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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 92

                        SELECT  t.cost_ind_rate_sch_id,
                        INTO    l_sch_id ,l_sch_date
                        FROM    pa_tasks t,
                                pa_ind_rate_schedules irs
                        WHERE   t.task_id = p_task_id
                        AND     t.cost_ind_rate_sch_id = irs.ind_rate_sch_id
                        AND     irs.cost_ovr_sch_flag = 'Y';
Line: 101

			-- Select the Task level schedule override if not found
			-- then select the Project level override
        		SELECT irs.ind_rate_sch_id,
			INTO   l_sch_id,l_sch_date
        		FROM   pa_tasks t,
               			pa_ind_rate_schedules irs
        		WHERE  t.task_id = p_task_id
        		AND    t.task_id = irs.task_id
        		AND    irs.cost_ovr_sch_flag = 'Y';
Line: 115

				-- Select the project level sch override
           				SELECT irs.ind_rate_sch_id,
					INTO   l_sch_id,l_sch_date
           				FROM   pa_tasks t,
                  				pa_projects_all p,
                  				pa_ind_rate_schedules irs
           				WHERE  t.task_id = p_task_id
           				AND    t.project_id = p.project_id
           				AND    t.project_id = irs.project_id
           				AND    irs.cost_ovr_sch_flag = 'Y'
           				AND    irs.task_id is null;
Line: 131

					        -- select the schedule at the task
						    SELECT  t.cost_ind_rate_sch_id,
                        			    INTO    l_sch_id ,l_sch_date
                        			    FROM    pa_tasks t,
                                			pa_ind_rate_schedules irs
                        			    WHERE   t.task_id = p_task_id
                        			    AND     t.cost_ind_rate_sch_id = irs.ind_rate_sch_id;
Line: 280

           SELECT SUM(NVL(cm.compiled_multiplier,0))
             INTO   l_multiplier
             FROM   pa_ind_rate_sch_revisions irsr,
                pa_cost_base_exp_types cbet,
                pa_compiled_multipliers cm
             WHERE irsr.ind_rate_sch_revision_id = l_sch_rev_id
	     AND cbet.cost_plus_structure = irsr.cost_plus_structure
	     AND cbet.cost_base_type =  'INDIRECT COST'
             AND cbet.expenditure_type = p_exp_type
             AND cm.cost_base = cbet.cost_base
             AND cm.ind_compiled_set_id = l_compile_set_id
             AND cm.compiled_multiplier <> 0 ;
Line: 295

	--	SELECT SUM(cm.compiled_multiplier)
	--	INTO   l_multiplier
	--	FROM
	--        	pa_ind_rate_sch_revisions irsr,
	--       		pa_cost_bases cb,
	--        	pa_expenditure_types et,
	--        	pa_ind_cost_codes icc,
	--        	pa_cost_base_exp_types cbet,
	--        	pa_ind_rate_schedules_all_bg irs,
	--        	pa_ind_compiled_sets ics,
	--        	pa_compiled_multipliers cm
	--        WHERE irsr.cost_plus_structure = cbet.cost_plus_structure
	--        AND cb.cost_base = cbet.cost_base
	--        AND cb.cost_base_type = 'INDIRECT COST'  /*cbet.cost_base_type changed the order */
	--        AND et.expenditure_type = icc.expenditure_type
	--        AND icc.ind_cost_code = cm.ind_cost_code
	--        AND cbet.cost_base = cm.cost_base
	--        AND cbet.cost_base_type =  cb.cost_base_type  /* 'INDIRECT COST' changed the order */
	--        AND cbet.expenditure_type = p_exp_type
	--        AND irs.ind_rate_sch_id = irsr.ind_rate_sch_id
	--        AND ics.ind_rate_sch_revision_id = irsr.ind_rate_sch_revision_id
	--        AND irsr.ind_rate_sch_revision_id = l_sch_rev_id  /* Bug fix :2795051 to make use of index */
	--        AND ics.organization_id = p_exp_org_id
	--	AND cm.ind_compiled_set_id = ics.ind_compiled_set_id
	--        AND cm.compiled_multiplier <> 0
	--        AND ics.ind_compiled_set_id = l_compile_set_id
	--        AND ics.cost_base = cb.cost_base;  -- added for burdening enhancements
Line: 371

