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1 package body isc_depot_mttr_etl_pkg as
2 /* $Header: iscdepotmttretlb.pls 120.1 2006/09/21 01:21:32 kreardon noship $ */
4 -- Package Variables
6 g_global_start_date date;
7 g_isc_schema  varchar2(30);
8 g_object_name  constant varchar2(30) := 'ISC_DR_MTTR_F';
10 --  Initial Load
11 --  Parameters:
12 --  retcode - 0 on successful completion, -1 on error and 1 for warning.
13 --  errbuf - empty on successful completion, message on error or warning
14 --
16 procedure initial_load
17 ( errbuf    in out nocopy  varchar2
18 , retcode   in out nocopy  number
19 )
20 is
22   l_stmt_id            number;
23   l_run_date           date;
24   l_proc_name          constant varchar2(30) := 'initial_load';
25   l_isc_schema         varchar2(30);
26   l_err_msg            varchar2(200);
28   l_user_id            constant number := nvl(fnd_global.user_id,-1);
29   l_login_id           constant number := nvl(fnd_global.login_id,-1);
30   l_program_id         constant number := nvl(fnd_global.conc_program_id,-1);
31   l_program_login_id   constant number := nvl(fnd_global.conc_login_id,-1);
32   l_program_application_id constant number := nvl(fnd_global.prog_appl_id,-1);
33   l_request_id         constant number := nvl(fnd_global.conc_request_id,-1);
35   l_message varchar2(32000);
36   l_exception exception;
37   l_temp_rowcount number;
38   l_rowcount number;
39   l_to_date date;
41 begin
43   bis_collection_utilities.log( 'Begin Initial Load' );
45   l_stmt_id := 0;
46   if not bis_collection_utilities.setup( g_object_name ) then
47     l_message := isc_depot_backlog_etl_pkg.err_mesg
48                  ( 'Error in BIS_COLLECTION_UTILITIES.Setup'
49                  , l_proc_name
50                  , l_stmt_id
51                  );
52     bis_collection_utilities.put_line( l_message );
53     raise l_exception;
54   end if;
56   l_stmt_id := 10;
57   if isc_depot_backlog_etl_pkg.check_initial_load_setup
58      ( x_global_start_date => g_global_start_date
59      , x_isc_schema        => g_isc_schema
60      , x_message           => l_message
61      ) <> c_ok then
62     raise l_exception;
63   end if;
65   bis_collection_utilities.log( 'Global Start Date: ' || fnd_date.date_to_displaydt(g_global_start_date), 1 );
67   l_stmt_id := 20;
68   delete
69   from isc_dr_inc
70   where fact_name = 'ISC_DR_MTTR_F';
72   bis_collection_utilities.log( 'Deleted from table ISC_DR_INC', 1 );
74   l_stmt_id := 30;
75   execute immediate 'TRUNCATE TABLE ' || g_isc_schema || '.ISC_DR_MTTR_F';
77   bis_collection_utilities.log( 'Truncated table ISC_DR_MTTR_F', 1 );
79   l_stmt_id := 40;
80   if isc_depot_backlog_etl_pkg.get_last_run_date
81      ( p_fact_name => 'ISC_DR_REPAIR_ORDERS_F'
82      , x_run_date  => l_run_date
83      , x_message   => l_message
84      ) <> c_ok then
85     raise l_exception;
86   end if;
88   if l_run_date is null then
89     l_message := 'Please launch the Intial Load Request Set for the Depot Repair Management page.';
90     raise l_exception;
91   end if;
93   bis_collection_utilities.log( 'Repair Order To Date: ' || fnd_date.date_to_displaydt(l_run_date), 1 );
95   l_to_date := sysdate;
97   l_stmt_id := 50;
98   -- Insertion of Non-refurbishment repair orders for Serialized and
99   -- Non-serialized items
101   insert /*+ append parallel(isc_dr_mttr_f) */
102   into isc_dr_mttr_f
103   ( repair_line_id
104   , repair_start_date
105   , repair_end_date
106   , time_to_repair
107   , created_by
108   , creation_date
109   , last_update_date
110   , last_updated_by
111   , last_update_login
112   , program_id
113   , program_login_id
