4343: CURSOR l_valid_usage_csr IS
4344: SELECT 'X'
4345: FROM hz_cust_site_uses a,
4346: Hz_cust_acct_sites b,
4347: ar_lookups c,
4348: gms_awards_all ga
4349: WHERE a.cust_acct_site_id = b.cust_acct_site_id
4350: AND b.cust_account_id = decode(ga.billing_format,'LOC',ga.bill_to_customer_id,ga.funding_source_id)
4351: AND c.lookup_type = 'SITE_USE_CODE'
4623: CURSOR l_valid_site_code_csr IS
4624: SELECT 'X'
4625: FROM hz_cust_site_uses a,
4626: Hz_cust_acct_sites b,
4627: ar_lookups c,
4628: gms_awards_all d
4629: WHERE a.cust_acct_site_id = b. cust_acct_site_id
4630: AND b. cust_account_id = d.funding_source_id
4631: AND d.award_id = G_report_rec.award_id