	SELECT NVL(cdl.burdened_cost,cdl.amount)
		+ NVL(PROJFUNC_BURDENED_CHANGE,0) /* added for Burdening Enhanceents */
	INTO   l_burdened_cost
	FROM  	pa_cost_distribution_lines_all cdl,
		pa_expenditure_items_all ei,
		pa_transaction_sources pts
		cdl.expenditure_item_id = p_exp_item_id
	AND cdl.line_num = p_line_num
	AND ei.expenditure_item_id       =  cdl.expenditure_item_id
	AND  ei.cost_dist_rejection_code is NULL
	AND  cdl.line_type  ='R'
	AND  ei.system_linkage_function  <> 'BTC'
	AND  NVL(ei.cost_distributed_flag,'N')    = 'Y'
	AND (ei.transaction_source       = pts.transaction_source (+)
	AND nvl(pts.cost_burdened_flag,'N') <> 'Y');
Line: 417

                SELECT  period_name
                FROM    gl_period_statuses
                WHERE   application_id = 101
                AND     adjustment_period_flag = 'N'
                AND     set_of_books_id = p_set_of_books_id
                AND     (   (start_date between trunc(p_start_date) and trunc(p_end_date)
                	      AND end_date  between trunc(p_start_date) and trunc(p_end_date)
			 OR (
				trunc(p_start_date) between start_date and end_date
				or trunc(p_end_date) between start_date and end_date
                AND     closing_status in ('C','O','P');
Line: 448

Line: 633

SELECT encumbrance_type_id
  FROM gl_encumbrance_types
 WHERE encumbrance_type_key = 'Projects';
Line: 760

    select pbl.code_combination_id, pbl.budget_line_id
      into x_budget_ccid, x_budget_line_id
    from pa_resource_assignments pra,
         pa_budget_lines pbl
    where ((p_entry_level_code = 'P' and
            pra.task_id = 0)
          (p_entry_level_code in ('L','M','T') and
           pra.task_id in (p_task_id,p_top_task_id)))
    and pra.budget_version_id = p_budget_version_id
    and pra.project_id = p_project_id
    and pra.resource_list_member_id = p_res_list_mem_id
    and pra.resource_assignment_id = pbl.resource_assignment_id
    and trunc(pbl.start_date) = trunc(p_start_date);
Line: 803

  select time_phased_type_code
    into x_time_phased_type_code
    from pa_budget_entry_methods a,
         pa_budget_versions b
   where a.budget_entry_method_code = b.budget_entry_method_code
     and b.budget_version_id  = p_budget_version_id;
Line: 843

   select pbv.budget_version_id, pbv.resource_list_id, pbm.entry_level_code
   into x_base_version_id,x_res_list_id,x_entry_level_code
   from pa_budget_versions pbv,
        --pa_budget_types pbt,
        pa_budget_entry_methods pbm,
        pa_budgetary_control_options pbco
   where pbv.project_id = p_project_id
   and pbv.current_flag = 'Y'
   and pbv.budget_status_code = 'B'
   and pbv.budget_type_code = pbco.budget_type_code
   and pbv.project_id = pbco.project_id
   and pbco.bdgt_cntrl_flag = 'Y'
   and ((p_calling_mode = 'GL' and pbco.external_budget_code = 'GL')
       (p_calling_mode = 'CC' and pbco.external_budget_code = 'CC')
       (p_calling_mode = 'GL' and pbco.external_budget_code is null))
   --and pbv.budget_type_code = pbt.budget_type_code
   --and pbt.budget_amount_code = 'C'
   and pbv.budget_entry_method_code = pbm.budget_entry_method_code;
Line: 898

	--select bal.Curr_Ver_Available_Amount
	--into x_avail_balance
	--from pa_budget_acct_lines bal,
	--     gl_period_statuses gps
	--where trunc(gps.start_date) = trunc(p_start_date)
	--and trunc(gps.end_date) = trunc(p_end_date)
	--and gps.period_name = bal.gl_period_name
        --and gps.application_id = 101
	--and bal.budget_version_id = p_budget_version_id
	--and bal.code_combination_id = p_budget_ccid;
Line: 914

