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Line 12: - Added 2 new variables - r_rcv_transactions, ln_accounting_line_type

8: 1 07/08/2004 Nagaraj.s for Bug# 3496408, Version:115.0
9: This Package is coded to handle all Accounting Entries for all the Receiving/Return Transactions and Cenvat Entries
11: 2 16/09/2004 Sanjikum for bug # 3889243 File Version : 115.1
12: - Added 2 new variables - r_rcv_transactions, ln_accounting_line_type
13: - Added cursor - cur_trans_type, to get the transaction type
14: - Assigned the value to ln_accounting_line_type, on the basis of transaction type and
15: Debit_credit_flag
16: - While inserting into mtl_transaction_accounts, the value of column accounting_line_type

Line 40: As ln_entered_cr and ln_entered_dr are rounded to the currency precision, before calling the procedure rcv_transactions_update.

37: 6 01/04/2005 Sanjikum for Bug#4257065, Version 115.5
38: Reason/problem
39: --------------
40: As ln_entered_cr and ln_entered_dr are rounded to the currency precision, before calling the procedure rcv_transactions_update.
41: So in the Procedure rcv_transactions_update, po_unit_price is rounded to the precision of the currency
43: Fix
44: ---

Line 41: So in the Procedure rcv_transactions_update, po_unit_price is rounded to the precision of the currency

37: 6 01/04/2005 Sanjikum for Bug#4257065, Version 115.5
38: Reason/problem
39: --------------
40: As ln_entered_cr and ln_entered_dr are rounded to the currency precision, before calling the procedure rcv_transactions_update.
41: So in the Procedure rcv_transactions_update, po_unit_price is rounded to the precision of the currency
43: Fix
44: ---
45: In the Procedure Process_transaction, while calling procedure rcv_transactions_update, passed the value of parameter

Line 45: In the Procedure Process_transaction, while calling procedure rcv_transactions_update, passed the value of parameter

41: So in the Procedure rcv_transactions_update, po_unit_price is rounded to the precision of the currency
43: Fix
44: ---
45: In the Procedure Process_transaction, while calling procedure rcv_transactions_update, passed the value of parameter
46: p_costing_amount as ROUND(NVL(p_entered_cr, p_entered_dr),5), instead of NVL(ln_entered_cr, ln_entered_dr)
48: 7 08-Jun-2005 File Version 116.2. Object is Modified to refer to New DB Entity names in place of Old DB Entity Names
49: as required for CASE COMPLAINCE.

Line 442: /* Fetch all the information from JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS */

438: p_process_message := 'Accounting Entries are already passed for Transaction' ; --After Review
439: goto exit_from_procedure;
440: end if;
442: /* Fetch all the information from JAI_RCV_TRANSACTIONS */
443: open c_trx(p_transaction_id);
444: fetch c_trx into r_trx;
445: close c_trx;

Line 678: rcv_transactions_update

674: p_codepath := jai_general_pkg.plot_codepath(20, p_codepath); -- 20
676: fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG, ' --- 12');
678: rcv_transactions_update
679: (
680: p_transaction_id => p_transaction_id,
681: p_costing_amount => ROUND(NVL(p_entered_cr, p_entered_dr),5), --added by Sanjikum for Bug #4257065
682: --p_costing_amount => NVL(ln_entered_cr, ln_entered_dr), --commented by Sanjikum for Bug #4257065

Line 1047: FROM rcv_transactions

1043: FROM pjm_project_parameters
1044: WHERE project_id IN ( SELECT project_id
1045: FROM po_distributions_all
1046: WHERE po_distribution_id IN (SELECT po_distribution_id
1047: FROM rcv_transactions
1048: WHERE transaction_id = cp_transaction_id
1049: )
1050: );

Line 1483: CURSOR cur_trans_type(cp_transaction_id rcv_transactions.transaction_id%type) IS

