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Line 17: 115.3 20-JUL-99 Gperry genutils -> benutils package rename.

13: -------+----------+----------+------------------------------------------------
14: 115.0 14-May-99 bbulusu Created.
15: 115.1 14-Jun-99 Tmathers Fixed P1 nls to_date errors.
16: 115.2 23-JUN-98 G PERRY Performance fixes.
17: 115.3 20-JUL-99 Gperry genutils -> benutils package rename.
18: 115.4 10-AUG-99 Gperry Removed reference to ben_manage_life_events
19: old cache routine. Added fnd_date.canonical
20: _to_date for formula calls.
21: 115.5 26-AUG-99 Gperry Added call to benefits assignment cache when

Line 24: p_business_group_id added to benutils.formula

20: _to_date for formula calls.
21: 115.5 26-AUG-99 Gperry Added call to benefits assignment cache when
22: employee assignment can not be found.
23: 115.6 18-JAN-00 pbodla Fixed bug 4146(WWBUG 1120687)
24: p_business_group_id added to benutils.formula
25: call.
26: 115.7 26-JAN-00 pbodla Fixed bug 4401; plan is fetched only if p_pl_id
27: is not null
28: 115.8 17-Feb-00 lmcdonal Bugs 1178692, 1178674. Benefit's assignment

Line 48: derived inside benutils.formula.

44: 115.15 13-Jul-00 mhoyes - Removed context parameters.
45: 115.16 16-Aug-01 pbodla - Bug 1838055 : Code AED added in procedure
46: get_wtg_perd_end_date.
47: 115.17 27-Aug-01 pbodla - bug:1949361 jurisdiction code is
48: derived inside benutils.formula.
49: 115.18 26-sep-01 tjesumic wait_perd_Strt_dt added
50: 115.19 23-Dec-02 rpgupta - Nocopy changes
51: 115.20 21-JUL-03 glingapp - Bug 3047147 While checking for max waiting period
52: current code had a check, which restricted the max

Line 64: benutils.formula in procedure get_wait_end_date

60: 115.22 20-OCT-04 swjain Bug No 3954620 Added code in get_wait_end_date to handle
61: the null case in p_wait_perd_dt_to_use_cd 'EASDNASD'
62: 115.23 25-OCT-04 swjain Bug No 3954620 Few modifications in the added code
63: 115.24 29-Jun-06 swjain Bug 5331889 Added person_id param in call to
64: benutils.formula in procedure get_wait_end_date
65: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
66: */
67: --
68: g_package varchar2(80) := 'ben_det_wait_perd_cmpltn';

Line 396: l_outputs := benutils.formula

392: (p_state => l_loc_rec.region_2);
393: end if;
394: */
395: end if;
396: l_outputs := benutils.formula
397: (p_formula_id => p_wait_perd_dt_to_use_rl,
398: p_effective_date => p_effective_date,
399: p_assignment_id => l_ass_rec.assignment_id,
400: p_organization_id => l_ass_rec.organization_id,

Line 763: l_outputs := benutils.formula

759: end if;
760: --
761: -- Initialize the fast formula to return l_date_from
762: --
763: l_outputs := benutils.formula
764: (p_formula_id => p_wait_perd_rl,
765: p_effective_date => p_effective_date,
766: p_assignment_id => l_ass_rec.assignment_id,
767: p_organization_id => l_ass_rec.organization_id,