	SELECT 	sum(nvl(bal.Curr_Ver_Available_Amount,0))
	INTO 	x_avail_balance
	FROM 	pa_budget_acct_lines bal
	WHERE 	bal.budget_version_id = p_budget_version_id
	AND   	bal.code_combination_id = p_budget_ccid
	AND   	start_date between trunc(p_start_date) and trunc(p_end_date)
	AND   	end_date between trunc(p_start_date) and trunc(p_end_date);
Line: 945

        select 1 into l_count
	from pa_budget_versions pbv,
             pa_budget_types pbt
	where pbv.project_id = p_project_id
	and pbv.budget_status_code = 'B'
	and pbv.budget_type_code = pbt.budget_type_code
        and pbt.budget_amount_code = 'C'
        and rownum = 1;
Line: 1040

      select pbv.budget_version_id,pbv.project_id
      into   g_current_baseline_bvid,g_api_project_id
      from   pa_budget_versions pbv
      where  (pbv.project_id,pbv.budget_type_code) in
          (select project_id,budget_type_code
           from pa_budget_versions
           where budget_version_id = p_budget_version_id)
      and     pbv.budget_status_code = 'B'
      and     pbv.current_flag       = 'Y';
Line: 1070

           select 'Y'
           into   g_txn_exists_for_bvid
           from   dual
           where  exists (select 1
                          from   pa_bc_balances pbb
                          where  pbb.budget_version_id = g_current_baseline_bvid
                          and    pbb.project_id        = g_api_project_id
                          and    pbb.balance_type      <> 'BGT');
Line: 1082

                    select 'Y'
                    into   g_txn_exists_for_bvid
                    from   dual
                    where  exists (select 1
                                   from   pa_bc_packets pbb
                                   where  pbb.project_id   = g_api_project_id
                                   and    pbb.status_code  in   ('A','P','I','Z') );
Line: 1129

  select pbem.entry_level_code
  into   l_budget_entry_level_code
  from   pa_budget_entry_methods pbem,
         pa_budget_versions pbv
  where  pbv.budget_version_id         = P_budget_version_id
  and    pbem.budget_entry_method_code = pbv.budget_entry_method_code;
Line: 1146

      Select 'T'
      into   l_budget_entry_level_code
      from   pa_resource_assignments pra,
             pa_tasks pt
      where  pra.resource_assignment_id = P_resource_assignment_id
      and    pra.budget_version_id      = P_budget_version_id
      and    pt.task_id                 = pra.task_id
      and    pt.top_task_id             = pra.task_id;
Line: 1170

      select task_id,resource_list_member_id
      into   l_task_id,l_rlmi
      from   pa_resource_assignments pra
      where  pra.resource_assignment_id = P_resource_assignment_id;
Line: 1181

           select nvl(parent_member_id,-99) into g_api_parent_rlmi
           from   pa_resource_list_members prlm where resource_list_member_id = l_rlmi;
Line: 1195

           select top_task_id into g_api_top_task_id
           from   pa_tasks where task_id = l_task_id;
Line: 1206

      select distinct start_date into l_start_date from pa_budget_lines
      where  budget_version_id      = p_budget_version_id
      and    resource_assignment_id = P_resource_assignment_id
      and    period_name            = l_period_name;
Line: 1258

    Select 'N'
    into   l_return_status
    from   pa_resource_assignments pra
    where  pra.budget_version_id      = p_budget_version_id
    and    pra.resource_assignment_id = p_resource_assignment_id
    and    exists(select 1
                from   pa_bc_packets pbc
                where  pbc.project_id        = pra.project_id
	        and    pbc.resource_list_member_id = pra.resource_list_member_id
                and    pbc.period_name       = p_period_name
                and    pbc.task_id           = pra.task_id);
Line: 1272

         Select 'N'
         into   l_return_status
         from   pa_resource_assignments pra
         where  pra.budget_version_id      = p_budget_version_id
         and    pra.resource_assignment_id = p_resource_assignment_id
         and    exists(select 1
                       from   pa_bc_commitments_all pbc
                       where  pbc.project_id        = pra.project_id
                       and    pbc.resource_list_member_id = pra.resource_list_member_id
                       and    pbc.period_name       = p_period_name
                       and    pbc.task_id           = pra.task_id);
Line: 1293

  Select 'N'
  into   l_return_status
  from   pa_resource_assignments pra,
         pa_budget_lines         pbl
  where  pbl.budget_version_id      = p_budget_version_id
  and    pbl.resource_assignment_id = p_resource_assignment_id
  and    pbl.period_name            = P_period_name
  and    pra.resource_assignment_id = pbl.resource_assignment_id
  and    pra.budget_version_id      = pbl.budget_version_id
  and    exists(select 1
                from   pa_bc_balances pbb
                where  pbb.budget_version_id = pra.budget_version_id
                and    pbb.project_id        = pra.project_id
                and    pbb.task_id           = pra.task_id
                and    pbb.resource_list_member_id = pra.resource_list_member_id
                and    trunc(pbb.start_date) = trunc(pbl.start_date)
                and    pbb.balance_type      <> 'BGT');
Line: 1316

