id
	   , lpn_id = NULL
	   , transaction_status = 3
	   , posting_flag = 'Y'
	   , cost_group_id = Decode(l_lpn_context,1,l_cost_group_id,cost_group_id)  --BUG 4134432,4475607
	   , transfer_cost_group_id = Decode(l_lpn_context,1,l_cost_group_id,transfer_cost_group_id)  --BUG 4134432, 4475607
           , transaction_date = sysdate --added per Karun and Saju's request 04/2006
           , acct_period_id = l_acct_period_id --Added for bug 5403420
	   WHERE  transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id;
Line: 5334

	    mydebug(' Update MMTT from lpn_id with ' || p_lpn_id);
Line: 5335

	    mydebug(' Update MMTT to lpn_id with ' || l_to_lpn_id);
Line: 5336

	    mydebug(' Update MMTT cost_group_id with ' || l_cost_group_id);
Line: 5339

	 UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp
	   SET transaction_header_id = l_txn_header_id
	   , lpn_id  = p_lpn_id
	   , content_lpn_id = NULL
	   , transfer_lpn_id = l_to_lpn_id
	   , transaction_status = 3
	   , posting_flag = 'Y'
	   , cost_group_id = Decode(l_lpn_context,1,l_cost_group_id,cost_group_id)  --BUG 4134432, 4475607
	   , transfer_cost_group_id = Decode(l_lpn_context,1,l_cost_group_id,transfer_cost_group_id)  --BUG 4134432,4475607
           , transaction_date = sysdate --added per Karun and Saju's request 04/2006
           , acct_period_id = l_acct_period_id --Added for bug 5403420
	   WHERE  transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id;
Line: 5362

      UPDATE wms_exceptions
	SET transaction_header_id = l_txn_header_id
	WHERE  transaction_header_id = l_orig_txn_header_id
	AND organization_id = p_org_id
	AND inventory_item_id = p_item_id;
Line: 5377

          SELECT 1
          INTO   l_wf
          FROM   mtl_transaction_reasons
          WHERE  reason_id = p_qty_reason_id
          AND    workflow_name IS NOT NULL
          AND    workflow_name <> ' '
          AND    workflow_process IS NOT NULL
          AND    workflow_process <> ' ';
Line: 5443

        update mtl_material_transactions_temp
        set reason_id = p_loc_reason_id
        where transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id;
Line: 5448

	   SELECT 1,
	     INTO   l_wf,
	     FROM   mtl_transaction_reasons
	     WHERE  reason_id = p_loc_reason_id
	     AND    workflow_name IS NOT NULL
	     AND    workflow_name <> ' '
	     AND    workflow_process IS NOT NULL
	     AND    workflow_process <> ' ';
Line: 5674

    SELECT transaction_quantity
         , transaction_uom
         , inventory_item_id
         , move_order_line_id
    INTO   l_orig_qty
         , l_orig_uom
         , l_item_id
         , l_line_id
    FROM   mtl_material_transactions_temp
    WHERE  transaction_temp_id = l_temp_id
    AND    organization_id = l_org_id;
Line: 5714

    UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp
    SET transaction_quantity = transaction_quantity - l_qty_diff
      , primary_quantity = primary_quantity - l_qty_diff_prim
    WHERE  transaction_temp_id = l_temp_id
    AND    organization_id = l_org_id;
Line: 5723

     * Do not update MTLT again since they would already have been done before
     * coming here */
     UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_temp
     SET transaction_quantity = transaction_quantity-l_qty_diff,
         primary_quantity = primary_quantity-l_qty_diff_prim
     WHERE transaction_temp_id = l_temp_id;
Line: 5741

    UPDATE mtl_txn_request_lines
    SET quantity_detailed = quantity_detailed - l_qty_diff
    WHERE  line_id = l_line_id
    AND    organization_id = l_org_id;
Line: 5808

      SELECT mmtt.transaction_temp_id
      FROM   mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
            ,mtl_txn_request_lines mtrl
      WHERE mtrl.line_id = mmtt.move_order_line_id
            AND mtrl.line_status = 7
            AND mtrl.lpn_id = p_lpn_id
            AND mtrl.organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 5831

       SELECT lpn_context
	 INTO   l_lpn_context
	 FROM   wms_license_plate_numbers
	 WHERE  lpn_id = l_lpn_id
	 AND    organization_id = l_org_id;
Line: 5858

	 SELECT     lpn_id
	   INTO       l_dummy
	   FROM       wms_license_plate_numbers
	   WHERE      lpn_id = l_lpn_id
	   AND        organization_id = l_org_id
Line: 5911

