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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 66

         Select *
         from igc_cc_headers
         where parent_header_id = p_cc_header_id
           and set_of_books_id  = l_set_of_books_id
           and org_id = l_org_id;
Line: 75

         Select *
         from igc_cc_headers
         where cc_header_id = p_cc_header_id
           and set_of_books_id  = l_set_of_books_id
           and org_id = l_org_id;
Line: 98

         SELECT min(start_date) start_date, max(end_date) end_date
         FROM   gl_periods_v         a,
                gl_sets_of_books    b,
                ap_system_parameters c
         WHERE  a.period_set_name = b.period_set_name
         AND    a.period_type     = b.accounted_period_type
         AND    b.set_of_books_id = c.set_of_books_id
         AND    a.period_year = to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY')
         AND    a.adjustment_period_flag = 'N';
Line: 115

         Select count(*) lines
         from igc_cc_det_pf_v pf
         where pf.cc_acct_line_id in ( select al.cc_acct_line_id
                                       from igc_cc_acct_lines al
                                       where al.cc_header_id = x_cc_header_id)
           and pf.cc_det_pf_date between x_start_date and x_end_date;
Line: 126

         Select po_header_id
         from PO_HEADERS
         where segment1 = x_cc_num
           and type_lookup_code = 'STANDARD';
Line: 160

      Procedure Update_releases (  x_cc_state         IN IGC_CC_HEADERS.CC_STATE%TYPE
                                 , x_cc_apprvl_status IN IGC_CC_HEADERS.CC_APPRVL_STATUS%TYPE
                                 , x_ctrl_status      IN IGC_CC_HEADERS.CC_CTRL_STATUS%TYPE
                                 , x_cc_header_id     IN IGC_CC_HEADERS.CC_HEADER_ID%TYPE
                                 , x_set_of_books_id  IN IGC_CC_HEADERS.SET_OF_BOOKS_ID%TYPE
                                 , x_org_id           IN IGC_CC_HEADERS.ORG_ID%TYPE ) IS
         Update igc_cc_headers
            set cc_state = x_cc_state
              , cc_apprvl_status = x_cc_apprvl_status
              , cc_ctrl_status = x_ctrl_status
         where cc_header_id = x_cc_header_id
           and set_of_books_id = x_set_of_books_id
           and org_id = x_org_id;
Line: 177

      End Update_releases;
Line: 183

      Procedure Insert_exception (
             x_request_id      IN IGC_CC_PROCESS_EXCEPTIONS.REQUEST_ID%TYPE
           , x_set_of_books_id IN IGC_CC_PROCESS_EXCEPTIONS.SET_OF_BOOKS_ID%TYPE
           , x_org_id          IN IGC_CC_PROCESS_EXCEPTIONS.ORG_ID%TYPE
           , x_cc_header_id    IN IGC_CC_PROCESS_EXCEPTIONS.CC_HEADER_ID%TYPE
         Insert into igc_cc_process_exceptions (  process_type
                                                , process_phase
                                                , cc_header_id
                                                , exception_reason
                                                , org_id
                                                , set_of_books_id
                                                , request_id )
                                  values        ( x_process_type
                                                , x_process_phase
                                                , x_cc_header_id
                                                , x_reason
                                                , x_org_id
                                                , x_set_of_books_id
                                                , x_request_id );
Line: 209

      End Insert_exception;
Line: 345

         Select 'X'
         from ap_invoice_distributions ind
            , po_distributions pd
            , po_headers ph
         where ind.po_distribution_id = pd.po_distribution_id
           and pd.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id
           and ph.po_header_id = x_po_header_id;
Line: 381

      SELECT meaning
      INTO l_option_name
      FROM igi_lookups
      WHERE lookup_code = 'CC'
      AND lookup_type = 'GCC_DESCRIPTION';
Line: 407

      Delete from igc_cc_process_exceptions
      where process_type = 'C'
        and process_phase = 'F'
        and cc_header_id = p_cc_header_id
        and set_of_books_id = l_set_of_books_id
        and org_id = l_org_id ;
Line: 448

                           Insert_exception (  l_request_id
                                             , c_rel_rec.set_of_books_id
                                             , c_rel_rec.org_id
                                             , 'C'
                                             , 'F'
                                             , c_rel_rec.cc_header_id
                                             , l_msg_data);
Line: 464

                        Insert_exception (  l_request_id
                                          , c_rel_rec.set_of_books_id
                                          , c_rel_rec.org_id
                                          , 'C'
                                          , 'F'
                                          , c_rel_rec.cc_header_id
                                          , l_msg_data);
Line: 479

                  Update_releases (  'CT'
                                   , 'IN'
                                   , 'C'
                                   , c_rel_rec.cc_header_id
                                   , c_rel_rec.set_of_books_id
                                   , c_rel_rec.org_id );
Line: 485

                  Igc_cc_po_interface_pkg.update_po_approved_flag (
                                         p_api_version      => 1.0
                                       , p_init_msg_list    => fnd_api.g_false
                                       , p_commit           => fnd_api.g_false
                                       , p_validation_level => fnd_api.g_valid_level_full
                                       , x_return_status    => l_return_status
                                       , x_msg_count        => l_msg_count
                                       , x_msg_data         => l_msg_data
                                       , p_cc_header_id     => c_rel_rec.cc_header_id );
Line: 510

                        Update_releases (  'CT'
                                         , 'AP'
                                         , 'C'
                                         , c_rel_rec.cc_header_id
                                         , c_rel_rec.set_of_books_id
                                         , c_rel_rec.org_id );
Line: 529

                           Insert_exception (  l_request_id
                                             , c_rel_rec.set_of_books_id
                                             , c_rel_rec.org_id
                                             , 'C'
                                             , 'F'
                                             , c_rel_rec.cc_header_id
                                             , l_msg_data);
Line: 539

                        Insert_exception (  l_request_id
                                          , c_rel_rec.set_of_books_id
                                          , c_rel_rec.org_id
                                          , 'C'
                                          , 'F'
                                          , c_rel_rec.cc_header_id
                                          , l_msg_data);
Line: 549

                     Insert_exception (  l_request_id
                                       , c_rel_rec.set_of_books_id
                                       , c_rel_rec.org_id
                                       , 'C'
                                       , 'F'
                                       , c_rel_rec.cc_header_id
                                       , l_msg_data);
Line: 568

            Insert_exception (  l_request_id
                              , c_rel_rec.set_of_books_id
                              , c_rel_rec.org_id
                              , 'C'
                              , 'F'
                              , c_rel_rec.cc_header_id
                              , l_msg_data);
Line: 584

               Update_releases (  'CT'
                                , 'IN'
                                , 'C'
                                , c_cover_rec.cc_header_id
                                , c_cover_rec.set_of_books_id
                                , c_cover_rec.org_id );
Line: 604

                  Update_releases (  'CT'
                                   , 'AP'
                                   , 'C'
                                   , c_cover_rec.cc_header_id
                                   , c_cover_rec.set_of_books_id
                                   , c_cover_rec.org_id );
Line: 611

                  Insert_exception (  l_request_id
                                    , c_cover_rec.set_of_books_id
                                    , c_cover_rec.org_id
                                    , 'C'
                                    , 'F'
                                    , c_cover_rec.cc_header_id
                                    , l_msg_data);