   Select 'N'
   into   l_return_status
   from   pa_resource_assignments pra
   where  pra.budget_version_id      = p_budget_version_id
   and    pra.resource_assignment_id = p_resource_assignment_id
   and    exists(select 1
                from   pa_bc_packets pbc
                where  pbc.budget_version_id = pra.budget_version_id
                and    pbc.project_id        = pra.project_id
                and    pbc.task_id           = pra.task_id
	        and    pbc.resource_list_member_id = pra.resource_list_member_id
                and    pbc.period_name       = p_period_name
                and    pbc.status_code       in ('A','P') );
Line: 1345

    Select 'N'
    into   l_return_status
    from   pa_resource_assignments pra
    where  pra.budget_version_id      = p_budget_version_id
    and    pra.resource_assignment_id = p_resource_assignment_id
    and    exists(select 1
                from   pa_bc_packets pbc
                where  pbc.project_id        = pra.project_id
    	        and    pbc.resource_list_member_id = pra.resource_list_member_id
                and    pbc.period_name       = p_period_name
                and    pbc.top_task_id       = pra.task_id);
Line: 1359

        Select 'N'
        into   l_return_status
        from   pa_resource_assignments pra
        where  pra.budget_version_id      = p_budget_version_id
        and    pra.resource_assignment_id = p_resource_assignment_id
        and    exists(select 1
                      from   pa_bc_commitments_all pbc
                      where  pbc.project_id        = pra.project_id
    	              and    pbc.resource_list_member_id = pra.resource_list_member_id
                      and    pbc.period_name       = p_period_name
                      and    pbc.top_task_id       = pra.task_id);
Line: 1381

  Select 'N'
  into   l_return_status
  from   pa_resource_assignments pra,
         pa_budget_lines         pbl
  where  pbl.budget_version_id      = p_budget_version_id
  and    pbl.resource_assignment_id = p_resource_assignment_id
  and    pbl.period_name            = P_period_name
  and    pra.resource_assignment_id = pbl.resource_assignment_id
  and    pra.budget_version_id      = pbl.budget_version_id
  and    exists(select 1
                from   pa_bc_balances pbb
                where  pbb.budget_version_id = pra.budget_version_id
                and    pbb.project_id        = pra.project_id
                and    pbb.top_task_id       = pra.task_id
                and    pbb.resource_list_member_id = pra.resource_list_member_id
                and    trunc(pbb.start_date) = trunc(pbl.start_date)
                and    pbb.balance_type      <> 'BGT');
Line: 1403

   Select 'N'
   into   l_return_status
   from   pa_resource_assignments pra
   where  pra.budget_version_id      = p_budget_version_id
   and    pra.resource_assignment_id = p_resource_assignment_id
   and    exists(select 1
                from   pa_bc_packets pbc
                where  pbc.budget_version_id = pra.budget_version_id
                and    pbc.project_id        = pra.project_id
                and    pbc.top_task_id       = pra.task_id
	        and    pbc.resource_list_member_id = pra.resource_list_member_id
                and    pbc.period_name       = p_period_name
                and    pbc.status_code       in ('A','P') );
Line: 1432

    Select 'N'
    into   l_return_status
    from   pa_resource_assignments pra
    where  pra.budget_version_id      = p_budget_version_id
    and    pra.resource_assignment_id = p_resource_assignment_id
    and    exists(select 1
                from   pa_bc_packets pbc
                where  pbc.project_id        = pra.project_id
    	        and    pbc.resource_list_member_id = pra.resource_list_member_id
                and    pbc.period_name       = p_period_name);
Line: 1445

        Select 'N'
        into   l_return_status
        from   pa_resource_assignments pra
        where  pra.budget_version_id      = p_budget_version_id
        and    pra.resource_assignment_id = p_resource_assignment_id
        and    exists(select 1
                      from   pa_bc_commitments_all pbc
                      where  pbc.project_id        = pra.project_id
       	              and    pbc.resource_list_member_id = pra.resource_list_member_id
                      and    pbc.period_name       = p_period_name);
Line: 1466