          SELECT 1
          INTO   l_mo_cnt
          FROM   DUAL
                        FROM   mtl_txn_request_lines
                        WHERE  lpn_id = l_lpn_id
                        AND    organization_id = l_org_id
Line: 5938

            SELECT 1
            INTO   l_process_flag_cnt
            FROM   DUAL
            WHERE  EXISTS(SELECT 1
                          FROM   mtl_txn_request_lines
                          WHERE  lpn_id = l_lpn_id
                          AND    organization_id = l_org_id
                          AND    NVL(wms_process_flag, 1) = 2
			  AND    line_status <> 5); -- 3773255
Line: 6106

          SELECT 1
          INTO   l_so_cnt
          FROM   DUAL
          WHERE  EXISTS(
                   SELECT 1
                   FROM   wsh_delivery_details_ob_grp_v wdd, wsh_delivery_assignments_v wda
                   WHERE  wdd.lpn_id = l_lpn_id
		   AND    wdd.released_status = 'X'  -- For LPN reuse ER : 6845650
                   AND    wdd.organization_id = l_org_id
                   AND    wdd.delivery_detail_id = wda.parent_delivery_id);
Line: 6147

          SELECT employee_id
          INTO l_emp_id
          FROM fnd_user
          WHERE user_id = p_user_id;
Line: 6164

          SELECT 1
          INTO   l_mo_cnt2
          FROM   DUAL
          WHERE  EXISTS(
                   SELECT 1
                   FROM   wms_dispatched_tasks wdt
                        , mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
                        , mtl_txn_request_lines mtrl
                   WHERE  mtrl.lpn_id = l_lpn_id
                   AND    mtrl.organization_id = l_org_id
                   AND    mtrl.line_id = mmtt.move_order_line_id
                   AND    wdt.transaction_temp_id = mmtt.transaction_temp_id
                   AND    wdt.status <> 4
                   AND NOT (wdt.status = 3 AND wdt.person_id = l_emp_id ));--Bug# 3116925
Line: 6181

        SELECT 1 INTO l_mo_cnt2 FROM DUAL WHERE  exists
          (SELECT 1
           FROM mtl_txn_request_lines mol,
           mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
           , wms_dispatched_tasks wdt
           WHERE mol.lpn_id=l_lpn_id
           AND mol.organization_id=l_org_id
           AND mol.line_id=mmtt.move_order_line_id
           AND wdt.transaction_temp_id=mmtt.transaction_temp_id
Line: 6251

    SELECT move_order_line_id
         , transaction_quantity
         , transaction_header_id
         , transaction_batch_id
         , transaction_batch_seq
    INTO   l_mmtt_line_id
         , l_mmtt_qty
         , l_txn_header_id
         , l_transaction_batch_id
         , l_transaction_batch_seq
    FROM   mtl_material_transactions_temp
    WHERE  transaction_temp_id = l_temp_id
    AND    organization_id = l_org_id;
Line: 6273

      ( x_return_status         => l_return_status
	, p_txn_header_id         => l_txn_header_id
	, p_transaction_temp_id   => l_temp_id
	, p_transaction_batch_id  => l_transaction_batch_id
	, p_transaction_batch_seq => l_transaction_batch_seq
	, p_transfer_lpn_id       => NULL
Line: 6285

	  mydebug ('Error from wms_insert_wdth_pvt.insert_into_wdth');
Line: 6291

      mydebug('After wmsdt update');
Line: 6295

    DELETE      wms_dispatched_tasks
          WHERE transaction_temp_id = l_temp_id;
Line: 6300

      DELETE mtl_serial_numbers_temp
      WHERE  transaction_temp_id = (SELECT serial_transaction_temp_id
                                    FROM   mtl_transaction_lots_temp
                                    WHERE  transaction_temp_id = l_temp_id);
Line: 6310

      DELETE mtl_transaction_lots_temp
      WHERE  transaction_temp_id = l_temp_id;
Line: 6318

      DELETE mtl_serial_numbers_temp
      WHERE  transaction_temp_id = l_temp_id;
Line: 6326

    DELETE mtl_material_transactions_temp
    WHERE  transaction_temp_id = l_temp_id;
Line: 6348

  , p_delete_mmtt_flag  IN             VARCHAR2
  , p_txn_header_id     IN             NUMBER
  , p_transfer_lpn_id   IN             NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
  ) IS
    l_temp_id               NUMBER;
Line: 6370

