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Line 350: chv_org_options coo

346: where exists (select null
347: from chv_cum_periods ccp,
348: chv_schedule_items csi,
349: chv_schedule_headers csh,
350: chv_org_options coo
351: where ccp.organization_id = g_organization_id
352: and sysdate between ccp.cum_period_start_date and
353: NVL(ccp.cum_period_end_date,sysdate + 1)
354: and coo.organization_id = ccp.organization_id

Line 3790: chv_org_options coo

3786: and exists (select null
3787: from chv_cum_periods ccp,
3788: chv_schedule_items csi,
3789: chv_schedule_headers csh,
3790: chv_org_options coo
3791: where ccp.organization_id = g_organization_id
3792: and sysdate between ccp.cum_period_start_date and
3793: NVL(ccp.cum_period_end_date,sysdate + 1)
3794: and coo.organization_id = ccp.organization_id