  Select 'N'
  into   l_return_status
  from   pa_resource_assignments pra,
         pa_budget_lines         pbl
  where  pbl.budget_version_id      = p_budget_version_id
  and    pbl.resource_assignment_id = p_resource_assignment_id
  and    pbl.period_name            = P_period_name
  and    pra.resource_assignment_id = pbl.resource_assignment_id
  and    pra.budget_version_id      = pbl.budget_version_id
  and    exists(select 1
                from   pa_bc_balances pbb
                where  pbb.budget_version_id = pra.budget_version_id
                and    pbb.project_id        = pra.project_id
                and    pbb.resource_list_member_id = pra.resource_list_member_id
                and    trunc(pbb.start_date) = trunc(pbl.start_date)
                and    pbb.balance_type      <> 'BGT');
Line: 1488

   Select 'N'
   into   l_return_status
   from   pa_resource_assignments pra
   where  pra.budget_version_id      = p_budget_version_id
   and    pra.resource_assignment_id = p_resource_assignment_id
   and    exists(select 1
                from   pa_bc_packets pbc
                where  pbc.budget_version_id = pra.budget_version_id
                and    pbc.project_id        = pra.project_id
	        and    pbc.resource_list_member_id = pra.resource_list_member_id
                and    pbc.period_name       = p_period_name
                and    pbc.status_code       in ('A','P') );
Line: 1567

   Select 'N'
   into    l_allowed_flag
   from dual
   where   exists(select 1
                  from   pa_bc_balances pbb
                  where  pbb.budget_version_id         = p_budget_version_id
                  and    pbb.task_id                   = p_task_id
                  and    nvl(pbb.parent_member_id,-99) = nvl(p_parent_resource_id,-99)
                  and    pbb.resource_list_member_id   = p_resource_list_member_id
                  and    pbb.start_date                = p_start_date
                  and    pbb.balance_type              <> 'BGT');
Line: 1581

         Select 'N'
         into   l_allowed_flag
         from dual
         where  exists(select 1
                       from   pa_bc_packets pbc
                       where  pbc.budget_version_id           = p_budget_version_id
                       and    pbc.bud_task_id                 = p_task_id
                       and    pbc.bud_resource_list_member_id = p_resource_list_member_id
                       and    pbc.period_name                 = p_period_name
                       and    pbc.status_code       in ('A','P','I','Z') );
Line: 1599

   Select 'N'
   into    l_allowed_flag
   from dual
   where   exists(select 1
                  from   pa_bc_balances pbb
                  where  pbb.budget_version_id         = p_budget_version_id
                  and    pbb.top_task_id               = p_top_task_id
                  and    nvl(pbb.parent_member_id,-99) = nvl(p_parent_resource_id,-99)
                  and    pbb.resource_list_member_id   = p_resource_list_member_id
                  and    pbb.start_date                = p_start_date
                  and    pbb.balance_type              <> 'BGT');
Line: 1613

         Select 'N'
         into   l_allowed_flag
         from dual
         where  exists(select 1
                       from   pa_bc_packets pbc
                       where  pbc.budget_version_id           = p_budget_version_id
                       and    pbc.bud_task_id                 = p_top_task_id
                       and    pbc.bud_resource_list_member_id = p_resource_list_member_id
                       and    pbc.period_name                 = p_period_name
                       and    pbc.status_code       in ('A','P','I','Z') );
Line: 1631

   Select 'N'
   into    l_allowed_flag
   from dual
   where   exists(select 1
                  from   pa_bc_balances pbb
                  where  pbb.budget_version_id         = p_budget_version_id
                  and    nvl(pbb.parent_member_id,-99) = nvl(p_parent_resource_id,-99)
                  and    pbb.resource_list_member_id   = p_resource_list_member_id
                  and    pbb.start_date                = p_start_date
                  and    pbb.balance_type              <> 'BGT');
Line: 1644

         Select 'N'
         into   l_allowed_flag
         from dual
         where  exists(select 1
                       from   pa_bc_packets pbc
                       where  pbc.budget_version_id           = p_budget_version_id
                       and    pbc.bud_resource_list_member_id = p_resource_list_member_id
                       and    pbc.period_name                 = p_period_name
                       and    pbc.status_code       in ('A','P','I','Z') );
Line: 1668

    Select 'N'
    into   l_allowed_flag
    from dual
    where  exists(select 1
                  from   pa_bc_packets pbc
                  where  pbc.budget_version_id           = p_budget_version_id
                  and    pbc.bud_task_id                 = p_task_id
                  and    pbc.bud_resource_list_member_id = p_resource_list_member_id
                  and    pbc.period_name                 = p_period_name
                  and    pbc.status_code                 = 'A');
Line: 1680