    /* Bug 3961107-Modified the query to select transaction_batch_id and transaction_batch_seq
       as null if they have null values in the table.
    SELECT NVL(transaction_batch_id, -999)
         , NVL(transaction_batch_seq, -999)*/
    SELECT transaction_batch_id,
    --End of fix for Bug 3961107
    INTO   l_transaction_batch_id
         , l_transaction_batch_seq
    FROM   mtl_material_transactions_temp
    WHERE  transaction_temp_id = l_temp_id
    AND    organization_id = l_org_id;
Line: 6392

      ( x_return_status         => l_return_status
	, p_txn_header_id         => p_txn_header_id
	, p_transaction_temp_id   => l_temp_id
	, p_transaction_batch_id  => l_transaction_batch_id
	, p_transaction_batch_seq => l_transaction_batch_seq
	, p_transfer_lpn_id       => p_transfer_lpn_id
Line: 6404

	  mydebug ('Error from wms_insert_wdth_pvt.insert_into_wdth');
Line: 6410

    DELETE FROM wms_dispatched_tasks
          WHERE transaction_temp_id = l_temp_id;
Line: 6414

      mydebug('archive_task: After wmsdt update');
Line: 6417

    IF p_delete_mmtt_flag = 'Y' THEN
      -- Delete lot and serial records
        DELETE mtl_serial_numbers_temp
        WHERE  transaction_temp_id IN
          (SELECT serial_transaction_temp_id
           FROM   mtl_transaction_lots_temp
           WHERE  transaction_temp_id = l_temp_id);
Line: 6432

        DELETE  mtl_transaction_lots_temp
        WHERE   transaction_temp_id = l_temp_id;
Line: 6441

        DELETE  mtl_serial_numbers_temp
        WHERE   transaction_temp_id = l_temp_id;
Line: 6450

        DELETE  mtl_material_transactions_temp
        WHERE   transaction_temp_id = l_temp_id;
Line: 6498

    l_last_updated_by         NUMBER;
Line: 6518

       SELECT serial_transaction_temp_id
	 FROM mtl_transaction_lots_temp
	 WHERE transaction_temp_id = l_temp_id;
Line: 6526

       SELECT fm_serial_number
	 FROM   mtl_serial_numbers_temp
	 WHERE  transaction_temp_id = v_transaction_temp_id;
Line: 6544

    SELECT t.move_order_line_id
         , t.transaction_quantity
         , t.inventory_item_id
         , t.primary_quantity
         , w.person_id
         , t.locator_id
         , t.subinventory_code
         , t.lot_number
         , t.revision
         , t.last_updated_by
         , t.demand_source_header_id
         , t.repetitive_line_id
         , t.operation_seq_num
         , t.secondary_transaction_quantity  --OPM Convergence
    INTO   l_mmtt_line_id
         , l_mmtt_qty
         , l_item_id
         , l_primary_qty
         , l_person_id
         , l_loc_id
         , l_sub
         , l_lot
         , l_rev
         , l_last_updated_by
         , l_demand_source_header_id
         , l_repetitive_line_id
         , l_operation_seq_num
         , l_secondary_quantity --OPM Convergence
    FROM   mtl_material_transactions_temp t, wms_dispatched_tasks w
    WHERE  t.transaction_temp_id = l_temp_id
    AND    t.organization_id = l_org_id
    AND    t.transaction_temp_id = w.transaction_temp_id;
Line: 6584

    SELECT wms_exceptions_s.NEXTVAL
    INTO   l_sequence
    FROM   DUAL;
Line: 6589

      mydebug('Inserting into exceptions');
Line: 6593

    INSERT INTO wms_exceptions
               , sequence_number
               , organization_id
               , inventory_item_id
               , person_id
               , effective_start_date
               , effective_end_date
               , inventory_location_id
               , reason_id
               , discrepancy_type
               , subinventory_code
               , lot_number
               , revision
               , last_update_date
               , last_updated_by
               , creation_date
               , created_by
    VALUES      (
               , l_sequence
               , l_org_id
               , l_item_id
               , l_person_id
               , SYSDATE
               , SYSDATE
               , l_loc_id
               , -999
               , 2
               , l_sub
               , l_lot
               , l_rev
               , SYSDATE
               , l_last_updated_by
               , SYSDATE
               , l_last_updated_by
Line: 6666

	  UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers
	    SET    group_mark_id = NULL
	    WHERE  serial_number = l_fm_serial_number
	    AND    inventory_item_id = l_item_id
	    AND    current_organization_id = l_org_id;
Line: 6690

       UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers
	 SET    group_mark_id = NULL
	 WHERE  serial_number = l_fm_serial_number
	 AND    inventory_item_id = l_item_id
	 AND    current_organization_id = l_org_id;
Line: 6721