1479: r_mmt_details c_fetch_mmt_details%rowtype;
1481: --Added the cursor by Sanjikum for Bug#3889243
1482: /*
1483: CURSOR cur_trans_type(cp_transaction_id rcv_transactions.transaction_id%type) IS
1484: SELECT *
1485: FROM rcv_transactions
1486: WHERE transaction_id = cp_transaction_id;
1487: r_rcv_transactions cur_trans_type%ROWTYPE;

Line 1485: FROM rcv_transactions

1481: --Added the cursor by Sanjikum for Bug#3889243
1482: /*
1483: CURSOR cur_trans_type(cp_transaction_id rcv_transactions.transaction_id%type) IS
1484: SELECT *
1485: FROM rcv_transactions
1486: WHERE transaction_id = cp_transaction_id;
1487: r_rcv_transactions cur_trans_type%ROWTYPE;
1488: *//*commented by rchandan for bug#4473022 */
1489: r_trx c_trx%rowtype;-- rchandan for bug#4473022

Line 1487: r_rcv_transactions cur_trans_type%ROWTYPE;

1483: CURSOR cur_trans_type(cp_transaction_id rcv_transactions.transaction_id%type) IS
1484: SELECT *
1485: FROM rcv_transactions
1486: WHERE transaction_id = cp_transaction_id;
1487: r_rcv_transactions cur_trans_type%ROWTYPE;
1488: *//*commented by rchandan for bug#4473022 */
1489: r_trx c_trx%rowtype;-- rchandan for bug#4473022
1491: /* Bug 5243532. Added by Lakshmi Gopalsami

Line 1597: PROCEDURE rcv_transactions_update

1593: RETURN;
1594: end mta_entry;
1596: /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1597: PROCEDURE rcv_transactions_update
1598: (
1599: p_transaction_id in number,
1600: p_costing_amount in number,
1601: p_process_message OUT NOCOPY varchar2,

Line 1608: p_codepath := jai_general_pkg.plot_codepath(1, p_codepath, 'jai_rcv_accounting_pkg.rcv_transactions_update', 'START'); /* 1 */

1604: ) IS
1606: BEGIN
1608: p_codepath := jai_general_pkg.plot_codepath(1, p_codepath, 'jai_rcv_accounting_pkg.rcv_transactions_update', 'START'); /* 1 */
1610: UPDATE rcv_transactions
1611: SET po_unit_price = nvl(po_unit_price,0) + nvl(p_costing_amount,0)
1612: WHERE transaction_id = p_transaction_id;

Line 1610: UPDATE rcv_transactions

1606: BEGIN
1608: p_codepath := jai_general_pkg.plot_codepath(1, p_codepath, 'jai_rcv_accounting_pkg.rcv_transactions_update', 'START'); /* 1 */
1610: UPDATE rcv_transactions
1611: SET po_unit_price = nvl(po_unit_price,0) + nvl(p_costing_amount,0)
1612: WHERE transaction_id = p_transaction_id;
1614: p_codepath := jai_general_pkg.plot_codepath(3, p_codepath, null, 'END'); /* 3 */

Line 1619: p_process_message := 'RECEIPT_ACCOUNTING_PKG.rcv_transactions_update:' || SQLERRM;

1617: WHEN OTHERS then
1618: p_process_status := 'E';
1619: p_process_message := 'RECEIPT_ACCOUNTING_PKG.rcv_transactions_update:' || SQLERRM;
1620: FND_FILE.put_line( FND_FILE.log, 'Error in '||p_process_message);
1621: p_codepath := jai_general_pkg.plot_codepath(999, p_codepath, null, 'END'); /* 4 */
1622: RETURN;

Line 1624: end rcv_transactions_update;

1620: FND_FILE.put_line( FND_FILE.log, 'Error in '||p_process_message);
1621: p_codepath := jai_general_pkg.plot_codepath(999, p_codepath, null, 'END'); /* 4 */
1622: RETURN;
1624: end rcv_transactions_update;
1626: end jai_rcv_accounting_pkg;