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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 25

  SELECT  org_id, party_id, quote_name,quote_number,
          quote_version, quote_password, contract_requester_id,
          cust_account_id,invoice_to_party_id, invoice_to_party_site_id,
          quote_header_id, ordered_date, order_id, total_list_price,
          total_shipping_charge,total_tax, total_quote_price,
  FROM    aso_quote_headers_all
	WHERE   quote_header_id = p_quote_id;
Line: 38

  SELECT  fc.symbol
  WHERE   fc.currency_code = p_currCode;
Line: 50

  	SELECT	Party_Name,Person_First_Name,Person_Middle_Name,Person_Last_name,party_type,Person_title
  	FROM	hz_parties
  	WHERE	party_id = p_party_id;
Line: 109

    SELECT  user_name
    FROM    fnd_user
    WHERE   user_id = lc_user_id;
Line: 420

  SELECT	rtrim(address1) || ' ' || rtrim(address2) || ' ' || rtrim(address3) || ' ' || rtrim(address4) loc_address,
  	rtrim(city) loc_city,
          rtrim(state)||'/' || rtrim(province) loc_state,
          rtrim(postal_code) loc_zip,
          rtrim(country) loc_country
  	FROM		hz_locations
  	WHERE 		location_id = (	SELECT 	location_id
  					FROM   	hz_party_sites
  					WHERE	party_site_id = p_loc_site_id);
Line: 430

  SELECT 	ship_to_cust_account_id, ship_to_party_site_id, ship_to_party_id, ship_method_code
  	FROM	aso_shipments
  	WHERE   quote_header_id = p_quote_id
  	AND	quote_line_id IS NULL
  	AND	rownum = 1;
Line: 438

   SELECT hc.party_id,hp.Party_Name,hp.Person_First_Name,hp.Person_Middle_Name,hp.Person_Last_name,hp.party_type
   FROM	hz_cust_accounts hc, hz_parties hp
   WHERE  cust_account_id = p_cust_account_id
   AND    hc.party_id = hp.party_id;
Line: 444

    Select Meaning
    from   oe_ship_methods_v
    Where  Lookup_code = pCode;
Line: 449

    Select Contract_number,Contract_number_modifier
    From okc_k_headers_b
    Where ID = p_id;
Line: 454

  	SELECT	Party_Name,Person_First_Name,Person_Middle_Name,Person_Last_name,party_type,Person_title
  	FROM	hz_parties
  	WHERE	party_id = p_party_id;
Line: 459

  	SELECT Contact_Point_type,Primary_flag, Phone_line_type, Phone_Country_code, Phone_area_code, Phone_number, Email_address
  	FROM	hz_contact_points
  	WHERE	owner_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
  	AND	owner_table_id = p_party_id;
Line: 920

    SELECT 		shippable_item_flag, rtrim(description) Description
  	FROM		mtl_system_items_kfv
  	WHERE		inventory_item_id = p_inv_item_id
  	AND		organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 926

  	SELECT Inventory_item_id, Organization_id, Quantity, Line_quote_price,currency_code
          FROM Aso_quote_lines_all
  	WHERE  quote_header_id = p_quote_id
  	ORDER BY line_number;
Line: 1149

  Select Contract_number,Contract_number_modifier
  From okc_k_headers_b
  Where ID = p_id;