	  UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers
	    SET    current_status = 5,
  	           previous_status = NULL
	    WHERE  serial_number = l_fm_serial_number
	    AND    inventory_item_id = l_item_id
	    AND    lot_number = l_lot
	    AND    current_status = 4
	    AND    current_organization_id = l_org_id
			   FROM   mtl_txn_request_lines mol
			   WHERE  mol.line_id = l_mmtt_line_id
			   AND    mol.REFERENCE = 'ORDER_LINE_ID');
Line: 6751

       UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers
	 SET current_status = 5,
	     previous_status = NULL
	 WHERE  serial_number = l_fm_serial_number
	 AND    inventory_item_id = l_item_id
	 AND    current_status = 4
	 AND    current_organization_id = l_org_id
			FROM   mtl_txn_request_lines mol
			WHERE  mol.line_id = l_mmtt_line_id
Line: 6799

    l_lpn_update  WMS_CONTAINER_PUB.LPN;
Line: 6815

      SELECT 1
           , lpn_id
      INTO   l_count
           , l_to_lpn_id
      FROM   wms_license_plate_numbers wlpn
      WHERE  wlpn.license_plate_number = p_to_lpn
      AND    wlpn.organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 6871

            SELECT quantity
            INTO   l_quantity
            FROM   wms_lpn_contents
            WHERE  parent_lpn_id = l_to_lpn_id
            AND    ROWNUM < 2;
Line: 6897

          SELECT 1
          INTO   l_count
          FROM   DUAL
          WHERE  EXISTS(
                   SELECT 1
                   FROM   mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
                   WHERE  (
                           NVL(mmtt.subinventory_code, '@') <> NVL(p_sub, NVL(mmtt.subinventory_code, '@'))
                           OR NVL(mmtt.locator_id, '0') <> NVL(p_loc_id, NVL(mmtt.locator_id, '0'))
                   AND    mmtt.organization_id = p_org_id
                   AND    mmtt.transaction_status = 3
                   AND    mmtt.transfer_lpn_id = l_to_lpn_id);
Line: 6934

          SELECT 1
          INTO   l_count
          FROM   DUAL
          WHERE  EXISTS(
                   SELECT 1
                   FROM   wms_license_plate_numbers wlpn
                   WHERE  wlpn.organization_id = p_org_id
                   AND    license_plate_number = p_to_lpn
                   AND    (
                           wlpn.lpn_context = 5
                           OR(wlpn.lpn_context = 1
                              AND wlpn.subinventory_code IS NULL
                              AND wlpn.locator_id IS NULL)
                              wlpn.lpn_context = 1
                              AND NVL(wlpn.subinventory_code, '@') = NVL(p_sub, NVL(wlpn.subinventory_code, '@'))
                              AND NVL(wlpn.locator_id, '0') = NVL(p_loc_id, NVL(wlpn.locator_id, '0'))
                              AND NOT wlpn.license_plate_number = NVL(p_from_lpn, -999)
                              AND inv_material_status_grp.is_status_applicable(
                                 , NULL
                                 , inv_globals.g_type_container_pack
                                 , NULL
                                 , NULL
                                 , p_org_id
                                 , NULL
                                 , wlpn.subinventory_code
                                 , wlpn.locator_id
                                 , NULL
                                 , NULL
                                 , 'Z'
                                 ) = 'Y'
                              AND inv_material_status_grp.is_status_applicable(
                                 , NULL
                                 , inv_globals.g_type_container_pack
                                 , NULL
                                 , NULL
                                 , p_org_id
                                 , NULL
                                 , wlpn.subinventory_code
                                 , wlpn.locator_id
                                 , NULL
                                 , NULL
                                 , 'L'
                                 ) = 'Y'
Line: 7007

          SELECT COUNT(1)
          INTO   l_count
          FROM   mtl_txn_request_lines mol
          WHERE  mol.lpn_id = l_to_lpn_id
          AND    mol.line_status <> inv_globals.g_to_status_closed
          AND    (
                  (mol.quantity - NVL(mol.quantity_delivered, 0)) > (SELECT SUM(mmtt.transaction_quantity)
                                                                     FROM   mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
                                                                     WHERE  mmtt.move_order_line_id = mol.line_id)
                  OR(mol.quantity - NVL(mol.quantity_delivered, 0) > 0
                     AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1
                                    FROM   mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
                                    WHERE  mmtt.move_order_line_id = mol.line_id))
Line: 7047

    SELECT wlc.lpn_context
    INTO   l_lpn_context
    FROM   wms_license_plate_numbers wlc
    WHERE  wlc.license_plate_number = p_to_lpn
    AND    wlc.organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 7059

        mydebug('update LPN context to 1');
Line: 7063

      l_lpn_update.license_plate_number      :=  p_to_lpn;
Line: 7064

      l_lpn_update.organization_id           :=  p_org_id;
Line: 7065

      l_lpn_update.lpn_context               := wms_container_pub.lpn_context_inv;
Line: 7074