      Select 'N'
      into    l_allowed_flag
      from dual
      where   exists(select 1
                  from   pa_bc_balances pbb
                  where  pbb.budget_version_id         = p_budget_version_id
                  and    pbb.task_id                   = p_task_id
                  and    nvl(pbb.parent_member_id,-99) = nvl(p_parent_resource_id,-99)
                  and    pbb.resource_list_member_id   = p_resource_list_member_id
                  and    pbb.start_date                = p_start_date
                  and    pbb.balance_type              <> 'BGT');
Line: 1700

    Select 'N'
    into   l_allowed_flag
    from dual
    where  exists(select 1
                  from   pa_bc_packets pbc
                  where  pbc.budget_version_id           = p_budget_version_id
                  and    pbc.bud_task_id                 = p_top_task_id
                  and    pbc.bud_resource_list_member_id = p_resource_list_member_id
                  and    pbc.period_name                 = p_period_name
                  and    pbc.status_code                 = 'A');
Line: 1712

      Select 'N'
      into    l_allowed_flag
      from dual
      where   exists(select 1
                  from   pa_bc_balances pbb
                  where  pbb.budget_version_id         = p_budget_version_id
                  and    pbb.top_task_id               = p_top_task_id
                  and    nvl(pbb.parent_member_id,-99) = nvl(p_parent_resource_id,-99)
                  and    pbb.resource_list_member_id   = p_resource_list_member_id
                  and    pbb.start_date                = p_start_date
                  and    pbb.balance_type              <> 'BGT');
Line: 1732

    Select 'N'
    into   l_allowed_flag
    from dual
    where  exists(select 1
                  from   pa_bc_packets pbc
                  where  pbc.budget_version_id           = p_budget_version_id
                  and    pbc.bud_resource_list_member_id = p_resource_list_member_id
                  and    pbc.period_name                 = p_period_name
                  and    pbc.status_code                 = 'A');
Line: 1743

      Select 'N'
      into    l_allowed_flag
      from dual
      where   exists(select 1
                  from   pa_bc_balances pbb
                  where  pbb.budget_version_id         = p_budget_version_id
                  and    nvl(pbb.parent_member_id,-99) = nvl(p_parent_resource_id,-99)
                  and    pbb.resource_list_member_id   = p_resource_list_member_id
                  and    pbb.start_date                = p_start_date
                  and    pbb.balance_type              <> 'BGT');
Line: 1801

  FROM pa_budget_lines
 WHERE budget_version_id = p_budget_version_id
   AND bc_event_id IS NOT NULL
   AND rownum = 1;
Line: 1846

 WHERE GLS.application_id = 101
   AND GLS.set_of_books_id in (SELECT set_of_books_id FROM pa_implementations)
   AND GLS.period_name = PBA.gl_period_name
   AND GLS.closing_status = 'C'
   AND PBA.budget_version_id = p_budget_version_id
   AND rownum = 1;
Line: 1877

PROCEDURE Update_bvid_blid_on_cdl_bccom ( p_bud_ver_id  IN NUMBER,
                                          p_calling_mode IN VARCHAR2) IS

Line: 1899

 SELECT bc.document_header_id,
        NULL start_date,       -- Required only for closed period transactions
	NULL entry_level_code, -- Required only for closed period transactions
	NULL gl_period_status  -- Required only for closed period transactions
  from  pa_bc_packets bc
  WHERE bc.budget_version_id = p_bud_ver_id -- current baselined version id
    AND bc.status_code ='A'
    -- Parent bc packet id will be -99 for BTC and CWK lines --check logic in PA_BGT_BASELINE_PKG
    AND NVL(bc.parent_bc_packet_id,-99) = -99
    AND bc.actual_flag ='A'
    AND bc.document_type ='EXP'
 -- Bug 5206341 : Cursor to pick transactions associated with last baselined version and which were not picked in current
 -- run as the GL period has been closed.
 SELECT bc.exp_item_id,
        p_bud_ver_id budget_version_id,
        NULL budget_line_id,
	'C' gl_period_status
   FROM pa_bc_commitments bc,
        pa_budget_versions pbv,
        pa_budget_entry_methods bem,
	gl_period_statuses gl
  WHERE GL.application_id = 101
    AND GL.set_of_books_id = bc.set_of_books_id
    AND gl.period_name  = bc.period_name
    AND GL.closing_status = 'C'
    AND bc.budget_version_id = pbv.budget_version_id
    AND BEM.Budget_Entry_Method_Code = PBV.Budget_Entry_Method_Code
    AND pbv.budget_version_id = pa_budget_fund_pkg.g_cost_prev_bvid
    AND l_closed_prd_exists = 'Y';
Line: 1951