114   , program_application_id
115   , request_id
116   )
117   select  /*+ ordered use_hash(crt, bdr, cpt, ced, pdr, cpt1, ced1, ibs)
118               parallel(crt) parallel(cpt) parallel(ced) parallel(pdr)
119               parallel(cpt1) parallel(ced1) parallel(ibs) parallel(bdr) */
120     bdr.repair_line_id repair_line_id
121   , min(pdr.transaction_date) repair_start_date
122   , max(ibs.actual_shipment_date) repair_end_date
123   , max(ibs.actual_shipment_date) - min(pdr.transaction_date) time_to_repair
124   , l_user_id
125   , sysdate
126   , sysdate
127   , l_user_id
128   , l_login_id
129   , l_program_id
130   , l_program_login_id
131   , l_program_application_id
132   , l_request_id
133   from
134     csd_repair_types_b crt
135   , isc_dr_repair_orders_f bdr
136   , csd_product_transactions cpt
137   , cs_estimate_details ced
138   , poa_dbi_rtx_f pdr
139   , csd_product_transactions cpt1
140   , cs_estimate_details ced1
141   , isc_book_sum2_f ibs
142   where
143       bdr.repair_line_id = cpt.repair_line_id
144   and bdr.repair_type_id = crt.repair_type_id
145   and crt.repair_type_ref <> 'RF'
146   and cpt.action_type in ('RMA','WALK_IN_RECEIPT')
147   and cpt.action_code = 'CUST_PROD'
148   and cpt.estimate_detail_id = ced.estimate_detail_id
149   and ced.order_line_id = pdr.oe_order_line_id
150   and pdr.transaction_type = 'DELIVER'
151   and bdr.repair_line_id = cpt1.repair_line_id
152   and cpt1.action_type in ('SHIP','WALK_IN_ISSUE')
153   and cpt1.action_code = 'CUST_PROD'
154   and cpt1.estimate_detail_id = ced1.estimate_detail_id
155   and ced1.order_line_id = ibs.line_id
156   and ibs.actual_shipment_date is not null
157   and bdr.status = 'C'
158   and bdr.date_closed is not null
159   and bdr.ro_creation_date >= g_global_start_date
160   group by
161     bdr.repair_line_id;
163   l_rowcount := sql%rowcount;
164   bis_collection_utilities.log( 'Inserted ' || l_rowcount || ' rows into ISC_DR_MTTR_F' , 1 );
166   l_stmt_id := 60;
167   commit;
169   l_stmt_id := 70;
170   -- Insertion of repair orders with Refurbishment(IO) repair type for
171   -- Non-serialized items
173   insert /*+ append parallel(isc_dr_mttr_f) */
174   into isc_dr_mttr_f
175   ( repair_line_id
176   , repair_start_date
177   , repair_end_date
178   , time_to_repair
179   , created_by
180   , creation_date
181   , last_update_date
182   , last_updated_by
183   , last_update_login
184   , program_id
185   , program_login_id
186   , program_application_id
187   , request_id
188   )
189   select  /*+ use_hash(crt, bdr) parallel(bdr) */
190     bdr.repair_line_id repair_line_id
191   , min(pdr.transaction_date) repair_start_date
192   , max(ibs.actual_shipment_date) repair_end_date
193   , max(ibs.actual_shipment_date) - min(pdr.transaction_date) time_to_repair
194   , l_user_id
195   , sysdate
196   , sysdate
197   , l_user_id
198   , l_login_id
199   , l_program_id
200   , l_program_login_id
201   , l_program_application_id
202   , l_request_id
203   from
204     isc_dr_repair_orders_f bdr
205   , csd_repair_types_b crt
206   , csd_product_transactions cpt
207   , csd_product_transactions cpt1
208   , poa_dbi_rtx_f pdr
209   , isc_book_sum2_f ibs
210   where
211       bdr.repair_line_id = cpt.repair_line_id
212   and bdr.serial_number is null
213   and bdr.repair_type_id = crt.repair_type_id
214   and crt.repair_type_ref = 'RF'
215   and cpt.action_type = 'MOVE_IN'
216   -- and cpt.action_code = 'DEFECTIVES'
217   and cpt.req_line_id = pdr.requisition_line_id
218   and pdr.transaction_type = 'DELIVER'
219   and bdr.repair_line_id = cpt1.repair_line_id
220   and cpt1.action_type = 'MOVE_OUT'