               , p_lpn                   => l_lpn_update
      ) ;
Line: 7077

      l_lpn_update := NULL;
Line: 7128

      SELECT lot_number
           , serial_transaction_temp_id
      FROM   mtl_transaction_lots_temp
      WHERE  transaction_temp_id = l_temp_id;
Line: 7134

      SELECT serial_number
      FROM   mtl_serial_numbers
      WHERE  lpn_id = l_lpn_id
      AND    inventory_item_id = l_item_id
      AND    current_organization_id = l_org_id
      AND    NVL(lot_number, -999) = NVL(l_lot_number, -999);
Line: 7155

    SELECT msi.lot_control_code
         , msi.serial_number_control_code
         , mmtt.transaction_type_id
         , mmtt.inventory_item_id
         , DECODE(mmtt.transaction_action_id, 2, mmtt.transfer_subinventory, subinventory_code) sub
         , DECODE(mmtt.transaction_action_id, 2, mmtt.transfer_to_location, locator_id)
         , lpn_id
    INTO   l_lot_control_code
         , l_ser_control_code
         , l_txn_type_id
         , l_item_id
         , l_sub
         , l_loc
         , l_lpn_id
    FROM   mtl_system_items msi, mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
    WHERE  mmtt.organization_id = l_org_id
    AND    mmtt.transaction_temp_id = l_temp_id
    AND    msi.organization_id = mmtt.organization_id
    AND    msi.inventory_item_id = mmtt.inventory_item_id;
Line: 7353

       SELECT   moh.header_id
	 FROM   mtl_txn_request_headers moh, mtl_txn_request_lines mol
	 WHERE  moh.move_order_type = inv_globals.g_move_order_put_away
	 AND    moh.header_id = mol.header_id
	 AND    mol.lpn_id = p_lpn_id;
Line: 7419

       SELECT lpn_id
	 FROM wms_license_plate_numbers
	 START WITH lpn_id = p_lpn_id
	 CONNECT BY PRIOR lpn_id = parent_lpn_id;
Line: 7430

       SELECT inventory_item_id
            , quantity
            , uom_code
            , lot_number
            , revision
            , cost_group_id
            , parent_lpn_id
	 FROM   wms_lpn_contents
	 WHERE  parent_lpn_id = l_current_lpn_id;
Line: 7472

	  UPDATE mtl_txn_request_lines mol
	    SET mol.line_status = inv_globals.g_to_status_closed
	    WHERE mol.lpn_id = l_lpn_id
	    AND mol.organization_id   = p_org_id
	    AND mol.quantity_detailed > 0
            (SELECT 1
             mtl_txn_request_headers moh,
             wms_license_plate_numbers wlc
             WHERE mol.header_id     = moh.header_id
             AND moh.move_order_type = inv_globals.g_move_order_put_away
             AND wlc.lpn_id          = mol.lpn_id
             AND wlc.lpn_context     = 1);
Line: 7497

	  SELECT subinventory_code
               , locator_id
	    INTO    l_m_sub
                  , l_m_loc
	    FROM   wms_license_plate_numbers
	    WHERE  lpn_id = l_lpn_id;
Line: 7504

	  SELECT mil.project_id
	       , mil.task_id
	    INTO   l_project_id
	         , l_task_id
	    FROM   mtl_item_locations mil
	    WHERE  mil.inventory_location_id = l_m_loc
	    AND    mil.organization_id = p_org_id
	    AND    mil.subinventory_code = l_m_sub;
Line: 7630

      SELECT mtrl.primary_quantity
           , mmtt.primary_quantity
      FROM   mtl_txn_request_lines mtrl, mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
      WHERE  mtrl.organization_id = p_organization_id
      AND    mtrl.lpn_id = l_lpn_id
      AND    mmtt.move_order_line_id = mtrl.line_id;
Line: 7641

      SELECT lpn_id
	FROM wms_license_plate_numbers
	START WITH lpn_id = p_lpn_id
	CONNECT BY parent_lpn_id = PRIOR lpn_id;
Line: 7706

        SELECT 'Y' INTO l_is_content_lpn
        FROM wms_lpn_contents
        WHERE parent_lpn_id = l_lpn_id;
Line: 7733

          DELETE FROM wms_dispatched_tasks
          WHERE task_type = 2
          AND   transaction_temp_id IN
                (SELECT transaction_temp_id
                 FROM   mtl_material_transactions_temp
                 WHERE  move_order_line_id IN
                    (SELECT line_id
                     FROM   mtl_txn_request_lines
                     WHERE  organization_id = p_organization_id
                     AND    lpn_id = l_lpn_id)
Line: 7745