 SELECT bc.exp_item_id,
	p_bud_ver_id budget_version_id,
	NULL budget_line_id,
	DECODE(pbv.budget_version_id,pa_budget_fund_pkg.g_cost_prev_bvid,'C',NULL) gl_period_status
  from  pa_bc_commitments bc,
        pa_budget_versions pbv,
        pa_budget_entry_methods bem,
	gl_period_statuses gl
  WHERE GL.application_id = 101
    AND GL.set_of_books_id = bc.set_of_books_id
    AND gl.period_name  = bc.period_name
    AND GL.closing_status = DECODE(pbv.budget_version_id,pa_budget_fund_pkg.g_cost_prev_bvid,'C',GL.closing_status)
    AND bc.budget_version_id = pbv.budget_version_id
    AND BEM.Budget_Entry_Method_Code = PBV.Budget_Entry_Method_Code
    AND pbv.budget_version_id in (SELECT p_bud_ver_id
                                    FROM dual
				  -- Bug 5206341 :Transactions in closed period are picked for latest budget details stamping
				  SELECT pa_budget_fund_pkg.g_cost_prev_bvid
				    FROM dual
                                   WHERE l_closed_prd_exists = 'Y');
Line: 1989

Line: 1990

Line: 1991

Line: 1992

Line: 1993

Line: 1994

Line: 1995

Line: 1996

Line: 1997

Line: 1998

Line: 1999

Line: 2000

Line: 2001

Line: 2009

     pa_fck_util.debug_msg('Update_bvid_blid_on_cdl_bccom: Start p_bud_ver_id ='||p_bud_ver_id );
Line: 2010

     pa_fck_util.debug_msg('Update_bvid_blid_on_cdl_bccom: Start p_calling_mode ='||p_calling_mode );
Line: 2021

     pa_fck_util.debug_msg('Update_bvid_blid_on_cdl_bccom: Start l_closed_prd_exists ='||l_closed_prd_exists );
Line: 2022

     pa_fck_util.debug_msg('Update_bvid_blid_on_cdl_bccom: Start p_bud_ver_id ='||p_bud_ver_id );
Line: 2088

                 pa_fck_util.debug_msg('Update_bvid_blid_on_cdl_bccom: Deriving budget details for closed period txns');
Line: 2119

       UPDATE pa_cost_distribution_lines_all cdl
         SET  cdl.budget_version_id = NVL(l_bvidTab(i),cdl.budget_version_id),
	      cdl.budget_line_id = NVL(l_blidTab(i),cdl.budget_line_id)
	WHERE cdl.expenditure_item_id = l_DocHdrTab(i)
	  AND ( cdl.line_num = l_DocDistTab(i) OR (l_burcodeTab(i) = 'S' AND cdl.line_type ='D'))
	  AND cdl.budget_version_id IS NOT NULL
	  AND (cdl.acct_event_id IS NULL OR -- events which are not processed by SLA
	       EXISTS (SELECT 1
	                 FROM xla_events xev
			WHERE xev.event_id = cdl.acct_event_id
			  AND xev.application_id = 275
			  AND xev.process_status_code <> 'P' )
Line: 2134

          pa_fck_util.debug_msg( 'Number of pa_cost_distribution_lines_all updated'||SQL%ROWCOUNT);
Line: 2145

        UPDATE pa_bc_commitments_all bccom
          SET  bccom.budget_version_id = NVL(l_bvidTab(i), bccom.budget_version_id),
	       bccom.budget_line_id = NVL(l_blidTab(i),bccom.budget_line_id)
   	 WHERE bccom.bc_commitment_id = l_bccomidTab(i)
	   AND l_glprdstatustab(i) = 'C'
	   AND bccom.budget_version_id = pa_budget_fund_pkg.g_cost_prev_bvid;
Line: 2153

          pa_fck_util.debug_msg( 'Number of pa_bc_commitments_all updated'||SQL%ROWCOUNT);
Line: 2247