221   -- and cpt1.action_code = 'USABLES'
222   and cpt1.order_line_id = ibs.line_id
223   and ibs.actual_shipment_date is not null
224   and bdr.status = 'C'
225   and bdr.date_closed is not null
226   and bdr.ro_creation_date >= g_global_start_date
227   group by
228     bdr.repair_line_id;
230   l_temp_rowcount := sql%rowcount;
231   bis_collection_utilities.log( 'Inserted ' || l_temp_rowcount || ' rows into ISC_DR_MTTR_F' , 1 );
232   l_rowcount := l_rowcount + l_temp_rowcount;
234   l_stmt_id := 80;
235   commit;
237   l_stmt_id := 90;
238   -- Insertion of repair orders with Refurbishment(IO) repair type for
239   -- Serialized items
241   insert /*+ append parallel(isc_dr_mttr_f) */
242   into isc_dr_mttr_f
243   ( repair_line_id
244   , repair_start_date
245   , repair_end_date
246   , time_to_repair
247   , created_by
248   , creation_date
249   , last_update_date
250   , last_updated_by
251   , last_update_login
252   , program_id
253   , program_login_id
254   , program_application_id
255   , request_id
256   )
257   select /* use_hash(crt, bdr) parallel(bdr) */
258     bdr.repair_line_id repair_line_id
259   , pdr.transaction_date repair_start_date
260   , ibs.actual_shipment_date repair_end_date
261   , (ibs.actual_shipment_date - pdr.transaction_date) time_to_repair
262   , l_user_id
263   , sysdate
264   , sysdate
265   , l_user_id
266   , l_login_id
267   , l_program_id
268   , l_program_login_id
269   , l_program_application_id
270   , l_request_id
271   from
272     isc_dr_repair_orders_f bdr
273   , csd_repair_types_b crt
274   , csd_product_transactions cpt
275   , csd_product_transactions cpt1
276   , poa_dbi_rtx_f pdr
277   , mtl_unit_transactions mut
278   , isc_book_sum2_f ibs
279   where
280       bdr.repair_line_id = cpt.repair_line_id
281   and bdr.serial_number is not null
282   and bdr.repair_type_id = crt.repair_type_id
283   and crt.repair_type_ref = 'RF'
284   and cpt.action_type = 'MOVE_IN'
285   -- and cpt.action_code = 'DEFECTIVES'
286   and cpt.req_line_id = pdr.requisition_line_id
287   and pdr.transaction_type = 'DELIVER'
288   and pdr.inv_transaction_id = mut.transaction_id
289   and cpt.source_serial_number = mut.serial_number
290   and bdr.repair_line_id = cpt1.repair_line_id
291   and cpt1.action_type = 'MOVE_OUT'
292   -- and cpt1.action_code = 'USABLES'
293   and cpt1.order_line_id = ibs.line_id
294   and ibs.actual_shipment_date is not null
295   and cpt1.prod_txn_status = 'SHIPPED'
296   and bdr.status = 'C'
297   and bdr.date_closed is not null
298   and bdr.ro_creation_date >= g_global_start_date;
300   l_temp_rowcount := sql%rowcount;
301   bis_collection_utilities.log( 'Inserted ' || l_temp_rowcount || ' rows into ISC_DR_MTTR_F' , 1 );
302   l_rowcount := l_rowcount + l_temp_rowcount;
304   l_stmt_id := 100;
305   commit;
307   l_stmt_id := 110;
308   -- Insertion into the incremental log table
310   insert into
311   isc_dr_inc
312   ( fact_name
313   , last_run_date
314   , created_by
315   , creation_date
316   , last_update_date
317   , last_updated_by
318   , last_update_login
319   , program_id
320   , program_login_id
321   , program_application_id
322   , request_id
323   )
324   values
325   ( 'ISC_DR_MTTR_F'
326   , l_run_date
327   , l_user_id
328   , sysdate
329   , sysdate
330   , l_user_id
331   , l_login_id
332   , l_program_id
333   , l_program_login_id
334   , l_program_application_id
335   , l_request_id
336   );
338   bis_collection_utilities.log( 'Inserted into table ISC_DR_INC', 1 );
340   l_stmt_id := 120;
341   commit;
343   l_stmt_id := 130;
344   bis_collection_utilities.wrapup( p_status => true