          DELETE FROM mtl_transaction_lots_temp
          WHERE transaction_temp_id IN
              (SELECT transaction_temp_id
               FROM   mtl_material_transactions_temp
               WHERE  move_order_line_id IN
                  (SELECT line_id
                   FROM   mtl_txn_request_lines
                   WHERE  organization_id = p_organization_id
                   AND    lpn_id = l_lpn_id));
Line: 7755

          DELETE FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
          WHERE move_order_line_id IN
              (SELECT line_id
               FROM   mtl_txn_request_lines
               WHERE  organization_id = p_organization_id
               AND    lpn_id = l_lpn_id);
Line: 7772

          UPDATE mtl_txn_request_lines
	    SET to_subinventory_code = p_subinventory
            , to_locator_id = p_locator_id
            , quantity_detailed = NULL
	    WHERE  organization_id = p_organization_id
	    AND    lpn_id = l_lpn_id
	    AND    line_status = 7;
Line: 7830

          SELECT COUNT(1)
	    INTO   l_mo_lines_count
	    FROM   mtl_txn_request_lines
	    WHERE  organization_id = p_organization_id
	    AND    lpn_id = l_lpn_id
	    AND    line_status = 7;
Line: 7844

          SELECT COUNT(mmtt.transaction_temp_id)
          INTO   l_mmtt_lines_count
          FROM   mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt, mtl_txn_request_lines mtrl
          WHERE  mtrl.lpn_id = l_lpn_id
          AND    mtrl.organization_id = p_organization_id
          AND    NVL(mmtt.wms_task_type, 0) <> -1
          AND    mtrl.line_id = mmtt.move_order_line_id
          AND    NVL(mtrl.project_id, -1) = DECODE(mtrl.project_id, NULL, -1, NVL(p_project_id, NVL(mtrl.project_id, -1)))
          AND    NVL(mtrl.task_id, -1) = DECODE(mtrl.task_id, NULL, -1, NVL(p_task_id, NVL(mtrl.task_id, -1)));
Line: 8085

       SELECT lpn_id
	 FROM wms_license_plate_numbers
	 START WITH lpn_id = p_lpn_id
	 CONNECT BY PRIOR lpn_id = parent_lpn_id;
Line: 8096

       SELECT mol.lpn_id
            , mol.line_id
            , mol.inventory_item_id
            , mol.revision
            , mol.lot_number
            , mol.uom_code
            , mol.quantity
            , mol.primary_quantity
            , mol.reference_id
            , mol.project_id
            , mol.task_id
            , mol.txn_source_id
            , mol.transaction_type_id
            , mol.transaction_source_type_id
            , mol.to_cost_group_id
	 FROM   mtl_txn_request_lines mol
	 WHERE  mol.organization_id   = p_organization_id
	 AND    mol.header_id IN (SELECT moh.header_id
				  FROM mtl_txn_request_headers moh
				  WHERE moh.move_order_type = inv_globals.g_move_order_put_away
	 AND    mol.line_status = 7
	 AND    mol.lpn_id = l_current_lpn_id;
Line: 8142

      SELECT employee_id
      INTO   l_emp_id
      FROM   fnd_user
      WHERE  user_id = p_user_id;
Line: 8215

    SELECT mmtt.transaction_temp_id,
      mmtt.secondary_transaction_quantity, --OPM Convergence
      mmtt.secondary_uom_code --OPM Convergence
      bulk collect
      INTO l_mmtt_id_tab,
      l_mmtt_sec_qty_tab, --OPM Convergence
      l_mmtt_sec_uom_tab --OPM Convergence
      FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt,
      mtl_txn_request_lines mtrl
      WHERE mmtt.organization_id = p_organization_id
      AND mmtt.move_order_line_id = mtrl.line_id
      AND mtrl.lpn_id IN (SELECT lpn_id
			  FROM wms_license_plate_numbers
			  START WITH lpn_id = p_lpn_id
			  CONNECT BY parent_lpn_id = PRIOR lpn_id);
Line: 8239

    SELECT lpn_context,subinventory_code,locator_id
      INTO l_lpn_context,l_subinventory,l_locator_id
      FROM wms_license_plate_numbers
      WHERE lpn_id = p_lpn_id;
Line: 8295

	  SELECT mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL
	    INTO   l_txn_header_id
	    FROM   DUAL;
Line: 8345