       UPDATE pa_cost_distribution_lines_all cdl
         SET  cdl.budget_version_id = NVL(l_bvidTab(i),cdl.budget_version_id),
	      cdl.budget_line_id = NVL(l_blidTab(i),cdl.budget_line_id)
	WHERE cdl.expenditure_item_id = l_DocHdrTab(i)
    	  -- All the pending EXP lines associated with commitment should get updated ,hence no doc_dist_id join
	  AND ( cdl.line_type = 'R' OR (l_burcodeTab(i) = 'S' AND cdl.line_type ='D'))
	  AND cdl.budget_version_id IS NOT NULL
          AND l_DocHdrTab(i) is NOT NULL -- this record corresponds to EXP record in projects
	  AND (cdl.acct_event_id IS NULL OR -- events which are not processed by SLA
	       EXISTS (SELECT 1
	                 FROM xla_events xev
			WHERE xev.event_id = cdl.acct_event_id
			  AND xev.application_id = 275
			  AND xev.process_status_code <> 'P' )
Line: 2264

          pa_fck_util.debug_msg( 'Number of pa_cost_distribution_lines_all updated'||SQL%ROWCOUNT);
Line: 2269

       UPDATE pa_cost_distribution_lines_all cdl
         SET  cdl.budget_version_id = NVL(l_bvidTab(i),cdl.budget_version_id),
	      cdl.budget_line_id = NVL(l_blidTab(i),cdl.budget_line_id)
	WHERE cdl.expenditure_item_id IN (SELECT exp2.expenditure_item_id
	                                    FROM pa_cost_distribution_lines_all cdl1,
					         pa_expenditure_items_all exp2  -- BTC
					   WHERE cdl1.expenditure_item_id = l_DocHdrTab(i)
					     AND cdl1.burden_sum_source_run_id = exp2.burden_sum_dest_run_id
					     AND exp2.system_linkage_function = 'BTC')
	  AND l_burcodeTab(i) <>  'S'
          AND l_DocHdrTab(i) is NOT NULL -- this record corresponds to EXP record in projects
	  AND cdl.budget_version_id IS NOT NULL
	  AND (cdl.acct_event_id IS NULL OR -- events which are not processed by SLA
	       EXISTS (SELECT 1
	                 FROM xla_events xev
			WHERE xev.event_id = cdl.acct_event_id
			  AND xev.application_id = 275
			  AND xev.process_status_code <> 'P' )
Line: 2290

          pa_fck_util.debug_msg( 'Number of pa_cost_distribution_lines_all updated'||SQL%ROWCOUNT);
Line: 2295

       UPDATE pa_bc_commitments_all bccom
         SET  bccom.budget_version_id = NVL(l_bvidTab(i), bccom.budget_version_id),
	      bccom.budget_line_id = NVL(l_blidTab(i),bccom.budget_line_id)
	WHERE bccom.bc_commitment_id = l_bccomidTab(i);
Line: 2301

          pa_fck_util.debug_msg( 'Number of pa_bc_commitments updated'||SQL%ROWCOUNT);
Line: 2310

     pa_fck_util.debug_msg('Update_bvid_blid_on_cdl_bccom: End' );
Line: 2319

END Update_bvid_blid_on_cdl_bccom;
Line: 2339

   AND LOOKUP.Lookup_Code  = p_Lookup_code;
Line: 2345

   AND GMSLKUP.Lookup_Code  = p_Lookup_code;
Line: 2383

SELECT AID.Parent_Reversal_id
  FROM ap_invoice_distributions_all aid
 WHERE aid.invoice_distribution_id = p_document_distribution_id
   AND decode(nvl(AID.cancellation_flag,'N'), 'Y', decode(AID.Parent_Reversal_id, null,'N','Y'),'N') = 'Y';
Line: 2389

 WHERE APAD.Prepay_App_Distribution_ID = p_document_distribution_id
   AND APPH.prepay_history_id          = APAD.prepay_history_id
   AND AI.invoice_id                   = APPH.invoice_id
   AND decode(p_event_type_code, 'PREPAYMENT UNAPPLIED', decode(nvl(AI.historical_flag,'N'), 'Y','N',
              decode(APAD.REVERSED_PREPAY_APP_DIST_ID, null, 'N','Y') ),'N') = 'Y' ;
Line: 2448

SELECT nvl(AID.cancellation_flag,'N')
  FROM ap_invoice_distributions_all aid
 WHERE aid.invoice_distribution_id = p_invoice_distribution_id
   AND decode(nvl(AID.cancellation_flag,'N'), 'Y', decode(AID.Parent_Reversal_id, null,'N','Y'),'N') = 'Y';
Line: 2454

  FROM dual
 WHERE exists ( select 1
                  from ap_invoice_distributions_all aid
		 where aid.invoice_id = p_invoice_id
		   and aid.Parent_Reversal_id = p_invoice_distribution_id);