345                                  , p_period_from => g_global_start_date
346                                  , p_period_to => l_to_date
347                                  , p_count => l_rowcount
348                                  );
350   retcode := c_ok;
352   bis_collection_utilities.log( 'End Initial Load' );
354 exception
356   when l_exception then
357     rollback;
358     bis_collection_utilities.wrapup( p_status => false
359                                    , p_period_from => g_global_start_date
360                                    , p_period_to => l_to_date
361                                    , p_message => l_message
362                                    );
363     retcode := c_error;
364     errbuf := l_message;
366   when others then
367     rollback;
368     l_message := isc_depot_backlog_etl_pkg.err_mesg
369                  ( sqlerrm
370                  , l_proc_name
371                  , l_stmt_id
372                  );
373     bis_collection_utilities.put_line( l_message );
374     bis_collection_utilities.wrapup( p_status => false
375                                    , p_period_from => g_global_start_date
376                                    , p_period_to => l_to_date
377                                    , p_message => l_message
378                                    );
379     retcode := c_error;
380     errbuf := l_message;
382 end initial_load;
384 -- Incremental Load
385 -- Parameters:
386 -- retcode - 0 on successful completion, -1 on error and 1 for warning.
387 -- errbuf - empty on successful completion, message on error or warning
388 --
390 procedure incr_load
391 ( errbuf  in out nocopy varchar2
392 , retcode in out nocopy number
393 )
394 is
396   l_stmt_id            number;
397   l_run_date           date;
398   l_proc_name          constant varchar2(30) := 'incr_load';
399   l_last_run_date      date;
400   l_err_msg            varchar2(200);
402   l_user_id            constant number := nvl(fnd_global.user_id,-1);
403   l_login_id           constant number := nvl(fnd_global.login_id,-1);
404   l_program_id         constant number := nvl(fnd_global.conc_program_id,-1);
405   l_program_login_id   constant number := nvl(fnd_global.conc_login_id,-1);
406   l_program_application_id constant number := nvl(fnd_global.prog_appl_id,-1);
407   l_request_id         constant number := nvl(fnd_global.conc_request_id,-1);
409   l_message varchar2(32000);
410   l_exception exception;
411   l_temp_rowcount number;
412   l_rowcount number;
413   l_to_date date;
415 begin
417   bis_collection_utilities.log( 'Begin Incremental Load' );
419   l_stmt_id := 0;
420   if not bis_collection_utilities.setup( g_object_name ) then
421     l_message := isc_depot_backlog_etl_pkg.err_mesg
422                  ( 'Error in BIS_COLLECTION_UTILITIES.Setup'
423                  , l_proc_name
424                  , l_stmt_id
425                  );
426     bis_collection_utilities.put_line( l_message );
427     raise l_exception;
428   end if;
430   l_stmt_id := 10;
431   if isc_depot_backlog_etl_pkg.check_initial_load_setup
432      ( x_global_start_date => g_global_start_date
433      , x_isc_schema        => g_isc_schema
434      , x_message           => l_message
435      ) <> c_ok then
436     raise l_exception;
437   end if;
439   bis_collection_utilities.log( 'Global Start Date: ' || fnd_date.date_to_displaydt(g_global_start_date), 1 );
441   l_stmt_id := 20;
442   if isc_depot_backlog_etl_pkg.get_last_run_date
443      ( p_fact_name => 'ISC_DR_MTTR_F'
444      , x_run_date  => l_run_date
445      , x_message   => l_message
446      ) <> c_ok then
447     raise l_exception;
448   end if;
