1044: lx_sub_pool_curr_code okl_subsidy_pools_b.currency_code%TYPE;
1045: l_sub_pool_applicable VARCHAR2(10);
1046: lv_subsidy_amount okl_k_lines.amount%TYPE;
1047: l_debug_enabled VARCHAR2(10);
1048: l_module CONSTANT fnd_log_messages.module%TYPE := 'okl.plsql.OKL_ACTIVATE_CONTRACT_PUB.ACTIVATE_CONTRACT';
1049: is_debug_statement_on BOOLEAN;
1050: -- sjalasut: added local variables for subsidy pools enhancement. END
1052: -- dedey, Bug#4264314
1077: okl_debug_pub.logmessage('In Activate_contract: p_chrv_id =' || p_chrv_id);
1078: okl_debug_pub.logmessage('p_call_mode =' || p_call_mode);
1079: -- check if debug is enabled
1080: l_debug_enabled := okl_debug_pub.check_log_enabled;
1081: is_debug_statement_on := okl_debug_pub.check_log_on(l_module,FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT);
1083: --check for mass rebook contract
1084: l_mass_rbk_khr := '?';
1085: OPEN l_chk_mass_rbk_csr (p_chr_id => p_chrv_id);
2043: * Further, it is not correct to indicate a validation failure on a subsidy pool transaction while the
2044: * subsidy is actually exipred. START
2045: */
2046: IF(NVL(l_debug_enabled,'N')='Y' AND is_debug_statement_on) THEN
2047: okl_debug_pub.log_debug( FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, l_module, 'verifying subsidy applicability over pool subsidy id '||l_subsidy_rec.subsidy_id);
2048: END IF;
2050: l_sub_pool_applicable := okl_asset_subsidy_pvt.is_sub_assoc_with_pool(p_subsidy_id => l_subsidy_rec.subsidy_id
2051: ,x_subsidy_pool_id => lx_sub_pool_id
2058: -- the amount for transaction is either the override amount if present or the calculated subsidy amount
2059: lv_subsidy_amount := NVL(l_subsidy_rec.subsidy_override_amount,NVL(l_subsidy_rec.subsidy_amount,0));
2060: -- write to debug log
2061: IF(NVL(l_debug_enabled,'N')='Y' AND is_debug_statement_on) THEN
2062: okl_debug_pub.log_debug( FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, l_module, 'pool applicable sub_pool_id '||lx_sub_pool_id||' amount '||lv_subsidy_amount);
2063: END IF;
2064: okl_subsidy_pool_auth_trx_pvt.create_pool_trx_khr_book(p_api_version => p_api_version
2065: ,p_init_msg_list => p_init_msg_list
2066: ,x_return_status => x_return_status
2073: ,p_trx_amount => lv_subsidy_amount
2074: );
2075: l_subsidy_valid_status := x_return_status;
2076: IF(NVL(l_debug_enabled,'N')='Y' AND is_debug_statement_on) THEN
2077: okl_debug_pub.log_debug( FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, l_module, 'x_return_status being copied into l_subsidy_valid_status '||l_subsidy_valid_status
2078: ||' x_msg_data '||x_msg_data
2079: );
2080: END IF; -- end of write to debug log
2081: END IF; -- end of l_sub_pool_applicable = 'Y'
2298: * Further, it is not correct to indicate a validation failure on a subsidy pool transaction while the
2299: * subsidy is actually exipred. START
2300: */
2301: IF(NVL(l_debug_enabled,'N')='Y' AND is_debug_statement_on) THEN
2302: okl_debug_pub.log_debug( FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, l_module, 'verifying subsidy applicability over pool subsidy id '||l_subsidy_rec.subsidy_id);
2303: END IF;
2305: l_sub_pool_applicable := okl_asset_subsidy_pvt.is_sub_assoc_with_pool(p_subsidy_id => l_subsidy_rec.subsidy_id
2306: ,x_subsidy_pool_id => lx_sub_pool_id
2313: -- the amount for transaction is either the override amount if present or the calculated subsidy amount
2314: lv_subsidy_amount := NVL(l_subsidy_rec.subsidy_override_amount,NVL(l_subsidy_rec.subsidy_amount,0));
2315: -- write to debug log
2316: IF(NVL(l_debug_enabled,'N')='Y' AND is_debug_statement_on) THEN
2317: okl_debug_pub.log_debug( FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, l_module, 'pool applicable sub_pool_id '||lx_sub_pool_id||' amount '||lv_subsidy_amount);
2318: END IF;
2319: okl_subsidy_pool_auth_trx_pvt.create_pool_trx_khr_book(p_api_version => p_api_version
2320: ,p_init_msg_list => p_init_msg_list
2321: ,x_return_status => x_return_status
2328: ,p_trx_amount => lv_subsidy_amount
2329: );
2330: l_subsidy_valid_status := x_return_status;
2331: IF(NVL(l_debug_enabled,'N')='Y' AND is_debug_statement_on) THEN
2332: okl_debug_pub.log_debug( FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, l_module, 'x_return_status being copied into l_subsidy_valid_status '||l_subsidy_valid_status
2333: ||' x_msg_data '||x_msg_data
2334: );
2335: END IF; -- end of write to debug log
2336: END IF; -- end of l_sub_pool_applicable = 'Y'