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Line 190: if p_date is not null and p_date <> hr_general.end_of_time

186: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc,1);
187: --
188: hr_utility.trace(' p_date: '||to_char (p_date));
189: --
190: if p_date is not null and p_date <> hr_general.end_of_time
191: then
192: if rtrim (to_char (p_date, 'DAY')) <> l_sunday_txt then
193: l_Sunday := next_day (p_date, l_sunday_txt) -7;
194: end if;

Line 218: if p_date is not null and p_date <> hr_general.end_of_time

214: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc,1);
215: --
216: hr_utility.trace(' p_date: '||to_char (p_date));
217: --
218: if p_date is not null and p_date <> hr_general.end_of_time
219: then
220: if rtrim (to_char (p_date, 'DAY')) <> l_saturday_txt then
221: l_Saturday := next_day (p_date, l_saturday_txt);
222: end if;

Line 258: hr_general.assert_condition (all_parameters_valid);

254: --
255: hr_utility.trace (l_proc||' p_effective_date = '
256: ||to_char (p_effective_date));
257: --
258: hr_general.assert_condition (all_parameters_valid);
259: --
260: end check_parameters;
261: --
262: begin

Line 657: l_last_process_date date := nvl (p_last_process_date,hr_general.end_of_time);

653: l_closed_period date;
654: l_effective_date date := null;
655: l_effective_start_date date := null;
656: l_effective_end_date date := null;
657: l_last_process_date date := nvl (p_last_process_date,hr_general.end_of_time);
658: --
659: l_payroll_id number := null;
660: --
661: --

Line 688: max(nvl(effective_end_date,hr_general.end_of_time))

684: cursor csr_assignment_duration(p_date date,
685: p_asg_id number,
686: p_pay_id number) is
687: select min(effective_start_date),
688: max(nvl(effective_end_date,hr_general.end_of_time))
689: from per_all_assignments_f
690: where assignment_id = p_asg_id
691: and primary_flag = 'Y'
692: and assignment_type = 'E'

Line 706: min(nvl(period.end_date,hr_general.end_of_time))

702: --
703: -- Get period details
704: cursor csr_payroll_period is
705: select min(period.start_date),
706: min(nvl(period.end_date,hr_general.end_of_time))
707: from per_time_periods period
708: where period.payroll_id = l_payroll_id
709: and period.start_date > l_closed_period
710: --6959669 begin

Line 740: hr_general.assert_condition (all_parameters_valid);

736: hr_utility.trace (' p_element_link_id = '||to_char (p_element_link_id));
737: hr_utility.trace (' p_assignment_id = '||to_char (p_assignment_id));
738: hr_utility.trace (' p_pay_as_lump_sum = '||p_pay_as_lump_sum);
739: --
740: hr_general.assert_condition (all_parameters_valid);
741: --
742: end check_parameters;
743: --
744: begin