450   if l_run_date is null then
451     l_message := 'Please run the Intial Load Request Set for the Depot Repair Management page.';
452     raise l_exception;
453   end if;
455   bis_collection_utilities.log( 'MTTR From Date: ' || fnd_date.date_to_displaydt(l_run_date), 1 );
457   l_stmt_id := 30;
458   if isc_depot_backlog_etl_pkg.get_last_run_date
459      ( p_fact_name => 'ISC_DR_REPAIR_ORDERS_F'
460      , x_run_date  => l_last_run_date
461      , x_message   => l_message
462      ) <> c_ok then
463     raise l_exception;
464   end if;
466   if l_run_date is null then
467     l_message := 'Please run the Intial Load Request Set for the Depot Repair Management page.';
468     raise l_exception;
469   end if;
471   bis_collection_utilities.log( 'Repair Order From Date: ' || fnd_date.date_to_displaydt(l_last_run_date), 1 );
473   l_to_date := sysdate;
475   l_stmt_id := 40;
476   -- Insertion / Updation of repair orders with Non-refurbishment repair type
477   -- for Serialized and Non-serialized items
479   merge into
480   isc_dr_mttr_f fact
481   using
482     ( select
483         bdr.repair_line_id repair_line_id
484       , min(pdr.transaction_date) repair_start_date
485       , max(ibs.actual_shipment_date) repair_end_date
486       , max(ibs.actual_shipment_date) - min(pdr.transaction_date) time_to_repair
487       from
488         isc_dr_repair_orders_f bdr
489       , csd_repair_types_b crt
490       , csd_product_transactions cpt
491       , csd_product_transactions cpt1
492       , cs_estimate_details ced
496       where
493       , cs_estimate_details ced1
494       , poa_dbi_rtx_f pdr
495       , isc_book_sum2_f ibs
497           bdr.repair_line_id = cpt.repair_line_id
498       and bdr.repair_type_id = crt.repair_type_id
499       and crt.repair_type_ref <> 'RF'
500       and cpt.action_type in ('RMA','WALK_IN_RECEIPT')
501       and cpt.action_code = 'CUST_PROD'
502       and cpt.estimate_detail_id = ced.estimate_detail_id
503       and ced.order_line_id = pdr.oe_order_line_id
504       and pdr.transaction_type = 'DELIVER'
505       and bdr.repair_line_id = cpt1.repair_line_id
506       and cpt1.action_type in ('SHIP','WALK_IN_ISSUE')
507       and cpt1.action_code = 'CUST_PROD'
508       and cpt1.estimate_detail_id = ced1.estimate_detail_id
509       and ced1.order_line_id = ibs.line_id
510       and ibs.actual_shipment_date is not null
511       and bdr.status = 'C'
512       and bdr.ro_creation_date >= g_global_start_date
513       and bdr.date_closed > l_run_date
514       group by
515         bdr.repair_line_id
516     ) oltp
517   on
518     ( fact.repair_line_id = oltp.repair_line_id )
519   when matched then
520     update
521     set fact.repair_start_date         =  oltp.repair_start_date
522       , fact.repair_end_date           =  oltp.repair_end_date
523       , fact.time_to_repair            =  oltp.time_to_repair
524       , fact.last_update_date          =  sysdate
525       , fact.last_updated_by           =  l_user_id
526       , fact.last_update_login         =  l_login_id
527       , fact.program_id                =  l_program_id
528       , fact.program_login_id          =  l_program_login_id
529       , fact.program_application_id    =  l_program_application_id
530       , fact.request_id                =  l_request_id
531   when not matched then
532     insert
533     ( repair_line_id
534     , repair_start_date
535     , repair_end_date
536     , time_to_repair
537     , created_by
538     , creation_date
539     , last_update_date
540     , last_updated_by
541     , last_update_login
542     , program_id
543     , program_login_id
544     , program_application_id