	     SELECT DISTINCT operation_seq_num, repetitive_line_id
	       INTO l_operation_seq_num,l_repetitive_line_id
	       FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
	       WHERE move_order_line_id = v_mo_line.line_id;
Line: 8365

	  -- Insert a record into MMTT
	  -- Nested LPN changes,
	  -- For Resides in Receiving LPNs insert destination sub destint loc as sub and loc
	  -- For Resides in Inventory LPNs insert destination sub and loc as to_sub and to_loc.

          mydebug('lpn context =====>' || l_lpn_context );
Line: 8380

	       (p_trx_hdr_id          => l_txn_header_id,
		p_item_id             => v_mo_line.inventory_item_id,
		p_revision            => v_mo_line.revision,
		p_org_id              => p_organization_id,
		p_trx_action_id       => l_trx_action_id,
		p_subinv_code         => p_subinventory,
		p_locator_id          => p_locator_id,
		p_trx_type_id         => v_mo_line.transaction_type_id,
		p_trx_src_type_id     => v_mo_line.transaction_source_type_id,
		p_trx_qty             => v_mo_line.quantity,
		p_pri_qty             => v_mo_line.primary_quantity,
		p_uom                 => v_mo_line.uom_code,
		p_user_id             => p_user_id,
		p_cost_group          => v_mo_line.to_cost_group_id,
		p_from_lpn_id         => v_mo_line.lpn_id,
		p_trx_src_id          => v_mo_line.txn_source_id,
		x_trx_tmp_id          => l_txn_temp_id,
		x_proc_msg            => x_msg_data,
		p_project_id          => v_mo_line.project_id,
		p_task_id             => v_mo_line.task_id,
		p_transaction_status  => 2);
Line: 8402

	     --BUG 3356366: Insert MMTT with txn_status 2 so that it won't
	     --invoke the DB trigger that calls update_loc_suggested_capacity
	     l_return :=
	       (p_trx_hdr_id          => l_txn_header_id,
		p_item_id             => v_mo_line.inventory_item_id,
		p_revision            => v_mo_line.revision,
		p_org_id              => p_organization_id,
		p_trx_action_id       => l_trx_action_id,
		p_subinv_code         => nvl(l_subinventory,p_subinventory), -- 4156992
		p_locator_id          => nvl(l_locator_id,p_locator_id) , -- 4156992
		p_trx_type_id         => v_mo_line.transaction_type_id,
		p_trx_src_type_id     => v_mo_line.transaction_source_type_id,
		p_trx_qty             => v_mo_line.quantity,
		p_pri_qty             => v_mo_line.primary_quantity,
		p_uom                 => v_mo_line.uom_code,
		p_user_id             => p_user_id,
		p_cost_group          => v_mo_line.to_cost_group_id,
		p_from_lpn_id         => v_mo_line.lpn_id,
		p_trx_src_id          => v_mo_line.txn_source_id,
		x_trx_tmp_id          => l_txn_temp_id,
		x_proc_msg            => x_msg_data,
		p_project_id          => v_mo_line.project_id,
		p_task_id             => v_mo_line.task_id,
		p_tosubinv_code       => p_subinventory,
	        p_tolocator_id        => p_locator_id,
	        p_transaction_status => 2);
Line: 8430

	     --BUG 3356366: Insert MMTT with txn_status 2 so that it won't
	     --invoke the DB trigger that calls update_loc_suggested_capacity
	  END IF;
Line: 8435

	     mydebug('Successfully inserted MMTT record: ' || l_txn_temp_id);
Line: 8444

		mydebug('Error occurred while calling inv_trx_util_pub.insert_line_trx');
Line: 8454

	     SELECT NVL(completion_transaction_id, -999)
	       INTO   l_completion_txn_id
	       FROM   wip_lpn_completions
	       WHERE  header_id = v_mo_line.reference_id
	       AND    lpn_id = p_lpn_id;
Line: 8470

	  SELECT primary_uom_code
	    INTO   l_primary_uom_code
	    FROM   mtl_system_items
	    WHERE  inventory_item_id = v_mo_line.inventory_item_id
	    AND    organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 8482

	  --Need to update MOL.quantity_detailed
	  --Because in WMSOPIBB.COMPLETE, it will deduct
	  UPDATE mtl_txn_request_lines
	    SET  quantity_detailed = Nvl(quantity_detailed,0)+quantity
	    WHERE line_id = v_mo_line.line_id;
Line: 8489