545     , request_id
546     )
547     values
548     ( oltp.repair_line_id
549     , oltp.repair_start_date
550     , oltp.repair_end_date
551     , oltp.time_to_repair
552     , l_user_id
553     , sysdate
554     , sysdate
555     , l_user_id
556     , l_login_id
557     , l_program_id
558     , l_program_login_id
559     , l_program_application_id
560     , l_request_id
561     );
563   l_rowcount := sql%rowcount;
564   bis_collection_utilities.log( 'Merged ' || l_rowcount || ' rows into ISC_DR_MTTR_F' , 1 );
566   l_stmt_id := 50;
567   -- Insertion/Updation of repair orders with Refurbishment repair type
568   -- for Non-serialized items
570   merge into
571   isc_dr_mttr_f fact
572   using
573     ( select
574         bdr.repair_line_id repair_line_id
575       , min(pdr.transaction_date) repair_start_date
576       , max(ibs.actual_shipment_date) repair_end_date
577       , max(ibs.actual_shipment_date) - min(pdr.transaction_date) time_to_repair
578       from
579         isc_dr_repair_orders_f bdr
580       , csd_repair_types_b crt
581       , csd_product_transactions cpt
582       , csd_product_transactions cpt1
583       , poa_dbi_rtx_f pdr
584       , isc_book_sum2_f ibs
585       where
586           bdr.repair_line_id = cpt.repair_line_id
587       and bdr.serial_number is null
588       and bdr.repair_type_id = crt.repair_type_id
589       and crt.repair_type_ref = 'RF'
590       and cpt.action_type = 'MOVE_IN'
591       -- and cpt.action_code = 'DEFECTIVES'
592       and cpt.req_line_id = pdr.requisition_line_id
593       and pdr.transaction_type = 'DELIVER'
594       and bdr.repair_line_id = cpt1.repair_line_id
595       and cpt1.action_type = 'MOVE_OUT'
596       -- and cpt1.action_code = 'USABLES'
597       and cpt1.order_line_id = ibs.line_id
598       and ibs.actual_shipment_date is not null
599       and bdr.status = 'C'
600       and bdr.ro_creation_date >= g_global_start_date
601       and bdr.date_closed > l_run_date
602       group by
603         bdr.repair_line_id
604     ) oltp
605   on
606     ( fact.repair_line_id = oltp.repair_line_id )
607   when matched then
608     update
609     set fact.repair_start_date         =       oltp.repair_start_date
610       , fact.repair_end_date           =       oltp.repair_end_date
611       , fact.time_to_repair            =       oltp.time_to_repair
612       , fact.last_update_date          =       sysdate
613       , fact.last_updated_by           =       l_user_id
614       , fact.last_update_login         =       l_login_id
615       , fact.program_id                =       l_program_id
616       , fact.program_login_id          =       l_program_login_id
617       , fact.program_application_id    =       l_program_application_id
618       , fact.request_id                =       l_request_id
619   when not matched then
620     insert
621     ( repair_line_id
622     , repair_start_date
623     , repair_end_date
624     , time_to_repair
625     , created_by
626     , creation_date
627     , last_update_date
628     , last_updated_by
629     , last_update_login
630     , program_id
631     , program_login_id
632     , program_application_id
633     , request_id
634     )
635     values
636     ( oltp.repair_line_id
637     , oltp.repair_start_date
638     , oltp.repair_end_date
639     , oltp.time_to_repair
640     , l_user_id
641     , sysdate
642     , sysdate
643     , l_user_id
644     , l_login_id
645     , l_program_id
646     , l_program_login_id
647     , l_program_application_id
648     , l_request_id
649     );
651   l_temp_rowcount := sql%rowcount;
652   bis_collection_utilities.log( 'Merged ' || l_temp_rowcount || ' rows into ISC_DR_MTTR_F' , 1 );
653   l_rowcount := l_rowcount + l_temp_rowcount;
655   l_stmt_id := 60;
656   -- Insertion/Updation of repair orders with Refurbishment repair type for
657   -- Serialized items
659   merge into
660   isc_dr_mttr_f fact
661   using
662     ( select
663         bdr.repair_line_id repair_line_id
664       , pdr.transaction_date repair_start_date
665       , ibs.actual_shipment_date repair_end_date
666       , ibs.actual_shipment_date - pdr.transaction_date time_to_repair
667       from
668         isc_dr_repair_orders_f bdr
669       , csd_repair_types_b crt
670       , csd_product_transactions cpt
671       , csd_product_transactions cpt1
672       , poa_dbi_rtx_f pdr
673       , mtl_unit_transactions mut
674       , isc_book_sum2_f ibs
675       where
676           bdr.repair_line_id = cpt.repair_line_id
677       and bdr.serial_number is not null
678       and bdr.repair_type_id = crt.repair_type_id
679       and crt.repair_type_ref = 'RF'
680       and cpt.action_type = 'MOVE_IN'
681       -- and cpt.action_code = 'DEFECTIVES'
682       and cpt.req_line_id = pdr.requisition_line_id
683       and pdr.transaction_type = 'DELIVER'
684       and pdr.inv_transaction_id = mut.transaction_id
685       and cpt.source_serial_number = mut.serial_number
686       and bdr.repair_line_id = cpt1.repair_line_id
687       and cpt1.action_type = 'MOVE_OUT'
688       -- and cpt1.action_code = 'USABLES'
689       and cpt1.order_line_id = ibs.line_id
690       and ibs.actual_shipment_date is not null
691       and cpt1.prod_txn_status = 'SHIPPED'
692       and bdr.status = 'C'
693       and bdr.ro_creation_date >= g_global_start_date
694       and bdr.date_closed > l_run_date
695     ) oltp
696   on
697     ( fact.repair_line_id = oltp.repair_line_id )
698   when matched then
699     update
700     set fact.repair_start_date         =  oltp.repair_start_date
701       , fact.repair_end_date           =  oltp.repair_end_date
702       , fact.time_to_repair            =  oltp.time_to_repair
703       , fact.last_update_date          =  sysdate
704       , fact.last_updated_by           =  l_user_id
705       , fact.last_update_login         =  l_login_id
706       , fact.program_id                =  l_program_id
707       , fact.program_login_id          =  l_program_login_id
708       , fact.program_application_id    =  l_program_application_id
709       , fact.request_id                =  l_request_id
710   when not matched then
711     insert
712     ( repair_line_id
713     , repair_start_date
714     , repair_end_date
715     , time_to_repair
716     , created_by
717     , creation_date
718     , last_update_date
719     , last_updated_by
720     , last_update_login
721     , program_id
722     , program_login_id
723     , program_application_id
724     , request_id
725     )
726     values
727     ( oltp.repair_line_id
728     , oltp.repair_start_date
729     , oltp.repair_end_date
730     , oltp.time_to_repair
731     , l_user_id
732     , sysdate
733     , sysdate
734     , l_user_id
735     , l_login_id
736     , l_program_id
737     , l_program_login_id
738     , l_program_application_id
739     , l_request_id
740     );
742   l_temp_rowcount := sql%rowcount;
743   bis_collection_utilities.log( 'Merged ' || l_temp_rowcount || ' rows into ISC_DR_MTTR_F' , 1 );
744   l_rowcount := l_rowcount + l_temp_rowcount;
746   l_stmt_id := 70;
747   update isc_dr_inc
748   set last_run_date             =  l_last_run_date
749     , last_update_date          =  sysdate
750     , last_updated_by           =  l_user_id
751     , last_update_login         =  l_login_id