	  -- Update the MMTT record with the move order line,
	  -- completion transaction ID in the case of WIP completion,
	  -- item primary UOM code, transaction status (2 for suggestions),
	  -- and wms task type (2 for putaway).
	  UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp
	    SET move_order_line_id = v_mo_line.line_id
	    , completion_transaction_id = l_completion_txn_id
	    , item_primary_uom_code = l_primary_uom_code
	    , transaction_status = 2
	    , wms_task_type = 2
	    , operation_seq_num = l_operation_seq_num   --need these 2 columns when
	    , repetitive_line_id = l_repetitive_line_id --reverting crossdock
	    WHERE  transaction_temp_id = l_txn_temp_id;
Line: 8504

	     mydebug('Updated the MMTT record with additional info');
Line: 8510

	     -- Insert a record into MTLT
	     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
		mydebug('Insert a record into MTLT for lot: ' || v_mo_line.lot_number);
Line: 8516

	       (p_trx_tmp_id     => l_txn_temp_id,
		p_user_id        => p_user_id,
		p_lot_number     => v_mo_line.lot_number,
		p_trx_qty        => v_mo_line.quantity,
		p_pri_qty        => v_mo_line.primary_quantity,
		x_ser_trx_id     => l_ser_trx_id,
		x_proc_msg       => x_msg_data);
Line: 8526

		mydebug('Successfully inserted MTLT record');
Line: 8533

		   mydebug('Error occurred while calling inv_trx_util_pub.insert_lot_trx');
Line: 8539

	     -- Update the MTLT record to clear out the serial_transaction_temp_id column
	     -- since insert_lot_trx by default will insert a value for it.
	     UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_temp
	       SET serial_transaction_temp_id = NULL
	       WHERE  transaction_temp_id = l_txn_temp_id;
Line: 8561

      DELETE FROM wms_dispatched_tasks
      WHERE  transaction_temp_id = l_mmtt_id_tab(i)
      AND  task_type = 2;
Line: 8568

      DELETE FROM mtl_transaction_lots_temp
      WHERE  transaction_temp_id = l_mmtt_id_tab(i);
Line: 8572

       UPDATE mtl_txn_request_lines
	 SET  quantity_detailed = Nvl(quantity_detailed,0)
	 WHERE line_id = l_mmtt_mol_id_tab(i);
Line: 8591

      DELETE FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
      WHERE transaction_temp_id = l_mmtt_id_tab(i);
Line: 8604

      mydebug('Finished inserting suggestion records: ' || l_number_of_rows);
Line: 8674

      SELECT inventory_item_id
           , lot_number
           , transaction_type_id
      FROM   mtl_txn_request_lines
      WHERE  organization_id = p_organization_id
      AND    lpn_id = p_lpn_id;
Line: 8682

      SELECT serial_number
      FROM   mtl_serial_numbers
      WHERE  inventory_item_id = l_item_id
      AND    current_organization_id = p_organization_id
      AND    lpn_id = p_lpn_id;
Line: 8716

      SELECT lot_control_code
           , serial_number_control_code
      INTO   l_lot_control_code
           , l_serial_control_code
      FROM   mtl_system_items
      WHERE  inventory_item_id = l_item_id
      AND    organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 8905

       SELECT lpn_id
	 FROM wms_license_plate_numbers
	 START WITH lpn_id = p_lpn_id
	 CONNECT BY PRIOR lpn_id = parent_lpn_id;
Line: 8915

     SELECT mmtt.inventory_item_id
       --BUG 3541045: For Inventory Move, suggested sub/loc will be stamped
       --on transfer_subinventory/transfer_to_location.  So, look at that
       --first.  Only if it is null should we use the locator_id
           , Nvl(mmtt.transfer_to_location,mmtt.locator_id) locator_id
           , mmtt.transaction_quantity
           , mmtt.transaction_uom
	   , mmtt.parent_line_id         --6962664
           , mmtt.transaction_header_id  --6962664
      FROM   mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt,
             mtl_txn_request_lines mtrl
      WHERE  mmtt.move_order_line_id = mtrl.line_id
        AND  mmtt.organization_id = p_organization_id
        AND  mmtt.lpn_id = l_current_lpn_id
        AND  NVL(mmtt.wms_task_type, 0) <> -1;
Line: 8962

          SELECT locator_id INTO l_locator_id
          FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
          WHERE transaction_temp_id = l_parent_line_id
          AND transaction_header_id = l_txn_header_id;
Line: 9100

       SELECT 'Y'
	 INTO x_crossdock
	 FROM dual
	 WHERE exists
	  FROM mtl_txn_request_lines
	  WHERE lpn_id = p_lpn_id
	  AND organization_id = p_organization_id
	  AND backorder_delivery_detail_id IS NOT NULL);
Line: 9116

    SELECT NVL(crossdock_flag, 2)
    INTO   l_cross_dock_flag
    FROM   mtl_parameters
    WHERE  organization_id = p_organization_id;