752     , program_id                =  l_program_id
753     , program_login_id          =  l_program_login_id
754     , program_application_id    =  l_program_application_id
755     , request_id                =  l_request_id
756     WHERE fact_name = 'ISC_DR_MTTR_F' ;
758   bis_collection_utilities.log( 'Updated into table ISC_DR_INC', 1 );
760   l_stmt_id := 80;
761   commit;
763   l_stmt_id := 90;
764   bis_collection_utilities.wrapup( p_status => true
765                                  , p_period_from => l_run_date
766                                  , p_period_to => l_to_date
767                                  , p_count => l_rowcount
768                                  );
770   retcode := c_ok;
772   bis_collection_utilities.log( 'End Incremental Load' );
774 exception
776   when l_exception then
777     rollback;
778     bis_collection_utilities.wrapup( p_status => false
779                                    , p_period_from => l_run_date
780                                    , p_period_to => l_to_date
781                                    , p_message => l_message
782                                    );
783     retcode := c_error;
784     errbuf := l_message;
786   when others then
787     rollback;
788     l_message := isc_depot_backlog_etl_pkg.err_mesg
789                  ( sqlerrm
790                  , l_proc_name
791                  , l_stmt_id
792                  );
793     bis_collection_utilities.put_line( l_message );
794     bis_collection_utilities.wrapup( p_status => false
795                                    , p_period_from => l_run_date
796                                    , p_period_to => l_to_date
797                                    , p_message => l_message
798                                    );
799     retcode := c_error;
800     errbuf := l_message;
802 end incr_load;
804 -- Comments on the Initial and Incremental Load
806 -- During the insertion of repair orders with Refurbishment repair type for
807 -- serialized items , a check on the product transaction status is necessary
808 -- because any split made in the order line id, while shipping the serialized
809 -- items, will be reflected in the csd_product_transaction table only after
810 -- all the serialized items are shipped, however the status corresponding to
811 -- the repair order will be updated.
813 -- Currently, the condition check on the action codes are commented as action
814 -- types 'MOVE_IN' and 'MOVE_OUT' consists of only one action code
815 -- 'DEFECTIVES' and 'USABLES' respectively. However in the future, Depot
816 -- Repair may include more action codes -- for the 'MOVE_IN' and 'MOVE_OUT'
817 -- action types, this being the case these lines have to be uncommented.
819 -- For Non-refurbishment repair type, if shipment of items is done by spliting
820 -- the line id manually in Order Management form then the max of shipment date
821 -- corresponding to the line id stamped on the cs_estimate_details is alone
822 -- taken. The shipment date on the split line ids are not taken into
823 -- consideration. This requires a 'Connect By' to be included in the query
824 -- which may cause performance issues.
826 -- For refurbishment repair order with serialized item, a check on the serial
827 -- number for the item received is required , as when multiple repair orders
828 -- are created simultaneously for different serial numbers of an item, the
829 -- requisition line ids for the ROs are the same. Hence to get the accurate
830 -- repair start date corresponding to each of the repair order, a check is
831 -- required on the serial number of the item received.
833 end isc_depot_mttr_etl_pkg;